VED’s - choices, models & quality

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For my situation, I got a manual pump with one cylinder and a gauge and I ordered the other two interchangeable cylinders. It was the best solution for me as a post-op with a graft - and best for my budget. I had to cancel two contracts owing to the surgery (the contracts involved travel out of town and highly physical labour) and spent about $250 on the FastSize device, so cost was a factor.

You can get the pump and cylinders from The service was fast, professional, and the cylinders are not like the cheap ones I was seeing in the sex shops - they are advertised as medical grade, and it certainly looks to be true. My total bill - with expedited shipping to Canada (not cheap at $43.95) was $237.96 CAD (and then I had to pay the courier $10 for our Goods and Services Tax). They are based in California and ship worldwide. And shipping would be cheaper within the US. You can probably get everything you need for $200.

They don't come with inserts (used for sizing the opening at the base of the cylinder) or instructions - I don't seem to need the inserts, and the protocol instructions posted in these forums tell you everything you need to know about using these safely and effectively to treat your Peyronies Disease or ED.


The Vitality OTC (over-the-counter) is probably the least expensive medical style VED and is available via the web from a few sources. If you want to follow a multi-cylinder protocol then the extra (smaller) cylinders are available from the manufacturer but are expensive (in my opinion).

If you want to follow a protocol using separate cylinders then there are lots of sources for the cylinders and even more for the pumps.

A nice, metal, hand held vacuum pump is this one:

Most automotive supply stores have this pump or similar. A very inexpensive source in the US is Harbor Freight:

These pumps are capable of MUCH MORE vacuum than is ever needed for the penis. Typically max vacuum on these is 30" HG and only about 5" HG is needed (and safe) for the penis. So, if you go this route please be careful.

The choice of cylinders is a another issue.



I' a 24 year old male. I have been dealing with this since August of this year. I originally felt a tearing pain in my penis when masturbating and then later when having sex with my girlfriend. That being said, I was having no curvature, so I didnt think it was anything except being too rough with my instrument (which I wasnt). Anyways just last week I noticed the development of a hard plaque under the skin of my johnson on the right side, so I despair and call a urologist (finally) Of course I cant get in for two weeks. This friday is my appointment and just in the past week the disease has progressed significantly. A week ago I had no plaque formation, now I have two sizeable plaques-one on the right side and one on the top of the penis. I'm very scared. Anyways, I need to feel like Im doing something to manage this thing as all day-every day my head is filled with images of loneliness and disappointed girlfriends. Don't get me wrong, I am good with my tongue, but let's face it-a woman wants intercourse. I havent been able to see the damage per say as I cant get an erection because Im so worried/depressed about this thing. I had a blood clot in my leg after an injury in the 6th grade and this seems very similar to the whole peyronie's process. Anyways, Ive accepted my once straight arrow will forever be a thing of the past, but I want to be a father and I want to have a decent (notice how I didnt say awesome) sex life. If someone like Old Man could point me in the direction of where to buy a good VED I would be forever in your debt. Also if you know of any other sort of regime I should be on now that would be great. Thanks-Clark


I am not a medical professional, just another guy with this condition.

It appears to me that you are very early in the "active" stage of this condition.  My suggestion is to DO NOTHING until you see the doctor this Friday.  It is very possible that using a VED or any other physical therapy technique or device at this point may make things WORSE.

On this site, print the pentoxyfilline study and carry that into the doctor with you.  That medicine may be the best choice for now.  Here is a link to that study:,1004.0.html


With the current confusion over the Vitality OTC medical style VED and extra, smaller cylinders, I would suggest either a home-made option (see lots of posts here) or purchase 3 separate cylinders and a separate pump (again see other posts here).

Keep in mind the objective is the therapy - the gentle stretching under vacuum - and not the equipment. I have used both the Vitality OTC and separate cylinders and can say without reservation that both approaches accomplish the objective.



So far I have only tried vitamin E- L-arginine and heat therapy. Curvature-length and girth have shown little or no improvement. Never did have any pain of any sort so I guess I'm lucky in that area. Will be 61 the end of this month- type 2 diabetes with varying symptoms of ED longer than my Peyronies Disease diagnosis of 4 years ago. I've been reading this forum intensely and thought the next step should be some type of VED therapy. I have found two possibilities on line and would like some input of some of the users on this forum. Of course on type is the Augusta Vitality plus unit which I have read about and has been recommended by some on this forum. The other is from Bonro and is called the Vacurect. Both appear similar but I think the Augusta version has the capabilities of reversing the vacuum where as the Bonro is intent on just pumping until you achieve an erection. The Bonro seems like it is geared more towards attaining and then maintaining an erection for sexual activities without the ability to control any type of negative pressure. I have read the protocols and there is always a reference to "releasing the vacuum" and then starting over. The Bonro version does not seem to present this option. There is also a considerable price difference in the two units. Any input from personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.



I don't know if one is better than the other but I can tell you that Diabetes Supplies 4 less has the Vitality for $99.  Augusta Medical Systems has the A & B tubes for $55 each.  My suggestion is don't call about the tubes, just order on line.  I received mine in about 7 days.  I especially like the manual pump version because it is easy to control the amount of pressure and there is a release valve conveniently located on the back of the pump unit.

I am starting my 2nd week of the protocol and if you are like me, it will seem weird at first.  Thanks to responses from several experienced veterans, I now think I am doing it correctly and hope that it will help my curvature improve over time.

Good luck!


Old Man


Take a look at this site:

The one cylinder Vitality OTC VED at this site is the same one as the Augusta site you posted earlier. However, the cost at the diabetes site is much cheaper. Locate the men's health link in the left margin and it will bring up the VEDs that are available from that company. Look at the Vitality OTC VED.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I want the manual one right? not battery operated



Yes you want the manual pump.You have less controll of the electric pump and could cause more damage.



There is a lot of information and opinion to sift through here on VED's. Some threads are many pages long. I noticed much of it is dated and from some of the comments things have changed regarding availability, pricing, etc.

At this point in time, Aug 1, 2011. What VED's are the veterans of this condition recommending in the USA for someone who will be self paying?

Also, what are the relevant differences between a 3 cylinder and the single cylinder.  Why would someone want the 3 over the single? What does someone need to consider in making a choice of which to go with?

If updated information about recommended VEDS are already summarized here, I apologize. I can't seem to find it.


jake uk

I too have been recently diagnosed with Peyronies Disease and my urologist recommended Soma Correct.  I see there are different models: SomaCorrect Xtra, Somaerect Response II and Soma Touch II.  Any recommendations?  I live in England and they cost between £160 - £260.  I am happy to spend the top price if it is worth it. Thanks.

Worried Guy


Hi everyone,

I've been reading through a lot of threads on penile extenders trying to decide on the best for me....but, I'm having trouble getting clear on this still.  So, I'm wondering if I could just get some recommendations please.

I had sudden onset Peyronies about 5 years ago.  No known cause.  The disease stopped progression leaving me with a 45 degree bend to the right.  I did everything the Urologist said and ended up eventually with my penis curving back to the left.  So it's straight, with a slight twist in the center, which is much better than what i had.  But I'm left with a shaft that about 2 inches up from the base significantly telescopes down in diameter all the rest of the way on out.  Plus I'm about an inch shorter.  I think that some kind of suction device will give me the diameter back.  Maybe the length too...but I'm mostly concerned about the diameter since it's very significant and full length.  Any suggestions on the what would be the most effective device at the least expensive cost?  Thanks ahead of time.

jake uk

Hi Tristen, I am very new to this so perhaps I'm not the best person to reply.  My urologist, whom I saw for the first time last week, recommended a SomaCorrect Xtra (3 cylinder VED).  It arrived today so I've just tried it once.  It's £200 here in the UK.  Good luck.


Thanks Jake....much appreciated


Was there an outcome to this question? Would someone mind PM'ing me with it? Thank you.  
"I can feel it in my hip"


  The locked topic on VED availability is now updated. How to find and purchase single and 3 cylinder VED's is included. Hyperlinks are not included to specific websites because in the past a few people thought that forum owners and members were associated with certain VED companies, which was not the case in the past and is still not the case today. This information is the best available at the time on how to find and buy vacuum erection devices at the best possible price.

 The 3 cylinder VED, in summary, provides a varied dynamic force to vacuum therapy. The smallest tube provides a longitudinal, length force where the larger cylinders provide a lateral or wider force. Electric, battery powered pumps are available but more expensive. There is no advantage to the therapy gained by having the electric model,  however some men buy them and like them.  

 The single cylinder VED has been used for Peyronies Disease vacuum therapy with success by men who use a protocol developed after years of implementation. The two protocols, single and multi cylinder, can be found in the locked topic section of the VED forum.


Tomorrow. I will be implementing the Ved again with my own protocol.I have had success with the traction device.Do not know where I started but from where I acknowledge growth of one half inch.

I am very pleased with this discovery yet it can be a combination of oral suppliments and ved / traction in the past year.I will try to use both traction and ved together.I will try this and report what I think is a safe prtocal.



hi fubar,

which traction device do you use?





I am ashamed that I did not announce your birthday properly. Our oldman is 82 this month September 15,2011.Thank you for being here for all of us.You have been an exceptional friend of trust and guidance through an ugly war.

May your words and guidance lingerie on.May your truth and sword for ever make us strong.



82 years young. happy b day old man, thank you for you help oldman.

Nice post jim.



Lenny was here  :)


Better late than never, so happy birthday old man! You've formed the backbone of the VED forum for so very long and have offered advice and support to so many men here.

Old Man

To all:

Thanks for the birthday greetings! I am here to help any and all who need it. All anyone has to do is ask and I shall try my best to answer any and all questions.

For those who prefer using private messages for privacy reasons, the same applies.

Regards to everyone from an old and getting older man - getting tired and worn out too!!

Old Man  
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Happy birthday Old Man , thanks for your assistance and advice on coping with Peyronies Disease


I was just on   total diabeties supply web site and they have the Augusta Medical Vitality - Manual Operation Vacuum Erection Device - VY, (OTC) VED on sale.

The manual one is listed for $199.99 but they give you a coupon code to get $130 off at check out.
The battery one is also on sale with a similar coupon code.
I believe Old Man has recommended this very unit found on another web site were it was listed for just under $100 plus S&H.

I am not sure how much longer they will be offering this.

Merry X-Mas.


Quote from: goodluck on December 09, 2011, 10:59:40 PM
I was just on   total diabeties supply web site and they have the Augusta Medical Vitality - Manual Operation Vacuum Erection Device - VY, (OTC) VED on sale.

The manual one is listed for $199.99 but they give you a coupon code to get $130 off at check out.
The battery one is also on sale with a similar coupon code.
I believe Old Man has recommended this very unit found on another web site were it was listed for just under $100 plus S&H.

I am not sure how much longer they will be offering this.

Merry X-Mas.

I would stay away from battery operated and stick to manual.Two hundred dollers minus a hundred and thirty dollars is a steal.seventy dollars for a medical ved is a no brainer.

Thank you for sharing this information!



I know the Vitality seems to be the prefered VED for beginners, but I spotted this one that takes Medi-Care.  I haven't been able to purchase a VED due to lacking the this Pos-T-Vac is appealing to me.  But I would really like more experienced opinions.  So what do you guys think of this one:

Old Man


Just took a look at the website you posted below. I could not find a VED that was priced less than the Vitality OTC VED.

Take a look at this site where the Vitality OTC VED one cylinder manual costs less than the one you mentioned in your post:

This unit has served real well for a lot of guys as well as myself for ED and/or Peyronies Disease problems. It does not require an RX either as some other VEDs do.

Old Man

PS: Look for the Men's health products link in the left hand margin and it will bring a page of VEDs and men's health products.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Yes, the OTC VED is the one I was planning to get, but the difference here is that the Pos-T-Vac is covered on Medi-Care.  I don't see anything on the Vitality website about accepting insurance for their VED's.  I need to give them a call, but if it's nt mentioned on their website, I doubt they do.  Do you know?  

If the 2 products were fairly comparable, then I would opt to go with the one covered by my insurance.  

Thanks Old Man  

Quote from: Old Man on December 17, 2011, 12:25:39 PM

Just took a look at the website you posted below. I could not find a VED that was priced less than the Vitality OTC VED.

Take a look at this site where the Vitality OTC VED one cylinder manual costs less than the one you mentioned in your post:

This unit has served real well for a lot of guys as well as myself for ED and/or Peyronies Disease problems. It does not require an RX either as some other VEDs do.

Old Man

PS: Look for the Men's health products link in the left hand margin and it will bring a page of VEDs and men's health products.


Sounds like a plan to me.  Thanks!

Quote from: Old Man on December 18, 2011, 12:25:07 PM

IMHO, the Vitality OTC VED is considered durable medical equipment, so I would think that Medicare would cover it. You might need to get your PCP or Uro to write an RX for ED to file with Medicare, so check into that. Most insurances will not pay any for Peyronies Disease problems as they consider it in the cosmetic arena.

In the meantime, call the diabetes web site on their 800 number and ask if the Vitality would be covered by Medicare and how would you go about filing for the coverage. Since the site is a diabetic sales company surely they would know about the Medicare aspect, etc.

You would probably pay about the same amount on your portion of Medicare anyway for the other VED. You need to do a bit of homework before you decide which way to go. If Medicare only pays 80% or so, the Vitality might not cost you more than about $20 to $30. And, I believe the diabetic web site could steer you in the right direction.

Best regards, Old Man


Does anybody have experience with the Dr Kaplan VED? A local distributor carries Dr. Joel Kaplan, EncoreMedical Europe and Osbon ErecAid products. The Dr Kaplan VED is far the cheapest with ~270 USD for the pump and 3 selectable cylinders. I don't want to deal with international shipping/ troubled warranty or diy, so unless something is half price, I'd choose this, if the quality is comparable to the Vitality or SomeCorrect or other well-known ones.

Thanks in advance


well if you order them directly, you can get it for $199
But it seems to be a 2 cylinder system compared to the soma 3 cylinder ved.

I have no idea how good/bad it is compared to soma-correct system.
Maybe Old Man has some advice.



Thanks for the detailed answer, I appreciate it! Money is an important factor, I don't want to spend more than $300. IMHO all of these units are way overpriced. I live in Central-East Europe, and I found a local distributor who carries Osbon products too, and willing to give 10% discount if I buy the extra 2 cylinders (with the Kaplan VED) through them. On the other hand, there's a nice $113 offer on Amazon for the Vitality OTC manual model, so I wrote Augusta if they can provide the extra cylinders through and Amazon. I'll keep posting the updates, maybe it'll help somebody later.


New here, am middle aged and have had mild symptoms of Peyronies Disease for about 15 years now but never thought to do anything about it because it didn't really interfere with my marriage.  However, that has now changed.

In the past month I've developed a 30* - 40* rightward bend at the very base of my shaft so it is no longer a mild symptom.  I am fortunate to still be able to have a natural erection with only a little discomfort.

I have 2 questions to ask if someone would be gracious enough to answer.  

1.) Are the positive consequences derived from a 3 cylinder VED significantly great enough to justify it’s considerably higher cost versus a single cylinder VED since either would be paid for out of my pocket?  If so I would be looking at getting something like the Soma Correct.

2.) On the physical side, is the erection that is derived from a VED different from a natural erection, in the sense blood will be pulled into the area that currently will not otherwise fill up by itself?  

By the way, initially I tried emailing an Admin then sending a private message and for some reason I was never able to type the correct letters in the verification and therefore received several error messages.  So, I figured, what the heck - I will just throw it out in this forum.  But, any idea what I might be doing wrong in attempting to send the PMs and emails?  Is it becuse I just registered today? Entirely possible it is user error!   As an update, this is now working.

Lastly - to Old Man and others - you are a kind and giving souls to spend time helping out your fellow man, especially on such a tender subject, no pun intended.

Thank you and have a great day.


QuoteFirst of all, I tried emailing an Admin then sending a private message and for some reason I was never able to type the correct letters in the verification and therefore received several error messages.  So, I figured, what the heck - I will just throw it out in this forum.  But, any idea what I might be doing wrong in attempting to send the PMs and emails?  Is it becuse I just registered today? Entirely possible it is user error

I had a similar problem when I first registered...drove me nuts!! For reasons I can't resolved itself.  No problems now.

QuoteLastly - to Old Man and others - you are a kind and giving souls to spend time helping out your fellow man, especially on such a tender subject,

I'll second that!!


Update: I received a pm and replied to it so that must have been fixed.  Thanks to whoever made that happen.

If there are additional thoughts about my original post would love to hear them.  I want to get going on my protocol.  Thanks.  


IMHO, I would go with the 3 cylinders.  That's what's recommended for Peyronies Disease; that's what I use and the 3 cylinder's work in slightly different ways.  I believe Old Man explained it nicely in a post some time ago.

As far as erections with the VED compared to natural ones, they are different and the difference is kind of hard to explain; you will probably just need to experience the difference for yourself.

Read all the VED info on this site before you start with the most important thing being to go easy and slowly and don't over pump the pressure.



Hi Runnerman,

Go to the VED section of the website and there are several lower cost options to the more expensive 3-cylinder VEDs if you want to take some time to make your own. I found it was really pretty easy and saved hundreds of dollars. I'm finishing my 5th week of the 26 week protocol and so far the one I made is working well mechanically. I haven't seen results in the curvature yet - which I didn't expect this early into the protocol - but I seem to be gaining back some of the length and girth that I've lost. Pay attention to the repeated warnings about not over pumping - it's easy and tempting to do trying to get results faster!



I've read everything and I'm overwelmed. Ive told. my husband about VED, and he wants to try it. We haven't the first idea where to start or what to do. Help!@
BTW I'm Amy :)
From total diabetes supply
Augusta Medical Vitality - Manual Operation Vacuum Erection Device - VY, (OTC)
Is this right?


Old man, you don't know how happy I was to see your response. I've lurked so much on this board, and read your posts.
You're so thoughtful and kind to everyone. We're are going to go with the 1 cylinder for now as we don't have a prescription.
It took me awhile to talk hubby into this . His plan of attack was to just let his penis rest and do nothing, including not having
sex. When he first got peyronies, 6 months ago, it was one plaque. We went to a urologist, not knowing what it was thinking
it was cancer or something. Doc told us what it was, was pretty nonchalant about it, told him to take Vitamin E, and follow up in 6 months.
Now, 7 months later, he has two plaques, a very noticable bend in the tip and pain occassionally with Erections.

Sorry I guess I just rambled a bit. Now, what protocol do we use?? I only see one with 3 cylinders??


The single cylinder protocol is much simpler than the 3 cylinder protocol.
Go to:
Vacuum Erection Devices (VEDs) for Peyronie's Disease
And then to topics:
Single Cylinder VED
Single cylinder protocol clarification
In addition to the VED I am proposing you to begin therapy that includes Pentox, L-Arginine and low dose Cialis (or low dose Viagra).
This therapy is helping me and many others on the forum. Have many topics on the subject.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: james1947 on March 02, 2012, 09:07:15 PM
The single cylinder protocol is much simpler than the 3 cylinder protocol.
Go to:
Vacuum Erection Devices (VEDs) for Peyronie's Disease
And then to topics:
Single Cylinder VED
Single cylinder protocol clarification
In addition to the VED I am proposing you to begin therapy that includes Pentox, L-Arginine and low dose Cialis (or low dose Viagra).
This therapy is helping me and many others on the forum. Have many topics on the subject.

I'm not sure if his Urologist will do that combination of therapy, but I'll ask him. Unfortunatly, we live in a small town, and there is only one Urologist. The nearest one to us is a 2 hour drive :/
Can I ask, why the Cialis? He doesn't have a problem getting an erection?


Some on the forum are using low dose Cialis for maintenance, I have also read on the forum that it may help softening the scar tissues.
If he doesn't have ED problems it may not be necessary.
In my opinion, Pentox is very important. Try to convince the uro to give prescription for it. You can show him some researches in the subject, you will find them on the forum.
Can get Pentox without subscription on the Internet. My sister bought and sent me (I am not living in the US).
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I have a question regarding the difference between VEDs...

What's actually the difference between this VED

and the VEDs from

The first one is from an internet shop (in my country it is considered more as a sex toy) and the price is far lower than the price on the other site. I know that some of the VEDs from diabetessupplies are electric and therefore the price is higher of course.
But wouldn't be enough to use that one from the first link for the one-cylinder protocol?

Thank you :)


Ralf3, please don't buy the VED in that link. I bought one just like it many years ago thinking it would get me started. It is made of thin plastic and the seal is very thin, cheap rubber or neoprene that barely holds vacuum, and does not have the tensile strength needed for the protocol. It will split and be ruined after a few uses. Stay away from the sex shop online stores.... been there, done that years ago, and they are all cheap units designed to be sold, not used.  


When I received my Augusta Vitality VED I was surprised that the tube was tapered, not really cylindrical, and wondered why.  It's been speculated in this Board that the taper was for a physiological reason.  That's implausible since the standard use of the VED is for ED, and for ED the pumped-up penis shouldn't press against the tube, so a cylinder would be fine.  I'm pretty sure that the taper of the Augusta tube was due to manufacturing necessity.  

Plastic tubes are generally and cheaply made by extrusion.  This necessarily produces perfect cylinders (for circular cross section).  But extruded cylinders can have no geometrical features that don't run their full length.  Geometrical features can be machined into the cylinder, but this only removes plastic, doesn't add plastic.  Augusta wanted a tube with inward protruding cleats at one end for attachment to the pump head.  A tube with cleats requires injection molding.  To injection mold a perfectly cylindrical tube is almost impossible.  Consider the difficulty of removing the male part of the mold from the molded part.  The male part would have to be cleverly segmented and this would certainly leave artifacts inside the tube.  The female part would also have to be segmented.  It is easier to taper the tube slightly so the male part of the mold can pull out and the female part of the mold can pull off.  This is called "draft" in the molding business, and the Augusta tube has a draft angle of a little less than 1 degree.  In fact it simplified the mold making to have the cleats at the small end of the tapered tube.

People building their own VEDs can find inexpensive extruded polycarbonate tube at such sources as McMaster-Carr. (People in the U.S. might not realize how lucky they are to have a McMaster-Carr.)  Their tube can have more than the 1/8" wall thickness of the Augusta tube, and their end capping and pump attachment can be done in many ways.  People modifying their Augusta 1-tube VED to a 3-tube VED using inexpensive extruded tubes are somewhat constrained by the Augusta taper.  The I.D. at the small end of the Augusta tube is about 1.93", so a full length insert with O.D. 2" is impossible.  But a 6.5" long insert with O.D. 2" is just possible, and of course you can machine some off the O.D. at the far end of an untapered tube to get it into the tapered tube.