Morning Erections

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So I don't have erectile dysfunction, but I have noticed a decrease in the length of time erections last and quality (still very rigid) and also quantity.  I emphasize the quantity because before peyronies I'd get boners all day long for no reason (i'm 23) but after peyronies, this rarely happens and usually I only get good erections if I have something directly arousing me i.e. porn or sex with the gf.  So basically what I want to know is, is this a sign of the beginnings of ED, will morning erections ever return etc.  Thanks.


It could be any number of reasons.

Stress, lowered T, environmental toxins, recreational drug use.  etc.

If you can get a boner when you need to you don't have ED.


In my opinion Dared, all you are mentioning is a start of ED.
If you was 50 already, it may be normal, but not at 23.
You should seek medical advice.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Are you a regular viewer of pornography?  Not the static, Playboy magazine variety, but the rapid girl every few seconds stuff of the Internet?  This can be interfering with "normal" arousal and even stop "morning wood" completely.  I know this from experience.  And being in your 50's is not a valid reason for diminished erections...although things which effect erections may be more likely by then.  If you Google "your brain on porn" and watch the video series, there is a lot of good information which explains why modern high speed porn can have that effect.


First, thanks to all for the replies. Kuaka, I will admit that I am a little addicted to porn but nothing to crazy and I've tried to make sure that when I watch I just use to achieve orgasm and not for many hours at a time. I would ideally like to quit completely but at this point in time I find it hard to give up... Goodluck, I have been using cannabis on occasion (usually no more than three times per week).  It seems to help with the pain as well as the psychological toll peyronies inflicts.  I'm particularly interested about the marijuana and whether anyone thinks it's causing more damage. I do use a vaporizer by the way so no combustion.  


Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I don't mean to get on my soap box here, but my wife and I do a bit of marriage counseling. And I only post this to try to get your attention early. From the studies available it is a fact that porn cause more harm than good.

And the term we use for the following is addiction. There is no little addicted or a lot addicted. If you can't stop it, it has you.

Quote from: Dared on June 17, 2015, 10:36:47 PM
I would ideally like to quit completely but at this point in time I find it hard to give up...
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I agree 1000% Willis, porn in my opinion is the most addictive drug on the face of the earth. It's hard to understand at first how addictive it is but once you fall into the trap it's a nightmare. The hardest addiction I've ever kicked is cigarettes three years back and porn has been even more challenging than that.  



Being "a little addicted" is like being "a little pregnant".  While cold turkey is the most effective way to drop it, cold turkey on the masturbation that normally accompanies porn use has the apparent (not verified, but I suspect strongly) additional issue of allowing scarring to develop where the "micro injuries" to the Tunica of frequent...aggressive masturbation.

I broke my porn habit in a unique (to the normally accepted) method, and had I modified that method just a little bit, I believe I may not have developed Peyronies Disease at all.  If you do NOT have Peyronies Disease as of yet, but are only dealing with erectile issues, perhaps associated with the Porn use, you may be able to avoid Peyronies Disease altogether.

While it seems like you might be an "experiment" of mine if you pursue this, it is really more of a "I wish I had done it this way, perhaps you can gain the benefit of my experience" thing.  I wouldn't with Peyronies Disease on my worst enemy.  If you want details of my approach to getting over my porn addiction, and what I would change in retrospect to potentially mitigate the development of Peyronies Disease.



Kuaka, I would like to hear details of how you got over your porn addiction.  



Everyone's story is a bit different.  I had fallen into the habit of using Orgasm as pain management.  Initially, it was emotional pain due to some childhood issues, but after some of my injuries, I started using it as physical pain management as well.  My actual masturbation habit goes back to the age of five or earlier, and such is an indicator of abuse...but I have no clear memories.  Orgasm is somewhat effective for moderate pain, as the Orgasm itself gives a hit of dopamine.  The pain relief I would get would last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.  As I aged, however, the old injuries started to catch up.  Needing more and more pain relief, I turned to pornography as the necessary stimulation to get more sexual energy.  One reason I stayed with Orgasm as pain relief was that I don't really respond much to "normal" pain medications.

After a few years of escalation, which is typical of any artificial pain relief and is a big part of addiction, I experienced what is known as Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction.  I lost what "morning wood" I had...I don't sleep that well, so rarely woke up with a raging morning woody anyway, but even that pretty much stopped.  My lovely wife was no longer enough to get me aroused sufficiently for intercourse without the addition of a little Viagra.  The side effects of Viagra are not acceptable to me, as it causes me rather severe headaches and blurs my vision a bit.

Anyway, once I got to the point of being PIED, my wife kicked into research high gear.  With her insistence, I sought and found an effective medical pain management prescription.  It is pretty high end, as I had tried many other pain medicines, prescription and non, with little effect.  Anyway, she discovered the "Your Brain On Porn" series of TED talks and insisted I watch them.  I did.  I joined a couple of Internet groups geared towards overcoming what had become a Sexual Addiction for me (SA).  Most of them are arranged around a typical AA style 12 step program.  After reading over and over again about failure after failure doing the "cold turkey" approach, I decided that white knuckling was just ineffective.  I looked at the whole addiction as a three fold cord...Porn, Masturbation and Orgasm, referred to as PMO in the SA circles.  I thought that the best approach was to divide and conquer.

Since I had added Porn recently, it was the first to go.  I simply quit using it.  I allowed myself to continue to M to O all I wanted during that time.  This is where I parted ways with the traditional white knuckle cold turkey methods.  This was also the easiest part for me.  Dropping P meant dropping fantasy as well.  Memories of P are just P as far as I'm concerned.

The next cord to tackle was O.  I did some study into eastern sexual methods of control, and employed some them for a while.  Some solo tantra methods and other esoteric ways of recycling energy from the base chakra, out rearward at the central chakra and back in at the front.  It sounds a bit obtuse, but that visualization actually does help.  I began to approach my M sessions as meditation instead.  It wound up being a bit of what is known as edging, which can become its own addiction...but in so doing I actually increased my sexual energy.  Many eastern practitioners of such can basically go at it with woman after woman, totally satisfying them without their own release.  Some of the eastern philosophy involving "ching" as life force believes that you only have so much of it, and when the last is spent, you die.  I'm not so sure about that, but conservation of sexual energy is not a bad thing.

I reached a "flat line" point where even meditative masturbation no longer was particularly interesting.  This is the same flat line that a cold turkey approach will get if you manage to white knuckle long enough, but not many succeed.  

At that time, I stopped all M activity.  This is where, in retrospect, I should not have ceased exercising the tissue, as it was during this period of total abstinence that my Peyronie's developed.  Now I already had some significant scar tissue due to a rather sever injury to my member more than three decades ago, and I already had a concept in my head that I ought to continue the meditative sessions in order to keep that scar tissue pliable.  In my zeal to overcome my SA, though, I set that aside.

After about six months, morning wood returned.  At first, it was quite good.  I woke up with a few towel hangers with no issues, but it was far from a daily thing.  Then one morning, I woke up bent with pain and dimpling.  I'm not sure how long it had been before since a good case of morning wood, but it had been a while.

If I could go back and do it again, I would do the same except continue the meditative masturbation sans orgasm as "exercise"...which is actually not unlike what I'm doing now with the traction and VED therapy.

The point however is that Porn use, specifically high speed delivery of "new" women, can interfere with normal erectile function to the point of total ED.  Weak morning wood may be a sign that this is happening.  While I recommend that you pursue diagnosis of any circulatory or physical causes, I also encourage you to forgo porn completely for a period of at least eight months just to see if that is the cause of your weak morning wood.

Hindsight is 20/20.


Very interesting Kuaka, my peyronies developed in a similar manner as well.  What happened was last summer around July, I was experiencing a slight burning sensation at the tip of my penis, just an irritated feeling (no scar tissue at this point).  At this point, I realized that I'd been having sex and masturbating (with porn) almost everyday for a long time, probably months.  I decided to take two weeks off just to give my penis a chance to rest for a little. What happened next I still remember like it was yesterday and it will probably haunt me the rest of my life.  It was a Tuesday night and it had been exactly two weeks as I planned without masturbation/sex and I wanted to go see the new Planet of the Apes move with the gf and then afterwards have sex.  We saw the movie, came home and went to my room to have sex as planned.  I got an erection as normal and went to penetrate and then boom, I guess I went in at a bad angle and my fully erect penis slightly bent in down. I felt an extremely sharp knife like pain went through the head of my penis and that was it. I woke up the next day with a ring of scar tissue circling the middle of my shaft.  What's weird is that I didn't feel like it was a bad injury but obviously enough to do the damage. I did look back on it though and wonder if taking the break from sex/masturbation and then starting back up so quick may have played a role in my developing peyronies but I'm really not sure.  What's interesting is if you look up causes of peyronies online, one of the things listed is infrequent sexual activity.


The one thing I notice all over the various SA sites and techniques is that they flat out believe that total abstinence from messing with the tissue is appropriate and safe.  That is the one thing that I question seriously.  It is entirely possible that my M habit kept Peyronie's at bay for 30 years after my member was pretty bad in that the whole thing was black, as opposed to black AND blue, after my pelvis was crushed in a car accident.  That same accident knocked my right testicle off line, which I only figured out for certain after a Vasectomy reversal.  Evidently you can call me "Lefty", as the left testicle has carried the entire load most of my adult life...and I have fathered four.  Now in my fifties, my T level is only half of the low end of normal, which I attribute directly to my damaged right testicle.  I know that I feel a whole lot more of a man since switching from the ineffective Androgel to the completely effective DEPO-T injection.  Perhaps my low T contributed to my ineffective "performance" in the bedroom and how severely my SA habit affected me...there are far too many variables to generalize my experience to others.  

That said, the high speed presentation of "new" "prospective mates" available these days does indeed bear attention as a contributing factor to weak erections.


Kuaka, ya the porn definitely decreases my enjoyment of sex. That's crazy about your testicle, that must be really hard.  Anyhow, I've decided I"m going to set a goal of 30 days porn free and see how i feel after that.  Ive heard it takes 30 days to break a habit so hopefully if i make it that far, I'll lose some of the desire to do it.