Do i have ED?

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My erections when standing up are harder to keep? Like i don't even think i can ejaculate well i probable can but it would be difficult. I'm 18 and have watched porn since i was like 13 and masturbate daily and watch porn for a good 1 hour when doing so. I'm not sure if i have ED or not? I mean i have morning erections which only go when i pee but i heard that if you can't masturbate well standing up you may have ED? Is it just watching too much porn?
Just want to stress i haven't had sex. My erections do seem pretty rigid when watching porn/wanking over thoughts in general but they don't always last that long if i stop masturbating/thinking about you know stuff.


ED is generally diagnosed if you are unable to maintain an erection long enough to ejaculate, in any position. From what you have described you sound like a pretty normal 18 yr old. While there is nothing wrong with sometimes using porn, it is best not to become totally reliant on it. There are a surprising number of young men (and women) who have developed porn related impotence in the last decade or so. Such men condition themselves to only be properly aroused to porn, and when they engage in the real thing they find themselves unable to maintain an erection. Don't forget you have an imagination that can rival any porn vid! You might want to look the subject up, you may find it beneficial.


SteveW87........My suggestion would be to Masturbate one day, then take 2 days off.  Give your member some time off.  This may sound stupid, but maybe you are pushing it too hard.  Anything can be worn out wished worked constantly.  Muscles can break down if worked too hard and too often.  Just a suggestion.  dplookin


Thanks for the replies guys! I can still use my imagination to masturbate of which does feel as good if not maybe even better and my penis does become more hard when doing so without porn. so i guess i'm not potentent just yet. I will follow your method dplookin masturbate once every 3 days without porn.
After masturbating the next day i often don't have morning glory... just like to add that if that means anything atall.


SteveW87........Regarding masturbation without need your mind on Sex to really good a decent hard on.  Porn is not completely bad.  Don't be too concerned about not waking up with a hard on.  It may be due to constant masturbation, which at your age is normal.  Wish I could.  If you don't wake up with a hard on after not masturbating for a couple of days, then I might be concerned, or maybe your body and mind are just too tired to wake with a hard on.  At your age, lack of Testosterone should not be a problem.  Just my suggestions...........dplookin


I've never heard about 'erections when standing up,' or lack of them, being diagnostic of anything. Guess I didn't get that memo.

I have heard of people who have masturbated so often without actual intercourse that they can't get hard without self-manipulation. I don't know if that's ED, but it strikes me as some kind of dysfunction...


I do get semis quite easy at school but i don't have random erections. I'm worried i may not be able to get hard without touching my penis but if thers a girl naked infront of me im sure i could? Anyways anyone of these problems i'm having is due to over masturbation/too much porn. If i slow it down will these symptoms reduce/go away?
Thanks for the replies guys!



Reducing porn and frequency of masturbation will definitely help in my opinion.
I don't mean not to have sex or masturbation, but reduce the frequency and the porn usage and see the results.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: Stevew87 on June 29, 2014, 04:58:05 PM
II'm worried i may not be able to get hard without touching my penis but if thers a girl naked infront of me im sure i could?

Then, no problem, dude!

However, you may want to take it a little easy on polishing the rocket. Quite a few folks on this forum seem to attribute their Peyronie's to frequent and prolonged masturbation with erections that weren't 100%, and I see no reason to doubt what they say.


Thanks James and will do! And im on it Ursus but i do get excited/erosed when girls like like in tight clothing etc. I guess i'm not yet fully absorbed in porn yet although i think if i were to carry (I've heard some cases about this) until i'm in my mid 20's i could get ED from porn.
So once every 3 days and do it using only my head no porn. I think porn with sound is probable quite a bit worse then without but yeah i will try not to look at it to.


Quote from: UrsusMinor on June 29, 2014, 04:29:40 PM
I've never heard about 'erections when standing up,' or lack of them, being diagnostic of anything. Guess I didn't get that memo.
I've read about it being a possible symptom to cardiovascular induced impotence. Something to do with blood not reaching the extremities in a high enough quantity to achieve an erection.


I don't want to hijack this thread, or start a debate, but I can't let some of the earlier posts go without a response. I'm responding to the comments about porn being OK. In my opinion (and I realize it is my opinion), there is absolutely nothing good that can become of porn. I counsel young men who watched porn as teenagers, and now as young married men they are dealing with problems now with their wives.  
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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Damn... i really need to cut out porn. I no longer have random erections... they are now random semi's. Also standing up and getting erection is difficult. Can i reverse this but cutting it out and doing masturbation only twice a week for a half year? I mean i'd continue it on but would it solve itself after say 6 months of quitting? I only ask this in hope for some more motivation to do it... because you say they need counselling... sounds as if the problem of theirs isn't going away :/


I agree with LWillisjr 100%
I used porn at some times during my life and nothing good come out of it.
Just lowered my desire to the real thing.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Nothing good can come out of it. But can i do anything to reduce/remove the symptoms... like i don't think i have full ED but i no longer get random erections and getting an erection standing up is almost impossible??



You are stating:
Quote...i don't think i have full ED
and then:
Quotei no longer get random erections and getting an erection standing up is almost impossible??
The two sentences are contradicting each others.
Quote...can i do anything to reduce/remove the symptoms
YES you can. Go on VED, Pentox, low dose Cialis CoQ10/Ubiquinol, healthy diet, lower alcoholic drinks, stop smoking if you are a smoker and so on. Many advice's on the forum.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: LWillisjr on July 02, 2014, 06:52:59 PM
I counsel young men who watched porn as teenagers, and now as young married men they are dealing with problems now with their wives.

Interesting. How about people who watch porn with their wives?


QuoteHow about people who watch porn with their wives?
I passed this stage also. Very exciting in the beginning, the the expectations remain high, the performances not so.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Do you not think it as more of a "how you use it" rather than "what you use" regarding porn? I personally believe that responsible use can be a positive thing, particularly for individuals who have hit a dry patch, so to speak. And I don't just mean videos and images, literature too which encourages you to use your brain and imagination. Using porn with a partner can be fun, but again, responsibility is the key. Blanket banning porn is just a negative and unrealistic concept. The teaching of responsible use is the most realistic and sensible option. At least to my mind, coming from a psychological perspective.


Again, the following is my opinion based on counseling couples with marriage issues.

Quote from: welshwales on July 04, 2014, 09:41:01 AM
Do you not think it as more of a "how you use it" rather than "what you use" regarding porn?

No, I do not. Porn is a fantasy world. The people in them are not 'average', are not having typical intercourse, etc., etc. I know there is a ton of it out there, but it starts to create self image issues. e.g. Does my spouse wish I had a bigger erection, does he wish I had bigger breasts. Is he/she thinking of me during intercourse or is he/she fantasizing about being with the person in the video. My experience is that long term it creates more issues than it cures.

Quote from: welshwales on July 04, 2014, 09:41:01 AM
Blanket banning porn is just a negative and unrealistic concept. The teaching of responsible use is the most realistic and sensible option. At least to my mind, coming from a psychological perspective.

Sorry but I must disagree. I know many couples who do not, nor ever have used or required porn for their love making. So no it isn't an unrealistic concept. Believe me I'm not being prudish in regards to being creative. I can tell you my wife and I after 37 years of marriage have experimented, tried new positions, locations, etc. And it didn't require any porn to do so. And the experimenting and finding new ways is just as exciting now as it was 37 years ago.

Sorry... not trying to be old fashioned, but I take a hard stand against it. After counseling several couples, we see them dealing with too many issues as a result. Using it in a 'responsible manner' is just an excuse for bringing it into the relationship. To me it is a foreign concept just as saying heroine can be used in a responsible manner. We all give in to the feeling and can't trust ourselves to be responsible with it.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Les, I totally understand your perspective. I just cannot conceive of how it would be possible to eradicate porn, for there would always be ways of finding it. There are of course some major issues regarding porn and its many uses. The most predominant issue is its abundant availability through electronic media, and the lack of understanding most people have regarding the possible repercussions of its use. I'm not a major porn advocate, but neither am I against its use. As with any dopamine inducing activity, there is a significant danger of abuse and addiction, of which there are many terrible outcomes. But, like the use of alcohol and other recreational activities and substances, the proper education of young people is the key to responsible use. To quote sex therapist and author Wendy Maltz:

"Because of cultural shame and silence, children aren't receiving messages informing them that there's a difference between porn fantasies and the real world, where interpersonal dynamics matter and sex has consequences. Without these touchstones, kids may fail to realise how harmful and unfair it is to measure their own sexuality (or anyone else's) against porn standards and how dangerous it can be to try to mimic what they see in porn"

Unfortunately many people are terrified of discussing matters of sex, porn and masturbation with their children, and often sex-edu in schools is far too basic, failing to cover some of the most important issues relating to the emotional and interpersonal dynamics associated with sex.
Porn is not just a fantasy world, it's not that simple. Nothing ever is. Porn is, and has been for a long long time, a part of society. Fantasy style porn is, to an ever increasing number of people, simply a major turn-off. Porn stars are quite grotesque, and the depiction of unrealistic scenarios are just ridiculous, laughable even if it weren't for the sadness of it all. There has been a huge amateur movement in porn over recent years, where consenting couples or single people are quite willing to share their own footage of themselves -real people having real sex - people of all shapes and sizes, age, colour and creed. Trying to tell a teenager that they mustn't use porn is like trying to put out a housefire with a watering can. Surely it is better to educate young people about the myriad forms of porn and the repercussions of abusing it, so that they can make an informed choice about the kind of porn they use, and how they use it. Banning something is an ineffective way of controlling it. Just look at US prohibition in the 1900s for an example, or even modern drug laws. Educating people so that they can make their own informed choices, is an entirely more appropriate response. But the key to doing so before they develop a problem, is to educate young people as they are coming into sexual awareness. By the time somebody develops a problem it is too late. Society needs to change in its attitudes towards sex. Being too embarrassed to discuss the realities of sexuality and pornography with our kids is a poor excuse.

Regarding porn use in couples, the exact same issues apply. Some people don't enjoy porn, some do. It should never become a necessary requirement for love making. It's like anything new or different, it's just a bit of fun every now and then. Trying to emulate fantasy style porn is totally unrealistic, and will most likely result in abject failure and disappointment. Trying it out for a bit of fun, knowing this, is a totally different thing. But too many people are totally uneducated and ignorant of realistic sexual practise. Raise awareness, and you change attitudes for the better.

I do firmly believe that pornography can be therapeutic. When my grandfather was widowed in his 80s he had no desire to be with another woman, he loved my grandmother too much and missed her too much to want to (as he saw it) replace her with another. Yet he did use porn to satisfy his sexual desires. There is nothing wrong with that, it hurt nobody, and gave him a little bit of pleasure and escapism. The only thing he was concerned about, was that when he died he didn't want my mum or sisters to find out about it, so he asked me to dispose of it for him when he fell ill.
There are many other situations when porn can be used therapeutically or for leisure without causing harm, but the key is understanding how to use it, and how it can affect your perceptions of sex. when it comes down to it, most people can use porn without developing a problem with it. It is unfortunate, but inevitable that a few people do develop problems. The important issue is trying to prevent that from happening realistically.


James i'm only a teenager though... i don't drink or do any kind of drugs or alchol. I don't have peyronies. I've read up about it more recently and apparently the standing up thing is due to me only masturbating when sitting down... i don't think i have ever masturbated standing up... it's conditioning. I can on my knees/sitting down quite easily ejaculate without porn although if i do it alot my erections are a bit softer  atleast compared to my morning erections. My soft erections amy also be due to the blood in my penis not going through properly due to my penis curve. I probably didn't write my thing right but i don't think i can have ED at this age? I mean i'm not the only teen to have masturbated every day for a few years am i? I also go gym and have a healthy diet. God if i seriously have ED... severe phimosis... and a pretty significant penis curve... i really am unlucky and or screwed up my penis.
I think part of it is not liking the look of my penis/knowing no girl will want it looking how it is and too much porn/masturbating. And also i need to start masturbating standing up.
what do you think?


I agree with you Welsh, in school they only really speak of safe sex and cleaning your foreskin... They didn't speak of masturbating too much/too much porn and the side effects.  


ED is not reserved to old man only.
I know at least abut two teenagers that had done implants because the severe ED.
Good that you are not drinking alcohol or doing drugs.
Regarding weaker erection if you are masturbating or having sex too frequently, I think is normal.
You are right I suppose that you are not the only teenager masturbating every day, but you don't know how it is affecting other people erection.
Check the results if you are reducing the masturbation to ones in two days. It will make you a more clear picture.
Regarding your curve, I don't remember all your posts, it is congenital?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Yes it is congential. I seem to have delayed, quite frequent peeing too. About a week ago i was pretty depressed and i masturbated twice in one day and since then when ever i see something that sexually excites me i no longer get a semi erection. I managed just now to masturbate standing up although it does require quite a bit of concentration. ED can be a mental thing i did an exercise for pelvic muscles which was meant to help my urine.. as soon as i did it my urine felt really smooth with no after peeing... when i pee a few seconds later i pee a bit more... also when i have an erection my penis kind of twiches. Anyways my penis felt like it had full empted. Although the next day and onwards it did not do the same.. i'm not sure how it could be a mental thing if it's effecting my peeing. Unless that's to do with my very tight foreskin...
When i'm like fully horny my penis is quite hard and i can ejaculate but when i do it is kind of not exactly a smooth process like when masturbation my penis seems to kind of twich. Hard to explain. I'm hoping this is all due to depression or something. I mean i can ejaculate without porn i just need to think about it quite a bit.
Sorry that was very jumbled.
Thanks for the reply!


Quote from: LWillisjr on July 04, 2014, 01:16:30 PM
Sorry... not trying to be old fashioned, but I take a hard stand against it. After counseling several couples, we see them dealing with too many issues as a result. Using it in a 'responsible manner' is just an excuse for bringing it into the relationship. To me it is a foreign concept just as saying heroin can be used in a responsible manner.

I respect your point of view, Les, but I don't really agree. I suspect that the problem here is that you only see couples who have serious relationship difficulties, so you meet with a very biased sample of the population.

In a very similar vein, I have met a number of substance abuse counselors who are convinced, based on their professional experience, that it is unsafe for anyone to drink alcohol in any form, because the progression to alcoholism is inevitable: they see it every day. Well, sure--because they work with alcoholics.

Just for the record, my first exposure to serious porn was when I was 11. I've had many successful relationships with women, and have been living with the same woman in a committed relationship for decades. And, I might add, a lot of women enjoy porn, too. (In fact, I think that romance novels are just a specialized form of porn for a certain kind of woman.)

I think porn is like sugar: You can certainly overdo it, and if you overdo it, there will be adverse consequences.


Quote from: Stevew87 on July 04, 2014, 08:01:42 PM
I mean i'm not the only teen to have masturbated every day for a few years am i?

No, definitely not. I started jerking off when I was 11, and until I was 35 or so there was almost never a day that I didn't ejaculate at least once. Note the qualifier 'at least.' So I don't think you're abnormal. Heck, I once jerked off twice while waiting in the car for one of my parents to come out of a store. Standing up? Hell, I could probably have polished one off standing on my head!

But starting at age 14, real sex started playing a much larger role. Not the only, role, though. (Until I decided to take an ejaculation vacation starting a few weeks ago, at age 60, I don't think I've ever gone more than three days without popping my rocks. That's mostly with partners, however. My hand is a backup device.)

The only thing that worries me is that it sounds as if you are developing something that is kind of ritualized. You say that without porn you need to 'think about it quite a bit.' Well, being deeply involved ought to be a part of reaching orgasm, whether by yourself or with someone else. Perhaps you're getting used to letting imagery do the work for you. There's a lot more to sex than the visuals.

Indeed, a lot of it happens in the dark!


Is anyone able to explain why i need to pee alot, my urine stream is weaker then before, i have delayed ejaculation and peeing and when i pee it kind of does little bursts at the end. I think those are symptoms of ED. I discussed this on another forum and they told me it's likely to be due to hard flaccid. Of which is basically weak/tight pelvic floor muscles.
Another symptom is needing to pee in the night... but i don't have that.. i can also get good morning erections of which last for a good couple of minutes i think atleast until i pee. This makes me believe that it could all be in my head as surely if i need to pee so much i would need to go in the night?
I go from being worried about getting a circumcision (living in the Uk thats rare)... to having a weird girth (not worried too much about) and pretty curved penis to now possible needing treatment/surgery for ED of which may not work properly... god if i develop ED i literally give up with my penis/feel like cutting it off.
Sorry if i sound like a baby/pathetic just venting.
Thanks for the help guys!
p.s the ED should really be physiological but i don't see how my head could be causing me to have peeing difficulties unless it really is this pelvic floor issue i may have... i did a suffer aot of bad bloating for a while due to wind i wouldn't be surprised if my pelvic floor is damaged.  


SteveW87.............Sounds like an enlarged prostate problem.........dplookin


Thanks for the reply. I literally read the symptoms and i have all 3 of them. Well sounds as if it's nothing serious...but still they say it's common in old men due to lower hormone levels... does that mean my hormone levels are going down or something... god why do i have so many different things wrong with my penis... i swear a bet this happens to like less than 0.1% of people my age or something... plus severe phimosis and congential penis curves above 30 degrees are rare...
I mean how can they tell i have this? My urologist did feel my scrotum apon checking for peyronies and he said nothing...


Guys i actually think it could be urine infection. I do have some pain/burning feeling when peeing sometimes. Also my urine is cloudy. Considering i have very tight foreskin infections are meant to be alot more common... awkward thing is i will have to see the same urlogists i just cancelled with to go to STAGE.  



Everything will be much clear to you if you will see a good urologist.
Until then, everything is just speculations.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: Stevew87 on July 05, 2014, 07:39:36 PM
I mean how can they tell i have this? My urologist did feel my scrotum apon checking for peyronies and he said nothing...

If you're talking about prostate problems, your urologist won't find them by checking your scrotum. It will involve rubber gloves and lube.

Prostatitis can be caused by infections, or prostate enlargement. Furthermore, all of it's main symptoms can be caused by Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) But generally CPPS is only decided on after ruling everything else out first.


Well i have been having occasional hot urine. I mean this problem i think has been around for quite some time and they said a key symptom is it lasting longer than 3 months... although phimosis can cause reaccurance of urine infections... i really hope i don't have that there doesn't seem to be very reliable treatment for it. I'm thinking my ED is due to way too much porn.... known as porn induced ED. I mean last week i masturbated twice in one day and since then i don't get semi erections when looking at fit girls.
I have also been having to sleep after school alot...
I mean can a urine infection last longer then 3 months or so... unless i keep getting it. I only get abdominal pain when i urine a bit... although today i did have some quite sharp pain although i think thats due to me holding in gas. I had antibiotics for something of which caused alot of gas and i got bad bloating for a while it's died down but yeah...



Continuing with endless theories and watching every small change you will not get nowhere.
Why don't see a good urologist and hopefully get answers to all your questions and concerns?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Just to add. James is right i really shouldn't be searching all these things up until i see urologist. I'm sorry it's jsut too tempting mean just to add with what you linked i ony jsut saw that pain tends to be around the base of the penis/rectum area. I only have a slight cramp/pain in my bladder area after peeing and this rarely happens but i get hot urine. Anyways i don't mean to spam the forum and thank you for the help Ursus i mean it could be a possbility although i hope not there seems to be no real cure other then wait it out... thing is i have had this freqquent peeing for a long time now. I mean it seems to have happened almost all year... although recently it kind of died down but i think that was due to me not drinking enough thinking i was because i was peeing so much.
I think the abdominal pain is wind. Almost certain.


I've visted my GP about 3 times in the last month seeing him again (i have alot of things wrong. I've only just seen one about my penis curve and am hoping to see the specialists and stage. I'm going to have a urine test at my GP. By the way my last message was typed before i say yours, i got a message saying warning someone has just posted. Sorry don't mean to spam your forum it's just i'm pretty down at the moment an have quite a bit of anxiety.  



No one think you are spamming the forum and many forum members are happy to help.
I am just saying that checking every small thing that happening to you, will increase your anxiety.
Real answers you will get just (hopefully) from a good urologist.
Regarding hot urine, I don't think that something is wrong, don't forget our body temperature is 36.6 degree and our penis sometime more cold, so will feel the urine hot.
Also need to drink a lot of water, not coffee, tea, bear and so on to have better urinating and avoid infections.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


The hot urine was painful though. I only drink water and milk. Thing is i think i got an infection... then didnt drink as much because i think i am because im peeing so much... like if i drink alot i will need to pee in like 10 minutes and in school during lesson... can't really do that.... due to be getting hydrated i think it's meant the infection hasnt gone.... i've noticed my headaches have stopped since ive started drinking more.  


Steve, I suspect your frequent urination could be anxiety related. If you have other health issues going on at the moment, combined with end of year stresses at school, it's only natural to be experiencing some anxiety. You appear to be over analysing everything, which again is a symptom of anxiety. I know it's easier said than done, but try to take a step back, and see if you can take your mind off things by doing something you enjoy during your free time. Eat and drink properly, and get some decent rest at night, not staying up late and worrying online ;) You can only move as fast as the NHS, so try and calm down a bit. Take it easy.


I think your right. I mean i have to pee during break and lunch times is that like alot? I mean the gap is about 100 minutes. I think i have anxiety over needing to go in class... the delayed thing seems to have increased since i've been searching up stuff. I do think i have a mild urine infection which is common with phimosis, last time i spoke to my GP he was surprised i hadn't had any infection and said if ou start getting them speak to us. Well i willl get circumcision along with my penis curve surgery which will hopefullly be soon.


You are right about the phimosis and UTI relationship. I experienced it a couple of times when I had phimosis, and it was most unpleasant. I had the sensation that I needed to pee constantly, literally all the time, but only dribbles came out. When I did urinate it burned a lot and it stung like hell. I had a high temperature too. I was given antibiotics by the GP, and was advised to drink plenty of water and cranberry juice. It cleared up within about 3 days of treatment. Thankfully since the circumcision there has been no repeat.
I think needing to pee every 100 mins is a little frequent, but sounds more like anxiety urination than a UTI. If you used to pee less often, I'd take it as a sign of anxiety. The occasional hot sensation is probably not much to be concerned about, as James said. But if it constantly burns and actually causes pain then you should be seeing a GP asap. UTIs can be nasty.


Note that UT infections can recur again and again unless they are really obliterated.

Second the cranberry juice! Also available in capsules.


The guy looked at my urine and said i didn't have an infection and it's not diabetes. I can't remember exactly what he said but something to do with my urthera being inflamed could be causing the problem of which he said relates to the phimosis. He's told me to have a blood test to see if there is anything serious. The delayed ejaculation i think was due to anxiety it's kind of stopped now. Also my pee being weaker... more often but not really often... dribbing at the end.... sounds as if he is right i mean if the pee tube is inflamed then it would cause that.


Ok so just to update i have officially started a diet of no porn or masturbation. I think my case of porn induced ED could be quite severe. I can only get erections when watching porn and rubbing my penis. I have also steared away from 'vanilla porn' which is also a sign that one has watched too much. I do get morning erections how ever. Whether i would get/keep an erection during sex (still a virgin) i'm not sure. I can also ejaculate when my penis isn't 100% hard. Like i will be close to going and if i stop thinking/looking at something my penis will go softer but i can still quickly ejaculate. Anyone on here know much about porn induced ED? Just to confirm i don't have peyronies so it's not that.
I started masturbating since around 13 and have done it 1-2 times per day and when i do watch it... i do watch it for a good hour. I swear sometimes i've even watched it longer. Random erection i haven't experienced for a long time.
p.s I'm 18


I think you might find good advice at the pegym ED forum: Link deleted by moderator



Your link is to a commercial site that also promotes jelqing.
Jelking is a known cause of Peyronies disease, we have many forum members that they Peyronies started there.
Please be kind and think before posting links. Read the forum rules.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I used that website. They adviced jelqing against the curve to cure my penis curve. All it did was give me some fat vein and some gland pain. Many urllogists say it can cause bad long term effects so since i tried it and heard about it from a source not on that website i have stopped. Only did it for like 1-2 weeks luckily. Although i have to admit there is some good advice on that forum minus the jelqing.
This website i have been reading recently. How long will it take to recover from Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction? | Your Brain On Porn
In my case i will have to stopped masturbation and porn for  maybe as much as 9 months. Thing is right now i have no desire to masturbate anyways, i'm in the flatlione stage where most men think by stopping it's making it worse and go back to porn.
The thing i'd like to know is if it's ok to like check out women in real life and maybe see a few pictures of girls on my facebook page... will that do much harm?


Interesting link Steve.
I checked it (superficially) to see if it is not a commercial site.
Th website seems serous, with serious Q&A.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Sorry James,  I didn't think linking the ED-specific board of that site would contravene forum rules, and I certainly wasn't condoning jelking.