I had a scope done up my urethra and into my bladder

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The doctor shoved a camera up my dick the other day and was checking for scar tissue damage from a past STD I had. It showed no damage and he said it was the best he has seen all day. No narrowing and no concerns about anything, even looked at my prostate. So I dont have to worry about possible damage to the inside so this pain I experience and flaccid twisting is definitely not coming from the urethra.

I was very happy to hear the inside looks great:)

Old Man


In all of my experience with ED and/or Peyronies Disease, I have never heard of the urethra causing Peyronies Disease in any form. That is not to say it does not ever occur, but if it does it would be extremely rare. The urethra is outside of the tunica and is contained in a separate "chamber" so to speak and therefore would not interfere, etc. Peyronies Disease occurs inside the tunica and is usually causing the symptoms there and not outside of it, etc.

Glad to hear that the cystoscope found nothing wrong with the prostate gland or bladder area. The scope should not cause you any further pain either. Scoping should not be painful other than the uncomfortable feeling of it passing through the urethra and the valve at the base of your bladder. Once the scope is removed, things should be back to normal very quickly afterwards.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I did get my Peyronie's due to a catheterization through the urethra.

As may Peyronie's urologist said, it only happens once in a thousand, but it does definitely happen.


I suppose your penis bends down then, ledder?
The paper you've posted mentions ventral curvature, which should be down imho.  


Anything which can be perceived on the cellular level as an injury can stimulate scarring in the right circumstances.  Magnesium deficiency being one of the more common "right circumstances".  I'm not a fan of needless intrusions into the "out" system of the urethra.  

That said, I've had scarring in the urethra for years due to an injury back in 1981.  Catheterization for knee surgery they had to knock me out for actually corrected urinal "spraying" for a couple of years.  This was all years before PDS, which has been mine to deal with for a few years now.

I think the scoping was looking for reasons for his pain though, and ruled out urethral damage...hopefully it didn't cause any in the process.


I actually asked my uro about the bending, which in may case is upwards, and he said that it is possible to have a catheterization and a bend upwards.

I myself know for sure that my Peyronies is due to the catheterization, not due to any strong sex (didnt have any in the prior months, neither strong nor weak nor with self) or any other contusion.

As I recall from the catheterization, there was a moment when my penis was pinched by the catheter when it was half way, and after some maneuvre, the catheter found its way. The medical who did the catheterization was rather young, so maybe also inexperienced, and may guess is that she provoked the Peyronies with the pinch.


catheterization is definitely a suspect as far as cause is concerned.  If you were already experiencing pain and they were looking for the cause, it may not be a significant factor.  The pain indicates an injury of some sort had already occurred.


In my case it was due to abnormal peeing. It was actually not abnormal, just higher than average, and there was no real need for the catheterization. I guess it's just bad luck or maybe relying too much on doctor's opinion.


I don't know what you mean by abnormal.  I have sprayed ever since my accident (which had my member bruised and swollen for a few weeks)...except for the year+ post catheterization for my knee surgery.



Odd that a Dr. would look inside the urethra for a cause.  I have been a frequent urinator my entire life.  I have NEVER slept through the night, having to go relieve myself at least once, and usually 2 or 3 times.  Since my bladder was rebuilt, it is not as expandable as it ought to be...scar tissue and all...but my capacity is still quite reasonable.  No, I would expect analysis of perhaps pre-diabetes, or perhaps kidney issues would have been more appropriate.  I would consider looking inside the urethra to be malpractice at that point.