Mega B vitamins and icariin extract

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Hi gang! Long time no post. I am happy to report that my Peyronies is still stable. Aside from a small dorsal bend toward the head I seem to be fine structurally. I am as I have said before of the opinion that in my case excessive drinking played a role in me getting the disease. I am experimenting with different alternative treatments as I still have E.D.. I of course first got my drinking in hand. Then I started to look at what effects alcohol has on the body and the nutritional demands those may create. One of the most common deficiencies alcoholics generally have is in B vitamins across the board. After researching B vitamins and determining the most important ones and best forms I started taking therapeutic doses of several of them. While I haven't yet cured my ED I do feel much better and I have noticed an unexpected side effect I felt was worthy of passing along. I for along time noticed that my penis had a different color (more brown and mottled looking) that came on after getting Peyronies. I also noticed that I could not get as good a pump as when I first started when I gave myself a vacuum therapy treatment. While pumped my penis looked "angry", red spider veins in some spots and blueish color in others. It to me looked to be symptomatic of a lack of both complete blood flow and  elasticity. Since I started with the B vitamins my penis is now back to a shiny healthy pink color all over and I am able to get a better fuller pump. Along with the B vitamins I am also taking icariin extract and L-citruline. I feel as if my plaques are also somewhat smaller.  I take vitamin D, ubiquinol, alcar and magnesium as well but those aren't new to my regimen. I have forskolin, inositol and pine bark extract on the way. All have shown promise for ED so with any luck......




Good to read that your disease is not progressing.
Can you give us some more details regarding your treatment?
I mean when and how much you are taking from all the medications/supplements?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


  Sorry for the late reply. I take the following B vitamins... P5P (active form of B6) 50mg twice daily, Sublingual B12 1000mcg twice daily, Folate (as metafolin) 800 mcg twice daily, Benfotiamine (absorbable form of B1) 250mg twice daily, 7 grams of Inositol powder twice daily I also take 5 grams each of L-Citruline and Acetyl-L-Carnitine twice daily. The Inositol, Citruline and ALCAR are all powders which I either add to my morning smoothie or mix and chug in water.
 The longer I am on this B vitamin regimen the more control I have noticed over my drinking as well. I have gone from a pretty out of control daily binge drinker to a guy that has a couple glasses of wine a night. I also have new found control over what used to be triggers. For example the other night I met friends for happy hour. My prior pattern would have been to drink excessively, drive home drunk and be in  the dog house with the wife. This time I had a couple of beers and left and was done drinking for the night.  


  I almost forgot two important ones. I also take 1000mg Niacin in the morning and 500mg in the afternoon and 600mg Magnesium Chloride twice daily. The Mag. is quite important I believe as it is utilized as a catalist in many body processes as well as being important for the proper distribution of calcium in the body. Without enough magnesium (and due to over farming and lack of leafy greens in most our diets) calcium gets put in places it doesnt belong such as joints, muscles and perhaps peyronies plaques. Magnesium also relaxes both mind and muscle tissue which cant be bad.
 I know this is a ridiculous amount of supplements to have to take but I really notice a difference when I dont take them.



Thanks for shearing with us your treatment.
Also your statement bellow I hope will help others:
QuoteThe longer I am on this B vitamin regimen the more control I have noticed over my drinking as well.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Yes,  hope so. I went from being a drinker that had a switch that would flip after a few drinks and I wouldnt stop till all the booze in the house was gone to a person that NEVER looses control. Do I sometimes drink more than I feel I should? Yes, but I made the choice to do so and even then its a fraction of what I would have consumed prior to taking the B vitamins. I used to frequently pass out in front of the TV, now I NEVER do. I still think I have room for improvement but now I know I have the willpower to make more changes when I decide to (after the holidays).  



Still alive and kicking. I found out I have thyroid disease so I just started taking synthroid. Also my IGF-1 levels are below the normal range so when we get the thyroid figured out we will have to address that. This getting older crap is for the birds. IGF-1 is associated with healthy tissues, I wonder if there is a Peyronies tie in.