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Earlier there was a thread discussing the information on John Parks website relative to DMSO treatments. I spent some time reviewing the Peyronies section of the site and have summarized it below for the membership's  convenience.  The site is run by John Parks who shares the protocol that cured him of Peyronies in about a years time.  The site is: htttp://wwww.sexuallyhealthyman.com/p/peyronies-disease.html

In summary he used simultaneously a traction device, oral supplements and a topical jell that is DMSO based.

Parks does not recommend VED which I know is counter to what many veterans of this board suggest.  He states the VED has been known by the medical community to cause other problems such as blood clots, lumps and bruising.  He says there are documented cases where it made a Peyonies curve worse.   He states a good traction device puts equal tension on both sides of the penis to better remove any curve.

Parks reviews several brands of tractions devices.  Links are provided to the various vendors. Parks used the Size Genetics brand and gives it a very good endorsement.
He does not provide any protocol details.

His oral protocol was the following:

Serrapetase (one 40,000 iu capusle twice a day on an empty stomach)
Nattokinase(one capsule twice a day on empty stomach

ALC: One 500mg caplsue twice a day(says it can be taken with or without food. He took it on an empty stomach)
Krill Oil- He was taking oral Vit E when his Dr. advised otherwise because it may over thin the blood and there is risk of toxicity. His doctor recommended fish oils instead.

Parks chose Krill oil over conventional fish oils.

He states the following oral products are scams and should be avoided: Peyreton, Noprical, Peyronofax.

The topical jell formula is similar to Dr. Wright's formula and is as follows.

70% DMSO gel with aloe vera. (size of a dime)
Topical Vit E - He cuts open a jell cap and applies it to the penis. Does not specify brand or amount. Just one capsule.
SSKI- super saturated potassium Iodide-2 drops

Parks says this formula also works good on reducing scars.

Parks recommends the Doctors Best brand of supplements. He has links going to the Doctors Best website that provide more info on the recommended supplements. There is certainly some good information to learn here.  There are also links on his site directly to Amazon for the easy purchase these supplements.  

It certainly appears Parks is paid by Doctors Best, the traction Vendors and possibly Amazon.  I don't have a problem with this but it would be appropriate and smart for him to openly disclose it.   Otherwise  it creates a much stronger perception of conflict of interest.  
I am not judging his protocol as good or bad. I am new to Peyronies and want to learn as much as I can. I would like to hear other's thoughts  on any of this especially the VED vs traction comments.
I am just the messenger and I hope the more experienced members weigh in as they see fit.  
I hope it creates some thoughtful and open dialogue.  

Good luck


I thought his site looked pretty commercial, which made me discount his "cure".



I am 3 weeks in to this protocol. I first noticed symptoms of Peyronies Disease 9 weeks ago. My condition has not gotten any worse and it may be wishful thinking but I might be seeing some slight improvement. After doing some research this protocol seem to make sense and was economical. Has any one had success with this? I will keep you posted with my progress.

Lets pray for each other and be positive!


strange enough i stumbled into his protocol a couple of weeks ago and thought it was worth a try.
as to the supplements, i was allready taking similar.. plus ubiquinol and pentox.

I got myself the same dmso he uses. but applying it seems a problem (probably only to me)

I wanted to apply the DMSO gel (size of a dime as he states) on to where the plaque is.
But there I ran into a problem.

So (sorry if my explanation is clumsy)

I pull foreskin back, apply it, everything ok.

But as i let go of it.. it goes right over the head of the penis, which means that the topical stuff is no longer over the plaque but over the head of penis.

If i apply it over the plaque with foreskin left over head of penis, then i would have 3 layers of skin to go through before reaching the place where it should go..
any ideas or help would be appreciated

(hope my explanation was clear enough)



Sounds like a scam to me.  If something isn't double blind tested I don't trust it.  If he has research to back up his claims I'm all ears (eyes) but if it's just anecdotal evidence then there isn't anything I'm likely to believe.


I come across a website about Peyronie's (and some other subjects). The website is interesting but:
My email (changed names)
QuoteHi John
I read your blog, maybe everything that interesting me related to Peyronie's.
I think is a very good and comprehensive one.
I have three issues regarding your blog:
1. Almost every page including promotions for certain medications and certain accessories from specific manufacturers. So it seems not balanced.
2. On some of the issues you are aggressively negating some treatments to promote yours. For example promoting a certain traction device and
showing negative aspects of the VED.
Many people I know had negative results from traction devices, including the one you are promoting, from the other
side big success using VED. The success is in using them (both traction devices and VED) the correct way.
3. The coverage of available surgeries and implants for Peyronie's is only partial and do not include many available today.
In my opinion, by addressing those issues I have mentioned above it will make your blog to be more balanced and more attractive to people that are in the Peyronie's and have some knowledge regarding this disease.
Best wishes
The answer:
QuoteHi James,
Thank you, for your letter and constructive input. The problem with my blog is the blogger host - It has the same sidebar content on every page, and I do not know HTML, so am powerless to change it. I am taking a class on building a site with Wordpress, which has a lot more capabilities. My knowledge of building a website at present is very limited, that is why I used the blogger format. I also am enlisting the help of a web professional for technical assistance. Another problem is the blog provides only a small amount of income with commissions on sales, and it is very expensive to pay for all of the help I need. The economy at present has been devastating to my family, so I am slowly working through this.

I promote only the products that I used to treat myself, because they worked for me. I am not a doctor - so I cannot prescribe anything, just present my story and how it all worked. I have put together a lot of new information on new drugs and will be presenting that, along with new approaches to surgery using the patients own stem cells in the implant and more. I have also written a book that will be available as a free download. It is more comprehensive and covers more material in treatment.

As far as VED vs. mechanical traction, I was put off by VED, due to its' lack of differential control. Which can lead to further damage, rather than curvature correction. There is a new product that has recently come on the market in the USA that uses the best of both controlled traction and vacuum. I am working on presenting that information and it will be included in the new Wordpress site. The web address will still remain the same, just the domain and host will be changing, along with updated content.

Thank you again Vlad, I really appreciate your input. I have known for some time of the short comings on my site, and it has been frustrating to me. I want to present more information and the treatment program that I used in a organized system, so it is not a frustrating hunt to find the needed information. So many site about Peyronie's are difficult to follow because they are not well organized. Mine is one of them.

Thanks and Best Regards,
If someone is interested in the website, I will PM him.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Well I think I know the site you mean..
Its a guy telling how he got rid of Peyronies Disease
actually he has also a topical ointment, he made himself with dmso, iodine drops and vitamin e pills he cuts open... (if that is the guy)

There is a thread somewhere allready about that site. Dont have the time for the moment to find it...  But i do remember people wondering like you why he was promoting those products..

If its the same guy,  its interesting to see the mail he wrote you..
It gives more insight...

(as a matter of fact, the device (mixture of traction and ved) he is talking about is very probably Phallosan and has allready been discussed here:



You are right, is the guy you talk about.
Basically I think that his blog is not bad, especially if he will correct the things as he wrote in his answer.
I may be wrong, but it seems to me he is sincere regarding his Peyronie's and his target.
I am intending to follow up his progress with his blog.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I think you are all talking about the right website.

What I find extrodinarily remarkable is that he effectively cured his condition in about a year.

Can anyone who has been on this forum equal or even come close to that?



My first problem with John's blog is that is very not balanced.
For example he is very negative regarding VED while on this forum VED has helped enormously some people and it is a part from almost every treatment.
Second, his blog is full with advertisements for the specific products he is marketing, negating any other products that again on our forum people has used successfully.

You can read my previous post regarding my email to him and his answer. I had also proposed him to join our forum but he didn't register.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


My problem with these "single contributor sites" is that you can never really be sure if they are on the level.  It is just so easy to make money astroturfing the products of various vendors with fake or greatly exaggerated claims.  The great thing about the forum is that it presents the widest array of experiences which really tends to shake out the chaff.  What works for one person on the forum, while it may, in fact, be valid, carries little weight because most of us want to use our resources on those products which work comparatively RELIABLY for a broad cross section of patients.  I, myself, have always followed that approach of ONLY pursuing relentlessly those products (like Pentoxifylline) that are seeming to work for a wide array of people.  The typical reaction of one man bands is "this is what works for me and you can't put that down".  And yet the fact that THEY put down things that obviously are working for a broad cross section of patients invalidates their own argument.  So I am simply not very impressed with these lone ranger crusaders.  I rather choose to do my "crusading" (and I DO do a fair amount of it) in a broader community, where I can be held to account to a degree and where I am known to a degree and where my claims are vetted to a degree by a broad cross section of fellow patients with different back grounds and different talents and insights.  I am willing to take the occasional rebukes, whether deserved or not, in order to reap the great profits found on a site like this where there is safety in numbers and where good counsel and wisdom abound.  - George


As others have pointed out these single method and in this case single "brand" sites are to be looked at with suspicion.  Many here recall when a sales rep with a VED company registered here as a patient making outlandish claims of results from his brand of VED.  His life was better than ever in no time.  I tracked his IP address right to the Company's network.  These peddlers posing as cured patients are everywhere because there is big money in sales.  They love Blogs because there is minimal two-way conversation to be challenged them where others can read the exchange.  That's why they are not here on an open forum.  In fact I have spent the last few days communicating with a new member that posted a link to a blog that seemed at first look to fit such a profile.

I happened across the YouTube video in question by accident just 2 days ago.  In my opinion it fits the profile of a scam.  

Lets face it, if you type Peyronies Disease in a search engine like Google you will get a half a million hits.  We have multiple links in the very first page so no one searching all they can find on Peyronies Disease could ever miss us.  Yet, these men searching the internet to weigh options do seem to miss the forum???  How is it they never find the biggest voice on the internet to ask about options or to share with us their treatment?  How is it they seldom just push "traction" when there is not a dimes worth of difference between several major brands.  Rather, they always push "brand ABC"?  The more sophisticated sites also throw out a few other scary options like surgery, or a few less hopeful options like vitamin E, or they include a few other costly options like enzymes that have no clinical data behind them.  They never mention other real options like pentox and show the clinical data for its use.  If they push VED they attack Traction, or if they push traction they attack VED's all of which we KNOW is false.

Sometimes they come here in the form of new members pretending to ask a question just to plant a link.  Now that new members cannot post links that has been less common.

As I say, scrutinize EVERYTHING you read or hear to see if it pass the smell test.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Excellent post by Hawk.  I don't think there is any significant treatment out there that hasn't been tried and evaluated by multiple posters on this forum.  Thus, the few beneficial ones become obvious, while the vast majority fail to live up to their claims.  Don't throw away you hard earned money and time to fatten the bank accounts of charlatans who see you only as an opportunity to make a quick buck.  Educate yourself first and choose your therapies wisely.  - George


Hello everyone,
I just come upon your forum and just saw your discussion in here ; i've read John's blog and i humble tell you my opinion :

1. I know some physics since i'm a civil engineer and i can honestly tell you that without reading any website or forum i come alone with the ideea of a traction mechanical device since i found i have Peyronie; this i found on his blog.
2. Serapeptase , indeed is a very good enzyme and i got confirmed by a pharmacist friend who used it to cure his varicocel (is a testicle disease) i dont know the exact translation into english, along with vitamin E and other blood circulation improoving medication; also found on his blog.
3. That DMSO ... hmmm ... sounds ok , but anyway i am more confident in Aloe Vera and also vit E aplied straight to the skin.

So, from my part of view i ordered all this, and started the threatment (i didnt ordered yet the mechanical device) , but i'm thinking to Phallosan.

Yes, i'm new here, but i got a mind of my own , i'll read and share with you the experience, is the only way to get well.
To battle ! :)




Welcome to the forum :)
I appreciate your self confidence treating this disease in your way.
If you bought already his miracle cure set for Peyronies, wish you a successful treatment and please update us how is going.
You may read all my posts down in this topic regarding John's blog, as I was in email connection with him to understand why my opinion is different than yours (not regarding traction, just regarding the other treatment components).

You may open a topic in:
Introduce Yourself - PDS - Peyronies Society Forums
So we can know you and your actual situation and can follow up better your results with the treatment

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I was stupid enough to buy one bottle of each thing he recommended. Not only did I not see any results, I had lost about 100 bucks and had to go a week without eating just because of his stupid lies.

The formula did not work. I did not see any improvements at all. Out of frustration one time I even broke up the krill oil pill and put it in the DMSO because I wanted this thing to go away so badly I was willing to do anything. My crotch ended up stinking for weeks.

I hate my life.



Don't hate your life :)
You are too young for this 8)
Regarding this guy that fasted for a week, I must to tell again what I have written already a few times:
I bought a book named "Cure yourself from Prostate cancer and/or enlarged prostate" from someone that cured himself from prostate cancer. :)
After fasting, cleansing, destroying my tooth's to take out all the amalgam filling because they contain mercury, I wanted to contact him because I had no results. ???
Guess what? His wife answered me that he passed away. :(
Guess from what? From prostate cancer.  :(
His wife, she is now a very reach woman and have a wonderful life in Miami from the sales of the book. 8)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I just came across this thread and wanted to set some things straight.  I am John Parks the author of the website: sexuallyhealthyman.com.  As far as receiving money from Dr.s Best, I never have been affiliated with their company.  It just happened to be the brand I used, and was happy with the results.  I believe there are better brands of Serrapeptase available.  I do receive about $5.00 a day on average in commissions from different products that pay me a referral fee. That does not qualify as a big commercial venture.  The reason for the website was to give men information and let them know what I did, to try and beat this affliction.  It is also great that it pays for itself and gives me a little spending money for my hobby stamp collecting.

I still have some slight residual curvature, but it is very minor, compared to the drastic bend I had 10 years ago. I wrote a short book that is hosted at Scribd.  It is free and I have no way of knowing who reads or downloads it.  The protocol I used was very effective for myself.  There is no guarantee it will work for anybody else as it is not a double blind placebo study. The program is based on intensive and solid research.  If men would read the book or go through the website in detail, I provide many links to double blind placebo studies that do back up the how and why's of the process. Link to commercial site deleted by moderator!!!
My wife and I participated in a Peyronie's public awareness video that was produced by Auxilium Pharmaceuticals prior to their launch of the FDA approved drug XIAFLEX.  I never participated in the study, but did participate in the awareness campaign and video.  This took days out of our busy life and provided no income whatsoever.  I feel proud of my contribution and hard work towards helping men be aware of non invasive or less invasive treatment alternatives. It took a great deal of soul searching and bravery on my part to come out publicly and produce the blog and post our pictures.  I honestly believe that every man should try alternative treatment before undergoing surgical procedures to correct this condition.

As far as the commercial aspect of the website.  It is not a very professional venture. It is a Google blogger site.  I took advantage of the side bar to post products that I do receive a commission on, if men click and purchase there.  It does not add to the price of the products, and sales are sporadic at best. There is nothing dishonest in what I post at this site.  The profit motive does not enter into the information that is posted, I believe the 3 step protocol that I used is still one of the most effective treatment programs out there.  Peyronie's disease is a insidious affliction, it attacks a man's sense of well being and manhood. It is distressing to me when men are not successful.  It is expensive to purchase all of the products and it takes a real sacrifice to comply with the demanding treatment process.  I wish all of you reading this, success as you battle to regain what you have lost.


You are back under a new member name John Parks?
Why not to use the old one?
Are you trying (again) to promote your website?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum