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As long as you are providing adequate tension with the black bars being less exposed you will get a good stretch at any angle. Provided that you are counter bending for at least 15 minutes 2 times a day, (15m minutes straight stretch and 15 minutes counter stretch).
As stated here throughout the forum Finasteride is a dangerous drug for men to take. Yes it may help with your hair but it can have a very detrimental affect on you sexually.
Here's a question for everyone. "Have you ever used any drugs to get a sexual erection?"

In which I will tell the information that happened to me - I Roman Candy. When I was 25, I developed a problem called erectile dysfunction due to excessive porn videos and masturbation. In those days I couldn't play a better role in my romance with my girlfriend, I discovered an online medicine to relieve these impotence symptoms. It is "Kamagra 100mg". I got more information from him and placed the order. I used that medicine. I found it very effective and reliable. Today I am 35 years old. I still have no problem with sex. And I still thank that cheapmedsstore. com online store.

I would like to inform you that if you are using any medicine/erectile dysfunction problems for men are serious to date. so inform me ... thanks...
Have you been using the make up pads? I use the round ones, one on the bottom, one on top. For me the clamp is just below the "ridge" or the start of the head. I don't have any complications from this, but for me the make up pads are key to keeping from slipping out.
I've observed some slight indentation on my penis right where the shaft connects to the glans. I'm not clamping my shaft itself, it's just that this part of the penis is directly on the other side of where I'm supposed to clamp... Is this temporary or should I be concerned? It seems to fill out when I'm erect and isn't noticeable when I'm flaccid, but it does show up when I'm semi-erect.
June 2 2024

Have been using Restorex religiously for 1 month now.

The good-

Penis seems fuller, more girth, great erections.
Even the head seems fuller (surprised by that, considered the poor thing gets crushed for an hour a day lol)
Using the device has become easier as I have developed a good pattern/regime.

The bad-

No change in my 35-40 degree upwards curve.
Length is unchanged, as far as I can tell.

I was getting discouraged, as I hoped at the 1/3 mark of the recommended 12 week regime I would see even a tiny bit of curvature improvement. But after reading some posts on here I am confident that eventually there will be some positive results.
Glad to hear you have regained some optimism.
I am curious as to why you have been taking Finasteride. I was prescribed it 3-4 years ago because of an enlarged prostate, Dr. Told me it stops hair loss as an added benefit!
What he didn't tell me was that it also caused E.D. As a side effect. I ended up on Cialis, not knowing that Finasteride was the culprit.

Fast forward a couple years, and I develop Peyronies. During my initial research (I had no known penis trauma that I remember), I looked at all my meds (blood pressure pill, statin, Finasteride) to see if any of them may have contributed to my problem.
I found a lot of guys blaming Finasteride for giving them Peyronies, here on this forum, so I discontinued it.

One of the many mysteries of this affliction. Anyway, stopping Finasteride didn't reverse my Peyronies, unfortunately.

Good luck with the Restorex. I too am putting a lot of hope in it helping.

Fire guy
Apologies for my delay, I have been very busy lately! and thank you all for the responses.
Regarding the improvements for traction mentioned by (MrDoh), I have considered them and they have helped me a lot! I recently started using Restorex so I'm improving my performance in using the device.

But in this particular case, I am mainly interested in finding the best position for the "bending position" in the treatment because I don't want to engage in practices that could cause injuries or new scar tissues in my penis.

So going back to this, do you think the best position for someone who has the plaque very far back (and cannot achieve direct torsion over the plaque) is to maintain position 1 and moving the anglue to the first or second stop (30° or 60°)? Is it good enough ?!

I have watched the video by (Lostand) but I still have doubts about it.
On the other hand, I will keep you updated on the progress of my treatment as I notice changes.

Thank you.
Xiaflex Injections / Re: Unsuccessful
Last post by danh - Yesterday at 08:12:29 AM
Quote from: Sebtp1973 on May 20, 2024, 03:20:45 PMHe'll make you wait a year from your last injection though. He thinks the softening from the initial rounds, then the year of healing, sets the patient up for exceptional improvements using his protocols.

I didn't have to wait a year. I had only one round (two shots) with my first URO, and three months later went to Trost. One round with Dr.Trost and I'm super happy with results.
This is the link to purchase replacement parts -->Restorex Shopping