Has anyone effectively restored girth permanently?

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I have a severe hourglassing in the base of my penis and I wanted to know if it's fixable. :P

My penis can reach 7" on its maximum erection but it feels as if there's always a LOT of blood left over as it I am stuck with a solid 50% erection after masturbating.

I am taking pentox, coqQ10, and some other supplement.

I may have lost some length, but my main concern is the massive 40-50% girth loss in the base.



I don't know if you have the means to get Cialis or Viagra, but it might help you. It certainly helps most guys gain some rigidity.

The hourglasssing may be a bit more difficult, but I think it can be improved. Either traction or VED, in theory, is supposed to help with that. Either takes a long time, but where are you going to be if you don't try it? My personal opinion would be VED. I think that would have the best chance of filling out the hourglass. It will repeatedly pump it full and release. That repeated blood flow in and out has a good chance of helping your situation. Look at the bright side; you are a young man. You have a lot more time to fix your problem than us gray haired old coots do.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!



I will second Norm.
From my personal experience, I had a few small hourglasses (in addition to my two plaques) and during one year of VED usage the all disappear or almost disappear. I attribute that to the VED.
Even John's blog is against VED 8)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Norm, my uro said that cialis was much more expensive than levitra (which i paid thirty dollars for four pills of from kaiser) and that it would not help. Levitra helped me get erections but I lose my erections quickly amd NEVER have morning wood. I masturbated flacid and with lots of pressure of the base of my penis for years when I was a teen. I put my penis through hell. Honestly I am amazed that I can still achieve my seven inches (though i may have lost some length) . I also used to masturbate ten or fifteen times a day every day for a year or two. I am an extremely permiscuous young dude. I know it was atupid to do that but I grew up with a very abusive family so it was my only outlet. I try to live life zen and all but I feel the masturbation has done irreversible damage to my testosterr them checmicals in the brin associated with arousal etc... It is hard to convey what it feels like not to live up to you full potential at the golden age of twenty one. I feel like I am wasting my youth :(


Sorry the Cialis is not a good choice for you. I like it because it is a daily treatment and not a "as needed" fix. Since I started it, I wake with wood every morning.
Maybe you have overused your penis a bit. It's ok. It regenerates rather quickly. Give him a little rest an he is ready to go again.
At the golden age of 21, lets say after two years following a treatment plan, you are 23? How old will you be in two years if you don't do anything? My point is, get busy. Take positive action. Being fatalistic wont get you any closer to safe and healthy and sexually active. Patience will pay off.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Too young for this,  What do you mean by blood left over??

I appreciate your concern with the hour glassing.  Keep taking your supplements/drugs, pentox, co-q 10 and ALC.  

Stay with the VED and don't over pump.  It takes a lot of time.  Make sure you get morning erections as this allows more blood flow for healing to take place.

I  do feel your pain.


Goodluck, I mean after I am done masturbating, I diminish to a 50 or 60% erection where the penis is not max size and droops lower, but is still kind of way too hard for that state of erection. I am not sure if it's due to venous leakage or what, because I also notice that I cannot maintain an erection long if I don't have consistent stimulation. I also masturbate multiple times every day so that's perhaps very bad for my situation.

I don't know how to use VED without masturbating though. Many people tell me masturbating even once or twice everyday can lead to chemical imbalances in the brain and can be traumatic to the penis. Like with every internet post though, don't take my comment too too seriously, as I'm not so sure as all of you are.

THis is just what I've read/heard.


What do you mean by "I don't know how to use VED  without masturbating though"? Do you mean you use the VED and then afterwards you masturbate?


I never heard of a chemical imbalance from masterbating.  If that were true the entire human race would be very imbalanced.


QuoteI diminish to a 50 or 60% erection where the penis is not max size and droops lower, but is still kind of way too hard for that state of erection. I am not sure if it's due to venous leakage or what, because I also notice that I cannot maintain an erection long if I don't have consistent stimulation.

I have this as well. I have noticed this thing happens to a lot of guys with penile problems. If it has anything to do with venous leakage, a cream that I have bought should help, its the shiznit of 17 herbal ingredients for varicose veins, the best I could find.


Quote from: Sargonnas on January 22, 2013, 08:04:10 AM
If it has anything to do with venous leakage, a cream that I have bought should help, its the shiznit of 17 herbal ingredients for varicose veins, the best I could find.

I think that conclusion is based on nothing more than a random hope.  First I doubt any cream has any clinical hope of helping varicose veins.  Next, venison leakage in Peyronies Disease has nothing to do with changes in veins.  It has to do with the scar tissue on the tunica making it difficult for the veins to get clamped off when your penis expands from erection.

A constricting ring gently clamped around your penis should quickly tell you if you have veinous leakage.  It should restrict all the veins since they are near the surface.  The arteries that feed the blood to the penis lie deep inside the penis.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Cutting straight to the facts: I have bulging veins that doesnt look normal, which ramify into spider ones that have changed from red to dark blue and are slowly spreading and getting new branches. I also have cord like bumps that seem to be part of those deep arteries you talk about. So even while its a random hope its based in what I can see, a gradual worsening of those veins or at least an increase in number and size. It isnt that stupid to try what I am trying.


Thanks Sargonnas I will at least look it up.

Hawk, I have one of the contricting rings from the VED but I'm afraid to use it because I'd have to put it on part of the plaque pretty much. I can get hard but I don't even know if I can have sex. I'm afraid of buckling. I can't sleep with a woman and I've been giving up opportunites left and right and it's driving me nuts :(

Will I always have to be on top forever?


I personally do not like the way conventional VED rings SNAP onto the penis.  I would prefer a noose that you can cinch on or a ring that is metal or hard plastic that closes around the penis. They are all over the internet.  Here is an example of a noose.

Actis Venous Flow Controller

Also Google: Horseshoe and Clip Male Enhancement System
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


So by doing this I can check for venous leakage?


In any case, be careful with those cock rings, lots of cases of people getting penis problems because of them.


My personal opinion is that penis rings used sensibly are no problem Especially the noose type.  You should never leave one on if it locks in a full erection for more than 30 minutes.

It simply squeezes down on the veins that drain the penis.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: TooYoungForThis on January 22, 2013, 11:05:27 PM
So by doing this I can check for venous leakage?

The best way to check for venous leakage is for your urologist to induce an erection and check it with a color duplex ultrasound. At least, that's my understanding.
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