Opinions of a certain surgery clinic

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Not saying that doctors don't do crimes and still have their license and operate,  like mega star implant surgeon Paul Perito.  But give us proof of what you are saying, otherwise is just a pack of lies. Not to mention what you say about the egydio technique. Which i have proof to counter what you say.

And I don't even have congenital curvature, nor i am his patient.

ADMIN - All, this post took a severe turn from the original poster. So I split this off as its own post but not sure it makes sense. Seems as started over some disagreement about the effectiveness of surgery by a particular group.


Hi Matthias ,

Those are quite serious allegations. I'm sure many of us believe Dr Kuehhas is perhaps one of the best urologist in Europe who specialises in penile surgeries. In fact, a quick Google scholar search on his name produces myriads of articles regarding peyronies or penile surgeries

Where are these studies you/your sister has mentioned as well as the evidences of your allegations? I have personally undergone the STAGE surgery in london and i'm disbelief how you can call them dishonest and liars! They're level of care for patients far exceeds normal patient care from hospitals ( well at least compared to Australia).

I feel like you are just slandering  .


I and many others on here have had surgeries performed by Dr Kuehhas, i have to say this man saved my sexlife and my marriage. The total service i received has been second to none, my surgery outcome has been nothing short of remarkable. I had a curve due to peyronies in excess of 90 degrees ( see my surgery photos ). I had the grafting technique.

Please back up what you are saying, as I think you are just typing hearsay.
Happy to chat to anyone who would like more details of my journey so far, on here or on the phone


I had the Egydio and London Andrology, perfectly happy

Obviously the guys is from UGRS, signed up to the forum at 4.30am in the morning and did all his postings within ten minutes - which interestingly are all slightly different - the guy must be drunk:

"A friend who suffer from Peyronies knows that I was operated by UGRS in Darmstadt and knows I am happy, told me about this forum and the strange comment of "Emasculated".
The doctors and nurses in this center are one of the most calm and friendliest people I have ever met and my consultation took longer than 1 hour. I was never ever pressed to do operation and was informed very very well, much better than in the University Hospital in Munich were I was gone before.
My operation was in June 2015 and I am more than happy with my penis. Its straight and works perfect.
This Center is the most experienced in Europe and recommended even by big Newspapers, important Doctors and German national TV called ZDF."

Not sure what are the forums rules for something like this..


I just reported the comment to the moderator.

I would suggest other patients that had their surgery to do the same.


I think the guy should be asked to either substantiate these slurs, or retract them.  


I have removed all but one of his posts as duplicates and issued a warning.
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Dear Users,

as he told in this Forum Mr. Matthias was upset about what he read and was asking us to reply as well.
Today he called and told that this forum is not interested in his findigs.

To those who do not want to believe about what he told should read the publication he did tell about. You find it under:

Outcomes of Peyronie's surgery worsen over time | Urology Times

THIS is the reason, why we for example do not operate this way. For marketing its great, simple operation, few pain, low cost. But the reason why patients like Mr. Matthias come to is is the scientific truth.

Regards to all.



Mathias caused upset here on this forum by making claims against a surgeon who has operated successfully on several of our members, Dr Kuehhas, Intimating that he was a charlatan.

We are not doctors, I am not a doctor, and I can only speak as I find. Dr Kuehhas operated on me using the Egydio technique. I had an almost 90 degree curvature and plaque that was calcified. My penis is now straight again, I currently have no ED problems and am able to have sex again after some years with a penis that was sexually unusable.

On this forum surgery is considered the last resort, only to be considered after all else has failed to provide a satisfactory solution. In my case, and others I know of, surgery was the only answer. And then it was just a matter of which surgical technique to choose. I chose The Egydio Technique as from everything I had read it offered the best chance of a successful outcome for me, given my degree of curvature.  As I have said, I am so far very pleased. Whether that will be the case in 9-10 years, I do not know. However, I will be in my 70's then.

As Doctors, you know that medicine is not an exact science. As you admit yourself, there will unfortunately always be a percentage of unsatisfied patients. In the case of Dr Kuehhas, who Mathias was so critical of, there are many more satisfied patients than those who are not. Therefore his highly critical, unsubstantiated remarks and claims were not well received here.  


could you maybe ban UGRS and Matthias? This seems like trolling with bad intent... very annoying and not serious. The "urology times" also seems like a scam. I found no reliable info on this journal and the paper (with conflicting names of authorship) has been cited exactly zero times.


it is funny to see how some guys are trying to bias forum lately. enough patients are using forum for information and this is the idea of forum. it has help me to fix my problem of  penis curvature. and i am new man now thanks to dr kuehhas. these guys are linking to this journal which seems not good quality at all. dros is right. i think dr egydio and dr kuehhas are good doctors with focus on penile curvature. the egydio technique is different from the one described in the scam.
check this link. this is international study on good result of the real egydio technique.
Long-term results of the surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease with Egydio's technique: a European multicentre study. - PubMed - NCBI

Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this signature line text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


Dear Dros,

we are not sure if several "patients" in this forum are fake. As we have some more background of this London Group.

Anyway, every user has to find his own opinion. But it is not acceptable to insult Scientist who try to do their best to care/warn patients. The mentioned study was first published by the EAU, the European Association of Urology.


I found this study regarding long term bad results mentioned in this forum already in 2013, under the topic:

"Topic: Impact of follow-up on results of surgery for Peyronie's disease: Time matters"

Its seems that even 3 years later, in 2016, patients still believe in the success of this low quality operation, even in the same forum. Strange.



I assure that I am not a fake patient! Nor are any of the others that I have communicated with about this type of surgery on the forum.

Any surgical technique is only as good as the surgeon performing the surgery. In the case of Dr Kuehhas there are many satisfied patients who have had there penis restored by him.  


UGRS/Matthias is accusing the forum members  that we are fake!!!

The interesting thing is that UGRS used a fake profile to slag off Dr Kuehahs. Can the moderator check the IP address of Mathias and UGRS and see if its the same.

This whole thing is a travesty. With these interventions UGRS will end up doing exactly what they want i.e. discredit the forum and our testimonials.

On another note, the author that UGRS has quoted has just published a new study which concludes:

10 Years' Plaque Incision and Vein Grafting for Peyronie's Disease: Does Time Matter?

10 Years' Plaque Incision and Vein Grafting for Peyronie's Disease: Does Time Matter? - PubMed - NCBI

Improvement of sexual function and overall satisfaction remain high at 10 years follow-up and make the technique a safe and effective form of treatment in carefully selected patients.

What do they have to say about this? Once again I suggest that the admin intervenes somehow.


Quote from: UGRS on March 01, 2016, 07:05:31 AM
Dear Dros,

we are not sure if several "patients" in this forum are fake. As we have some more background of this London Group.

Can UGRS enlighten us what background they have of this London Group?


I agree with Sunseeker. This has gone on long enough. Either put up or shut up!

As for the preposterous accusations of false testimonials about surgery, words fail me!..


Hey guys... What about contacting this thing In Germany, by email, or somebody from Germany doing us the favour of calling there and give a quick check? Other than that, the only thing i have to say about this, that maybe is a bit frustrating? Is the lack of photos from patients Who meet certain doctors, or on the pre and post results on their operations. It would give so much more credibility... Not saying the testimonials here are false, but, an image is worth a thousand words.  



As I hadn't anticipated any necessity, I have not put up any before pics. Therefore, it's a little pointless putting up after photos.  


How can it be pointless? Did you read my post properly? Read it again. I maintain what I say. Images add so much credibility to testimonials.....  


It can easily be claimed that the photos are false, unless before photos are posted before the surgery.  


It's as easy as posting with a paper on the side with your Nick on it clearly visible. At least i will post photos if I go somewhere, or i start some treatment...  


pfract, without a before shot it could not be proved that there was anything wrong with the penis in the first place.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Does he assume my During surgery photos are fake ? you couldnt mock that up
Happy to chat to anyone who would like more details of my journey so far, on here or on the phone


This topic was completely hacked by UGRS and we are all helping with.
thepaul very detailed posts are his own experience and meant to help others that are deciding to go on his way!!!

I will ask a moderator to lock the topic, hope it will be done soon

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


why is this topic not being deleted? It's obvious to everyone that the two german posters are just scamming people on here, no?


I prefer not to delete anyone's post as all are entitled to their opinions. And based on where the posts it cause breaks in a post thread. And the obvious speaks for itself.

Once we start deleting posts, it opens up the whole issue of censorship and then where do you draw the line.

Just let the topic die.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Best course of action, Lwillis. thanks!