VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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When your flaccid do you have a loss of size or is your penis unusually hard?  Do you know if your calcified?  Are you on any pills while using your VED?  Are you strictly adhering to the 26 week protocol put out by Old Man and August Medical Systems?




Well, when flaccid, I haven't really noticed any loss in length, although at times, it does seem unusually 'firm'.  As I told you in my PM, I don't think that I'm calcified, but haven't had any ultrasound to check.  The only 'pills' I'm taking are Vit E (which I've been taking for probably 5 years before Peyronies Disease).

As far as strictly adhering to the 26 week protocol  :-\ well, I'm trying.  I had to take a week off right after my last VI injection (I'd started VED with 2 shots to go out of 12) due to excessive bruising caused by the shot.  I didn't want to exacerbate it with the VED, so I essentially started over as I was only a couple of weeks in.  Then, I've had some Boy Scout campouts that caused a break in the routine -- I didn't think that my 'excercises' would be appropriate around the campfire :D.

Right now, with my re-start and a few missed weeks, I figure I'm around week 9 of the protocol, and so far I haven't noticed any changes to the bend.  Sometimes I think that the plaque seems a little softer, but that's kinda hard to measure.

Good luck with your VED, and as I've said before -- LOTS OF LUBE!!! ;)

Topical Verapamil,
12 Verapamil shots (ouch!),
Now VED - Too many Weeks,
Still 70 Degrees :(

Old Man

ComeBackid and Steve:

The problem with the black insert rings has been brought to the attention of the folks at Augusta Medical. Have not heard yet what they intend to do, if anything, about correcting this problem.

In the meantime, you should use them as follows:  when using all three cylinders, A, B and C together, use both black rings. When using cylinders B & C, use either both black rings if necessary for a tight fit or only the larger black insert. When using cylinder C alone, use only the large black insert. (Note: if you are especially small in size due to whatever cause, natural or Peyronies Disease induced, you may have better luck using both inserts with C. Use your own personal feelings about which works best for you. Make  any adjustments necessary to prevent any pain or uncomfortable feeling. Above all, never, but never pump too much pressure and use plenty lube during any and all exercises. The penis must slide in and out of the cylinder freely. Any water soluble lubricant will work, (WalMart Equate brand personal lubricant works well and only costs about $1.94 per bottle/container.)

Now, on the outside chance that one needs to use the Soma Correct for erections, you should be extremely careful to use the large black insert with cylinder C or B & C. This is necessary to prevent a very uncomfortable feeling as you pump up. The sharp end edge of cylinder C can cut into your flesh, etc. Also, it helps in sliding off the retainer ring onto the penis shaft after achieving a full erection. If your Soma came without any retainer rings, they should be purchased from Auguata separately.

The above carries my usual caveat that I am in no way connected with Augusta Medical. This information is furnished only as a guide to those using the VED. I have, by trial and error, developed the above system for my own use.

Regards to all, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

I just learned today after calling in myself to check on my VED claim, that it was denied... what a surprise move by the greedy insurance companies.  They claim the diagnosis code is wrong and it has to be inorganic impotence, not peyronies disease.  I had to call Mike from Augusta up to see what can be done about it.  I also filed a claim with the state insurance comission against MEDCO for failure to pay out about $1000 worth of submitted claims regarding topical verapamil, those people are a disgrace to this country as they rob us people who play by the rules and string people out for weeks with lies.


Old Man


Unfortunately, the insurance company is probably right. As far as I know, most insurance companies as well as Medicare will only approve VED claims for impotence only for certain causes. Prostate Cancer surgery causing impotence will qualify, certain diabetic patients will qualify and some other cases will qualify where there is a possibility of continued impotence; i.e. permanent damage to erectile function. Don't believe they will approve claims for Peyronies Disease alone.

You might have luck getting your doctor or uro to prescribe it again and get Augusta Medical to revise their claim for you. Or, you could get the prescription and forward a copy of it to the insurance company with a renewed claim based on the revised diagnosis code.

It will be worth a try to get it revised, etc.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

My claim with medicare and tricare (for secondary) for the Soma was paid with a diagnosis of Peyronies only.  That's what Mike told me to do an we did it.  He said he had arranged it and I guess he had because they paid in less than 2 weeks.

Respy, Mick


I'm refiling it, tomorrow hopefully the doctors office will fax me a new copy with the other diagnosis code.  I had no control over what diagnosis code they listed, but Mike said my insurance company was willing to pay.  All insurance companies do is lie and try to make it as difficult as possible to get a claim through, MEDCO denied me 3 times for invalid reasons, then on the fourth time came up with a valid reason to deny me after stringing me out for a month.  Those insurance companies should be ashamed of themselves.



The only way I know of to cover a VED is organic erectile dysfunction (ED).  The VED should be prescribed for the treatment of ED, NOT for the treatment of Peyronies Disease.
Ask you doc about the code used.

Here is an interesting Pub Med abstract.  Kinda related.

1: Int J Impot Res. 2004 Dec;16(6):540-3. Related Articles, Links  

Incidentally diagnosed Peyronie's disease in men presenting with erectile dysfunction.

Kadioglu A, Oktar T, Kandirali E, Kendirci M, Sanli O, Ozsoy C.

Section of Andrology, Department of Urology, Medical Faculty of Istanbul, University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.

The aim of this study was to analyze characteristics of patients with Peyronie's disease (Peyronies Disease) diagnosed during a standard evaluation for erectile dysfunction (ED) and compare them with patients presenting with the classical complaints of Peyronies Disease. During a 10-y period, a total of 448 patients were evaluated at our two outpatient clinics, directed by the same author (AK). They were divided into two groups: group I consisted of patients, who presented with only ED and were unaware of their penile deformity, and group II consisted of patients with the classical features of the disease. The clinical characteristics, penile deformities, erectile status and the presence of comorbidities were determined in the two groups. Of 448 Peyronie's patients, 16% (n=71) were detected during diagnostic work-up for ED. In this group of patients, ED was the presenting symptom for a mean period of 31.3+/-9.7 months. The mean age of men was 57.54+/-8.75 and 52.21+/-10.27 y in groups I and II, respectively (P=0.0001). The mean degree of deformity was 31.5+/-12.66 degrees in group I and 41.16+/-19.14 degrees in group II (P=0.0001). In group I (n=71), 69% (n=49) of the patients had a poor erectile response to the combined injection and stimulation (CIS) test. Also, in this group, the mean degrees of deformity in CIS-positive and -negative patients were 27.05+/-12.50 and 33.80+/-12.03 degrees , respectively (P=0.033). Diabetes mellitus (40%) was the leading comorbidity in group I, while at least one comorbidity was observed in 73% of the cases (P=0.001). A remarkable percent of Peyronie's patients (16%) were detected during a standard evaluation for ED. This study analyzed, for the first time, the frequency and the characteristics of incidentally diagnosed Peyronie's patients who presented with only ED. Our data indicate that one should always consider the possibility of Peyronies Disease in older patients with diabetes, presenting with only ED.

PMID: 15116064 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."

Old Man


You are right about Medicare and Tricare, but since ComeBackid, because of his age, is not covered by either, he is in a different category than us "old timers".  He says that Medco is his insurance carrier and sometimes I understand they have peculiar regulations/coverages, etc. Anyway, functional and possibly total impotence is one of the only coverages by some companies hence the exceptions. Some companies consider Peyronies Disease as a cosmetic "fix" and is not necessary for health reasons. Why, I haven't a clue.

The company where he purchased the VED will help refile, I am sure. As he said he will refile and surely the right code will be placed on the application this time.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

They won't pay out today, my claim was listed as Other Specified Disorders of the Penis, Mike told me to do it this way to get the claim covered through the "black hole."  He said they probably won't accept Peyronies Disease diagnosis.  He called my insurance for durable medical goods and they agreed they would pay out 70%.  Now they have backed out on their word.  I called my doctor and he says he can't change the prescription to organic impotence so I can get it covered, because I can't see him.  Well he prescribed the IONO and VED without seeing him via a phone consultation, so that excuse doesn't really make sense.  If I want to do a phone consultation with him now it would cost me $78.  

Mike was not happy, he said my insurance had agreed to pay and was very upset.  Typical American Insurance company, spike premiums sky high, deny coverage for any and all invalid reasons, string out the customers for weeks, then tell them to go write a letter of appeal to some place where they probably take all the letters and use them as fuel for their fire.  Why even buy health insurance?  Even the "big government" health insurance which is supposed to be wasteful and bureaucratic is better than my expensive private health insurance, what a bunch of scum bags.



Does Mike have a paper trail of the pre-approval (I hope)?  There are forms for such things.  
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


He just documented who he talked to and what they said, I highly doubt he tape recorded the conversation, and these places would never allow any kind of form for a pre approval nor do they have any to the extent of my knowledge.  In fact if you ask MEDCO before you do a direct claim how much they will pay for a certain drug they won't tell you.  You have no idea how much you will be reimbursed, I called in and asked before I even got the TV and the VED, they wouldn't tell me.  They told MIke they will cover 70% for the VED, and the doctors medical necessity order did not say peyronies, they simply lied on the phone and then backed out on their word.  I told MIke he can deal with it, I'm tired of calling endless people who give me the run around, if MIke got their word it will be covered I told him look "then you need to call those people and get it covered, cause you told me its being covered."  I'm tired of the liars and their games, when you pay $377 a month in health insurance I expect quality service.



Good.  If Mike told you it was covered, Mike should deal with it.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


For those of you who may not have seen it, I noticed this online.

Traction Study



Thanks ComeBackid,

I think that or a similar link to the same self-promoting study was posted several days ago.  At this point I think this is much like the PDLabs study.  Until we see independent objective evidence we have to remain very skepticle.  Even then we must know all the particulars such as stage, age, cause, protocol and much more.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I'm new on the forum, 52, lost two inches, hour glass, about 25 degree bend, gets worse every week(three months now).

I have been in the martial arts for over 30 years, was a wrestler before that, have lots of scar tissue and injuries over the years. I have work through most of it, after mature with st recthing. I have a large piece in my back, which still can bother me. I use to put tennis balls in a sweat sock and roll on it(scar tissue) and this help me, I could fill it breaking up. Hard to do on the willy.
Static stretching I don't believe in , a traction devise seems more on this line, I think IMO, that when it is more mature scar tissue, I would have to lean more with the Old Man, a VED would work better. Shorter period of time plus the warm blood and very controlled by user, slow, don't tear, this is a injury. The new area your body replace with the old tissue, now is tissue, but scar tissue, it can be stretched, but slowly, don't re injured it. When mine is mature, I will try this, I have to get the inflammation at bay now and will try that in a more holistic approach, heal my body not the condition it self, I'm like everyone else and want a cure all, give me a shot in the area and it will go away, won't happen brothers, if AA4500 works, your body will have to be ready to accept it, remember it isn't what you take in your body, it is what you assimilate. Everyone on here should get a cooler in your house, drink distill water everyday, one gallon, detox yourself, clean your colon, go on a 30 day course to flip the switch back to healing in your body. God Bless you all....Calling All Angles for my brothers..."The Sun Also Rises".

"The Sun Also Rises"



I have thought about your question regarding calcified plaque.   An analogy comes to mind.  Attach two rubber bands to a paper clip.  Pull on the rubber bands trying to break the paper clip.  I think this may be a fair comparison.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Your point being that the calcified plaque cannot be stretched I assume.



I think the surrounding tissue would have to be stretched beyond its limits before any change could be seen in the plaque.  I have been thinking about this for a while.  I have also been monitoring my own situation.  It just seems to make sense.  This, of course, is just my opinion.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



I agree with this, that is why I think one would want to use heat, or soak in epsom salt or like you said with traction, use heat to make the scar more supple, as I said it can be molded.
"The Sun Also Rises"

Old Man


You are right that the plaque would not stretch at the same level as the surrounding tissue. That is why that I state that extreme caution is to be used at all times with VED exercises. However, over the long haul with the VED stretching, the plaque will in most cases give way and as Rico states about this in his martial arts work it will "remember" to stay stretched, etc.

Over time (and it does take time with VED exercises) the plaque, nodules, and bends/curves will become less and could possibly go away altogether. It has in my case, probably because I still maintain a schedule of VED exercises each week. This is not difficult to do because being impotent, the old tool needs to be kept healthy and the VED can and will do that.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I was thinking, if Dr. Levine is currently doing a study involving traction devices, and I'm sure he has at least a 100 people in this right?  Where are all these people?  You'd think that at least a handfull would be members on this site, considering we are well known, and are a growing site.  If I'm correct WantItStr8 sees Dr. Levine but is not part of the traction study, even though he uses the device?  I wonder what else Dr. Levine is studying?


As far as I know, I am the only patient of Dr. Levine's that posts on this forum.  I have no idea how many patients he has in the traction study...but 100 would seem like a lot to me.  He limits the total number of Peyronies patients he idea what that percentage is either.  For the record, Dr. Levine is also using VI, Pentox, and working on the AA4500 protocols.


Quote from: pudder135 on July 11, 2006, 03:32:49 AM
Dr. Levine is currently doing a study involving traction devices, and I'm sure he has at least a 100 people in this right?  You'd think that at least a handful would be members on this site, considering we are well known..

Rough Math and a wild estimate:

Lets say a ridiculously low number of men get Peyronies Disease -> 2%
Lets conservatively only consider the men over 50 years old Guesstimate of U.S. Males over 50 -> 25,000,000
Men in US over 50 years old with Peyronies 500,000
To be conservative lets cut that in half and say 250,000 men in the US have Peyronies Disease
We have less that 200 men posting here from all over the world
even with these very conservative figures we have far less than one out of ever 1000 U.S. Peyronies Disease patients posting here.  

If we up the Peyronies Disease rate to 6%, include men under 50yrs old, consider only the U.S. males that post here, Maybe we have less than one out of every 20, 000 U.S. Males with Peyronies Disease posting here.

I am amazed we have one that was offered a chance to be in Dr. Levine's traction study. We need to realize that we are not scratching the surface of broken lives, people that need support, people to enlist in a real battle.  If we got 5% of Peyronies Disease patients, we would probably have a group of 12,000 members just from one country.  If every Patient in the U.S. gave 1 dollar a week to research it would be 13 million dollars a year.

I would be very interested if someone could do what I did above with some acceptable degree of accuracy.  My figures are rough guess work.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I went back to carefully read some of the articles - and found an article that demonstrated a decrease in calcified plaque with iontophoretic verapamil. It also found that longstanding disease was less likely to respond, as also was a thickening of the septum (which I think I may have).

Their finding was : "In 1 patient an approximate 20% reduction in plaque calcification after iontophoresis therapy was observed (fig. 2)." (It is visible in the image).


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Been doing the protocol, but afterwards my penis just shrinks back down hard and shrunken whe flaccid.  When you get to the B and C tubes, how do they do anything, mainly the C tube if your penis does not fill it out?  It would seem like you would just pump a normal erection in the C tube and it wouldn't touch the sides to keep it straight or anything.

My idea of the plaque stretching, the way I visualize it, is a sweedish fish candy.  If you take them you can stretch them thinner and thinner, anyone ever do this?  Thats how I picture the peyronies plaque being stretching, however, it does seem that a constant light pull like the traction would work faster or be more effective at keeping the plaque more permanently stretched, rather than a 35 or 40 minute 10 cycle workout with the VED.  Nonetheless i continue the protocol, I'm going to see if this really works or not for myself.


Old Man


You are expecting results from the vacuum therapy too soon. As I have said all along in our phone calls, PMs and on the main forum, it takes time to see good results. Again, don't get impatient and expect overnight results.

Now, about the use of the three cylinders. Everyone using the Soma Correct should follow the weekly step by step protocol to the letter. It was developed by the company to produce the desired results. Using the C or larger cylinder allows the penis to fully expand and stretch lengthwise. The A and B cylinders are designed to keep the penis is a straight position and stretch slightly at the same time. So, when using all three cylinders on that weekly step use extreme caution and do not, repeat do not, overpump the pressure. Holding the pressure for the recommended time allows the penis to have the most pressure and stretching in a confined space. This allows the penis to become accustomed to the higher pressure and when the pressure drops off the tissue remembers the stretched condition, etc.

Bottom line, remember that Peyronies Disease usually comes on slowly and any resultant correction will also be done away with slowly. In my case, it took 6 months of daily exercising to rid me of the plaque and curve/bend.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

Brilliant!! It just makes sense to me, I haven't done it, but as far as proper application for a injury, you are so right Sir!

I'm so glad you are here, there are Angles:)!

"The Sun Also Rises"


Does it matter what kind of plaque you have? My plaque is like 2 hard veins on the top side of my penis that run from the base to right below the head. They are thin and long just like a vein. Can I stretch these out or does stretching only work for round plaque? Im just wondering if this treatment works for all plaque sizes or what. Thanks

Old Man


During one of my bouts with Peyronies Disease, I had two or three vein like "ribbons" running up and down the middle of the shaft on top. The uro thought they might be veins that had hardened for some reason, but had no idea what they were.

After using the VED for the 6 months period, getting rid of the hourglass effect and straigthening out the old tool, the vein like things were gone also. I have one small "string like thing" about an inch long that appears when I get an erection with the VED. During the flaccid state it does not appear. During my next visit with my uro I will ask her about what this could be, etc. and give a report back here.

In the meantime, some guys that I have counseled with in the prostate cancer group who had Peyronies Disease, used Vitamin E capsules to massage these vein like things. They simply punctured the outer skin of the E capsule and rubbed the liquid on the skin like an ointment. I believe that they used the high gamma version of E.

I used high dosages of oral E for two months while doing my VED exercises. However, I had blood work done monthly to preclude the possibility of a toxic build up. Had no problems with that and it seemed to help with bringing more oxygen into the erectile chambers during the pumping, etc. At any rate, the Peyronies Disease went into remission I guess as I have very little if any signs left to show or feel at this time.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I would point out that Mondors is extremely rare.
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Thanks oldman, Tim and Liam. Do you think the veinlike things are Peyronies Disease oldman or something else like Mondors or thrombosis. The reason I think its Peyronies Disease is  because I have a dent that is growing, its actually now starts from the left side and goes half way around the penis. I guess im forming the stupid invisible rubberband thing, but so far it hasnt effected my erections. Its not really too bad, but it is getting worse it seems. So doesnt only Peyronies Disease cause this? I cant find any lumps, all I have are those hard like vein things. Anyways im not looking for a diagnosis as im sure I have Peyronies Disease due to the string like dent forming.I will try the vitiman E thing. Thanks



    I know your question was posted to Old Man and not me.  But I do have a few questions.  The vein like things you have.  They run from base to tip on the dorsal (top) side?  Can you feel them when limp?  Do they hurt?  How bad is the indentation?  With the several dents I have had they have all been very noticable.  The first one I had looked like something took a bite out of it.  Can you see the dent or just feel it?  If I poke and prode my penis enough I can feel all kinds of variations in the contour.  I to have a vein like think that goes from the top middle down the right side right through were my dent is.  It has been causing me alot of worry but it hasnt changed in two months, doesnt hurt and all in all the dent has been steadily improving.  Sometimes veins get hard when your erect.  It may always be this way, it may not.  As you get older you will notice many things change about your body.  I am by no means trying to diagnose you as having or not having Peyronies Disease.  I just fear you may be causing yourself undue stress.  If I feel the vein like thing I have all the time it seems to get worse.  If I leave alone for a day it seems to get better.  I suggest you take a step back and try not to think about it for a while.  Try not to touch it.  I think if you stop feeling it all the time and stop trying to manage how many erections you have in a day you will find that everything is functioning as normal.

Not trying to sound all wise or hollier-than-thou.  Just trying to help.



Only one way to know for sure :).

Doctors don't bite.  They poke and prod, but, never bite. ;D
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."

Old Man


I have had these string like things several times. They just seem to come and go at will. My uro told me that was nothing "wrong" by having them. And, since they seem to disappear at will, never give them much thought.

They usually appeared during erections and went away when becoming flaccid again. However, if you are concerned about them, suggest that you get them checked out by your uro on your next visit. If you are not now seeiang a uro, maybe you should and get a professional opinion. When seeing your regular MD or uro always have your list of questions ready and don't be afraid to ask them.

If your doctor does not know what information you desire, he can't give you an answer. So, ask away when you see one. Most will appreicate your being aware of your condition and wanting to do something about it.

To answer your question as to whether or not I think the string like hardened objects are Peyronies Disease, I have no way of knowing for sure, just what I have experienced. Since mine never gave me any problem, I did not worry about them and concentrated on getting rid of the plaque, nodules and hourglass indentations.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


lunchbox, the veinlike things are hard and have a bluish tent, one of them for sure has a blue color, the bigger one has less of a blue color but I can see some blue in it when its erect. They become noticable when erect, yet I can feel them when soft. Now the dent is about as wide as half a shoe strings width and is like 1 inch long. It covers almost half my penis now, I fear im forming the invisible string thing. I think my first dent that I noticed was right above this current dent but it seems to have gone away I think. My erections are still pretty good and havent changed any really since I got this dent. Now my curve has really improved lately im pretty sure as I have almost no curve at all. Its the growing dent that leaves me to believe it has to be Peyronies Disease. Oldman, thanks for the advice. I have hope it VED and all that if I get too bad, I just really want to get a girlfriend and see how I do and forget about this for a while. But yea the dent is growing for sure, I predict its going to fully circle my penis in a few months time. Im just hoping it wont give me that hinge effect or anything bad. Nothing else besides Peyronies Disease can cause a dent right? Thanks everyone for the great help.

Oh and lunchbox, the vein thing is from the inside of my penis where it telescopes into my body as far back as I can feel, it runs from there up to right below the head.


I have been doing some study on infrasonic to heal scar tissue. I know the machines are expensive, but I really like what I'm reading, if some of you have time, please do some googling on this. The wealth of experience and knowledge here is most welcome. Thank you.

"The Sun Also Rises"


I wanted to mention on the post about the vein from howcanthisbe, it sounds like you have inflammation on the septum area of your penis, there are many nerves in this area and you can feel this in a normal penis, where yours is injured or inflammation has set in is where in my opinion the dent or hour glass is happening, it has lost some of the elastic effect in that area to inflate. Scar tissue itself will usually form in the first three weeks of injury, it will go through stages for two years, this new tissue will never be as strong as the old tissue and will lose it elastic abilities. I have this effect, now for three months and I'm tyring to reduce the firming up of this scar tissue in the early stages and remolding it so it is thiner and has more elastic to reduce the effect on my penis. You probally also have more of a lateral scar, this is a band, doesn't have to be large either, mine is only 1.6cmm, but causes the hour glass, if you feel along the septum you will feel it a little larger there, and it will be where your dent is. I think the old man advise especially for hour glass effect makes sense along with the softening of the tissue, I haven't used the VED yet, I have been working on epsom salt baths and nutrient at this time. I just wanted to say, I brought up this vein and it is just like you describe to my doctor(urologist), and he said it was the area where all the nerves are ect....also if you have some inflammation, which I'm sure you do this whole area would be more pronounced. I find it interesting on the fact that a scar takes two years to form and this is the same amount of time that this diesease as they call it takes to normalized, back to what I think it is more of a injury.

"The Sun Also Rises"


Here is a Wikipedia citation of Infrasound.  It is not medical in nature,  It can, however, help with a basic understanding of concept.

While researching infrasound, another keyword that may be useful is "resonance" or "resonance frequencies".
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



After searching through hours of BTC posts, I found a one Mr. David Ralph who was claiming to be doing a study using verapamil injections and a VED for treatment of peyronies disease.  It is unclear whether Mr. Ralph is a doctor or not, hes listed as a urological consultant.  He wrote me back just today with this reply in my original email to him asking him for the results of his study.

"The study did not happen as the company was sold-  I am now doing a
small trial with the vaccumm device-  should be ready in 6 months"

David Ralph

Apparently he is doing some kind of study or will be doing one soon, I imagine hes going to be doing the 6 month study using the Soma Correct machine, but I'm not sure. His email address puts him in great britain.  Did anyone hear of this guy before?  Apparently there is going to be at least one study done using a VED.

I believe Old Man had told me or Mike Davis from Augusta that Augusta had done some initial testing using the Soma Correct for peyronies, I was wondering what the results of that data was, and if that information will be available anytime soon.



   I have been using VED therapy for one and a half years using a protocol very similar to the 26 week multi-cylinder protocol, but for far longer than 26 weeks. Daily use resulted in the reduction of a 45 degree left curve to less than 10 degrees. The indention on the left side is still there but it's not much of an issue. The only supplement I took during this time was L Arginine (500 mg/day) which I still take. My Peyronies Disease had been stable for years before I started VED therapy. I believe the re-modeling that took place for me with VED therapy is not much unlike physical therapy one would use for a blown out shoulder or knee. I use the VED's sparingly these days as a sort of maintenance program to keep things as they are and to help maintain good blood flow. Many thanks go to Old Man for continued suggestions and support with this, and huge, deep warm appreciation and love to my wonderful wife, who helped me talk about it and double-team this stuff. Thanks, babe.  



Thanks for your post on VED, I have been looking at it now, I'm three months into peyronies, I have a slight bend, no pain, hour glass, lost of size and a hinge effect. Did you have a hinge effect and did this ved correct it? I'm going to talk to my doctor this week to get one ordered and follow it by the Old Man's instruction, he is a Saint. I'm just trying to get as much information before I start and wondering if you know anyone who started it early in the peyronies. Thank you for your help. God Bless.

"The Sun Also Rises"



  Yes I had the hinge effect and it is still there to an extent because I still have a little indention on the left side. What this meant to me though, was changing the way of thinking of sex and techniques. The indenture means that any force coming down on the penis will cause it to bend over in the direction of the original curve, so you have to be careful and avoid the really wild actions involving a full withdrawal during sex which puts you in a position where someone would come down on you. It doesn't take long to figure out your limits and stay within those limits, but trust me, there are still tons of positions that work just fine... you just learn how far your body can move and stay within your partner. It's really no big deal at all, and for me sex is better now than it ever was before.
  I don't know of anyone personally that started VED therapy really early on with Peyronies Disease, less than six months or a year. That would best be discussed with Old Man. Listen to him; he knows his stuff on this.
  Proceed carefully and take care. Keep us updated on your progress... and all the best to you and the other men and women on this board  ;D



Thank you for your post. Where you able to gain any lost length or girth also, or just curve improvement. Thank you and do you use it also for ED, I don't have a problem with getting erections. God Bless you.

"The Sun Also Rises"


  Yes, the VED restored both length and girth, except for the indented area which is not that big of a deal for me. I don't use it for ED, no problem getting erections.

Old Man

Note to all:

It has come to my attention through PMs that the Soma protocol posted elsewhere on this topic is sorely lacking in enough detail. As I understand it now, the Soma Correct VED does not come with enough detailed instructions on how to assemble and use it properly.

The protocol does not go into any detail about using the inserts, when to use both and when to use only one, etc. It takes practice with the VED to establish a routine that is comfortable for the individual and therefore adjustments must be made in order to produce good results.

I will be glad to work with any and all who are using the Soma Correct and are having problems with how to correctly use to obtain good results. My email address is posted in my profile, so feel free to use it or use the PM on the main forum.

There is a study currently being done by a urology group in Birmingham, Alabama, using a three cylinder VED along with other items to see if the VED is a viable treatment for Peyronies Disease. Their protocol is also posted somewhere earlier on this topic. I think that their web address is listed on that protocol if any are interested in reading about the study.

Good luck to each and every one of you!

Sincerely, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



For those of you trying the Soma Correct, a tip would be to rid yourself of your pubic hair.  I didn't shave, but I took my electric razor and used the side burn trimmer, it works good and takes the hair right off, it leaves stubble, not a skin close shave which results in irritation.  I shaved off my forest and inner thighs, and right up around the penis, didn't touch the testicles though.  The shave I believe is crucial for a good seal with the lube and a comfortable fit.  I couldn't even imagine using a VED with pubes.  I would highly recomend everyone do this, it makes my workouts easy.  It does look weird in the beginning, but after awhile you get used to it, and since its summer it feels a lot more comfortable.




I completely agree ;D...I started shaving after about the 3rd week of the protocol, and yes, it does greatly help.  I did go the shaving route, and my only suggestion is to shave the night before the excercise, so any nicks can heal up.  After reading a post from BLBC, I'm going to experiment (?) with some Veet hair remover.  She claims that it doesn't irritate, and works in about 3 minutes or so.  If it works, I suspect (hope) that it'll have to be done only once a week or less.  We'll see.

Topical Verapamil,
12 Verapamil shots (ouch!),
Now VED - Too many Weeks,
Still 70 Degrees :(

Old Man

Note to ComeBackid and Steve:

ComeBackid: If you recall, shaving around the base of the penis is one of the first steps in using a VED either for ED or Peyronies Disease. As you say it eliminates the hair that could be drawn into the cylinder(s) causing much discomfort, Also, it does provide a good clean surface to obtain a good tight seal when using the VED. Note: I use a brand name body lotion and body powder after shaving to help with any irritation from the short hair. Once started shaving, one must continue so that the "growing out" period does not cause problems with prickling, etc.


Word of caution about using any hair removal preparation in the genital area. Most all of them have a cautionary note somewhere on the label that states that the preparation SHOULD NOT be used in the genital area. I know from firist hand experience that using Neet, Veet or any other brand of hair removal solutions is definitely not the way to go. It can and will cause irritation of the skin with rashes that take time to heal. So be careful in using those preparations.

The above is only my opinion based on my personal use. I did receive much discomfort from using the hair removal preparations. In addition, it took several weeks for the skin to return to normal so that I could continue with the VED therapy.

Regards to all, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.