Water fasting.

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Mine is definitely better than a year and a half ago (when I started the diet), but no pics. I guess I should take some now. I wouldn't expect any changes until MONTHS or years of low insulin or fasting. It likely helps the root cause of the disease but, damage is damage, : ( That said, my symptoms seem much better now and got severe before when my IR was at it's worst.


Quote from: Bubba dawg on December 20, 2018, 04:50:02 AMI want to see some before and after improvement pics. Has anyone got any pics of a clear cut straightening after fasting?

Yeah, no. I am not posting pictures of my dick online to prove something to someone when I have ZERO motive to deceive anyone about it. There is no gain on my part if people do or do not try fasting as a treatment.

You could just try it, considering all the other HUGELY well documented health benefits from fasting. Or you could not. Up to you.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]

Bubba dawg

I dont blame you. I dont want mine posted online either lol. I dont have before pics anyway.
Mentally or physically , I would not do well fasting. I need a lot of fiber in my diet. Not fiber pills though. Other foods for mental well being.  You're talking turning your body upside down to fix your penis. I just got my body back in order after surgery a few years ago
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


So I made it 25 hours fasted and then I accidentally ate 2 of those little gummie snacks that come in the little fruit snack packs before I caught myself and literally spit it out. I'm extremely mad but it has to have been under 50 calories consumed. Can anyone with experience with any form of fasting tell me how big of a setback that was? I'm just going to continue the fast as if nothing happened, but I was expecting keto flu at exactly 30-36 hours so this throws my timing off a bit. At least it was just gelatin and a little bit of sugar; no carbs. It's crazy how second-nature it was for me to just pop 2 of those little things in my mouth. I'm going to have to be more careful going forward. Aside from that I felt absolutely fine the entire fast and I still feel great. I slept great and didn't have any issues with my ulcer as the cayenne pepper completely numbs the GI tract.

I want to take this moment to add a warning though: if you are eating at a caloric deficit, you can and will starve. This is possible because your body is still in a mode where it gets its nutrients from what you put in your stomach. Fasting only works if you allow your body to switch into fasted ketosis, and have enough fat on you to fuel the fast. This way, your body gets everything it needs from your fat (including nutrients). My accidental break of the fast was dangerous in that if I continue doing it, I will essentially be starving myself. So be careful! In fact, if you are going to fast, go watch all of the videos you need to from the Snake Diet channel so that you can do this safely. I also advise joining their facebook group and potentially getting a guide to help you through the process if you decide to go through with it. I probably will do that myself sooner or later. Also, before I forget, my mantra for this fasting regimen is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! I will stop it immediately if I feel ill, refeed, then go back into the fast when I feel better.

Bubba, in my opinion fasting cleans your body up, it does not turn it upside down. There's a science behind it and it must be done right to avert issues but if done right it is the best healing you can get in my opinion. I completely understand your skepticism and I hope I can eventually help you understand how it works as time goes on. Given that you just had a lot of medical issues, I even feel as though fasting can really help you heal up, but also given those issues, it would be inadvisable to start fasting unless you know exactly what you were doing. Do what is right for you, but I ask you to keep an open mind my friend!

Edit: Tragedy averted! I got slight indigestion so I cut out the snake juice (contains baking soda which raises stomach PH levels) and gave my stomach a few hours to spit out some acid and digest the 2 gummy bears, then I reintroduced the snake juice and my stomach is back to normal now. Hopefully that only took a few hours off my fast before I hit ketosis, we'll see! Thank god I do intense research before trying anything.

Edit 2: I forgot to mention that I've been vaping a ton of weed via oil pens and dabs throughout the entire fast. Too much to be honest; this can be done, but it is not ideal. I just don't want to have to deal with the crankiness and lack of sleep that comes with marijuana withdrawal at the same time as keto flu, so I'm going wait until I'm adjusted before I quit. Your body cycles stuff out very quickly while in a fasted state, so it shouldn't last very long. I know that a lot of people read this thread, and some smoke weed (I get a lot of PMs), so this advice is for you!
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


You do not need to jump to the snake juice. Plain water is OK for the first 2 days. After that - snake juice is fine.

Anything else - coffee, tea, whatever - breaks the fast. The benefits of fasting have never been studied with coffee. Also teleologically makes no sense. Autophagy should only happen in a true fast. Not with coffee.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEuHu5zjQPk - Intermittent Fasting: Does Drinking Coffee Boost Benefits?

References from the video

1) Coffee induces autophagy in vivo. (15). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4111762/

2) Spyridopoulos I , et al. (n.d.). Caffeine enhances endothelial repair by an AMPK-dependent mechanism. - PubMed - NCBI. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18757291

3) Caffeine promotes autophagy in skeletal muscle cells by increasing the calcium-dependent activation of AMP-activated protein kinase. (n.d.). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X14017227

4) Mathew TS , et al. (n.d.). Caffeine promotes autophagy in skeletal muscle cells by increasing the calcium-dependent activation of AMP-activated protein kinase. - PubMed - NCBI. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25268764
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


During a prolonged fast coffee would turn your stomach acidic and most likely cause issues.

Here, Dr. Rhonda Patrick recommends not drinking coffee while fasting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6KClPkotxM skip to 7:21 for coffee talk.

I know the benefits of coffee are real, but I don't see why it can't be limited to feeding windows to allow a full fast in between. Not to mention, caffeine addiction is so bad that some who follow the snake diet need to be weaned off of it or else they vomit and get bad headaches from going cold turkey. So at least for my purposes I don't feel it would be practical. While fasting the ketosis and autophagy are so deep that I feel I don't need to drink coffee to boost anything, in fact I consider it detrimental (while fasting).

Also, an update: I'm almost three days strong and I'm over the keto flu which lasted about 20 hours. Finally feel good again! Still hungry but that should pass within the next 24-48 hours. I started with snake juice over 48 hours ago and never touched fresh water so I'm just going to continue with it.

Some videos I found interesting:

Snake Diet vs. Ketogenic Diet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP07GEwdxt0

How to Prep for a Long Fast if You're Lean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1wVKgn67-A

Dr. Patrick on Carnivore Diet & Fasting: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=thZFIPOAGNQ

In the last video I linked of Dr. Patrick she describes the great healing benefits of fasting. Seriously, anyone skeptical of fasting should watch the whole thing. If you don't understand after watching that I don't know what to tell you. She even mentions cancer cells being extra susceptible to autophagy. This is the real deal!

Lastly, I want to speak on the Ketogenic diet. In my opinion, it just sets things up in a way that essentially mimic the benefits of fasting, but make it much less effective and more difficult. You can actually eat some carbs while doing snake diet and still be in Ketosis most of the day due to the fasting in between super tight feeding windows. I also believe the limitations on protein are pointless since you can, again, just fast in between meals and still eat a ton of protein.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Using a DeLauer YouTube video as a credible source. Lol.

That guy is all bro-science and steroids.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Teleologically - I do not see how coffee would benefit. If anything, I see it interfering with the proteasome and enzymes.

Better to just stick to water in my opinion. I always feel much better on water fasting, too. I definitely do not think I could go a week of fasting with coffee. Coffee also induces hypoglycemia, which would cause reactive hunger spikes. Definitely avoid if you are serious about fasting.

People are so addicted to eating and drinking that even during a fast they try to justify why they can put stuff in their mouth. It is really quite simple people. Stop putting things in your mouth. Water if you must. Do not drink water if you are not thirsty.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hello, everyone! I wanted to wait until I was fully healed, but I've decided to post a bit earlier to update you all. On December 19th I began water fasting, and since then I have only eaten 4 meals: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Besides that, I've been constantly water fasting. And I have some good news!

Starting with non-Peyronie's-related ailments: My stomach ulcer is completely gone, my skin is absolutely perfect, I've lost 20 lbs and I feel great. I used to sweat excessively underneath my armpits, to the point where I would ruin shirts, and now my armpits are bone dry unless I exert myself physically. I also have some lingering withdrawal from the Xanax I recently quit taking, and the fasting is helping me in that department. I also have cubital tunnel syndrome in both elbows, and this has improved as well, although it is not fully healed.

Moving onto the penis, I'm glad to report that my hard flaccid is more than 50% healed. I no longer feel like I'm sitting on a golf ball, in fact I don't even notice my prostate much anymore. My pelvic floor is mostly relaxed too. I don't pee as often as I used to, nor do I dribble. My hard flaccid went from always being active while standing, and usually active while laying down, to almost always soft when laying down and about 50/50 soft/hard flaccid while standing. I can't explain how relieving this is. The head of my penis will randomly inflate fully, and give me full sensation. Seeing my penis in this state for the first time in a long time was great, and I didn't realize how fat my dick was until I saw myself fully soft flaccid. I definitely gained size (that I already, technically had) in going from hard flaccid to soft flaccid; my penis is fat and plump and if flops around now lol. I've also regained sensation/sensitivity. A great benefit of my hard flaccid partly resolving is that I can now inspect my penis for Peyronie's plaque more efficiently while I'm in a soft flaccid state. I would like to note that once I saw the hard flaccid resolving I got excited and masturbated, and I've been masturbating daily since, which is not good for healing, but nonetheless my hard flaccid is resolving. I'm essentially just re-aggravating it while it's healing, and I'm fully confident it would resolve faster if I abstained.

As for Peyronie's, I had a point of inflammation on the underside at the base. If you go back to my this thread: Corpus spongiosum progress. - Peyronies Society Forums you'll see me complaining about this at the base of my penis. I also have some hourglassing there. That area is now smooth to the touch, doesn't have that pronounced "line scar" I described running laterally across the base, and overall just feels much healthier. This effect is definitely not placebo. Overall, it seems as though the tissue in my penis is slowly smoothing out as well, but I will not say that is anything but placebo until I've seen further progress, although I do suspect it is very real. The way in which this all happens is pretty cool too: you get "healing crises" which is basically old wounds flaring back up, followed by healing. For example, the day before my hard flaccid began softening up, my prostate flared up so bad (while fasting; usually super low inflammation) that I couldn't find a comfortable position to sit. This also held true for the scar at the base of my penis: it flared up then went away and I noticed it was healing up. I don't have much curvature, so nothing to report in that department.

So, I'm very happy with fasting; it is everything I thought it would be. In fact, my inflammation levels are at nearly zero. And I've gone to the gym and worked out while fully fasted. One of the best parts is that I have the flexibility if I choose to eat whatever I want when I refeed, because I eat in such small windows and go back into ketosis so fast, meaning I don't have to limit carbs or protein. Eventually I will be eating OMAD and I consider eating organic to be the most important thing regarding diet at that point. I'm going to be fasting until I run out of fat. I started at 257.7, I'm down to 239.2, and I'm going to go all the way down to about 170. That's a lot of fuel for healing! In the near future I will be dry fasting to aggressively treat my Peyronie's scar tissue, my torn meniscus and my herniated discs. I've read anecdotal accounts on reddit of discs and torn meniscii being completely healed via dry fasting, which I can link. This is the ultimate form of healing. If you still doubt, read this on dry fasting: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-science-of-dry-fasting-for-longer-than-48-hours and scroll down to Kristine Fontenot's very thorough reply. Included are multiple scientific articles explaining the insane health benefits of fasting. Seriously, don't ask me questions or bitch about fasting being unhealthy (although it is definitely dangerous if you don't know what you're doing) unless you read that first. As I said before guys, this is the real deal!

Mood: https://youtu.be/OI0K3TdS_Yk?t=17

Edit: This post on hard flaccid recovery is what initially sparked my interest in water fasting last spring: https://www.pegym.com/forums/penile-anomalies-injuries/54162-hard-flaccid-recovery.html so I have him to thank.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Quote from: Christopher1 on December 22, 2018, 10:58:06 AM
Using a DeLauer YouTube video as a credible source. Lol.

That guy is all bro-science and steroids.

That is just an absolutely ridiculous remark, considering the studies linked in the post. The credible sources are the studies, could you not figure that out?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


The wonders of autophagy and the proteasome.

Awesome post. I got hooked after Jason Fung, a Canadian nephrologist, started using it on his very sick patients with some incredible results.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


I apologize for if I offended you, S.

We should all be friends on here. Did not mean to do that. Will you forgive me?

I guess the studies are good, but something about that guy gives me a bad vibe. The guy is clearly on steroids and hGH, and just comes across as a "broscience" guy.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


JS, HUGE congratulations for these achievements  ;D ;D ;D!!!

Awesome post you offered us here, I was supposed to begin work 45 minutes ago, but I thoroughly read it, and also read with the same fascination the link to Quora... God, I'm definitly trying fasting once I'm done with my hormones rollercoaster!!!

Thanks a LOT for your experience and contribution; do not hesitate to post more accounts like that, it's giving great hope and enthusiasm to everyone!!!

Cheers  ;)
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


@ JS1991

Nice work mate, and thanks for writing it up so clearly. I'm not surprised at all that you got those results, I had a similar experience in a shorter timeframe but that might be because my daily diet is close to zero carb already and I was in a very healthy weight range.

Not too sure about dry fasting though, I can't find any evidence re it ad autophagy vs a normal water fast.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Christopher, Gabriel, Skunkworks, Thank you!

Bubba, Xanax did not give me erectile dysfunction at all; I've never had erectile dysfunction, other than the hard flaccid/pelvic floor symptoms I've described (which did not prevent me from achieving and maintaining erection whatsoever. And my libido is actually so high it makes it hard for me to abstain when attempting to). All of my improvements have come from fasting.

A brief update: As I mentioned previously, I began masturbating a lot once my symptoms became better. This caused them to become worse again and almost go back to full hard flaccid, but I'm happy to report that after a week of water fasting and abstinence, my penis is flopping around again and the head of my penis is inflating. Feels great! I'm going to continue on until there are no remnants of hard flaccid. My Peyronie's pain has improved greatly. There were two specific points along the right side of my penis that felt like tiny grains of rice, maybe 1/5 to 1/10 the size of an actual grain. These spots are now less tender. I want to say it is beginning to join the surrounding tissue, but I'll hold off on that until I see some serious progress, so as to not risk placebo effect. Other than that, overall, my penis has yet to "remodel" itself as I want it to, although I do expect this to take a lot of time/work, and I specifically predict dry fasting will be most effective in that regard. I will be dry fasting by the end of January, with the goal of doing it a few days a week throughout the month of February.

Also, random, but I actually feel better while fasting than I do when fed. I believe this is because of the insulin spike that I get from eating carbs and sugar (I really need to eat clean), but it is a very nice feeling I get while I am fasted; very tranquil. It actually gives me mental clarity. That being said, I'm sure if I refed with all organic food, low carb/sugar, etc., I'd feel much better. For example, I refed the past two days, and I'm actually looking forward to being back in the fasted state (but my refeed consisted of enchiladas, pizza and White Castle, so take that for what it's worth LOL).

Overall, I'm very happy with the results so far.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


What does "hard flaccid"mean exactly?


While flaccid, the penis is turtled up like it would be if you jumped in a bathtub full of ice water. It is actually so contracted that it becomes this "hard" little nub that just points straight out, instead of hanging loose. It doesn't flop around and the head does not inflate. I believe this is caused by pelvic floor dysfunction/prostate issues. Luckily, it's clearing up for me. Fasting is the only thing besides abstinence that has helped my symptoms, but while abstinence provided minor relief, fasting (while abstaining) provides major relief.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)

Bubba dawg

Bad disk in your lower back can cause the hard flaccid too. Can cause pelvic inflammation . Losing weight can take pressure off your back disk
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


Thanks so much for the information, JS.  Appreciated!  So is a pelvic floor problem another name for hard flaccid, or are the two conditions just related? i also never understood what pelvic floor problems meant either.  Thanks again!


Bubba, I started off at 210 lbs when I got hard flaccid and Peyronie's, which is actually lower than what I'm at now, so I don't think that's the case. Not to mention, my lower back disc is still an issue. But I agree, that is definitely the other outstanding variable that can affect some of my symptoms: weight loss.

Tony, no problem. I believe hard flaccid is caused by pelvic floor muscles (imagine the muscle you activate if attempting to stop urinating mid-stream, or alternatively to push it out faster (kegel/reverse kegel, respectively); they are located between your butt and penis) that are chronically tight and develop trigger points, clamping down on nerves as well as the root of the penis, as well as causing and inflamed prostate, which in turn clamps down on the urethra/spongiosum, causing the penile tissue to contract or "turtle" and the head of the penis to deflate. My urologist diagnosed me with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome / Chronic Prostatitis due to these symptoms.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Many thanks, JS.  Greatly Appreciated!


JS, sorry I comment on your posts lately and shortly (LOTS of work these weeks), but hell I read your posts as always with huge interest, happiness and hope!!

You've also been inspirational to me: I started going full keto 4 days ago, am already transitioning to a OMAD/fasting way of life, and will make a thread about it very soon I guess (already seeing GREATLY encouraging results on overall health, not much on Peyronies Disease, but I don't want to jump to conclusions too soon!!). Anyway, for the moment I feel really great, especially during the fasting windows... Thanks a lot too for the snake juice by the way, it works wonders and I did'nt get ANY symptoms of the keto flu!!!

Cheers mate and keep us up to date!!!

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.

Bubba dawg

Ya I have pelvic floor problems . Spasms there off and on. Also have a herniated lower back disk. Bph.  When you have all those problems it is hard to determine which one is effecting it. I know a lower back disk can cause pelvic inflamation. When I miss adjustment time the pelvic area starts acting up. I have no trouble urinating yet or ED.  
Recent turtling started after I fell and jammed my back up. Exact same symptoms you do. My tailbone feels inflamed when I lay down. Not scientific....
I am now doing pelvic floor exercises daily. P F can cause you a lot of problems. A lot of nerves down there that relay messages to the brain
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


Osteopathic physicians can use OMT to fix pelvic dysfunction.

This includes chronic inflammation through manual techniques.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.

Bubba dawg

There are some osteopathic physicians in my area. Thanks for the info Christopher! Never heard of that type doctor before
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


I am actually trained in some of these techniques.

Find someone preferably who specialized in something called "neuromusculoskeletal medicine." This is an osteopathic physician who has ADDITIONAL training in osteopathic manipulative medicine.

Ask for therapies such as:
-Pelvic floor release
-Sacral somatic dysfunction
-Clearing out any pelvic rotations or sheers
-Releasing any piriformis spasms

I can do these myself, but these are hard to train over the internet and teach. You really need at least 2 years of training to do them well. Avoid chiropractors if possible. They don't do this at all.

I can honestly say - with 100% confidence - that clearing out my sacral somatic dysfunction improved my Peyronies Disease pain greatly. I had chronic scar pain, and balancing the sacrum got rid of a lot of scar pain within 48 to 72 hours. But to be honest - for pain I prefer dry fasting and ice baths. (Never do ice baths while fasting. You will faint. Only do ice bath when you are eating.)
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Yeah man - you are welcome.

PM me if you need help with anything, though publically posting is better so everyone can benefit.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hello everyone! At this point I've clocked in over 40 days of fasting, although it's kind of freestyle and I randomly refeed and eat like crazy to fatten myself back up. I've done multiple 10+ day fasts, and I feel at this point I've mastered (salt)water fasting. In case anyone forgot I started at 257.7 lbs; I'm down to 218.

I've seen great improvement in my Peyronie's. My dent has filled in more in the past month and a half than it did in the months after I received stem cells, and the main points of inflammation on the right side of my penis, which were previously tender to the touch, are now no longer tender and at times hard to locate. My inflammation is also so low that I'm strongly debating adding traction and VED back in, even while fasting. Those two physical therapies after a long, aggressive fasting regimen are going to be my protocol. Also, when I had received stem cells, the tissue in my penis began smoothing out, and again, fasting is pretty much doing the same thing only quicker. It is admittedly slow-going but I feel like dry fasting will be where the dramatic changes come. I'd still like to water fast some more, and do more research on the subject before I dry fast, but that is coming next. No later than March, I'd say.

Overall, without a doubt, fasting is the best thing I have done for my Peyronie's disease. Noticeable changes in scar tissue and pain are pretty much as good as you can hope for with a treatment. At this point, I feel fully comfortable recommending it as a treatment. Especially if you have hard flaccid; mine is now about 30% of what it was at the start. I am very happy about this. I'm going to go as far as I can go with this, so hopefully at the end we all have a clearer picture as to the full potential of fasting, but as of now I feel like I've honestly found the "cure" that I've been searching for and I am VERY optimistic about the future. I plan on being Peyronie's-free by the summer via fasting. In my estimate, it is going to take an aggressive dry-fasting regimen with big, careful refeeds to keep my weight on me. We'll see!
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


well done man i wish you one day soon to get rid of it forever  
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Thank you very much! I'm very happy to be able to share this news with you guys. I'll have pictures of before and after dent as well as before and after hard flaccid up soon. It was honestly my hope that I would be able to assist others in healing themselves via my experience, but everyone is so against fasting that it seems I'm going this solo (at least, for now). I'll continue sharing my knowledge, and if any of you want further assistance feel free to ask; I'll answer any questions you have. I truly believe I've found a winning protocol.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Here you go, boys: https://m.imgur.com/a/OVkQg2Y before and afters of my dent filling in. I don't feel like masturbating till erection and posing my penis at the moment (I'm trying to NoFap anyway) so I don't have an erect post-fasting shot, but what I supplied should make due for now. I can include pics of my soft flaccid if necessary as well.

No more bitching about fasting not being legit, OK? Thanks :)

Also, just want to give a big thanks to Skunkworks, NeoV, diehardpatriot, Christopher1 and anyone else I might be missing for helping me by sharing personal experiences, pointing me in certain directions, and helping with overall experimentation. Thank you very much!
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Good on you for taking what can be quite a difficult undertaking for many, and mastering it so quickly.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Can anyone outline to me what "hard flaccid" refers to? I think I definitely fall under this category but want to be able understand this more clearly - and congrats man ✌🏼


Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Good article! I hadn't realised hard flaccid had any real recognition from the medical community.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


inspired by accounts in this and similar threads and other sites i am now on 22 hour of dry fasting , i will report  soon.
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee

Bubba dawg

With me, hard flaccid comes and goes. Sometimes it hangs like normal /soft and sometimes it doesnt . I cant pinpoint any reason for the change.
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


Whyisthishappening, good luck and be careful! Binge watch dry fasting videos from the Snake Diet channel so you can arm yourself with the knowledge you need. Most importantly, you MUST break your fast very carefully. Water fasting on "snake juice" (salt water) you don't have to worry about it as much, but dry fasting the risk is there. Break your fast with baking soda/water, then coconut water, eventually fruit, then on to solid food, at a rate that I forgot and have to look up. If you plan on refeeding then doing another fast, and repeating until your symptoms are gone (what I will be doing) then refeed roughly as many days as you dry fast. Do not enter a dry fast unless you are feeling 100%!!!! You can and will get refeeding syndrome if you F~@< it up. Fasting works great if you know what you're doing, but it can get dangerous (and deadly) real quick if you don't. Like I said, watch those snake diet dry fasting videos! And by the way, the autophagy effects peak around 72 hours, so you want to get there, then ride that peaked autophagy out as long as possible. If you're a few days into a dry fast, STAY HOME. Do not drive. People have passed out while driving while on a dry fast. You will get very dizzy if you stand up too fast. You might pass kidney stones too, so watch out, although you can break it up by drinking either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar before it comes out of you, then going right back into the fast; I have to look it up again to be sure though. Even with this advice, if you don't know how to properly balance the pH in your stomach/kidneys/body, you can F~@< it up with the liquids mentioned above. Also, there is a hard dry fast and a soft dry fast. Hard dry fast is no contact with water; you will literally absorb it through your skin. This means no showers, no brushing teeth, no washing hands, nothing. Don't even go in the rain (although I hear it feels great while dry fasting). Autophagy is more effective this way, and the fasting itself keeps your body and mouth clean so it's not as bad as it sounds. There's a ton of info I can give you right now, but I'm just repeating mostly what I read in the snake diet videos, so again, WATCH THEM! And last thing: if you've never fasted before, you're going to get a crazy keto flu + sugar withdrawal right around the 36 hour mark (give or take a few hours), and I personally wouldn't combine that with my first ever dry fast. But if you just man up and be careful you can probably get through it lol. Keywords: BE CAREFUL!

Skunkworks, thank you for the kind words as always. That is a recent article, so it looks like the medical community is finally catching on to the syndrome.

Bubba (and anyone else with hard flaccid), As I've made progress with mine, it went from always hard flaccid, to on and off. Stress plays a big factor, and I can literally tell by how "hard" my flaccid is how tense I am. If I'm stressed and I take a moment to step back, clear my mind, take a deep breath and relax, it will soften up a bit. The best method that I've seen for curing hard flaccid is to fully abstain from porn, masturbation and orgasm for a LONG duration, and when I water fast at the same time it goes wayyyy quicker. If I do mess up and orgasm, it's a pretty big setback and it will reverse progress, although if you're like 2 weeks into abstaining, you can orgasm ONCE and "clear the pipes" (although you really should just continue abstaining nonstop) without much reversing of symptoms. Any subsequent orgasms without giving it another week or two will revert you right back though. Of course, staying stress free helps. And if you can get to a pelvic floor physical therapist, that should give some improvement as well. To be honest, the hard flaccid is way more annoying than the Peyronie's which is why I'm hellbent on defeating it. I truly feel I would be over it already were I able to fully abstain. It's a shame: abstinence, at this point, is my #1 enemy. Luckily, fasting lowers sex drive, so that helps a lot.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


thank you ,but i just ate after less than 48 hours,will try again next week or later for 5 days,what i have to say is that it was easier than water fasting.
what do you think about a dry fasting thread ?
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


No problem. I highly suggest (if you've never done an extended water fast before) doing a 72 hour water fast to adjust your body to forced ketosis. Should make the dry fasting a lot easier. And I've been trying to figure out if I should use this thread or a new one for reporting my dry fasting experiences, but I might as well use the one you just created.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


i only had three  24 hours water fasts before and it was my first dry fasting,i will use the other thread for dry fasting so we have this for water fasting  
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Glad to see more people are exploring prolonged fasting.

It really is much more effective than intermittent fasting IMO.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Now at 32, I'll be coming up to two years straight keto / low carb this year. I am now able to have sex for hours, or even three or more times in a row. Furthermore, my penis does NOT bend afterwards, and my elbows and joints do not ache. I am able to lift weights too. I am just so overjoyed with this.

When I was 24, I remember not even being able to prop myself up due to wrist and elbow pain during missionary position. My penis ached so badly every day and bent, even 360 degrees.

Keto, low carb, fasting, really saved my life.

I do short fasts as well, and my nerves always feel much better when I do it. That said, I will be low carb / keto with IF for the rest of my life.


Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Congrats NeoV, weights are great, much better than cardio IMO  :)

If you wouldn't mind would you PM me with your 'typical' daily diet  ;D
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


I talk to my GP regarding water fasting.
His answer as a big NO. He said that the stomach will grind his walls if no food in and will cause ulcer.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



Would you be able to send pm me your typical daily diet?  It would be greatly appreciated!



Thanks for sharing the pictures, JS.  Congratulations!!
