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I purchased a second base and another set of tension rods for this one purpose of switching positions quickly. You could do 15 minutes of straight stretching then 15 minutes of side stretching. With continued use you should see some improvement.
Some men don't realize that there is a learning curve to these devices. They put it on and then get frustrated if it doesn't work right away or they have difficulty in putting it on. With repeated use though they will get the hang of using it with some improvement in their condition. Also hormone replacement will help you with your erections. I hope you have a competent Dr who knows what tests to order. I have been on full replacement for 20 years and know a few things regarding its usage. :)
Peyronie's is at best a mysterious disease. No one is entirely sure why it starts and no one knows exactly why some people recover. We also don't know why some men are affected very heavily, with ED, extreme curvature, aberrations in size and shape, and pain -- while some men get very light cases with just a moderate bend and no particular pain or ED.  One thing is certain:  our bodies are healthiest when we have a steady diet low in fats and sugar, with lots of fresh food -- especially vegetables -- instead of canned or frozen, and a good balance of protein, minerals and vitamins. Moderate regular exercise, good sleep patterns, and emotional health all give us better physical health. Whether people with ideal diets and healthy lifestyles are less prone to Peyronie's, or whether those people are more likely to recover if they do contract Peyronie's, are also questions which have been researched lamentably little. But my gut tells me that overall health and stability probably help with Peyronie's, so some logical first steps for anyone who contracts it are to lose weight (if overweight), do more regular and moderate exercise, improve diet and sleep patterns, and try to remain calm and positive.  Sorry if this seems very obvious!
Takes, I was in same boat as you. I had huge curve that placed the head straight up. This made me (emotionaly) crazy with each erection. After trying many things, I had (extnsive) plication surgery. The surgery and recovery were quite an endeavor. But, I'm relatively pleased with the result
Hi Alex83, I'm saddened for your sake that you still have not found the solution for this latent problem. Always wishing you the very best.
Penile Implants / Re: 37 Year old athlete implan...
Last post by IwillbeatPD - June 01, 2024, 12:16:12 AM
Some final updates guys.

I guess I'm about 7 months post op. Length is 8.25 inches which is pretty much what I was before surgery. Girth is also probably comparable than before PEYRONIES, except my dick is actually straight now, and maybe slightly more girth at the top.
Penile Implants / Re: Dr. Hakky Implant Journal ...
Last post by IwillbeatPD - June 01, 2024, 12:08:02 AM
What's up man, congrats on the implant. I also had Hakky and I'm about 7 months post op. My pump has always squeeked if I pump fast, if you pump slow it should stop. Also, after pumping 50% it stops on its own.

Trust me I understand the million thoughts going through your head, that's how I was to. But at a few months out you won't even be thinking about it. And 6 months out it will be like it never happened. If you ready journal you'll see my ups and downs throughout recovery. I was upsized, and in retrospect, I think that's what made my cycling hard.
Penile Implants / Re: Dr. Hakky Implant Journal ...
Last post by nickadams - May 31, 2024, 07:24:17 PM
Day 2

Today I removed the dressings that were wrapped all around my penis and balls, and I am pretty disappointed with the size/girth. I am also sad that the pointy tips of the implant are so obvious when touching the head of my penis. My glans have been screwed up and unable to fill for years at this point and Dr. Hakky did warn me about this problem, but maybe if I take cialis before sex down the road it can plump the glans up a bit. Otherwise the girl is going to be feeling two pointy rods through the tip of my penis the whole time  :'( .

Also, I see now that the pump is so prominent and low that any girl playing with my balls will immediately notice. I will have to come to terms with this.

I was able to do a few pumps and I heard a squelching sound when the liquid was traveling from the reservoir to the implant, is that normal? Also, I can't press the deflate button without a great deal of pain because the stitching is right over top of it. I guess I will wait a few more days to experiment more with pumping.

Psychologically I don't want this implant to be taking up so much space in my thoughts. I have been thinking about it so much for so long now, and I want to start thinking about other things in life. I am hoping once the stitching heals a bit and I figure out how to conceal the constant semi-erection in my pants that I can just limit myself to thinking about this implant ONLY when I do my daily cycling. Right now, and for the past year or so, it has been on my mind practically 24/7 and that is so unhealthy for me.

Yeah I don't put my hopes in the idea of having a perfectly normal penis. Honestly all I want is a functional penis that is straight enough to have sex and to just be able to have sex whenever I want. I don't want to lose that ability. I'm really not sure how to post a picture but I would love to share where I'm currently at. I really wish more people on this forum would post pictures and provide consistent updates (I'm not even good at doing that myself lol).  I definitely plan to stick to traction for the time being. I had another incredibly solid erection this morning. I had some pain with it, but it at least makes me feel as though traction is doing SOMETHING rather than just continuing to go downhill. I am concerned with some pain I'm feeling today. There are times when I will get sharp pain out of no where while I'm flaccid. I've just been driving in the car and the pain has been annoying. I stretched again last night for about 30 minutes (this time with no upward bending) and am concerned that I am doing more damage.  For the first time today I actually can feel a bump on the bottom left side of my penis. It's weird though because it's not always there. I've been consistently feeling for it as I drive today. Is that how plaque behaves? Is it sometimes hard and other times not?  Im going to try my best to figure out how to post a picture to track my progress.

I'm also curious about castor oil. I'm not under the impression that it will reduce the curve, but what do people typically use it for related to peyronies?
I'm in a similar boat as you. Before you even consider Xiaflex, try to make it through the Restorex protocol for 12 weeks and see how your condition improves. Xiaflex injections and other invasive procedures are very expensive (and insurance is likely not going to cover it) and theres countless anecdotal reports of injections and surgeries worsening the condition. We have studies concluding that traction works, you just have to stick with the protocol. That means using the device one or twice daily, 5-7 days out of the week. Sure it's a hassle but your condition will never improve unless you are consistently doing traction. If you have no improvements after 12 weeks, maybe try another 12 weeks, and if there are still no improvements after this, that would be a good time to consider Xiaflex or surgery.

With regard to your experience of worsening, it could just the plaque contracting in response to stretching. Neoman has a video about this on his channel, it seems like a lot of men experience this when beginning traction. In my own experience I had a lump in the side pop up (higher up my shaft than the site of my injury) but eventually it smoothed out and I've been experiencing improvements in EQ and a reduction in flaccid pain.

Another thought, which isn't meant
to "blackpill" or demoralize but it may come across a bit of a harsh truth... You have to let go of the idea of getting your old penis back. Sure, some men have reported 100% recovery but they are a minority. With traction therapy you may not achieve a perfectly straight penis again, but you should still be able to notice some improvements in erection quality and pain reduction and maybe even regain some length. This is the goal. If you can reduce the curve just enough to have intercourse comfortably then you are basically "cured" (even though this is a lifelong condition) and with that being said, you may have to continue traction and VED even after recovery to maintain your improvements. There is hope but it's a long and slow process and you have to be wary of any shortcuts that promise quick results (Pshot being an example of this.) Best of luck to you, keep us updated.