Who can perform a 16-dot plication technique in Europe?

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If you know an expert in plication here in Europe, then please write here his name. Thank you



To fix a curvature, obviously. No nesbit, no stage, they failed on me.


You say that you have had stage surgery via the Egydio technique and that it failed?  That sounds very unusual! Who performed the surgery?  


Nesbit procedure is a type of plication surgery. So I am not sure what you are looking for.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


not really. With nesbit you have excisions of the tunica, while with plication you have incisions


There are different types of Nesbit procedures and some don't require incision or excision but simply stiches which "bunch up" folds of skin.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: Jonbinspain on December 11, 2015, 01:42:49 AM
You say that you have had stage surgery via the Egydio technique and that it failed?  That sounds very unusual! Who performed the surgery?

Mine failed too. I do not know if stage works on fibrotic penises.  
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


No, I would now agree. Although the two procedures have many similarities, the Egydio technique is the one for Peyronies. It lengthens the 'short' side of the penis and uses incision & excision on the affected areas, which are then treated with graft.

I'm no expert. But, it seems to me that any technique that doesn't directly address and treat the problem - I.e. The plaque, risks a reoccurrence of that problem.

I believe that the Stage technique is primarily for congenital curvature where there is no fibrosis present.  


[Full quote removed by Admin - PLEASE read the forum rules on posting full quotes. If you don't understand, ask me]

The fact is there are many guys with no plaque but fibrosis, as me.  
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


Ok, fibrosis, plaque, whatever!

The point is that the Stage technique appears to be primarily for the treatment of congenital curvature, where there are no other aggravating factors.  


as you told, you are not an expert. you don't consider that the Egydio technique can be applied only in cases of good erections without meds, which is not very common with peyronie


I'm sorry, you have lost me. What are you trying to say?


dr Kuehhas told me personally Stage it has been used successfully also on fibrotic penises. At least penises with diffuse fibrosis. If we say that beyond a certain amount of fibrosis Stage doesn't work (and I think it may be true), well it means that the majority of who have had a prior failed straightening surgery cannot do it. This because most of the barbarian penile surgeries performed all over the world leave patients with a lot of fibrosis, due to the stitches or/and surgeon "ability".

Anyway, I was offered to undergo a Stage procedure, to finally solve a deformity that have had devastated my mind, but it failed. I reported it in here, even if the report not looks so lucid and more a rollercoaster of up and downs (It's true, I was led by mood and hope).
But, why am I saying that? I'm saying that because we should understand that there are a lot of shaded conditions and not just black or white conditions.
Excision of the plaque and grafting are not feasible for everyone, not for those who suffer from severe ED and cannot have good erections without meds.
There are also some cases called 'fake peyronies' where the deviation is similar to that one the disease produces but in absence of a plaque. I am one of them and instead of a plaque I have a big fibrotic stitch that acts the same.
And so on..  

31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


Jack 1909;

I assume that you have made Dr Kuehhas aware that your surgery failed?  I would be interested to hear what his response was. Did he suggest any other treatment?

I have always found him to be very helpful. In my case, he told me that in the unlikely event that my surgery failed, he would put it right.


Yes of course. He told me that unfortunately the only option I have is to undergo a surgery to remove that stitch, but with no guarantee. He doesn't know if he will be able to remove that stitch and I risk a lot since it's very close to the nervous bundle. Otherwise, If I do not remove that big stitch (maybe calling it just stitch doesn't give the right insight about what it is, because is a very big an hard and a lot painful stitch), my penis won't be straight. So I think I am stuck.
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


I see. Yes, in my case it was necessary to isolate the bundle too. Fortunately, it seems to have been successful.

I understand your dilemma. Have you asked Kuehhas what his risk assessment of the procedure is? I mean percentage chance of success.  


Lucky you, many guys in here are very lucky but they could not imagine it. I reached a new level. If people out there do not understand what you have been getting through, people in here cannot understand what I've been living. And what YYY has been living. That's life I suppose.

I cannot afford another surgery, in the last three years I had two that knocked me down. Another one, a possible failure, may give me the final push to kill myself. I suffer from severe chronic pain and neuropathic pain from the moment I open my eyes in the morning to the last moment before falling asleep. If I masturbate two minutes all becomes even more not tolerable.
Another surgery possibly would increase the pain rather than reducing it.
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


I feel for you man. To go through all that and be left with nothing but pain is terrible.

Kuehhas has always struck me as a reasonable man, I will be seeing him soon, I will ask him about your case if you would like me to?  


Thank you very much but it's not necessary. I'm still in contact with the Doc.
I think my best option, as for many here, is waiting for new treatments (stem cell, tissue engineering and so on), even if I had to wait decades.  
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works



Me? Better a life without sex than an implant, that's my opinion. I just turned 25 and I will not end up with an implant, considering I had just a congenital curvature and I already had 2 surgery (somewhere in here I wrote I had multiple surgeries, that's true, but the big ones were in 2012 and 2014, until 2012 my penis was perfect but, of course, too bent to have intercourse). Moreover erections are still alive and I have already lost more than 5 cm. And most important, I suffer from severe pain, I think an implant would increase it.

Sometimes you should just wait. I have been impatient to solve my little problem for almost ten years (my journey started in 2007), and I ended up with a destroyed penis. I spent all the 2015 traveling up and down through Europe (I went to London 10 times!!). Now, stop. I need to recharge and it will take time, I am exhausted.

31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


fair enough.

i think time is on your side. Maybe in 10 years something new will come up. Is the pain localisied to the penis only?


The pain is located on all the left side where I have a sensory alteration/nerve damage, and nearby the stitch that it is at the basis of the penis, almost dorsally.

10 years? :D Better not being here anymore than waiting 10 years.
Seriously, I strongly believe that no one in here have to wait 10 years, neither 5 probably.  
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


well what alternatives are you going to consider? implant or stem cells maybe.


31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works