My terrible story..

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   I posted here before but I never actually put my story in a topic.  I'm live in New England and I'm 25 years old now. My problems began in 04-05 when i was 17-18 when I accidently damaged my penis while masturbating, squeezing to delay ejaculation being a dumb kid.  I heard a small pop but I didn't think it would lead to anything serious being a naive 18 year old. Boy was I wrong, I started to not be able to get an erection like I dd before, I had to use a lot of physical stimulation (previously I could just think about something that aroused me and it would do the job) and it didn't fill up all the way, the glans would remain small and the tip would go cold at times.  

  So being an embarrassed young kid I make an appointment with the urologist a few weeks later and tell him whats going on. He just says "oh you're too young to be having these types of problems" hands me some cialis samples and a really expensive script for it and tells me to take it to " clear out the cobwebs". I couldn't believe that was all he said and could do for me.  Fast forward to the next three years of trying to cope with this, I get one visit with him every six months where he basically repeats the same thing each time and gives me more cialis to "clear out the cobwebs", his favorite saying. In retrospect and with the knowledge I have now, I believe I suffered a penile fracture and this guy couldn't determine that, so I remained misdiagnosed.

  My relationship at the time suffered drastically due to this whole ordeal and I had to end it. Frustrated and depressed, I couldn't cope with it anymore, I KNEW something was wrong, I could see and feel that there was something wrong with my penis.  I made another appointment and demanded to have some kind of imaging done, and so the urologist finally agreed to it.  I had brought up the idea that my problem could be peyronie's and some sort of scar tissue as I had found this forum at that time and read many similarities to my problem but he promptly dismissed it and said that it wasn't.  

  I go to the appointment for the doppler bloodlflow evaluation and ultrasound. He injects my penis with something to give it an erection, and that it does.  When he does the imaging he finds that there indeed is scar tissue in there blocking a lot of bloodflow to the distal region just as I had thought the whole time.  So this is a tiny bit relieving to me to finally find out even though it's not the best I know without any doubt that it's not all in my head.  He sends me off on my way and tells me to come back if the erection doesn't go within the next few hours. I go home, take a nap for a few hours, wake up, and I'm still completely erect and it won't go down. I call the urologist office and tell them whats going on and they tell me to come back. I figured the urologist must have given me too much of the injection before.  I'm thinking that they're just going to give me another injection of something to bring it back down. How wrong I was. He doesn't have any of it, so he brings out a cotton swab with disinfectant and breaks out this metallic gun and shoots two holes in both sides of my penis to drain the blood. He said it was fine and that there wouldn't be any complications. Yeah right.  Competely terrifying and traumatizing. I KNEW this wasn't good for my penis. At this point I was so disillusioned with what was happening I couldn't do anything.  Instead of sending me to the nearby hospital or somewhere else that had the injection he creates MORE scar tissue in my penis that has already been wrecked before. My penis was black and blue for days, and the curve set in the day after. I could see it, and two plaques formed shortly after. My penis  started to curve to the right and developed a twist. I gained some hourglassing and I could no longer maintain a good erection without any type of pill.  At least before I could get one on my own without a pill...  My urologist gave me my peyronie's symptoms after denying anything being wrong.  I was traumatized so completely by this event I couldn't think about it... I don't think I can even take legal action over this as it's been too long and my head wasn't in the right place. The next few years were a complete blur to me full of depression and mental anguish, anything to take my mind off of it all. This has taken a huge toll on my life and mind and left me feeling very empty.  My urologist caused my peyronie's disease and made my ED problems 10 times worse.  


damn that is so f*cked up. I recommend attempting to take legal action because medical records could help verify what you just said. Urologists can be so dismissive to younger guys, and this doctor needs to not only compensate you but be deterred from inflicting this kind of miserable situation on others.


I wouldn't even know where to start, and it's been 4 years. My state has a 2 year statute of limitation on medical malpractice, and even then I don't know if i have a case, who would even take the case, or what I could do to have it heard. I couldn't even think straight after it all, just hopelessness and no care about anything floating from day to day like a lifeless thing. It was just all a downward spiral, lost relationships, failing out of school. I'm still struggling today with it all, just a bit better day by day, but it still hurts to not be living the way I should be. I still have some bad lows that last a while.  



A real terrible story. It is really sad to read your post and to understand what this doctor has done to you. It just reinforcing my believing that many of the doctors are not worth the title they have.
I agree with Love that you should try to find a way to take your doctor to the court and try to get compensation for his malpractice.

In my opinion you should see a real Peyronies expert, the few first line experts are in the US. Read the "Urologists and Other Doctors" board to get an opinion on the subject.

What are you doing in mean time? Are you doing some treatment? Have many people on the forum that different treatments had helped them. Begin to be proactive even that is not easy.


Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



OMG that is terrible, people put their trust in Drs and things like this happen. I can only imagine how this has affected your life. Your story should give every one else out there including myself a new look at themselves. How barbaric they treated you, i thought things like that went out in medieval times. This really bothers me and makes me mad.

As far as legal action, Ive had dealings for over 30 years with the legal system including court room and many years of coledge.  I once set on a jury trial of a Dr being accused of malpractice in involving a three year old girl who for the rest of her life has to have major pelvic (bone)surgery every 10 to 12 years because of this Drs actions.  Not only do you have time limitations but you have attorney fees and time in court proceedings but peoples recollections fade over time etc. Any way, we had to find the Dr not guilty because he didn't do anything negligent, sure he was a horrible Dr and he didn't go the extra mile and care for his patient but he followed protocol. He should have taken that extra step but he didn't.

Hate to paint a dark picture but this is just my opinion,... move on and heal yourself YOU are the most important topic here.
Legal action takes time,money, patients and having to recall horrifying events.  And the deck is already stacked against you.

Its SO SAD that in modern times people are treated like this.  


This kind of story makes me mad. It reminds me of my own experience with depression, when they gave me medication that caused hypermania and then offered to treat it with lithium. Thankfully I had the sense to come off the medication and seek alternative therapies that now help me control the condition.

It's called an iatrogenic disorder - an illness caused by doctors, and it happens so often that it has a name.

These people very often do not know what they are doing. They use sledgehammers to crack walnuts. They have so little time to make professional judgments that they rely on epidemiologists, who frankly rank self publication over scientific method - just read all those unfounded scare stories in the press.

I do not trust the medical profession. That is not to say that I won't follow their advice - just that I will always question it, and make a choice.

I am so sorry if you cannot find any redress. These people need the feedback that a successful lawsuit would give them.

If it's any small comfort, you have strengthened my determination to question medical advice, and I hope you have taught many more people on here to do so too.
Trust me, I'm a statistician...


Jigsaw is 100% right.

Many of the doctors are treating humans with much less attention than the mechanics treating my bike when I have some problem.
Can't trust them!!! Have to check everything they are saying, every medications they are subscribing, every procedure they want to do.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


@reynell, Yes I know the whole mess with the legal system is not in my favor at all especially in my state. I'm already well past the statute of limitation and  I can pretty much do nothing, if it weren't past It I would imagine I would probably still lose.  Even if I were hypothetically able to come out on top it would not bring back what I've lost that has no price; all the days spent ruminating, the hopeless mindset that has plagued my days, the relationships I let go or never let happen, the happiness I once knew, my confidence, my thoughts of a happy future, my sex life-everything. It makes me extremely angry to think about; (words can't begin to describe) this doctor that I trusted to help me made everything that much worse for me. I wish it were just some terrible joke or bad dream that I would wake up from. Life sucks. The only thing that keeps me from hanging it up is the thought of some  cure or scientific breakthrough to rid this stupid joke of a malady would come out of nowhere after I did.
It is sad. The sad truth is that modern times are about money, not health; be it the health of a human being or this planet in general.

@jigsaw  For sure this guy did not know what he was doing,I obviously have given up all hope on the medical profession as well. It's all about making a quick dollar and pushing the patient right out of their McClinic or hopping them up on pills that more than often make things worse or just mask the conditions being treated. This isn't the first time I've been the victim of doctors doing terrible things to me. I've also been put on Accutane, the "chemo" acne medication as a teenager. Of course the dermatogist pushed that on me like it was alright too. I don't have the patience right now to even get far into that, but you can do a quick google search about it to find out all the horrendous and deleterious effects that one has on human beings. The medical profession's "help" has left a poor impression on this body and mind...

@james1947   I've been on and off trying pentox, acetly-l carnitine, pycnogenol, gingko, vitamin E, coenzyme q10, yohimbe, vinpocetine, l-arginine, cialis, fish oils, multivitamins, different amino acids, and  other herbs over the years. A therapeutic ultrasound machine, the stretching device as well. Nothing has really helped to an immense degree, but I do get a sense of "doing something" proactive with the pentox, acetyl l carnitine , arginine, pycnogenol, and cialis.  As for the mind...cycling L-tyrosine has helped to curb the negative thoughts a bit. It's weird, when I take it I feel a subtle sense of well being. I still know something is wrong and I still have the problems, they just don't matter as much or bother me the same way. It loses it's effect strength over time though, hence the cycling on and off. I'm against prescribed anti depressants... I already feel used by the medical community so i refuse to let them string me out on something else that will leave me in worse shape than I already am.  Pentox was cut off for me due to insurance and one of the excuses used was that apparently some patients taking it have suffered brain hemmorhage.  I'm also wary of it's effects on the immune system...  but it's a gamble I'm willing to take if it does help. I've ordered some from the site you guys have made me aware of.  The first time I took one (which was about a month ago), it made me very sick and I vomited... which is strange because my prescription ones did absolutely nothing negative to me, I would take 3 a day no problem whether I had eaten anything or not. I've discontinued taking anymore after that first dose... but I plan on trying again after I get some bloodwork done and can resume.  Hopefully they don't make me puke again.  Wish it were easy to test them.


Wow stopthemadness, I'm practically speechless. I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you. I've learned the hard way too not to assume all doctors abide by a standard of care and ethics. I had a questionable surgery done at a research hosp after a penile fracture assuming the doctor knew what he was doing. The surgery turned out to be completely pointless because I have a lot of ED problems and deformity post surgery, which he said I would avoid by having the procedure.  I have no idea if he knew what he was doing or possibly made things worse. But what happened to you is absolutely insane and appalling. I can't imagine the anger and resentment you must have in your thoughts. You really deserve to be compensated and should go talk to a good medical malpractice lawyer and a peyronies specialist. There may be some hope for you with the right surgeon. Did you consent to allow him to drain the blood in that manor? That is completely f'd up. He had to have known there were other options.



Regarding Pentox:
I am taking one in the morning, one in the evening, not latter than 06:00 PM, usually at 05:30 PM.
Both during meal, I mean eat half of my food, drink the Pentox, continue eating.
Any other way makes me side effects. I bought them from riverfarmacy.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum