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Peyronies Disease is similar to any other autoimmune disease, skunk.

Google "fibrosis", and you'll find pulmonary, cystic, renal, etc. These all apply, as Peyronies Disease involves ongoing fibrosis.

Check out things like MS and Alzheimer's and other diseases that cause plaque to build up in the arteries. This would potentially apply to Peyronies Disease. Any disease that involves TGF-B expression or abnormal collagen production (keloid scars, etc.) will apply.

There is no one disease that would be considered a sister disease to Peyronies Disease, except for perhaps Duptuyren's Contracture and Frozen Shoulder. But they are just as overlooked as Peyronies Disease.

We're all following the same trails you're setting down. George and Tim are two of the contributors who are very knowledgeable about these things. I'd advise you to read the forum archives, and from them you will get a good idea of where we've been with our research, and hopefully get a better idea on where to go with yours.


Is this non-surgical treatment overview present anywhere on the site:  As it's by Levine, I'd have thought so. Just just in case it isn't, I'll post it here.


There is a new study out from McGill University where researchers achieved a ground breaking "total reversal" of early MS in mice.  They did it by suppressing inflammation.  This is an indication that TOTAL suppression of inflammation could potentially put any of these degenerative diseases, including Peyronie's, on a path of slow healing.  - George


Quote from: George999 on August 12, 2009, 10:39:15 AM
There is a new study out from McGill University where researchers achieved a ground breaking "total reversal" of early MS in mice.  They did it by suppressing inflammation.  This is an indication that TOTAL suppression of inflammation could potentially put any of these degenerative diseases, including Peyronie's, on a path of slow healing.  - George

Sounds promising. Would be great to hear more if/when  the info is available.



Here it is..

Quote from: newguy on August 12, 2009, 02:20:53 PM
QuoteA new experimental treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) completely reverses the devastating autoimmune disorder in mice, and might work exactly the same way in humans, say researchers at the Jewish General Hospital Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research and McGill University in Montreal.

MS is an autoimmune disease in which the body's own immune response attacks the central nervous system, almost as if the body had become allergic to itself, leading to progressive physical and cognitive disability.

The new treatment, appropriately named GIFT15, puts MS into remission by suppressing the immune response. This means it might also be effective against other autoimmune disorders like Crohn's disease, lupus and arthritis, the researchers said, and could theoretically also control immune responses in organ transplant patients. Moreover, unlike earlier immune-supppressing therapies which rely on chemical pharamaceuticals, this approach is a personalized form of cellular therapy which utilizes the body's own cells to suppress immunity in a much more targeted way.

GIFT15 was discovered by a team led by Dr. Jacques Galipeau of the JGH Lady Davis Institute and McGill's Faculty of Medicine. The results were published August 9 in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine.

GIFT15 is composed of two proteins, GSM-CSF and interleukin-15, fused together artificially in the lab. Under normal circumstances, the individual proteins usually act to stimulate the immune system, but in their fused form, the equation reverses itself.

"You know those mythical animals that have the head of an eagle and the body of a lion? They're called chimeras. In a lyrical sense, that's what we've created," said Galipeau, a world-renowned expert in cell regeneration affiliated with the Segal Cancer Centre at the Jewish General and McGill's Centre for Translational Research. "GIFT15 is a new protein hormone composed of two distinct proteins, and when they're stuck together they lead to a completely unexpected biological effect."

This effect, explained Galipeau, converts B-cells -- a common form of white blood cell normally involved in immune response -- into powerful immune-suppressive cells. Unlike their better-known cousins, T-cells, naturally-occurring immune-suppressing B-cells are almost unknown in nature and the notion of using them to control immunity is very new.

"GIFT15 can take your normal, run-of-the-mill B-cells and convert them -- in a Superman or Jekyll -Hyde sort of way -- into these super-powerful B-regulatory cells," Galipeau explained. "We can do that in a petri dish. We took normal B-cells from mice, and sprinkled GIFT15 on them, which led to this Jekyll and Hyde effect.

"And when we gave them back intravenously to mice ill with multiple sclerosis, the disease went away."

MS must be caught in its earliest stages, Galipeau cautioned, and clinical studies are needed to test the treatment's efficacy and safety in humans. No significant side-effects showed up in the mice, he said, and the treatment was fully effective with a single dose.

"It's easy to collect B-cells from a patient," he added. "It's just like donating blood. We purify them in the lab, treat them with GIFT15 in a petri dish, and give them back to the patient. That's what we did in mice, and that's what we believe we could do in people. It would be very easy to take the next step, it's just a question of finding the financial resources and partnerships to make this a reality."


Please help...
i did not know where else to look.

i am a 19 year old boy i am tall and a bit overweight.
about 6 months ago i was with a girl making out...i got so horny and turned on that i started shivering (it was one of my first experiences). since then though i can no longer have a fully erect penis at all (just weak ones) and my sex drive is very low. i have been with another girl now for nearly 5 months and i havent had the sex drive or the penis strengh to have sex with her.

please can someone tell me that this will go away ts deppressing me beyond belief


jaybee - This may be more of a psychological issue. If you experienced no pain during intercourse, and do not have curvature etc, it sounds like an anxiety issue to me. You could always go to see a doctor though is this is troubling to you.


i havn't been able to have still a virgin because it is still weak.even when masterbating alone it is weak. its all the time.
i have also noticed and increase in the curvature of the penis and have been getting irritations and red marks under the forskin



Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



Background so far:
age 19 - Peyronies Disease unheard of without a significant injury at age 19
you got horny and began shivering - not Peyronies Disease related
You feel your sex drive is low - Not Peyronies Disease related
Your erections are week - a symptom of many problems including Peyronies Disease
red dots under your foreskin - Not Peyronies Disease related


There is no reason to even suspect you have Peyronies Disease.  Your problem could range from psychological, to diabetes, to low testosterone, to about a dozen other issues.  You need a consultation with a good urologist or even better a doctor specializing in sexual dysfunction.  We feel for you but cannot diagnose you over the internet.

The first step is to see a doctor.  This may be nothing but stress.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


i understand that it is very unlikely that i have peyronies disease however i'm desperately trying to find someone who may know whats happening and i thought that this forum would be a good place to start.

thank you for your help so far


A one thing to note prior to seeing a physician is to note whether you get firm night-time erections (or upon waking).

It is important you relax and quit stressing since stress is an erection killer.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


jimifan - try pentox!!!

Quote from: jimifan on August 13, 2009, 12:12:22 AM
Age at onset of Peyronies Disease / or I have had Peyronies Disease for X Years -   Onset at age 37, nearly two years ago Nov. 2007; formally diagnosed June 2009.

Very First Symptoms - Sudden onset; woke with a painful morning erection that jolted me awake.  My penis was bent upward and hurt like hell.  I thought it was some temporary injury or glitch in the system; thought it would work itself out...

My Peyronies Disease progression, Treatments (in order), Doctors, Psychological Stages, observable changes - I was convinced I'd suffered a fractured penis, as a day or two before waking with that unforgettable erection, my wife was on top and we had a bit of a missed entry. ...

Where I am Today -, future plans – Now I'm just applying the TV (starting the second month) and hoping I see signs of improvement.  I'm interested in getting a vacuum pump to see how that works.  



As I think back in my 40"s I complained to my PCP that I thought my testosterone was low. I could not get him to do a blood test the only thing he did was a PSA that came back normal at 0.5.

Years later when I went to a urologist because of a prostate infection I showed him the recent curve. He said I had peyronies, put me on Vitiamin E 400IU 3 Times a day and Potaba. He also checked my testosterone and it was real low.

Most men get peyronies in there 50's or later. Low T starts earlier. Could be a link.



My urologist here in the Twin Cities (who is also a specialist in sexual function disorders) always checks T-levels on Peyronies Disease patients. He has never had a case where there has not been a deficiency in useable T-levels when Peyronies Disease is involved. I have been giving myself shots for 2 years now & will continue to do so even after my upcoming implant surgery in a week. This is not a cure for Peyronies Disease but a critical supplement IMHO. I'm sure that there is a link but what it is-who knows.


The following website is uniquely oriented toward launching an advocacy group for Peyronie's patients is:

Hope that some of you find these sites helpful in some way.  - George



Looks interesting,  Do you know who writes the material for this blog.  I did not see an obvious "About Us"/me area.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


No, I noticed that as well about the UK blog.  It just now went up so I expect they are still shagging things out as they go along.  - George



    First I wanna say very informative website. Awesome knowledge. OK been lurking awhile read  so much.But still need advice. OK here's my deal. I'm 32 born with noonans syndrome ( male version of turners) When i was a little boy my testicles didn't drop, so had surgery for that. At age 14 I jumped over the  car door of my moms mustang convertible with very loose shorts on ,door wasn't shut all the way  so when i hit it ( hard to explain but i think you get the picture) somehow i shut my testicles in the door along with tip of my penis. needless to say was in hospital for a week.  Had to get sewed back up. Well went home, 2 days later I had testicles the sized of  cantaloupe. Went back and one was infected and had to be fixed, i dint recall what was wrong with it, after a month they were still huge but every url i went to said they would be fine just enlarged. Then i joined the army served 10yrs, well my Humvee I was ran over a roadside bomb, I was blown about 25 ft, crushing my skull and Again took a hit to my testicle's, this time a piece of metal  split my scrotum in half and  severing one and I lost it. So know i have only 1 testicle and allot of scars. OK so ( sorry for long  history but i think it may be important) about 4 yrs ago i start having extreme pain when i pee, when i have erection, when i walk anything to do with the area. I was also starting to curve allot to the left, by now id say its at 45 % almost  90 deg to the left mostly when erect. I also have weird indentations on both sides of my penis at the base, along with a hard   ball about the size of a grape in my scrotum sack. The worst thing though is intercourse with my soon to be wife ( or ex gf if this dint get fixed :(  ) when its my time for release um it feels like my indsides are coming out of my penis, starting at my scrotum and going all the way out. Also if i discharge anything its dark brown and very, very minimal. But the pain is crippling and for days. I cant walk, my scrotum is swollen twice its size and i fear urinating because it hurts so badly.OK now for what i have done for this.OK i am ex military and was honorably discharged but lost my benefit's 4yrs ago and To this day am struggling to get them back another long story for another day i guess.So i went to er, first time about this issue 3 yrs ago, they said i had a urinary tract infection, sent me home with antibiotics. I went to a Dr whom gave me a complete physical and in the prostate exam said i had prostatitus. OK so i took antibiotics for about 6months trusting this guy. Went back to er same issues but this time was leaking blood out of tip of penis that's why i went. Dr there said i pulled something inside my bladder? I was lost, that didn't make since to me but i took the pills went home. Saw my reg Dr the next day. Now I'm send out for every xray, sonogram, anything to look into this.  A week later she tells me i have prostate cancer. OK fine, I got for rad and other shots and pills and tests and last yr  she says I'm healed. In meantime nothing has changed. So then she leaves here practice. I set up appointments with several url and i pay allot to find out nothing. I'm giving flow max and  something else i cant recall at this point. So now this last url says prostate cancer is stage 2 and not going away. In between all this every visit is out of pocket cuz i have no insurance. and nothing is getting better. I'm getting jerked around by the Dr's here and no i have no Dr cuz she quit her practice and the fill in one  doesn't know why I'm coming to see her.  Wed i went to er, i have immense pain in my scrotum  its swollen, leaking blood out of tip penis, curve still there, marble, and lumps. Er Dr tells me I'm to sexually active. I lol at him because i have had only 2 partners in my life my first wife whom was killed 4 yrs ago. And my current gf. I told him id been tested for every  std known and I'm clean. He looks at me and send me home with Advil, tells me to call my normal Dr.  These ppl dint get I'm in extreme pain here. If this cancer dint kill me  then this penis thing will...I cant take this pain anymore.

I read everywhere on this site, but couldn't find what fit my condition, and i really hope i didn't post this in wrong spot , I didn't see a new members posting area  I am just hoping for a Lil advice or something. I cant live like this anylonger.  Ty for reading and any suggestions you may have, and sorry for long post but its a lot to take in


If there is anything I know more about than Peyronies Disease it is prostate cancer.  I am a prostate cancer survivor as are several others here.

As soon as you said you ejaculate brown, it seemed likely that that may be old blood from the prostate.  There are only so many places in the body where blood can get into ejaculate.  What you describe is what every man sees after a prostate biopsy.

It sounds like you may well have Peyronies Disease but it is time to forget about Peyronies Disease because your other issues (blood from penis, brown ejaculate, prostate cancer diagnosis are your first priority.  DID YOU HAVE A PROSTATE BIOPSY?  If so you need to know your:
Gleason Score
Your PSA
How many biopsy cores were positive
persentage of cancer in each core

I also missed what treatment if any you had for prostate cancer.  All prostate cancer treatment is followed by a PSA blood test at least every 6 months for 5 years or more than test every year for life.

If you are suggesting you no longer qualify for veterans medical care you have to start phoning every agency in your state and also call the American Cancer Society.  They man phones 24/7.  If you truly have a prostate cancer diagnosis you are in the wrong forum for now.  

Please respond to my questions then we will continue.  I will then likely refer you to a prostate cancer forum and introduce you there to help get your background posted.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Grunt,  It might also help if you tell us what general geographical area you are located in.  - George



I am a retired Marine.  I never heard of any veteran who has gotten into the VA system who lost his benefits.  Once you're in the system you are in it for life.  Besides, you were wounded in action and have disability from your service.  You are surely covered.  If someone in VA says different, they are wrong.  Stand up for your rights.  



Ok I should clear a few things up. When I posted it was so long I was trying to be brief but to the point.

Va services: I wasn't discharged for disabilities.  To be honest I was discharged due to a  mental break down. I watched my brother die in front of me and I lost it. This was after I was sent home and repaired. About 1month  almost 2 my unit went back. This is when I met up with my brother ( he was in the unit I was attached to) about a week later he was killed. I saw it and I lost it mentally. And so since I was a out of control child growing up and had to get a waiver because I saw a shrink to understand me they put out on a pre-existing condition. I am fighting this, seems only thing I can get is a service connected injury so I can get benefits. I was sent to a tbi dr and they say I have it.

Biopsy on prostate: It was done prior to my Dr leaving and  as of right now I don't know what is or happened with that.But i specifically  remember it happening. And the brown stuff started happening a lot after this time I  do recall.I did do several blood tests.  This place I go is county and they keep passing me around. I know that the biopsy was done long ago and I am  told they want to do a new one at least that's what this last urologist says. But, all these visits are coming out my pocket which are very shallow since I'm not working. I cant leave house by myself for to long Or i forget where I'm going and  sometimes how to get back home.  As far as treatments its been a long yr all I have had are shot, after shot, I didn't qualify for advanced treatment as i was told, i couldn't afford it.  Lots pills, some antibiotics, some pain  and some for swelling. With my Dr leaving this place and with me not being able to afford anything I'm stuck right now.  I am fighting  for my va rights you can believe that. Since  I was tested and  Clearly stated i Have Tbi I will be getting service connected benefits, at least that's what the gentleman helping me said.

Hawk, that's awesome you survived.

Right now i want my dang penis to stop hurting  so badly  i can live with this cancer  stuff. I really don't notice it to much not like this pain i have its horrible. I know pain I been shot, stabbed,  blown up against a wall hit with shrapnel and had my testicles slammed in a car door. But this is worse then any of those experiences.

Also forgot to mention I'm in northern California, 2 hrs north of Sacramento

Edited with spell check - Hawk


Am am rushing out the door but will respond soon.  

Grunt, one quick note.  You type like I do so it will help if before you click the "Save" button on a post, you click the "Spell Check" button.  It will help all that read your posts.  I am sorry for your many difficulties and hope we can offer some helpful information and support.  

PS to all on the forum:  Before setting up the new forum format, this kind of running exchange from Grunt or anyone else would have been next to impossible for any of us to follow including the person that started the post.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Grunt,  Here are some ideas for you to consider, some of which you may not have thought of yet.

1)  I would contact Congressman Wally Herger's office regarding your VA problems if you haven't already.  Congressman Herger represents most of northern California's central valley.  You never know where you might be able to find somebody to help you out.

Contact information is:

Chico Office • 2635 Forest Ave, Ste. 100 • Chico, CA 95928 • phone: (530) 893-8363 • fax: (530) 893-8619
Redding Office • 410 Hemsted Drive, Suite 115 • Redding, CA 96002 • phone: (530) 223-5898 • fax: (530) 223-5897

2)  I would check out the following web pages and try to contact every veteran assistance organization listed that might potentially be helpful:

3)  I would look into finding someone who might be willing to prescribe "low dose naltrexone" for you and follow you up with it.  Low dose naltrexone is an off label drug that is being used to help people with a number of problems including autoimmune problems, cancer AND emotional problems.  It also has very few side effects, none serious, AND it is very inexpensive.  Your local compounding pharmacy might be able to provide you with more information on this drug AND with the names of doctors that prescribe it.  There is a pharmacy in Chico where the pharmacists are LDN experts.  There contact info is:

Apothecary Options
3006 Esplanade, Suite I
Chico CA, 95973
Toll Free: 1-866-586-4633
Phone: 530-345-7979
Fax: 530-345-9797

These are just a few ideas, I am sure that other members here will have more.  But you have start trying some things.  Eventually you will find help and just the process will help you to deal with this emotionally.  Obviously the path you are on now is just leading you in circles so you have to try to break out of that and make some new contacts with people who can potentially help and be an advocate for you.  I wish you the best and if I think of something else, I will post it.  -George

Old Man


One other suggestion: By all means contact your Congressman or Senator from your district. Mine have helped me immensely for things in the past I could not get help for otherwise.

They are supposed to be the servants of the people they represent and should be able to take your case and get something done for you.

BTW, I am a retired Master Chief Petty Officer (E-9) from the U.S. Navy with over 37 years active and reserve time.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Well first wanna say thanks. I am so lost and tired running in circles. I'm a fairly passive guy and have been just listening to these Dr's, but I'm sick of it now. Today i did contact a few people and one was a VA rep here i been dealing with. Since i now have all my medical records and this new diagnosis the gentleman said i can get service connected. better then what i had, and frankly as long as i get something for medical I'm very happy with this. My girlfriend is calling around to  some cancer laces in town  after sh read what i posted and you all posted shes very eager to help.

George- Ty for the advice and those where the links we used to started  somemore outside help from this circle i been in. I'm  also gonna call down to Chico and get some info on that drug. I will try anything at this point.

Hawk- Sorry about the typing I hate these computers and I don't type very well. Also I don't know what ya mean about "running exchange" or forum format you speak of. Really new to computer's


Quote from: Grunt on August 24, 2009, 06:41:03 PM
Hawk- Sorry about the typing I hate these computers and I don't type very well. Also I don't know what ya mean about "running exchange" or forum format you speak of. Really new to computer's

Grunt the PS: comment was meant for others.  I was comparing the way our forum used to be setup (before you ever arrived) to how it is setup now.  Also do not be sorry about the typing.  I am a terrible typist.  That is why I wanted you to know about the spell check.  it helps other to understand us better and to respond to our posts.

Grunt, I am VERY interested in what your doctor says about prostate cancer.  keep us posted.  We want to help all we can.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Grunt,  The LDN is a really good drug that has helped a lot of people, but it is no substitute for following up with a good urologist as soon as possible to either rule out the possibility of prostate cancer or get it adequately treated.  So I am glad that you now have the VA issue squared away and can begin dealing with that issue.  You might be ahead to try to make an appointment with a urologist at the VA hospital in San Francisco if you now have coverage for that.  They have a lot better resources there than you will find in your area and are a lot more likely to follow through for you.  I wish you the very best on this.  We all owe you a debt of gratitude for your service to our country and as far as I am concerned now that you are ailing you deserve the best of care.  - George


Well my gf talked to the folks in Chico i was referred to and sounds like something i can do and will try. I set an appointment up  for the local VA. Feels good to be able to do that. So now instead of these county doc's running me in circles I will have a much better chance. I will see if i can get to a URL in San Fran, I will call anyone i can to get what i need and get seen. They are gonna be starting me from fresh at the VA though, but i was assured that my records from the county doc's would be read and  took into consideration for meds and such. So right now its the grand ole hurry up and wait game. Thought when i left the army them days would be behind me lol.

Mentally, I am relived, but still depressed and stressed. theses county folks ran me threw the ringer


QuoteI hope everyone takes a moment to read your recent post in the forum's improvement thread regarding your VED usage.,466.msg22062.html#msg22062
Way to go!


Cowboy:  Thanks for the encouragement...and for the support.


Tim or All,

I read Tim's March 31 post where he mentioned he can experience pain with hard erections.,35.msg19084.html#msg19084

Last night I noticed that I had a relatively hard erection and I temporarily felt some
discomfort/slight pain in the area of my dent; and, I felt this sensation when I was in a certain position. . . when my hips were kind of in a squatting position.

Previously, I've sometimes noticed that when I have a hard erection my penis sometimes feels "strained" or a kind of "pushed to the limit" type sensation.  But, last night's sensation was more discomfort/slight pain

Anyway, I wondered what anyone's thoughts about this type sensation.
Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


It is POSSIBLE you are having an inflammation flair up.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Im not sure where to post this, so i figured here would be best. But i was wondering if anyone knows anything about the Happeh Theory...basically saying that masturbation will destroy one side of your body. Is there any legitimacy to this claim? Has anyone heard of this before? It seems a little crazy to me, but has me paranoid.



If that was true half my body would have been destroyed by age 18!


If that was true BOTH sides of my body would be destroyed because after the one side quit working, I would have promptly switched to the other until that one quit as well.

Kidding aside, it's a shame there is so much garbage information out there, especially considering that we are made desperate due to our condition. We need to remain vigilant against bad information and it's a good thing that Starting2LooseHope brought this up here. It's important to get this kind of thing out in the open.



Starting to loose hope...   (BTW, your name always bothers the grammarian in me because I think that you meant to say 'starting to lose hope', but I digress...)

This is an utterly nonsensical theory. I found this within two seconds of searching the web (the second rated google hit):

"Masturbation being essentially the touchstone for the entire synthesis, Happeh Theory considered that masturbation and pornography were invented by Israel to weaken people into becoming slaves. Further along these lines he stated that masturbation was harmful to ones health, and one could recognise a masturbator by the direction in which he or she leaned. Amazingly, this was accompanied by Photoshopped "evidence" of models posing, or even of individuals merely standing innocuously about, along with insinuations about their probable moral stature."


"Happeh's argumentative thrust was that approved scientific method and critical thinking were all that is necessary to understand Happeh Theory, unless approved scientific method and critical thinking illustrated that Happeh Theory was possibly the most insane platform ever announced by a creature capable of speech."


"One concrete hypothesis that emerged from this element of Happeh theory was that the arm primarily used for masturbation becomes atrophied. Thankfully, this hypothesis has yet to be tested by anyone anywhere."

Now, my dear STLH, you might note a bit of sarcasm in that last comment I quoted. Since virtually everyone masturbates, we would all have withered arms right? Therefore, that statement is "ironic".

That you might find this theory a "bit crazy" worries me. What you should find it as is "bat-crap, bull-goose loony crazy."

To think it is reasonable, or worrisome, means that you are not yet able to tell the difference between good and bad information on the web. You are wise to ask here. You might get teased here a little but you will not get steered the wrong way.

If you want information on Peyronie's Disease, I would suggest that you get it here only. Ignore the rest. Being able to tell apart good from bad information requires some practice - I am glad that you asked.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I do not have a problem being teased. Just a problem with whats going on with my penis. Another question I have is about venous leakage. I was diagnosed with peyronies about 6 months ago...i have probably had it for almost a year. The pain is still here. I am wondering if venous leakage causes pain? Also, if I am still achieving night time erection does this rule out venous leakage? The thing that is worrying me about venous leakage is that I am having a hard time staying erect without constant stimulation at times, but at others i can stay erect for multiple ejaculations. I still have not lost hope though...


Starting2 - It's possible that there is a psychological component to this. If you achieve night time erections frequently then that should be taken as a positive sign. Maybe you shuld create a page in the Our Histories section so that people can read a brief summary of your condition and any changes that have taken place. That would be  apositive step. I'm glad you're not losing hope. Keep your chin up!


I will certainly start a history page when I have more time. As for now I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing pain in their groin area on the same side of their bend? it feels like its in my groin below my testicles but I am fairly certain it is still my penis not my groin , it is a dull constant pain when its their. But it is an on and off pain. Also, does venous leakage cause any type of pain?


I had severe venous leakage but it never caused me any pain.


Old Man


I had very serious venous leakage before prostate surgery. After the operation and use of the VED, I can get erections by self manipulation or with the VED. However, they will only last a few seconds before leaking down. The restrictor rings that came with my VED do an excellent job for which they are intended.

Have never had any pain or discomfort due to the venous leakage, only lack of the ability hold up the erections long enough for penetration or sex.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Im guessing i do not have venous leakage then. But I am going to mention it to my Doc just in case. Maybe he can rule it out for sure. Isnt there test for it? I can get a full erection without touching my penis depending on the time of day and visual, mental stimulation, and i still have night time erections. I still suffer from pain that does not want to go away. and a bend that has not worsen or improved over the last 8 months or so. If the pain would leave entirely i would consider that a win. but it wont. I thought the pain was suppose to go away after a year....Hot water baths and tylenol seem to help.


starting2 -
The continued pain isn't an ideal situation, but at least for now your bend appears to be stable. Hopefully in time the pain will go away. I remember in one case on here, when someone continued to have pain beyond two years, Dr Levine suggested that it could be nerve damage. I'm not so sure myself, but it's worth not ruling anything out. People differ, for some the pain lasts a couple of months, for others a couple of years, though that is a little more unusual, and appears to be something more particular to young people if the posts here are anything to go by.

From what you say here though, there really doesn't appear to be anything wrong with your ability to maintain an erection.  


Hey guys I saw this on the UK Norm website:

Q. My penis is bent on erection and I am tightly circumcised. Can I restore?
Yes. By selectively working more on one side of the shaft than the other, the curve may be lessened or even cured.

This may be of some help to any men who are interested, so I decided to post it, for a tightly cut penis, this can cause some bending, it could be what some of the men on our forum have and don't know it.  To regrow just slight foreskin could allow for full "growth" and a straight penis.

This is the best site on this topic on the web I know of.

UK Norm


I don't know about the premise. Isn't the erect penis' shape determined by the TA and not the skin?



If a circumcision is done to tightly, the penis can't grow quite fully, hence causing it to bend, I've talked to a few men who had this problem, restored just a little skin to give them some "slack" and their penis straightened out. The erect penis is just to tight or even painful. They also reported a gain in sensetivity.
