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I just started noticing my symptoms a couple weeks ago. I've always had a slight curve to the left, but recently I noticed a slight indentation on the upper right side when erect just below the head that is causing a pull or bend to the right directly across from that dent or indentation. That bend is what lead me to my self diagnosis of Peyronies. When soft I can feel the plaque in the area that has the indentation when it's erect. I'm not sure what triggered this condition but can recall my dog stepping / jumping and landing on me while I was sitting in bed. (unsure how long ago) This was a direct hit and was only painfull for a few minutes. Not sure if that's why or not? Regardless here I am. Since my discovery of this condition I've noticed and am having slight irritation when soft, almost like a deep achy feeling / inflammation I guess? This pain seems to be worse after an erection. Seems to take about 2 days to settle down. I've researched as much as I've been able to and have everything from a traction device to many vitamins / supplements, even (SSKI, Iodide) and DMSO coming to me in the mail. I purchased the (peyronies device) $400.00 kit. I believe this is from Size Genetics. I'm currently taking (Neprinol) 4 pills roughly 3 times a day and using Castor oil packs with heating pad as often as I can. I guess the reason for this post is to ask where should I go from here? I read on Sexually Healthy Man dot com that if he had been diagnosed with Peyronies today he would find a doc to perscribe the (Xiaflex) injections and use the traction as treatment. Wondering if I should go that route or what? I realize I'm in the (acute) phase of this and have no idea how bad it will or won't get. I want to act now, but at the same time I fear of making matters worse. My original plan of attack was the Sexually Healthy Man / John Parks 3 step method: the traction device, supplements along with the topical solution of Iodide vitamin E and DMSO. While Continuing to use the Castor packs with heat until my products arrive in the mail. But, now after seeing some info on this forum I'm nervous to try the topical solution mentioned above. That solution is recomended by John Parks on the Sexual Healthy Man website in regard to dealing with Peyronies and by Dr. Wright at the Tahoma Clinic also for treatment of Peyronies. He mentions that SSKI (iodide) can often work alone but is speed up with the addition of DMSO at 50/50 ratio. Again after reading posts on this forum I'm now very nervous to try this. I might just try the iodide alone in addition to the Castor oil packs with heat. ???? Not sure what to do or where to go from here. ?? Another question I have is should or shouldn't I be allowing erections to happen while they are tight and sore and causing irritation and achyness for days? Is it worse to try to avoid them? Should I force them?? Will the plaque harden and make the deformity worse if not allowed to stretch? Should I begin Traction treatment if I'm still experiencing soreness / irritation?? Also what are opinions on Traction vs VED did I make the right choice with the (Peyronies Device) from Size Genetics? I was also looking at the PHALLOSAN® forte VED device. I feel I made a good choice with (Traction) but have concern of my plaque interfering with the grip system since its located not far below the head. I'm hoping the noose will not be a problem, but will soon see. Would the VED system mentioned above be a better choice since I'm in the acute phase or is there a better device or product? Again should I start (Traction or VED) if I'm experiencing soreness / inflammation? Will I make things worse? Should I avoid erections all together?  Should I be running to the Doctors now for (Xiaflex) injections??? I have not researched that at all yet but have fear that the needle could make matters worse????? I just don't know. One last thing and this may sound crazy but if you Google (Bee Sting Venom Peyronies) you will find info that someone has posted throughout the net regarding how they have cured themselves from Peyronies with (Bee Sting Therapy). Has anyone heard of this or tried it?? I'm really hoping I can get control over this early!

Sorry for all the questions and thanks for any help you can offer in advance.



If you haven't already, read this post about the basics of the disease and the BEST initial treatments: Peyronies Survival Guide - Information for New Members - Peyronies Society Forums

Pentox (trental) is probably the best initial treatment. You can find studies here: Pentox - Dr. Lue Case Study / Levine mentions his use of Pentox - Peyronies Society Forums

DMSO has been discussed on the forum at length here: DMSO, DMSO based Solutions and TOPICAL Treatments - Peyronies Society Forums

The bee sting therapy is utter nonsense. It was discussed at one time on this forum but is of no value.

We are glad to answer your questions, but much of what you asked is already available on our forums. Feel free to read through and then ask specific questions you may have.

Good luck,



Can someone provide me with a list if doctors? I live in Ohio but am willing to travel. I've never been a big fan or had much luck with doctors so considering the seriousness of this condition I'd really like to visit a highly recomended doctor. Can anyone recommend a doctor for me to visit?

Thanks in advance,




Thanks for the doctor list. Forgive me, but there are some questions I've asked below that I've yet to find the answers to. Like should I be avioding erections or encouraging them asked in more detail below and the use of a traction device if the grip touches the plaque, again asked in more detail below. Would a VED device be a wiser choice in that case. I mentioned the exact VED  I was considering below. Is there a better one out there? Again I'm definitly in the acute stage of this thing. Sorry if these answers are found elsewhere, I've been reading all I can find.

Thanks in advance,



Is there anyone who can recommend a good Doctor in or even near Ohio? If not I'm willing to travel to see the best.

Thanks for any help,



If I lived in Ohio I would fly to Chicago (or drive there) to see Dr. Laurence Levine.  He's considered one of the best for peyronies.  I live in California and I'm thinking about flying to see him.



Most urologists require referrals, so you may need to get one from your family doctor first. If I were you, I would choose a urologist and get a referral ASAP.

If you have a plan of action in place, it may help ease the worry. It helped me.


The plan of action, as brettcase suggests, is developed by doing much reading on this forum. If you will study here, you will be prepared for your visit and will get the max benefit.
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


I read the whole forum before I posted anything here. I'd love to shut down the "introducing" part on this forum. Everytime I visit this forum I read the same stories and the more this forum is flooded by these repeating stories, the harder it gets to find valuable informations. Here are enough informations for all newbies, that there is just no reason to post.
Just my thought.


Yes Damian, you are 100% right regarding reading the forum before posting. Almost any possible question was answered already.

As moderator, I can't cope with so many topics that the questions in the subject were asked and answered already, not just ones.
Basically I should merge topics that are the same questions/subjects, but it will take me to do that at least 12 hours a day and I have other things to do, for example to earn money for living.

From the other side, the "Introduce Yourself" board objective is to let each new member to make a post that people my give him some guidance. Basically those topics should not extend more that let say 5 posts, continuity on specific subject should be done on the specific boards

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: damian on March 10, 2014, 06:52:34 PM
I read the whole forum before I posted anything here. I'd love to shut down the "introducing" part on this forum. Everytime I visit this forum I read the same stories and the more this forum is flooded by these repeating stories, the harder it gets to find valuable informations. Here are enough informations for all newbies, that there is just no reason to post.
Just my thought.


Well I've sure read a lot of this forum already and have still yet to find the answers to a few of my questions below. I'm not implying that the answers aren't out there within, but if your so lucky to already have the knowledge why not share it with someone who is obviously looking and asking. Your implying that you know all the answers to my questions per-say, yet give no help or advice within your reply. Almost makes a "newbie" feel as if he's being criticized. Not a very warm welcome. Excuse me while I go research longer. I'll be sure to try my best not to ask a question that is most likely addressed somewhere within the forum. Forgive me.



Quote from: 4Christ on March 12, 2014, 04:00:31 AM
... Almost makes a "newbie" feel as if he's being criticized. Not a very warm welcome. ...
Just ignore damian's unkind words.

Your initial post had 19 questions -- which is a bit overwhelming for someone to try to answer. If I knew the answers I would try to help, but I am new to this forum also. I have spent over 9 hours on here reading and trying to make sense of all the posts on this forum. It seems like almost every person's case is unique, and they have different results for the same treatments, so it is hard to decide what to do.

My best advice would be to get an appointment with a peyronies specialist ASAP.


A "peyronie's specialist" is not any smarter than we are on this forum when it comes to peyronie's. It's a smart move to visit one though, but that "ASAP" part is making me crazy. It's like he's going to cure it. He can only confirm your diagnosis with ultrasound and eventually prescribe you pentox. Then, when you come home, you're going to be mad at the docs and the world, because it wasn't any helpful. Don't expect too much.



Therefore I have no intention of going to the Doc now. I see no need at this point. I have no desire to include Pentox into my treatment plan.


Quote from: 4Christ on March 13, 2014, 02:10:20 PM
I have no desire to include Pentox into my treatment plan.

Why? Because of your own personal philosophy? You're a bolder man than I to risk your only penis to fringe treatments instead of actual medicine.

There is no cure, that's true; but some treatments are effective at stopping the disease before the scar tissue spreads extensively. I just don't understand why you would choose to limit your options like that. Good luck to you.




We see things differently. I see it as you are the one who has limited your options.

Good luck to you too,



This topic is locked.
Please continue with specific subjects on the adequate boards

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum