Open Questions on Peyronies Disease (That won't fit under any of our current topics)

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Steve, I absolutely believe that it is not a coincidence that your peyronies is being affected by what you are going through.  Aloe vera softgels have helped me a lot in terms of anxiety and stress and I highly recommend them.  I also believe that they have been helpful with my peyronies over time.  Here are a couple of links I think you will find interesting:

I wish you the best.

- George


My Peyronies Disease got worse right after my divorce. I relate it, however, to a loss of libido and a consequent lack of erections. Interestingly (at least to me!) is that I went on Celexa immediately in the middle of the worst of it. During that crazy time, I had a common side effect of that particular drug, which is having pretty hard erections (usually nocturnal but also harder when slightly aroused). The irony is that I had no sex drive, no partner, and a great erection most of the time! Talk about irony!

However, when things got worse was later when I was still on the drug but coming off of it, and with fewer side effects (including erections). I was still alone and without much in the way of a libido - and I believe that the lack of hard(er) erections was associated with the progression. I think this (as opposed to "stress" per se) since my stress level had lessened, and my dose of celexa had lessened - so I felt niether of those were as likely to be temporally associated with the progression.

Later (very recently), though, it seems to be progressing without those conditions (less stress, no celexa, and a better sex life).

One way to test this theory is to use a VED. It may be a bit "clinical", but it might be something you could do while not feeling as sexual and partnerless - it might provide benefit. As it would not require a partner, it could thus be a thing that you could do alone without it being "about sex".

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


When stress is high, eating patterns, sleeping patterns, and activity levels all change.  These all effect a host of biological functions.  I think it's very reasonable to attribute at least some of the responsibilty to stress.

I was having classic signs of depression, but I wanted to "handle it" myself.  I didn't need a doctor or meds.  My stomach and digestion were haywire.  My Peyronies Disease was becoming worse and my ED was a zero.

I finally decided to think about myself as if I were someone else.  If someone had the symptoms I'm having, what would I tell them.  I went to my family DR.  

Now, I'm taking wellbutrin and all is well :).  At leaset I'm better.   I hope not to be on the med for long.  I do plan to take it as long as needed.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I have to agree.  I have had anxiety problems since I was a teen.  I have learned to cope through excersize and being a musician.  Except for the past 12 months.  Stress and depression got so bad that I didnt want to do anything any more.  I went to work, then came home and sat on the couch.  I started taking effexor xr a few weeks ago and things have definately been looking up.  Everyday I seem to care less and less about my Peyronies Disease.  My sex life with my fiance is improving.  I wake up every morning rock hard for the past week.  And the cold feeling I have had in my crouch for the past few months is leaving as well.


Anxiety and Depression have a biologic cause that may be triggered by stressors in the environment.  Sometimes reducing the stressors is enough.  Sometimes the biologic nature needs to be addressed as well.

There is no shame in getting treatment when your sick.  It is no different with anxiety and depression.  I still feel I'm in control of my life.  I'm in control enough to seek help when I need it.

This post was not for anyone in particular.  I believe if two or three of us are discussing it then there are more reading it that may need to seek help.

One other thing, these meds don't give you a buzz or make you high unless you seriously abuse them.  You feel "normal" again.  What a concept!  Of course, I imagine there are many more normal than me ;).

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I have thought about creating a survey to cover a wide variety things that may contribute to Peyronies Disease.  This includes psychological health before and during a Peyronies Disease outbreak.  I have a degree in psychology.  Not that a degree means I know a whole lot of anything.  But I do feel confident that I could find related factors out of a significant sample of people.  What would be great is if I do this, to have the survey not even mention Peyronies Disease.  And have people with out Peyronies Disease to fill out the survey as well.  This would help isolate a combination of variables that could contribute to Peyronies Disease.  I think we all agree that something by itself, like stress for example will not cause Peyronies Disease.  Scientifically if it did than everyone with elevated stress would have Peyronies Disease, and everyone with Peyronies Disease would have elevated stress which is not the case.  But is would be very interesting to see how many related factors we all have.  I ran a few studies in Grad school so I think I could pull it off.  Not that I think this would lead to a cure by any means (I'm not so pretentious).  If anyone would be interested in helping, I would be up for it.


I'm not quite sure where to post this question so Mods feel free to move it wherever you like...

With the knowledge you currently have now, if you were just diagnosed with Peyronies Disease what would you do........ What would you try, what would you not waist your time and money on, would you share differently with your partner. And all of those other what's that I am missing.

Basically if you could have a "do over" (other than not developing Peyronies Disease to begin with) what would you do?

My O2 tanks are empty and there nothing to sell for the days effort so it's time to go to Cabo Wabo!


I would say NO to PABA and not get my hopes up for vit E.

My favs: l-arginine, l-citrulline, l-carnitine.  and S-T-R-E-T-C-H daily.

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


>>My favs: l-arginine, l-citrulline, l-carnitine.  and S-T-R-E-T-C-H daily.<<

In addition to the above - all of which I agree with - i would strongly consider the following:

1) Iontophoretic application of verapamil - especially if the lesion is less than 3-6 months old.

2) Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) like advil.

3) I would add vit E,vit C and an "anti-oxidant diet", and would stir in daily exercise, weight loss, prayer and meditation, along with therapy for stress.

4) More speculative, and especially worth considering for a more longstanding lesion, or failure to regress on the above: sildenafil and pentoxifillin.

5) find a way to get a daily erection  :o

6) go to a doctor who knows what he is doing to get data - color duplex ultrasound to describe lesion completely, and to get help getting scripts filled.
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


"1) Iontophoretic application of verapamil - especially if the lesion is less than 3-6 months old."

What I have not quite grasped is how many treatments? I do understand the daily thang.  Currently they are doing this type treatment with a steroid (begins with a "D") only. If I recall correctly they were recommending 7 treatments. All being done at a PT's office.  


Forgot to say 50 mg Viagra daily.  BIG TIME FAVORITE  ;)


I've been considering NSAIDs.  What kind and what dosage do you take?  It couln't hurt other aches and pains, too.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



The advice you have received takes the words out of my mouth.  A couple points.  I think Tim has helped me establish not to overlap L-arginine and Viagra the same day unless i misunderstood, because L-arginine is a nitric oxide donor not to be taken with Viagra.

I would also use limited heat like a hand held shower that can be directed.  If erections are a problem, NOTHING compares to trazodone 25 mg at bedtime for night Time erections.

I have to end by rambling a bit about how well your question was thought out and asked.  It is much like a just diagnosed section that is being considered for our website.  Your frank manner, analytical, determined approach are refreshing.  Your husband is a lucky man considering.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, I have been every where on the internet to the determent of my business. I have found this site to be the best and I have seen a lot of Peyronies Disease sites. Some with forums, some without. This one it truly the most informative and everyone here is very supportive. I am very fortunate to have found all of you!

I do believe a "just diagnosed" section would be very helpful and look forward to it!

Kudos to all of you for helping me help the man I love!



I believe the l-arginine to have a synergistic effect on the Viagra.  I told my uro I was taking it and he thought it was OK (but, not optimistic).

I use mild heat, also.  I apply heat for about 45 minutes while streching.

I am going to see if my GP will change me to trazodone.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."

Disposable Strategies

Most of the posts I've read have implied one plaque causing a bend. My case is different. I have many plaques all throughout the shaft.  So not only is there a curve to the left, it also curves down and has an hourglass shape. There doesn't seem to be much loss of length, but there is a noticeable loss of girth. The skin above where the plaques is much darker than the rest of the skin.  It's been this way for as long as I can remember (I am 20 years old). I've been trying to find out whether this is peyronie's for sure or not, and have not been able to come to a conclusive answer. I'm hoping someone reads this and has any information/suggestions. Thanks. -DS


Disposable Stratgies,

I can't say I've ever heard of anyone who described the condition you are, however everyone seems to have a different story.  First off, how do you know you have many plaques all over, did you get an ultra sound?  I think most people lose girth, so the fact that you have lost this is not uncommon, I have myself.  The dark spots I've never heard of anyone having those.  Have you been examined by a urologist?  I think the information/suggestions you will get will be "you need to see a urologist and get examined."  Just a guess  ;)  I would get in there and see what your diagnosis is.


I have three plaques that I know of at this point. My penis curves to the left, curves up, and has the hourglass. I don't have any discoloration of skin. Also, the only problem I have with girth is the hour glass. I can still get an erection, but it is really awkward to attempt sex. I did have painful erections in the beginning. The pain seemed to go away itself. At this time I'm abstaining from meds because I want to start documenting exactly what I'm taking. I figure if I keep a journal and have some improvements, I can report my findings here. People can then choose to go with what I used, or develope their own plan of action. I agree with ComeBackid, You should at least get checked out to be sure of the diagnosis. There are a lot of suggestions here on the forum of treatment plans that seemed to work for some people. Also, if you check on this site you can compare what others have tried, to what you are prescribed. You may save yourself some time and money, by avoiding stuff that doesn't work. Keep the Faith, Blink
We are not specialists, but we are special for what we know.


Comments on comments...

The iontophoresis is supposed to be done for 24 times over a period of about 8 weeks, essentially three times a week (ie M, W, F). The every other day dosing was simply chosen by the researchers - I do not know what data they used to decide on that. I do know that daily iontophoresis gives the skin less time to recover from the irritant effect of the electrical current. The  seven treatments in the office is referring to verapamil injections.

Dexamethasone (AKA Decadron) is added to the verapamil in the Italian protocol. Although it has a weakly positive chare, it is thought to weakly bind to the negative verapamil and to be "carried into" the tissue with it. I am unconvinced without some data on this in an animal model.

I am unsure of the proper dose of Viagra (or Sildenafil). Fifty a day seems fun to me - though the facial flushing is a drag for some of us. I like the smoothness of onset and prolonged action of cialis, but am unsure of it acts the same way that sildenafil does. I read in an article I just found that the dose used in their rat model would be equivalent to a 100 mg daily dose. That seems like a lot to me - but I wouldn't mind looking embarrassed for a while if it helped my Peyronies Disease!

There might be either additive or synergistic effects of L-arginine with Viagra, so caution is indicated. FWIW, I have used both on the same day without any ill effects. I think that there might even be benefits from using both simultaneously, if one's heart is not affected too much, or if they do not have high blood pressure (which might require meds that do not work well with these two drugs/compounds). I am still not sure of what a "good dose" for arginine might be.

Finally to "Disposable Strategies", I think that you need an evaluation. This sounds like a healed injur to your penis, or a developmental issue. IOW, you may not have a "predisposition" to a Peyronies Disease response (characterized by an excessively progressive inflammatory disease not mediated by anti-inflammatory healing processes). Thus, you might be a good candidate for a surgical fix (if indicated) or reconstruction - without the concommitant worry of worsening because of the Peyronies Disease after the surgery (something we all worry about it we think about surgery at all!). You will need a good evaluation by a surgeon,and it might be even better if you get the opinion of a pediatric urologist, not just an adult urologist.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



  A very good list of things to start with is in the posts below. I want to add to or second the "things that did not work" list:

  Topical Verapamil. Used it for many months long ago with no changes or positive results. There is lots of discussion elsewhere on the board about TV.
  Steroid injections. I only had one of these years ago and I cannot say if it helped any if at all, and if were to go back and do something differently I would have stayed away from penile injections. I seriously doubt any uro would recommend this these days, but I wanted to mention it just in case.
   PABA. Prescribed by a uro years ago. Took hundreds and hundreds of these, like many men here have done in the past. I have never seen a post or study that indicates positive results. PABA is also upsetting to the stomach.




I take it for a positively charged medicine you need a negative current to drive it into the skin?

I've noticted from doing daily IONO treatments some skin dryness and irritation.



The core of my peyronies strategy right now:

Aloe Vera (soft gel formulation)
Vitamin E (balanced broad spectrum formulation with all eight subgroups)
Neprinol (who knows if it works ... but I am sold on the formulation itself)
Maca (great for general sexual health - I use the tablet form)

I know my list is different from everybody elses, but it is working for me over the long term at this point, so I plan to stick with it.  I also have an L-Arginine formulation on order and will see how that works out.  And you will find a lot more interesting pointers from everybody here by scrolling over the Oral Treatments discussion.  As for new stuff out on the horizon, I am hopeful that the collagenaise product that is currently trying make it over the FDA hurdle will be the ultimate answer for many of you out there.  I definately believe that we are on the verge of a reasonably palitable and simple cure for this dread disease, so it is not time for despair!  In the whole scheme of things five to seven years is not a long time period so don't nobody do anything rash that you might regret later.  Patience can bring one great rewards.  In the mean time there are so much great information on this forum to help in managing things along the way.  So hang in there!



Have you used a VED yet? What are you thoughts on VED in the early stages of this peyronies? Thanks.

"The Sun Also Rises"


Hi rico, I've never used a VED.  My peyronies is right out at the very end of my penis, so there is no bend in my case.  For a while, it was very inflamed and 'rubbery', but now it is nearly normal.  I'm sure that a VED can be helpful to some of you especially where there is a bend involved, since it would allow for a gradual  and precise stretching of the afflicted area.  I also like the fact that I learned recently from Tim that L-Arginine actually should help disolve the plaque.  There are just so many useful approaches out there.  The one around here who is the expert on VEDs is Old Man.  He is probably the best one for information.  Also be sure to look over the VED discussion itself. - George


Thanks George, I think arginine is a good, maca has a good amount of arginine in it, and many more minerals. Thanks.

"The Sun Also Rises"

Old Man


The VED can and will help with Peyronies Disease symptoms other than bends, curves and the like. It works very well for plaque, nodules, the vein like strings on the top or dorsal area as well as hourglass effects.

The gentle stretching on a daily basis will help keep blood flowing into the affected areas and over time leads to at least some correction of the problem.

I have worked with guys that have had all types of Peyronies Disease symptoms and they have enjoyed great success with the VED therapy.

IMHO, the VED is the least invasive method of treating VED symptoms. The VED therapy should always be used with extreme caution and the user needs to exercise common sense with the amount of vacuum pressure used at all times. AS with all treatments or use of drugs, abuse usually leads to major problems.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man, thanks so much for setting me straight on this issue.  There are just so many non-surgical approaches to treating peyronies.  I just know that some docs are unfortunately pushing some people into unnecessary surgeries.  And while I know also that surgery is sometimes the best solution, I really think it should be a last resort option.  So, once again, thanks so much for sharing your extensive experience on this subject with all of us.  It is deeply appreciated.  - George



You are so right about doctors pushing people into surgery, but surgeons sell surgery, and they never tell you all the risks.  Even doctors in general are paid to promote pills.  My dermatologist put me on accutane for acne when I was a kid and it messed me up mentally, I will never be the same, not to mention I've lost moisture in my body and I will have dry skin for life, my eyes burn and water, my hair sheds at a faster than normal rate, decreased my libido and may have made my peyronies worse, makes me sweat more than normal even in relatively cool climates, makes my joints ache and I feel older than normal, made my OCD worse, and made me depressed.  Beforehand my dermatologist warned me only that I could have kidney damage and did not go over all these negatives which will follow me around for life, and that was on a pill.  Now imagine a surgery for peyronies?  I would try absolutely everything possible before surgery, and even then I'd at least wait for collaganese injections to come out, even if they take years, before I'd try surgery.  Even if they get the plaque, if your impotent your penis is useless.  Things can go wrong, and guess what, you can't sue if you signed any forms and the doctor did things basically right.  Today it seems our society wants to cut first, and think about what they did later. Unless your penis is severly bent like more than 75 degrees and your already impotent I would highly recomend avoiding surgery at all costs.  The VED seems to be helping with my blood flow and the L Arginine, I will keep everyone posted on my results, this could be the closest thing to a cure we see, I have my fingers crossed.


I too have a problem with surgery. There is too much of a chance for things to go wrong. All that I've heard about using herbal and vitamin supplements, along with the proper VED program, seems to make the best sense to me at this time. ComeBackid makes a good point about using what you have, rather than not having anything left to use, if surgery is a failure. After the fact, it's too late. I'd rather take my chances with more natural things than radical surgeries and the like. If we could only get closer to figuring out why we are the ones who get this disease, I'm sure we could find a way to make it go away. Maybe another survey is in order. I'd like to find out if there are others out there who have some of the same past or present behaviors as me. Maybe by listing certain habits like smoking, alcohol consuption, OTC drug use, recreational drug use, and other criteria, we can get an over view of similarities. Perhaps this disease is being helped by some condition in our bodies that we all have in common. If we can link that together, maybe if some other part of our body is not producing some chemicals that it should, we can bring on relief by treating the other deficiencies. I'm gonna look into this a little further. Keep the Faith, Blink
We are not specialists, but we are special for what we know.


Add sugar usage and weight change, to the list of questions.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


What we need is a relational data base that alows us to "data mine" for links. Asking the right questions is important, IMHO. But it is harder to then make sense of the answers. The keys are to ask questions in a way that makes data collection possible, to be able to make sense of it in a global and longitudinal way, and to get a TON of data.

This is not easy. I have tried to participate in the development of such a data base for CF care, and finally bailed out (too time consuming). But we have finally gotten a data base that is going to allow us to draw correlates between genetics and outcomes.

But remember how complex the body is! For instance, a certain genotype leads to different outcomes depending on social status, income, access to care, the state in which you live, and so on. It is also dependent on how good the doctors are. Here is a link to a great article on this in the CF community from the New Yorker. It points out the difficulties in assessing the quality of care, and why it is important.

Reading the article will also remind you haw damn far behind the CF community the Peyronies Disease community is.


"The Bell Curve", by Atul Gawande

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I can certainly tell you some of the things I would like to know about people newly diagnosed with Peyronies.  Such as what prescription meds they have taken over the last six months, what chronic conditions they have (hypertension, diabetes, etc), and what their CRP, aldosterone, etc. levels are.  But some of this stuff, I couldn't even answer myself.  How many physicians check CRP levels in these cases?  Not very many, I suspect.  But it would certainly be interesting to know such things, as they might be indicative of potential auto-immune activity going on, etc.  Its the kind of basic stuff any serious investigator would want to know out the door, a basic blood chemistry profile, etc.   Just the other day there was a potentially major alzheimers breakthrough, and it happened only because some researcher was meticulously comparing blood panels of alheimer sufferers with normal controls.  Well duh!  Yet I get the picture that there simply isn't a whole lot of investigation going on in the medical community regarding peyronies.  And any really serious investigation needs to involve the medical community or it is going to be severely limited.  It is the medical community that holds all the investigative tools.  Sorry to be so negative, but for me this is reality.


G999, your points are good. I don't understand why all of these type of tests aren't given. That's why I figured if we could put together a survey that would include at least some of the things that we know we have, or dealt with in the past, we may find more common ground. Once established as common factors, we could present them to our docs and ask for some specific tests. We could then see if the tests bring up the same common conditions. If we can find any precursors that already have treatments to them, we can begin to figure out treatments for peyronies. It's worth a try as far as I'm concerned. If there are any people out there who have been downthis road before, please come forward and let us know what you have found. If there are any people with ideas for this survey please post them also. If we can't get the cooperation we want from the medical field, let's try something on our own. If it helps future sufferers of peyronies, it's worth doing. Keep the Faith, Blink
We are not specialists, but we are special for what we know.


I would think that this would be extremely helpful because if someone is just starting out with symptoms and finds their way here at least they will know what to look or ask the doctor for.  They will be informed and know if there are tests that should be run or options that are available and much less to accept the "take vit E and come back in 6 months" recommendation.
May the Lord Bless you  :)


Hello everyone, has anyone noticed that the tube (not sure of the name) on the front of the penis seems like it is broken after getting peyronies? maybe i have something else but when i feel around with my fingers it looks and feels like it is broken.

Thanks ahead of time



Just Looking,

This article is worth seeing.  I'm not saying this is what you have.  Reading this may ease your mind.  There is a hinging effect in Peyronies Disease and an hourglass configuration that may be to what you are referring.  If you are worried, go see your urologist again.  Part of their job is to explain things to you so you can understand.

If you are on topical verapamil and you are having financial concerns, it may be worth it to call the drug company to see if they have a free drug program for which you may enroll.

I work in the public schools.  When do you start back?  I go back mid August.  I am no where near ready :'(.


"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



this is my first post here, and I am happy as hell this forum exists.  :)

I am not 100% that I have peyronies, but I really dont know what else my erection problem could possibly be. I would just like to tell about my symptoms and see if you guys can relate.

- My erections can be extremely hard, but it isn't a strengthy hardness, the corpora cavernosa are extremely brittle feeling, and my penis doesn't feel expanded, like there is absolutely no elasticity to it at all.....if I had sex with it or tried to bend it when erect i would snap it, no crap. It is almost like the whole of the tunica is one big "minor" peyronies scar. because it feels very fibrous in a hard brittle way.

- I do not have a peyronie's "lump", but a few months ago there appeared a  mm. thick strand which goes the whole length of my penis up to the head on the left top side of the CC. It actually has a pulse to it when I'm hard. it is not a thrombosed vein, and sure feels a lot like I would imagine one of those lumps feels. On the side where the strand is my penis is much less bendable......
I guess I'm asking if peyronies scars can take this shape, or if you can have this disease without a scar?

- It hurts when I ejaculate, afterwords my penis is the classic definition of inflamed.

I can add to this but I'm real tired. As I am only 20 years old, this has to be my culprit because I am in otherwise great health. I have posted simialarly in two penis enlargement forums with 50 000 members each and no one could at all relate with whats going on with me. personally I hope this is peyronies so I can just start trying to fix it because this search for what the hells going on has been an extremely perplexing ride.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.  :)



Yes, sometimes I have discomfort for a day or two in the genital/pelvis area after having sex. Not pain, but a kind of soreness or tenderness.  Maybe the nerves  are affected or relaying this to the scrotum or pelvis.




I would go quickly to a urologist.  You may have an infection.  I don't know, obviously.  I would want to eliminate that possibility first.  I would not rule out a thrombosed vein so quickly.  It could be Peyronies Disease.  Only one way to know for sure.

In other words, get thyself to a physician.  They have seen it all before.  At least that way you know what your up against.

OK... I have to do this.

Cross the bridge.... Suck it up.....Theres a lot at stake....Don't bat the issue around any more....One supplement not to try: Garlique.....

Hope the levity at your expense didn't offend you.  Good Luck!

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I am only 22 years old and dealing with Peyronies Disease is very rough on me, I find it to be very taxing and causes a lot of worry about the future. I just want to know that I can still have a happy sexual relationship with my wife when I get married, and the thought of sex now has me scared worrying that I could injure myself more. My number one problem is my shaft is very unstable. I believe when it gets erect now, this would cause a lot of problems with sex because reinjury could occur with so much unstability, flaccidity past nodules in the shaft. I went to Dr. Levine and he tells me that the nodules and plaques I have are not very bad for a Peyronies Disease patient, that I am only a 2 on a 0-10 scale of how bad it is. I have a curvature, but it isnt the big problem for me, it is about 30 degrees to the left. Does anyone else have problems with instability and softer erections? I find that taking Cialis does help to some degree, but I take it rarely. Just wondering if anyone else shares the same issues and what might help for an easier sexual relationship. Thanks!



Welcome!  You will find a wide variation of severity, degree, and direction of curve.  You should find plenty of advice.  Look back on the previous post and go to the website, if you haven't already.

Everyone here likes to keep up with Dr. Levine.  What did he prescribe for you?  I ask because he is doing a couple of trials.

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I am on Pentox twice a day, Cialis 5 mg once every two days, and iono twice a week. I certainly hope it will help with the buckling or instability that occurs around the plaque that worries me terribly.  



Well you have a good doctor, that is a start. I also think this is the best forum on the net, real people and even though we all are in different stages of peyronies, you usually can find someone close to your symptoms.
You are young, so this is good, your body will respond to treatment in my opinion better.
I have the hinge effect my self, just slight curve up, that isn't a problem, I never had any pain. I have lost length and some girth around the plaque. I find the buckling effect is more serve when I'm tried or run down, it is all the quality of erection, stronger erection, less hinge.
I know ones mind plays on erection quality also, if you think about(and this is hard not to), then it will be affected.
I believe you need to be well rested, deal with the mental side of this, and get as healthy as you can. I have learned a lot reading the forum. Some of the things I might of wasted time on have already been researched, you do have to go with what you heart says and you believe in also. The arginine and some of the other supplements that make sense to me, where re confirmed on this forum to me. And if you want to try ved, then there are people who can give you advise.
Being 21, you body is strong, but you have to give it what it needs to heal itself, diet, exercise and mental health will carry you have come to the right and ask questions, start a basic healthy life style, if you believe in God, pray.....nature is a healer also....find your peace in your will be fine...I will say a Lord's pray for you tonight..

"The Sun Also Rises"


Didn't want to PM LarryH with this question because there may be others curious. Any word yet on reply from your letter sent to Augustus(I think this is the name of the company who makes Soma correct), calling for the Head of the employee who made the libel post of it curing his Peyronies Disease?


ok this question is about pain related to Peyronies Disease. Now I have had this weird pain from when I thought back was well before I ever got Peyronies Disease. I started thinking and now im not sure if I had this pain before Peyronies Disease or not. The pain is very hard to describe, but its like this: I first noticed it when I was breaking a leg off a old table at work and the pain shoots from the left inside of my thigh likee near the groin area orr in it and shoots up the left side of my testicle and penis. Now it has gotton worse over the years, lately when I do jumping jacks I get this pain and cannot go on. Also if I take both of my legs and push them towards each other where the knee caps meet and squeeze I get this pain. What really concerns me though is in the last two mornings when I wake up and I walk I get this pain on the left inside of thigh and runs through testicle and penis. I thought maybe I had a hernia or something since I lift weights alot and did once one day notice when I went down to pick up a bar with weights I got this pain. I wanted to know if anyone in here has a pain like I described. The pain is very intense and sharp but in a weird way like no other pain I have felt before. Its crazy feeling and hurts so bad. Im dreading going to bed tonight as I fear tommorrow morning I will wake up with the same pain when I take steps. I have no pain when I have erections or nothing like that. I do however have a calcium deposit in my left testicle and thought maybe this could be the cause of the pain? Anyways anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks


Sounds like a hernia to me. Have you google hernia pain? Been to the doctor, I would wear a jock strap at work, as much support as you can get. I'm curious on the calcium in your testicile.

Istead of bouncing with jumping jacks, try some real slow movement on the stairstepper, this might help. If it is getting worse right now, I would take a couple of long epsom salt baths to reduce the inflammation.

"The Sun Also Rises"


In the inguinal hernia, it will inflame or damage near by nerves, the pain felt from the hernia can be felt at where the nerves travel, such as the thigh of the leg.

"The Sun Also Rises"



Its weird you say this, because I to have had this pain several times in the past, its not very common though, it kind of isn't centered at any one point but a shooting pain that seems to be in my testicle, thigh area, and up the side of my gut, I don't know what it is, I've had it for many years, it seems like I will get it maybe once every three months when I'm doing an odd stretch or stance, I always just figured it was pulling some muscle down in that area.  I saw your posted and figured I had to post on this, very strange the pain is, I couldn't even really describe it well, just that it isnt centered in any one area, but kind of all over.


The described pain could be due to a psoas muscle pull, or a nearby nerve impingement.
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Howcanthisbe, I would suggest that you have a urinalysis & blood test asap to see if you might have an infection. I had similar symptoms recently and some of them went away after antibiotics. Also, I do have an inguinal (groin) hernia & am going to have laparoscopic (through belly button) surgery to implant a mesh in a couple of weeks. I did have some short lasting but stinging pain in inner thighs prior to taking antibiotics. My hernia surgeon told me that in some cases the weakness of the abdomen can be caused in part by a collagen disorder; in simple terms not enough collagen. This is of course just the opposite of the problem with peyronie's. Someones age or having a drastic change of weight can also be factors with hernia.  Mark501


thanks guys for the great replys. So do you think this is Peyronies Disease pain though? I mean this isnt a common type of pain with Peyronies Disease is it? Like I said I get no pain during erections or anything. If its aa hernia dont they have to do surgery on me? How can I get tested for a hernia? I woke up this morning and the pain wasnt there when I walked thank god. If its a hernia I guess its no big deal and I can get it fixed, Im more concerned this couldd be pain with peyronies dease, I just fear everytime I get this pain it could be worsening my condition or whatever, but when I first felt the pain I actually thought it feels like I have a hernia. I use to lift weights without a belt all the time. I would power-cling like 225 lbs 6 times without a belt sometimes ( like a rep off 6). This was back inn highschool when I was stupid and didnt think about the possible back damage it could be doing. I know when I lifted up some weights one day I got this pain, I cant remember when I first felt it though. Anyways I just hope its not related to Peyronies Disease, it doesnt seem like it would be since it only hurts at certain positions etc. I can jump up and down fast and hard witthout the pain, its only when I do the jumping jack motion that it hurts, it shoots from the thigh stright up the penis. ComeBackid, is yyour pain you think caused by Peyronies Disease or something else? Thanks uys for the great help, I hopee its just a hernia.