Finished week 2 of 26 with 3-cylinder protocol and am happy

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Peyronie's nailed me about 10 years ago. My family doctor was terrific in other ways, but he failed to refer me to a urologist and I never heard about VED or any other treatment until two years ago. In the meantime, I lost almost half of my length, I had a very severe bend in my penis, and I could never get an erection more than about 70% hard. Usually less than that. Having sex was almost impossible, especially because of the embarrassment I felt when I thought about having sex with other women after my divorce six years ago.

Two years ago I tried a VED. It did not work for me. The severe bend of my penis would not allow me to fit my penis into a one-cylinder unit of about 2 1/4 inches. My hopes were dashed!

I tried again about two months ago and found help via this site. Old Man answered many questions and gave me lots of practical advice. I was immediately able to use a 2 1/2 inch cylinder. I could not pump very much, because my penis head pushed hard against the side of the cylinder. In fact, I ruptured a tiny blood vessel and had to rest a few days before starting again. Old Man had warned me about over-pumping, but I had to learn the difficult way.

I live outside of the U.S. and just recently got the medium and small cylinders to complete my 3-cylinder unit. With Old Man's guidance, I started the 26-week, 3-cylinder protocol two weeks ago. I have been able to successfully use the small cylinder for two weeks! Before getting Old Man's help, I thought the odds of being able to use even the large cylinder were only a little better than zero. I feel great about this early success...being able to use the small cylinder. I start with the medium cylinder tomorrow.

I have not measured to see if I am gaining any length yet. The small cylinder restricts how much I can pump, so the length can't be measured while in the tube. But I already have seen my penis straighten out a lot since I started with the large tube a couple of months ago!

Consistency is important, so I'm focusing on that instead of worrying about gaining length, etc. at this point. I'll just do the protocol for at least the 26 weeks and see what happens.

Anyone starting to use a VED would be wise to take the advice often given on this subject: PM Old Man for his help. It has made the total difference between total failure and significant success (already) for me.  


Awesome news and more encouragement for others! Old Man should change his name to Wise Man in my opinion. Keep up the great work and please give us updates often!


Thanks for the encouragement. knight55387, I agree that OM should be known as WM. This forum is terrific, but I read it two years ago when I first tried a VED and it did not work. The difference is this: This time I PM'd OM (WM) and took his advice.

I will post updates. Today was day one of week one on the medium cylinder. The exercise went well. I've started doing the VED early in the day instead of at night. It's easier to make sure I do it each day.

Thanks again for your support.  


Wonderful to hear stillwantamor,

I like you have seen amazing results, in only 3 weeks!, from VED. While I had a recent mishap with prolonged pump holding, I am literally seeing my old penis come back and the dents disappearing before my eyes. I don't know what I would do without the VED!


That's terrific, NeoV! I didn't have dents, so I haven't seen that kind of visible result.

Besides already straghtening my penis significantly, I had sex this weekend for the first time since I started the protocol two weeks ago. I got and was able to maintain a stronger erection than I remember having in the past 10 years.

Keep up the good work...and it's great to get and give encouragement to you since we're on a similar path!


I too have recently seen improvement. Although I do traction also, since being disciplined with the VED, the curve is almost gone while still in the cylinder. As many of you know I need the VED and rings to have sex. The "healing" curve is still present when I pull it out and pop on the rings, but that is getting better also. Regards Inkhorn


Care enough to throw everything you got at this disease but do not care enough to ruin your Life!


Litani- I got Peyronies one year ago and really started aggressive treatment with traction and orals 6 months ago. I have been using the VED, not for therapy, but a couple times a week for 4 years which only amounted to 5 minutes stretching prior to putting on the rings, for sex. In August after talking to Old Man, I started to follow his protocol about 15 minutes day. I also do "milking" as instructed by him. So the short answer is 2.5 months. Regards Inkhorn



Send a PM to Old Man. He will be happy to explain you.
In any case, when he will be online, I am sure he will answer you.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum