Sexuallyhealthyman by John Parks

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Anyone try this? It's the first thing you see on YouTube. Legit or a scam?


I took a cursory look at his website. While I question some of his facts, and I argue some of his approaches, he doesn't look like a spammer. He favors traction and, while favoring one brand, was fair to the others and seemed pretty objective. I think I will spend a little more reading time there and see if anything jumps out at me or maybe even learn something. It did not become immediately obvious that he was selling anything.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


The topical combo of DMSO, Vitamin E, & SSKI - Potassium Iodide looks interesting but I have no clue if it will work. Maybe someone here has tried it?

Got Testosterone?


I tried DMSO with vitamin E. I stunk so badly no one could stand to be around me. I don't think you will find many proponents here for that approach. I read some more on his site. He cites lots of medical studies as being fact but fails to give a link to them. And much of what he supports has been debunked on this forum. Again I say, I don't think he's a spammer. Maybe a little misguided, but I don't see him seeking any personal gain. I did not feel compelled to try his battle plan. He is one guy. This forum is a compendium of many guys' experience.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Norm, do you have any thoughts on the SSKI - Potassium Iodide aspect of his formula? I've never heard of it at all.

Got Testosterone?


I don't personally, but I think I have seen Hawk discourage the use of it. I don't know. Maybe Hawk will weigh in on it.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


I did a quick search on Potassium Iodide and there has been some discussion about it here going back a few years but without sifting through these threads and posts, it's sometimes hard to figure out what the consensus is on it. Research, research, research. It never ends, does it?  ;)
Got Testosterone?


I tried the formula and went through one supply. I did not notice any improvements.


Got Testosterone?


I was in contact with the guy long time ago by email.
It is a promotional site, he wrote me clear that he needs the advertisements to keep his web alive.
Each one can decide alone where to put his money  8)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Parks is definately selling. He is monetizing his web site if nothing else.  Unless his site recently changed,  he was very specific about the brands of supplements and traction device.  He was against using VED if I recall.  I think he also used Serrapetase.  This is an enzyme and is an ingredient in Neprinol.  Many peole on here have tried Neprinol, myslef included and it did not seem to help.  It did lower my blood pressure.  Did nothing for Peyronies and is very expensive.

I don't mind someone making a reasonable profit selling useful information, but if his approach really worked and he realy wants to help people he would have his protocol here.  I believe James invited him to join a while back.  Noone running a website ever joins or participates. I am sure they come on here and read what we are saying.  Even when someone on here is just selling something, it is very obvious and they never come back.  If it worked they would gladly join, participate and be somewhat humble about what they were doing.

I also want to address Matt's comment about Potasium Iodine (KI).  A form of iodine call SSKI which is super saturated KI has been recomended by Dr. Jonathan Wright.  Wright is a prominent holistic doctor in Tacoma, WA.

I do respect him on many issues but I think he is extrapolating to use SSKI on Peyronies.   You can read what he says here.

Cure Peyronie's disease without surgery

You need to subscribe to his news letter get more information.

He and others recommend SSKI with vit E and DMSO for Dupuytren Contracture.  Some think it is a similar mechanism as Peyronies.  I don't doublt it helping with this condition of the hands. However, I think Dr. Wright is making a false equivalency to compare the two conditions.  

I believe SSKI is similar to Lugols solution which is a combination of KI and elemental iodine.  It comes in a tincture bottle. In some locations you need a prescripton to buy it because it is used to make some kinds of street drugs.  You can get it on the internet without a prescription.  J. Crow in NH is a good source of Lugols.

It is relatively cheap so if you want to try it with DMSO, have at it.  It is similar idea to Thackers solution.

Keep searching but Beware of predatory websites.


We have multiple treatments PROVEN by INDEPENDENT CLINICAL RESEARCH to be effective for Peyonie's.  Enzymes have been touted for years on end for Peyonie's treatment and marketed at huge mark ups by large commercial enterprises for that purpose.  AND YET, to date NOT ONE SUCCESSFUL STUDY has been published.  NOT ONE.  Don't throw your money away on wish dreams.  - George


Lets go a step further.  Those outrageously over priced enzymes not only have no studies, they don't even have any anecdotal forum reports that they work for Peyronies Disease.  I took them for months and frankly saw none of the reported benefits they often claim, and believe me I was looking for results.  I would have been happy even with the placebo effect..
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Absolutely correct.  Its all marketing from what I have seen.


What can i tell you , i approove some of his approach (mixture and serapeptase , also mechanical), to be honest i thought to all and looks more logical then clinically tested , and you ALL have to get in touch wiht diseases in a logical way.
When i bought serapeptase, the pharmacy guy told me he got well from "varicocel" if i spell it right in english ( a testicle disease) using only serapeptase ( and believe me he had no intention to lie to me) .
Regarding Dupuytres , my parents, both doctors, think is something similar also ....


Well Fedaykin, If I understood your post there is nothing "more logical than clinically tested".

Clinical testing in an objective well designed test, often reveals conclusive evidence and sometimes proof about whether something works or not.  For every pharmacist that THINKS the treatment he took worked, I can find an account of someone that THINKS magnets, or a copper bracelet, or drinking 2 gal of water cured the same thing.  These are called anecdotal stories or anecdotal evidence.  Because a couple people did something and they improved does NOT meant the thing they did caused the improvement.

I can tell you that also, for the 1 story you have, there are dozens of men right on this forum with opposite stories.  They include George and I who have used those enzymes.  We also have no intention to lie and it did nothing for those men.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I had applied parks topical solution along with copper peptide serum for many months.  I stopped after a while and noticed I could no longer add more tension to my daily traction.  In other words I got stuck.  When I resumed recently I've been able to add additional rods to traction regularly. I believe the DMSO played a strong part in this.  


I am not sure I followed that sequence. At what point and in what order were you doing each one of these things?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I pretty much threw everything at this and have had some success. So it's hard to say what played the strongest part or if I just got lucky but I added Parks topical solution after daily traction.  I noticed that when I stopped topical about midway through my treatment  I got stuck in adding new rods to traction.  When I restarted the topical within the week I was able to add another rod. It's been pretty much every 2.5 weeks to add another one since then apart from a break over Xmas I'm nearly done with the rods the traction device came with but I'm also only doing 2 hours daily now for maintenance.  


What clinical research did you find on copper peptide serum to convince you of its efficacy for Peyronies Disease? I am sure there must have been more that a contractors opinion you should rub it on your penis.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


None,  just the usual google search after first reading it on Dr Herazy site.   I spoke to my gp. He didn't believe it either, thought I was wasting my time and money.  In any case I've stopped with the topicals.  Too messy and all in all it appears that the traction and the verapamil injections did most of the work.  I've since switched to the phallosan device and made further corrective gains so that's all I'm doing besides the Arganine, Coq10,  and Acetyl.  


I started my treatment following the protocol John Parks, laid out with everything but the krill oil. I don't know what helped and what did not. After about 3 months the dorsal curve stabilized and the curve to the right went away. I don't have a problem with advertisers supporting a non-profit organization, as long as the products are legit. I will say, that Parks is the guy that introduced me to this forum and for that alone I am grateful. Regards Inkhorn  



Can't argue with results of course but my opinion didn't change 8) 8) 8)
Can argue with the reasons for the good results :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


John Parks and I both did a Peyronies Awareness video for Xiaflex. Since then I have have been in contact with him. He is a great guy with a story every man in the active phase should read.




I will not argue regarding if he is a great guy or not as I know him just from exchanging a few emails.
My point is if his treatment is really so successful, why many of us still have to deal with Peyronies?
Also his affiliation with "Dr" Herazi is wandering me.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



I do not endorse his treatment. There are also a lot of treatments on this forum I do not endorse. All I know is it helped him. Each of us has to find what works best for him.
