My Story and Treatment Plan

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Hey guys, I'm 25 and over ten years ago I suffered a penile fracture. My penis healed, but I have had problems keeping erections ever since and also has lost some sensitivity. I can orgasm, but I don't really feel satisfied. I was so naive since I got injured that the only thing I looked for on the internet was "penile fractures" and I completely ignored peyronie's disease since I knew I didn't have a disease just a severed injury; it wasn't until recently that out of curiosity I started reading about peyronie's and discovered that it isn't really a disease more like a condition. I matched all the symptoms and cause even though most articles online say the cause is unknown I believe is the result of trauma/injury.So at the moment, I have some moderate to severed curvature don't know in degrees though, but just by glancing it seems to be about 60 degrees. I'm going to start my treatment this september which will consist of the following:

SizeGenetics Traction Device 6 Hours a day with breaks every 2 hours
CoQ10 100mg 3 times a day
Krill Oil 1 capsule 2 times a day
Acetyl L-Carnitine 1 gram 2 times a day

Now, for the rest of my treatment I need something to help me with erections and the most common solution will be 2.5mg Cialis once a week, but I'm also considering VigRx Plus,Red Panax Ginseng, a combination of 1.5 grams of L-arginine daily with Pycnogenol 40mg 3 times a day or Vitalikor ready when...Any suggestions in this area will be very welcome. The reason I'm looking for alternatives to Cialis is because I don't want to explain why I'm taking it to my future partner,but once again if I have no choice I will bite the bullet and do it, besides I will have to tell her once and it will cool from there on.

Concerning Pentox, I'm staying away from it mostly because of the side effect of losing momentarily focus, I cannot afford to lose focus in my job, but if I have no choice I may start it in January. Also, for how long do I have to use pentox to start noticing improvements? I have heard that it may take months, but having a number in mind could be helpful. Also, what would happens if after I start seeing results I stop taking it? will I lose whatever progress I'm able to achieve? Thanks again for the help concerning this.


I am a computer programmer and I take pentox. I have never experianced loss of focus.
Care enough to throw everything you got at this disease but do not care enough to ruin your Life!


I accidentally took 1,200 mg. of Pentox all at once (they were mixed in with some vitamin supplements) and all it did was make me sleepy for a while.

Got Testosterone?


danbon- Welcome, it looks like, you've done a good bit of research already. I can tell you I have been doing a lot of what you mentioned as your plan off attack(no pentox) and have seemed to arrest any continuing damage. Got peyronies about 10 months ago and been on this treatment for about 3 months. Good Luck, Regards Inkhorn


danbon. Could you explain how you suffered you fracture? Was there any swelling, noise ? Did you go to the hospital? Thanks


Can you explain what caused the injury ?
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


Quote from: funnyfarm on August 18, 2013, 05:24:39 PM
Can you explain what caused the injury ?
Quote from: the_Ushtipack on August 18, 2013, 11:50:51 AM
danbon. Could you explain how you suffered you fracture? Was there any swelling, noise ? Did you go to the hospital? Thanks

I was on my bed with a very strong erection that didn't want to go away. I started masturbating and I bent my penis with such force that I heard a pop sound. My penis became instantly flaccid and turned purple, I had intense pain for many weeks. The hematoma went away and I was left with a minor curvature of about 30 degrees or less. Through the years, the curvature has gotten worse, sometimes I do feel pain in my penis, but not that often. I'm mostly worried about the fact I cannot keep a strong erection nor feel intense orgasms(except once every few months). I never went to the doctor since I was only 15, embarrassed, no insurance, and my parents were broke.Needless to say, it has been a very rough ten years, but at least I'm excited to see there is something I can do to improve my condition and I cannot wait to get started in about two weeks with the traction device and the supplements. I'm also going to be doing cardio exercise and probably change some food in my diet to be as healthy as possible to maximize the healing process. What are your thoughts about pills for erections? which ones would you guys recommend? I mentioned the ones I have in my at the moment on my first post. I will greatly appreciate your opinion on this matter.


Hey Guys! just giving you the heads up! I placed my order for the SizeGenetics Traction Device today and I am so excited. I cannot wait to start my treatment. I must admit that I do feel some anxiety,but I don't really have it clear why. I guess just knowing that I'm finally going to take action and face my condition it's a whole new adventure. I have also decided that my treatment plan is going to consist of the following:

SizeGenetics 6 hours with breaks
Ubiquinol 100mg 1x
Pycnogenol 50mg 2x
L-Arginine 500mg 2x
Acetyl L-Carnitine 500mg 1x
Omega 3 1x
VigRx Plus 2x

if you guys are wondering why my dosage seems low to tell you the truth I think that's all I can handle for now;besides, I cannot really buy these supplements until next month. Right now I only have CoQ10,L-Arginine,ALCAR,Krill Oil.
I'm also thinking depending on my results in three months I will take a more aggressive approach with Pentox,Cialis,increase dosage of l-arg and ALCAR, and probably even add more supplements and even Bathmate(Water Pump),man 1oil,the Lamp Therapy and so forth. Any thoughts or comments are welcome, Thanks!!



I would not wait on the Pentox and Cialis. Attack this disease with everything you can.


I will second IhatePD.
Personally I got the most from Pentox and low dose Cialis.
Modified today an my apology to Old Man :) :) :)
What helped me most is the VED!!!

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: IhatePD on September 02, 2013, 11:28:11 AM

I would not wait on the Pentox and Cialis. Attack this disease with everything you can.
Quote from: james1947 on September 03, 2013, 01:44:16 AM
I will second IhatePD.
Personally I got the most from Pentox and low dose Cialis.


Thanks Guys!  


I know I'm going for the Pentox and Cialis! Made an appointment with the uro for next week to get the prescriptions. If he tries to refuse me I'm going to lead him to this board so he can read it for himself!

You've all convinced me and I thank you!

Come on danbon, let's join together with those who have the experience and destroy this disease together!


If the doctor refuses you, there's always! I got a years supply of cialis/pentox for about $250 or so, which is extremely cheap.
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
― Sun Tzu


Thanks for sharing! I'll keep that in mind for a possible back up plan!


Sizegenetics arrived today! already did an hour of traction. Do you guys think that I should maybe flip the traction device and put more pressure on the side that needs to be straighten? I read online in another website that a guy did that,but I don't know if it is recommended. Maybe I should just do the normal traction way. I'm low on cash right now,but in a few weeks I should have everything I will use to improve my condition.

I'm not really hesitant to get on Cialis nor on anything else except Pentox. I know this may be come as a shock to many of you since that is currently the most powerful oral treatment available,but if I'm not mistaken I should take that pretty much for life,right? I know is cheap and the secondary effects are really not that bad, but for some reason I don't see myself taking a drug for life....I know that maybe I should humble myself and do it. It's weird because I don't have a problem  getting any of the other treatments including cialis.


danbon- Concerning Size genetics (which i use), is a trick question. According to their instructions, no traction changes should be used for 6 weeks. That being said, their main objective, is penis enlargement. Peyronies is a secondary position for them. Some one who claims success using it told me to increase the traction on the bad side, which I do. Regards Inkhorn



Regarding Pentox:
* You don't need to take it for life time. Many on the forum get on and off with Pentox.
* Pentox is helping me with other health issues, not just Peyronies. For example all the small red and blue blood vessels on my face and  feet disappeared almost completely.
* Pentox is making the red blood cells flexible so they can penetrate more easy to the smallest blood vessels.
* The benefit from it is that the oxygen supply to everywhere in our body is better, the red blood cells are carrying the oxygen.  

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hey Guys! I just realized that there is some more info about my condition for which maybe you can help me with. When I get my weak erection I do notice that the top two(corpora cavernosa) do get hard and appear to have good blood. The Corporum cavernosum(bottom one with the urethra) is the one that does not get hard at all(I do feel some blood flow though).I can barely feel and move my pc muscle. When I do manage to move it I cannot even hold it for a second and I lose my erection very quickly.In my research online, they say to do keggels of pc muscle exercises,but frankly I cannot even do that since like I said I can barely feel and move my pc muscles. My question to you guys is if there is something that I can do about this? What do you think my be the cause? do I have muscle spasm or maybe even an enlarged prostate? What supplements or drugs can i take for this? I have heard some people saying calcium,magnesium, and saw palmetto but I just wanted to ask for your thought s before I get on any of that. Thanks.



In my opinion every man should take Saw Palmetto. When I started taking it my prostate was almost twice normal size and urination was difficult. When I started taking it I threw away all the prostate drugs. 6 months later my urologist did a DRE and told me what ever I was doing keep it up my prostate had returned to normal size.

I'm 70 now and have an over active bladder. My new local urologist asked me about going on a prostate med. Then he did a prostate exam and he also said what ever I was doing keep it up. My prostate was a normal size.

A little off topic, sorry.




Sorry for not knowing the subject before I made the the TUNA procedure to reduce my Prostate size (that was just 1.5 times bigger than normal as he is today) and started my Peyronies.
What is Saw Palmetto?
Where I can buy it?
How you are taking it?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



The Saw Palmetto tree grows in South Carolina and Florida. It was discovered that the native Indians did not have prostate problems because eating the berries.

You should be able to find it in any reputable nutrition center like GNC.  Now a lot of drug stores carry it, even Walmart. It is cheaper than the prostate meds without the side effects.

It is packaged in different strengths. Just follow the label directions.

If you can not find it in your area send me a PM or email and I will send you a bottle.




Thanks for the information and the good will :).
I will try to find it here, if no my sister will be more than happy to send me from the US. She is always happy to help me if I need something.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


More info of where I'm at the moment: I placed an order for VigRx Plus 2 bottles and Semenax. The ingredients of VigRx Plus are the following per tablet:

korean red ginseng 100mg
saw palmetto 100mg
hawthorne 100mg
ginkgo biloba 100mg
damiana 100mg
tribulus terrestris 75mg
catuaba 50mg
muira puama 50mg
cuscuta 25mg
epimedium 15mg
Bioperine 5mg

Semena per 2 tablets-
vitamin e 60iu,
zinc aspartate 30mg,
l carnitine 500mg,
maca 400mg,
pine bark extract 300mg,
l arginine HCI 250mg,
l lysine 250mg,
catuaba 200mg,
epimedium sagittatum 150mg,
muira puama 100mg,
hawthorne 50mg,
cranberry 50mg,
tribulus terrestris 50mg,
avena sativa extract 50mg,
sarsaparilla 50mg,
swedish flower 50mg,
pumpkin 30mg

Pills should be arriving this Wednesday. In the meantime, I have managed to put 18 hours of traction. As soon as I get paid next coming Friday I will place an order for Ubiquinol. Right now I'm taking CoQ10,krill oil,and ALCAR, but I'm almost out so I need to restock.

Guys, what do you think about Kanavo Repair from Herbalove?

Penile Repair & Rejuevnation Pack - Curculigo + Kanabo Repair Xtreme, 2x60 tabs, (Proactive Natural) |


Let us know when you start the treatment and then the results.

Thanks again Jack regarding Saw Palmetto. My sister bought me supply for 6 months and sent it with parcel post.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Guys, I'm embarrassed to say this,but I haven't been able to keep up with my treatment plan mostly due to lack of privacy. On the good side, I drove to see Dr. Rafael Carrion in Tampa, Fl since he was the closest in the doctors' list here in the forum. Contrary to what the forum says, I don't think he was bad. I barely had to ask him for pentox and cialis and he immediately prescribed them to me. On the bad side, he didn't give me much hope. Curved is now up to 90 degrees and ED. The situation does look pretty bad he told me to go and see him and six months and we'll see what happens. He also told me to do VED. He gave me bad news about Xiaflex. No insurance will cover it for the next two years and it will cost thousands.He gave me a referral to see another doctor about interferon injections,but he's out of state don't know if I can make the trip. Even though things are looking pretty bad. I do have some positives. 1)Have lots of tools at my disposition compared to a few months ago. 2)May actually be able to get privacy for the next 4 months or so.

Guys, do you think I should avoid taking VigRx plus and Semenax if I'm taking Pentox and Cialis? just to avoid interactions and side effects.

I'm also thinking doing a 20 day "Cleanse" before starting on Pentox and Cialis permanently and the other supplements just to maximize my body's healing ability, what do you guys think about that?

about VED should I limit to 1 or 2 short sessions or can I do several sessions daily? maybe 4 10 minute sessions? Thanks for all the support!

Old Man


Strongly suggest that you locate the new revised VED protocol for the one cylinder VED. It is located in the VED board section of the home page index.

Log in to the forum home page and scroll down to the VED board section. Open it and locate the one cylinder VED protocol posted by JackP. Study this protocol and see what is highly recommended for the one cylinder VED therapy.

If you should decide on getting a three cylinder VED, study the three cylinder VED protocol located in the same VED board section where the other VED protocols are listed.

There are many guys on and off the forum including myself that are using or have used the VED therapy and I am sure they will be glad to answer any questions you might have regarding VED usage.

Since you state that your privacy problem could be over for several months, suggest that you decide whether or not to use the VED therapy soon and not delay. Delaying only makes your situation worse.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.