What Does Peyronie's Pain Feel Like?

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John B

I went to the urologist today. He said my penis looked and felt 100% normal. He said it's *not Peyronie's*. But then I reminded him I've had pain on the left side for 3 to 6 months, then he said he thinks it's the *start of Peyronie's*. He doesn't seem to know for sure if it is or isn't.

I have a few questions about the pain of Peyronie's.

The pain I get seems to come and go. It's a burning type ache, like an inflammation. When I feel the penis, it's hard to find an exact spot of where the pain is coming from; although, one day it seems like a horizontal vein or vessel was bulged and touching it produced the burning pain, and the next day I hurt pretty bad. For the most part it's a dull burning pain in the left side of my penis. But another thing is, sometimes I get pain down the inside part of my left leg.

Again, my doctor/urologist said it's not Peyronie's then changed his mind to he thinks it's the start of Peyronie's. Can anyone share their thoughts and what the pain of Peyronie's feels like?


A peyronie's plack is a hard lump.  It may be very small and you may have to palpate rather deep to find it.

Did your doc give you anything?
What did he leave you with?
Did you have some sort of trauma?

If you have the start of it,  it would be very wise to start on Ubiquinol and or ALC. Also, take some tumeric for the inflamation.

Good Luck

John B

I'm not aware of any trauma. He only told me to take Vitamin E twice a day, 400 UI, and come back to see him in 3 months.

I'm wondering if the pain is Peyronie's or from something else, but not sure what else could cause pain for 3 to 6 months...


Quote from: goodluck on January 09, 2013, 07:14:38 PM
A peyronie's plack is a hard lump.  It may be very small and you may have to palpate rather deep to find it.

A Peyronies plaque isn't always in the form of a hard lump. It is most often fibroid tissue on the Tunica which can be flat and not feel like a lump at all.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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John B

Can someone tell me what the pain associated with Peyronie's is like?

I get a burning type pain in the left side penis, but there's no lump to be found, and sometimes I feel a pain shooting a bit down the inside of my left leg.

Is it possible this pain for the last 6 months isn't even Peyronie's related, as I still get night time erections, no pain with erections, and no curve with erection.

Should I have had curvature after 6 months of pain, if it's Peyronie's?


John B-

The pain associated with peyronies really varies among different guys with different types of treatment, but I can tell you what my experiences are. The first few weeks I noticed the curvature I had an awful ache that was not very acute in area- it was more generalized pelvic pain. Everything on the left side of the area of my penis hurt during the night time, and especially hurt after erections/sex. After sex I'd have a distinct shooting pain and I would take a lot of Motrin/Tylenol/Aleve etc.

However, I began traction only a few weeks after the onset of peyronies so the type of pain I've experienced has changed a lot. The shooting/burning sensation after erections/sex has almost completely vanished. In fact, my urologist encourages me to have sex regularly to stimulate bloodflow and simply take a few motrin if I feel pain, unless the pain is so severe it makes the erection go away (which just doesn't seem to occur).

In any case, one man's experience with Peyronie's pain isn't going to be like every man's experience. But one noticeable thing about peyronies is that at some point in time, pain pre-, during, or post-erection is not uncommon, and during my first few weeks of dealing with peyronies was the worst pain. If you have no pain with erections, never had pain with erections, and no lump (of any size) then I can somewhat relate to the pain "shooting a bit" on the inside of your leg, but is there no other noteworthy pain in your pelvic area?  

John B

ing sensation, which stated in July (6 months ago), and it was a dull ache. It seemed to have went away or became very faint until late October, when it began to ache and burn more, but wasn't too bad of a hurt. But the last weeks, since I've been checking more for a lump, the pain can become really bad, so that I have to take ibuprofen.

Sometimes I feel a slight burning at the base of my penis in the pelvis area, and other times pains shooting a bit down the inside of the left leg. I tried to check my prostate, but I was already hurting so I don't know if the pain became worse, although, I felt like I was going to urinate every time I touched the prostate.

I was wondering if it was Peyronie's or the prostate, but because my penis hurts worse after checking it, I think it's Peyronie's, plus I'm on Beta-Blockers, which I just found out can cause Peyronie's. I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow to get off of Atenolol.


John B,

Your description of Peyronie's pain is very similar to what I felt in the early "acute" phase. This pain went away after using Pentox for a few months.



John B

I'm starting to feel hellish pain... I've been taking ibuprofen 600mg and it's not even seeming to touch the pain.

Any advice on dealing with this kind of pain?


I spoke to a guy who first thought he had Peyronies as he had pain in his groin. Then we chatted on the phone and he told me that sometimes the pain would shoot down his legs.

I told him this did not sound like Peyronies Disease to me. He ended up having an MRI and found he had a pinched nerve in his lower back and not Peyronies Disease at all.

My Peyronies Disease pain was very localized. My plaque was mid shaft, and went I had a very firm erection the pain was dull but again very localized on the shaft. It wasn't at the base or in my groin.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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He ended up having an MRI and found he had a pinched nerve in his lower back and not Peyronies Disease at all.

This is exactly what I suggested in another thread addressing the same question. I speak from experience on that because that's exactly what I had. It's a pinched nerve in the lumbar region of the back. Mine got so bad that I was limping for a while. It helps to take ibuprofen and stretch your back regularly, especially when the stabbing pain starts. I hunch over and crack my back. It stops the pain every time.

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John B

Will someone help me with this, please?

It seems most my pain is center of the shaft, on the left side, but there's no lump. I get a burning in the groin, here and there, but the attention is always brought back to the center of the shaft, left side. Sometimes the pain seems to travel down the inside of my left leg, and sometimes all the way down to the foot. I had a few times of burning with orgasm too... I don't know, like I said, I'm having a hard time finding an exact spot of pain, although, for the most part it seems center shaft, other times near the glands. Pain seems to be worse when sitting or laying a certain way. Sometimes I can change laying positions and the pain fades. And sometimes I get a short lived pain in the tube when urinating, but this doesn't happen much.

My left ankle has been swelled for months too... Which I think could be from sitting so much and being on the beta-blocker. The right ankle doesn't swell though...

The reason I think it may be Peyronie's, is that after days of checking for a lump my penis hurt WAY worse. The doctor was checking it really good last Wednesday, and said it looks and feels fine, but after that I've been in some BAD pain. Although, he did say he can only think it would be the start of Peyronie's.

*Edit... I also noticed a slight burn when urinating this morning. And sometimes towards the end of urinating, when the pee stream is weak, it will stop, then start, stop then start... I'm wondering if this is all prostate.



I am proposing you to have your prostate checked and to check infection in the urine track.
Every uro should be good for that.
It may give you answers to some questions.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum

John B

Yeah. I can't make it to the doctor's for another 6 weeks, due to being completely broke. The urologist I saw checked my penis, said it looked and felt 100% normal, and said the pain is the start of Peyronie's.

Then he said, "You didn't come here for your prostate, so I won't check that." I guess that's how it goes when you don't have insurance.


It sounds very much like you are having prostate symptoms.  Your doctor has a terribly cruel attitude.  Find a new one.  
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.

John B

I'd lean more towards it being merely the prostate, except after I push on the left side of my penis it hurts worse afterwards, and it sure seems to be drawn more towards the left side lately when flaccid, although it didn't a week ago when I was at the doctor's... it seems to draw more to the left when in bad pain. Not sure if prostate can do that...


John, you may very simply have a number of medical issues that are closely related.

The stabbing pain in your leg is what I once had and that is a pinched nerve in the lumbar. You can take ibuprofen or when you see the doctor he might be able to prescribe prednisone.

You prostate should also be checked. If you have an infection or some other prostate issue, it can cause any number of symptoms.

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John B

I'd really like it to be the prostate, as then I'd know I wouldn't get any curve... but it seems I'm starting to curve to the left in this painful stage, at least it appears so when flaccid. I'm scared to see the erect state.


John be careful of what you wish for.  In addition to Peyronies Disease I also have chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.  Unlike Peyronies Disease there are no treatment options, and it tends to get worse over time.    Hopefully you have an acute form that can be treated with an antibiotic.  They both are terrible , but out of the two the Peyronies Disease pain has been easier to deal with.
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.

John B

Can you have an acute form for 6 months?


Yes, unless you have taken a strong antibiotic for a month and it did not resolve like in my case.
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.

John B

I haven't taken a strong antibiotic... I did take an antibiotic for a week back in November, because I thought it may be a UTI, and after seven days of Keflex 500mg, twice a day, I felt the pain let up a lot, but 3 days later it was back stronger.


Yes my doctor said it takes a long time for the prostate to be treated so he insisted I take it for a month.  He prescribed a high dosage Fluoroquinolone (levaquin) which can have some very bad / permanent side effects.   I survived the drug treatment but it did not work for me so I was diagnosed with non bacterial prostatis at that point.  My dad told me has had this for over 40yrs now which makes me feel hopeless I think about it too much.   I am not a doctor but your antibiotic treatment did not sound adequate.  You can research more here: Prostatitis Foundation Home Page and also: forum.prostatitis.org - View forum - Prostatitis Discussion  good luck and don't lose faith my friend.
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.

John B

Thank you. Just one question about Prostatitis, if it's causing pain in the left side of your penis, can it cause the penis to draw to the left from the pain; like kinda bend that way when flaccid?


I have pain on the left side and it is from Peyronies Disease.  The prostate pain on the other hand is continuous burning in the urethra, prostate, anus, and sometimes bladder.  So given the large area it is much worse than the Peyronies Disease pain.   Also it gets worse if I sit for more than 2 minutes.  The doctor said this is due to pressure on the prostate.    Usually penile pain from prostatitis is in the urethra and worse at the tip.  I don't see how it could manifest in just one side though as you are speculating.    

Incidently my naturopath noted that all tissue is interconnected and interdependent so in my case one problem is likely exasperating the other.  I too am young and have given up hope for a normal life, but at the same time have faith my situation will improve at some point.  
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.

John B

Ok. My pain is not in the tip. It's all over the left side, but can't find a lump. I get slight burning in the pubic bone, and down the inside of left leg, but 90% of the pain and burning is left side of penis. Sometimes my urine stream is strong other times not so much, and near the end it stops and starts again... But as you explain the pain of Prostatitis, I'd lean more Peyronie's for the pain.


Prostate pain can manifest in different ways, but almost always results in a sore prostate.  Pain in the other areas varies  from day to day.  I think Peyronies Disease pain is much more localized to specific areas of the penis.   Also a common trigger of prostatitis is stress and anxiety.  

A peyronies doctor should be able to diagnose your prostate condition.  So as I suggested, visit a Peyronies Disease specialist soon.  I am worried about you John because you have not seen a good specialist yet.   Given your level of distress this should be the #1 priority in your life !
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.

John B

Lastnight, the left side of my penis was burning good. So, I checked my prostate, which is no fun, and after I did the penis pain stopped for about 10 minutes, only to begin to burn again later. I checked the penis for an exact spot of pain, after checking the prostate and couldn't find it... It's weird...

Isn't Peyronie's usually a lump that can be found, and touching the lump causes pain in a specific location?


No, that is part of the misunderstanding. Peyronies can manifest itself as a lump, scar, plaque, or fibroid tissue. The pain can be caused after achieving an erection and the internal pressure stretching the tunica cause the pain. But there are many like you who have pain while flaccid that I can't explain. Just making the point that there isn't always a bump or lump formed.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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John B

Can curvature occur without a lump? And something strange, is that I don't get pain when erect much, and the pain seems to ease for awhile after masturbation...


FYI I've had peyronies for ~10 years (34 years old now) with periodic mild-moderate pain in the goin, left hip, back, ass, down my let to my toes.  I started pentox 6 weeks ago and it has helped with the pain.  Also, I started 10 years ago. with pain, but no cure and no lumps - the curve started 6months to a year after onset.



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Welcome to the forum :)
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


It literqlly feels like my penile tissue is being eaten away  :-[

John B

I know this is a weird question... but has anyone had burning pain, in the penis, so bad that the pain almost starts feeling good, like you might ejaculate?


I remember that feeling when I had a prostate infection.

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John B

Really? My penis is burning and hurting so bad but I feel like I'm going to ejaculate too :(


That's good enough reason to go to the ER now.

I know you don't have health coverage so you'll have to take on the financial responsibility for this. But, there are medical discount cards online that might help or even high deductible health plans which may be financially practical. Regardless, you should do something right away even if you have to deal with debt collectors bothering you to pay your ER bill.

It's your call.
Got Testosterone?


That's part of why I'm afraid of xiaflex even when it comes out, I won't be able to afford any deductibles or even discounts. I have good credit and to have a doctor fee go to a collection agency would ruin me at least 7 years.