PENTOX - Side effects

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Ultimately, I guess my questions are kind of moot. They are questions I was thinking about in the past few weeks while reading the boards, but I'm thinking the only way forward is to wade in with a lower dose and see how things go. I'm just cautious because I know I have anxiety problems (I actually haven't always had it be this apparent, or maybe I just wasn't as consciously aware of it. The beginning of my anxiety problems I would say started around the end of 2010/beginning of 2011 and are directly tied to the progression of Peyronie's for me, which came on slowly sometime later in 2011 and which I finally realized was a problem towards the end of 2011) and I know Pentox contributed to them reemerging. So I want to take every step I can to mitigate that, because what I felt was really quite extreme and I don't want to experience that again if I can help it. It would be nice to bounce my next plan of action off others that have been in the same situation, but the answers are probably out there and I just need to sift through the discussions on this board more. I just don't want Pentox to be something I end up not being able to take.


I begin to take Pentox three months ago but my Peyronie's AND anxiety begin 3&1/2 years ago.
My anxiety was caused by Peyronie's and what I have suffered for it and not Pentox.

Pentox can cause anxiety, try from 400mg/day in the morning (if you can find 200mg pill try this dose, in any case DO NOT CUT THE 400mg PENTOX IN HALF) in addition with making yourself busy/active (I don't mean siting in the front of the TV or the computer).

Making myself busy and thinking positive takes me out of anxiety.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: james1947 on March 26, 2012, 02:33:47 PM
in addition with making yourself busy/active (I don't mean siting in the front of the TV or the computer).

I work a very physical job outdoors (landscaping type stuff) which I was on winter hiatus from when my attempt at Pentox happened, and I was actually looking forward to starting work again because the heavy exertion seemed like a good way to combat the side effects. But in the past week an arm injury (bursitis-like, but I don't think it is actually that) resurfaced and I am most likely leaving the job (not a whole lot of choice) after only working a few weeks. I'm a fit person but outside of that job I didn't do much exercise besides walking and some hiking. I plan to start tai chi and/or possibly another martial art when I can (depending on time, money, etc), and maybe some other more intensive form of exercise. Biking may be good, but then again being in a bike seat a lot might affect what is currently a rather tender area, haha.

I forgot to mention earlier but cold showers in the morning sometimes helped to take the edge off of anxiety. The worst of it would come at night if I remember correctly, though, I think because of the cumulative effect of the pills. Definitely after the second or third Pentox of the day I would notice it more.



Sorry for your arm injury that make you to stop your job. I like also outdoor work, unfortunately my work now is in front of the computer, sometime makes me anxious. I hope in a few months I will begin to do some outdoor work also.

Regarding walking and hiking, they are the best sports for health (Just be careful if you are hiking in Iraq not to cross the border to Iran). Hiking in the US is much more safe and pleasant.

Regarding tai chi, my sister strongly recommends it. You are still young and fit, personally I would propose you to try Ikido. I practised for 6 months, unfortunately because a bad fall my back problems come back and I have to quit. Ikido is much more than a martial art, is culture, politeness and respect each other. It was developed from the way of the samurai fighting, cruel but noble. It gives also a lot of internal relaxation.

Try the Pentox again with one per day in the morning. I am taking Pentox in the middle of my meal as I was advised by the forum to reduce to minimum the side effect.

Keep in touch
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Neptune, have you experienced any change in curvature since you started Pentox?


I haven't noticed any change in curvature, but after being back on Pentox for 6 months it seemed that the plaques had stopped calcifying and the growth in general was stabilizing according to my Dr.- not shrinking, but better than growing. Erections are still not as hard as they were and am hoping that will change... has anyone had successful reversal of this problem through Pentox or other means? I'm wondering if my body is not letting the erections get completely full due to feeling the discomfort of the plaques (which are mild compared to what they were, but are still present and can be felt). I certainly CAN get full erections still, but believe my body is not letting itself due to the plaques.

In terms of anxiety, I'll state the obvious and say that anyone suffering with Peyronies Disease is apt to anxiety whether they had it before or not, and it's not always easily read on the surface. Unfortunately for me this has affected intimacy as well as questioning what is in my head vs. what is actual physical change from the Peyronies Disease. Therapy and some sort of mindful practice (breathing exercises, meditation for example) seem to work really well with this. It is also accepting that it is a constant battle and that taking on these ways of combatting the problem- exercise, therapy, etc- are just really good to have in one's life anyways. Putting a positive spin on the problem.

Something I'm curious about from people on the forum is their caffeine intake. I generally drink one-two cups of coffee in the morning, and though it's prone to cause a more anxiety, the caffeine does open up arteries which in my mind could only help with the Pentox and its purpose. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


Regarding coffee I do drink one or two cups in the morning, one afternoon and sometimes one in the evening.

Strange but the afternoon coffee and evening one makes me sometimes sleepy. Maybe because mt low hemoglobin, I don't know.

Is not making me any anxiety and helping with headache if I have some.
I have to mention that I am drinking big cups but half tea spoon of coffee.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: neptune on April 03, 2012, 05:48:10 PM
Something I'm curious about from people on the forum is their caffeine intake. I generally drink one-two cups of coffee in the morning, and though it's prone to cause a more anxiety, the caffeine does open up arteries which in my mind could only help with the Pentox and its purpose. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

I love coffee and tea and drink them off and on, but at the moment I'm not drinking much, except some green tea every once in a while. After drinking caffeine regularly for a while it does bring on anxious feelings for me, and when not drinking coffee I find I wake up easier and have more sustained energy throughout the day vs. the enjoyable but shorter-lasting energy when drinking it. But I do enjoy it and so it's something I always come back to. I don't know about how it would help the Pentox but your theory makes sense to me. Sometimes drinking some coffee would help if I had a headache or was constipated, which could be explained by arteries opening. I will probably not be drinking any caffeine at first when I attempt Pentox again, though if I'm able to continue Pentox for a few months I will try to again.

I have a bunch of yerba mate sitting around that I never drank... now that I think of it I'm really curious as to what substances/compounds/whatever you call them are in that, and also what's in tea and coffee. I think all three of them are healthy in their own ways.


Caffeine is the only long lasting energy buster. All the energy drinks contains caffeine and sugar.
The sugar is giving a higher bust but for short time and followed by deep energy loss.
This is the main reason all the energy drinks should be avoided.

Caffeine open the arteries and easy the blood flow indeed. This is how it helps with headache.

Drinking coffee when taking Pentox it may be bad, I read a post on the forum (before starting Pentox I read all related posts) that Pentox & coffee combination can make you passing out.
I stop drinking coffee for two weeks (first week Pentox 1*400mg/daily, second week 2*400mg/daily) and gradually back to my regular coffee intake. I feel fine, almost end of month three on Pentox.

last think about green tea. It is completely different that the regular red/black tea and is advised for many illnesses. I have drink it in the past, 3 per day for years. It not helped me with nothing as I have observed. The effect may be very individual.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Just FYI: caffeine, like other stimulants, is a vasoconstricter, meaning it makes blood vessels smaller. It does increase heart rate though.



Hmmm. It makes all my theory upside down. But reading the bellow I understand that I am wrong.

If I have migraine is always accompanied by very low blood pressure and low hearth beet. So I understand that increasing my blood pressure helps with the headache.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: swolf on April 03, 2012, 07:06:09 PM
I have a bunch of yerba mate sitting around that I never drank... now that I think of it I'm really curious as to what substances/compounds/whatever you call them are in that, and also what's in tea and coffee. I think all three of them are healthy in their own ways.

I'm having a hard time finding a site that doesn't also sell something, but there's this: "Clinical studies indicate yerba mate leaf inhibits lipoxygenase, an enzyme involved in inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Yerba mate extracts also have been shown to relax smooth muscle, to increase bile flow, and inhibit vasoconstriction." from It also contains many antioxidants and minerals, many of those also found in green tea.

Skjaldborg is right about caffeine being a vasoconstrictor, but it appears (just from some quick googling, not really concrete sources) yerba mate also contains theobromine, which is a vasodilator and would counteract the caffeine. Though George also points out:

QuoteAlthough Pentoxifylline produces few interactions, there are a few that we should be aware of.  Pentoxifylline is known as a "xanthine" compound.  Therefore Pentoxifylline can interact with other "xanthine" compounds and cause toxicity in rare cases.  Other xanthines are 1) Caffeine ie Coffee, Guarana, Yerba Mate and Tea.  2) Theobromine ie Chocolate and Yerba Mate.  And 3) Theophylline ie Tea.  An example of this potential interaction is documented here.  And since all of these share a common base, anyone having a sensitivity to any of them should use care with Pentoxifylline.


I have started today with one Pentox pill in the morning with food and will see how my second attempt at it goes and post about it. I plan to move up to two pills, one in the morning and one afternoon, and if I tolerate it well will just leave the dosage there. I'm not a big person (5'8" and 140 lbs at most, usually in the 130s) and I think three pills was a little much for me.

I feel I'm in a much better spot to deal with the anxiety-related side effects this time, going into it prepared. The Stabilium supplement mentioned elsewhere on the forum has helped a lot and I have been on a maintenance dosage of 2 caps every other day for the past few weeks, plus a few other supplements I experiment with. Feeling pretty good at the moment, so we'll see how it goes!

(I also want to add, for anyone out there reading this, that I am prone to severe anxiety. Far from always, but I have that potential. Just for a little context and reference for those that may be in the same boat. )



Happy to read you feel better and good you begin with Pentox.

As I wrote you, I am taking it during my meal and the evening dose before 05:30 PM per George advise. The little bit side effects I had in the beginning have gone. Hope it will be for you the same.

Move to two pills daily after one week at least. It will make your body to get used to.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I must have missed the "before 5PM" one. Is that because of the side effects or for better absorption?
Because I usually take 1 morning (around 7 am), one lunch time around 1 pm and one before i go to bed.. (that would be around 10 to 12 PM)
I hardly have side effects.



I think the 5:30 PM is because the side effects.

PENTOX effect on Peyronie's>Re: Pentox? In my case has worsened situation>« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2012, 11:47:00 PM »
QuoteI ALWAYS take Pentox WITH the food.  It could be IMMEDIATELY before or DURING or IMMEDIATELY after.  But it needs to be at the same time you are eating in order to avoid gastro intestinal problems.  And by all means try to avoid taking it anytime close to bed time.  I take mine around 9:00AM, NOON, and 5:30PM.  - George

I stick to George advise and some small side effects gone by now.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


There is NO REQUIREMENT medically to take the last dose of the day around 5:00 PM.  I recommend the last dose of the day around that time for 2 reasons:

1)  It avoids intestinal upset as much as possible.
2)  It concentrates the medication during daytime hours when inflammation is at its peak.

- George



Your advises never failed me, so I try to pass the information to others.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I have had to stop after two days. That wasn't really expected. I am going to try again, obviously, but Pentox may be something I am not able to take. What I am experiencing is low-level but not at all pleasant, and is the exact same feeling/reaction I had after my previous month-long trial (far less of a reaction, of course). It is not anxiety of the hand-wringing variety, it is seems more like a disorganization in the brain, which in turn does cause anxious feelings. I need to get a handle on what exactly it's doing if I want to find a way that I am able to tolerate it.

I recently left a stressful job and am starting a different (easier) part-time job in a week, so in the meantime I have had nothing but free time and have been walking at least 8 miles a day. I love walking and it has always been my preferred method of exercise (and relaxation), but I think I will need definitely need to start an intensive form of exercise, to get more oxygen into my body among all the other benefits. I have been eating pretty well. It just seems my particular brain chemistry does not handle Pentox well - I'm not done experimenting yet, though.


It is important to note that PentoxifYLLiNE is CHEMICALLY related to TheophYLLINE found in Tea and Chocolate AND CaffEINE found in coffee.  As such, it can have similar effects in terms of stimulating (or overstimulating) the nervous system.  In my case, it actually tend to exacerbate my hypertension, but I continued to take it for years in the past because I had other ways (increasing medication) to deal with the hypertension issue.  It also tends to put me "on edge".  So this is probably what you are experiencing.  - George


Hello everyone -

I have now been on Pentox on and off for three years (since I was 23 years old). Recently, I have noticed that when sitting for longer periods of time, 30 mins or more, I experience slight swelling and tightness in my feet. This is accompanied by increased temperature in my extremities and a tingling feeling as well. Does this sound like a common side effect that any of you have experienced, or is this something I need to get looked at by a doctor?  



When I was on pentox, I occasionally noticed some tingling or jittery feelings, particularly if I took the doses a little too close together. It's probably not a big problem but be sure to mention it to whoever prescribed pentox to you, just to be sure. Ask if you can space out the dosages or even reduce your intake from 1200mg per day to 800mg.



I take only 600-800mg daily of pentox but it provokes insomnia to me....


Try taking the second one with meal not later than 05:30 PM. It made me insomnia also and heavy sweating when I tacked it at 08 or 09 PM.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


It is very interesting to read these comments about Pentox. I did not know that it is chemically related to Theophylline, and I am very sensitive to chocolate and coffee. Once in a while I have those same tingling and jittery feelings, and I very rarely consume coffee or chocolate.  


Someone can tell me about drug interactions side effects in treatment with low dose cialis and pentox? Both are vasodilators, I'm affraid of major complications because pentox does a mention to have caution in association with others vasodilators.
I trust in my doctor, but i would like to know opinions about, especially from who take the two drugs in association



I am taking low dose Cialis (4 to 5mg), Pentox 2*400mg, 100mg Aspirin with no problems.
Morning Pentox
Lunch Aspirin
Evening Pentox & Cialis
Each works different. Pentox affects the red blood cells, Aspiring affecting blood clothing, Cialis reducing blood pressure.

Hope it helps
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: tommarkey on July 02, 2012, 06:32:01 PM
Someone can tell me about drug interactions side effects in treatment with low dose cialis and pentox? Both are vasodilators, I'm affraid of major complications because pentox does a mention to have caution in association with others vasodilators.
I trust in my doctor, but i would like to know opinions about, especially from who take the two drugs in association

drug interaction checker @
pentox + cialis:,1826-1178

don't check these too often if you're hypochondriac  :D


I have asked my uro to prescribe me Pentox a few months ago after learning the subject on the forum.
He prescribed me Pentox 400mg daily but worn me that it may cause several internal bleeding an I should stop taking the 100mg Aspirin. I suppose is from the written warnings of those medications.
I listen to his recommendation for one week, than added back the Aspirin and added the second Pentox 400mg.
All this while taking already Cialis.
A few months later after coming back from a Peyronies learning conference from the US he told me what I have learned when I begin to read the forum that Pentox is the first line oral treatment for Peyronies.

My approach is carefull and slow to any new medication because I have a lot of allergies. It works for me.

cps links are usefull, but you will have to spend a lot of time if you really want to learn about the drugs interaction with other drugs and even food.
QuoteCialis (tadalafil) interacts with more than 200 other drugs.
QuotePentoxil (pentoxifylline) interacts with more than 10 other drugs.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


i'm on my 11th week of my pentox treatment. constantly on 2*400mg.

i notice slight improvement in erection quality. regarding pain, no great difference. but i would definetely say it's less.

now on the side effects:

i take my pills at 11a.m. and 11p.m. sometimes i wake up late, i take my morning pill at noon or sometimes even at 1p.m. if my regular sleeping is interrupted, especially if i take alcohol the day before, side effects increase significantly. dizziness and blurred vision. and hot weather also stimulates side effects. any thoughts on pentox interaction with alcohol? or is it just an indirect result, instead of a direct interaction? and what about the impact of the daytime temperature?

moreover, i can't take my pill if i'm drinking at 11p.m. if i take it, i get very easily drunk, though generally i am a good drinker. in other words, i notice symptoms of blurred vision and dizziness. (add to that the effect of alcohol)

and insomnia. taking the second one at 11 a.m. makes it impossible to sleep for slightly two hours. but i do handle it, no big deal. my question is the following, especially for those who take 3*400mg per day, do you necessarily divide your daytime to three, meaning one pill per 8hours, so it means really regularly organized daytime routines? is time that vitally important? or is it the biological time that holds much more importance? so guys, those of you who take 3*400, do you organize it according to meals, biological hours, or real hours? i ask this because intend to increase my dosage to 3*400 when the academic term begins.

thanks for all help...


As far as my case goes, mentioned earlier in this thread, Pentox is something I simply cannot take. The mental effects are too much to handle.  


Quote from: finarod on August 15, 2012, 06:01:14 AM
my question is the following, especially for those who take 3*400mg per day, do you necessarily divide your daytime to three, meaning one pill per 8hours, so it means really regularly organized daytime routines? is time that vitally important? or is it the biological time that holds much more importance? so guys, those of you who take 3*400, do you organize it according to meals, biological hours, or real hours? i ask this because intend to increase my dosage to 3*400 when the academic term begins.

thanks for all help...

Pentoxifylline is best taken WITH MEALS.  1)  Taking with meals reduces gastrointestinal side effects.  2) Taking with meals reduces sleep disturbances.  3) Taking with meals concentrates anti-inflammatory effects during daytime hours when inflammation tends to be at its peak.  - George


Quote from: finarod on August 15, 2012, 06:01:14 AM
i'm on my 11th week of my pentox treatment. constantly on 2*400mg.

i notice slight improvement in erection quality. regarding pain, no great difference. but i would definetely say it's less.

now on the side effects:

i take my pills at 11a.m. and 11p.m. sometimes i wake up late, i take my morning pill at noon or sometimes even at 1p.m. if my regular sleeping is interrupted, especially if i take alcohol the day before, side effects increase significantly. dizziness and blurred vision. and hot weather also stimulates side effects. any thoughts on pentox interaction with alcohol? or is it just an indirect result, instead of a direct interaction? and what about the impact of the daytime temperature?

moreover, i can't take my pill if i'm drinking at 11p.m. if i take it, i get very easily drunk, though generally i am a good drinker. in other words, i notice symptoms of blurred vision and dizziness. (add to that the effect of alcohol)

and insomnia. taking the second one at 11 a.m. makes it impossible to sleep for slightly two hours. but i do handle it, no big deal. my question is the following, especially for those who take 3*400mg per day, do you necessarily divide your daytime to three, meaning one pill per 8hours, so it means really regularly organized daytime routines? is time that vitally important? or is it the biological time that holds much more importance? so guys, those of you who take 3*400, do you organize it according to meals, biological hours, or real hours? i ask this because intend to increase my dosage to 3*400 when the academic term begins.

thanks for all help...

i've been on 2*400 a day for 8 months now. Has definitely helped. I have one more prescription (was prescribed 3*400 a day for 6 months but since I can only take 2 (3 makes me sick) i've gotten to take it for longer, will probably last me closer to a year). I would suggest taking it with meals and stop taking it so late. I take one at 9 am and one at 6-7 pm. No later.


Myself taking also 2*400mg daily with the meals and not late than 6 PM per George advice not to take Pentox late or without meal. Have no any side effects even drinking a few beers.
With 3*400mg a day, or taking the Pentox late, I have very uncomfortable feeling, so if I forget sometimes taking in in time and with meal, I am skipping taking it. Not good, but better than the uncomfortable feeling.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


listening to your advices, I'm now taking it right after dinner. insomnia effect diminishes, but does not fade away. maybe because of consumption of tea and coffee during the day, whose chemical substance teofylline interacts with pentoxifylline...



Happy to hear about the improvement.
I had many  Pentox side effects until per George advice I begin taking it during the meal, not after.
I am eating half of me meal (more or less) taking Pentox and continue my meal.
Try out this way, hope will help further.
I am also taking 100mg Ubiquinol before meal in the morning, 2*1000mg L-Arginie, 2*100mg Ubiquinol and 4mg Cialis before meal in the evening.
Too much coffee and tea may be not good, myself drinking them also, but I think the special small cups of tea and coffee (I love them after drinking them for 10 years, I never drink tea before) are not too much, the high sugar content in the cup may be bad.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Coffee ... healthy.
Sugar ... not.

- George


Quote from: james1947 on August 18, 2012, 05:59:55 PM
I am also taking 100mg Ubiquinol before meal in the morning

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to take it with or after meals because it is fat soluble like Vit E?


I am taking the Ubiquinol before the meal because I read on the forum that other people are doing like that.
Maybe not to be too close to the Pentox?
From the other side, on the bottle is written to take it with food, so I don't know what is the correct.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Doubts about Pentox

I have been taking Pentox for almost exactly a year. I started about six months after the beginning of Peyronie's. It is hard to tell how effective it has been because I have had two more plaques develop in the past year. Did it slow down their development? It is hard to say. The first plaque has remained but feels softer in comparison to the two newer plaques.

Regardless, I had experienced periods of queasiness and a bit of dizziness occasionally, but it was tolerable. But, in the last month I began noticing changes in stool color and diarrhea. I was very alarmed by the grey, chalky color of the stools and started to do some research. The Trental Tx description mention cholestasis (total or partial suppression of the flow of bile) as a rare side effect. PDF link:

I also noticed a potential effect on the web site: It lists this drug as a Do Not Use drug because it has limited effectiveness and may cause bone marrow toxicity. Toxicity for those suffering from which illness? I had not even considered that the changes in the production of blood cells may occur in the bone marrow. I am no physician or pharmacist, but these issues concern me. However, cites otherwise an Iranian study: so at a point, who does one take seriously?

I stopped taking Pentox several days ago and everything appears and feels normal again. I started to ponder this and realized that Peyronie's is essentially an inflammatory condition. It appears that the plaques are built up in response to special chemicals that signal an injury has occurred and the body subsequently develops a plaque to try to heal or "patch up" an injury. So, would not an anti-inflammatory course of treatment be more effective? Would changes in diet affect Peryonie's favorably by mitigating the body's inflammation response? Perhaps, Potaba would be more effective? Oral Therapy for Peyronie's Disease:




Definitely can't argue with someone personal experience regarding Pentox or any other treatment or medication.
The assessment of the results may be different, but not the facts.
Before starting myself with Pentox, I made a small "research" regarding forum members experience and opinion on Pentox.
You can find it at:
Quote from: james1947 on March 27, 2012, 10:07:20 AM

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Pfree,  Thank you for sharing the bone marrow toxicity issue with Pentoxifylline.  I had never heard of it before and have NEVER seen it including in the warnings regarding the medication.  Now that you have brought it up, I find it is mentioned here ->  Certainly ANYONE taking Pentox should be made aware of this risk.  I actually may be experiencing some of this toxicity and I recall a few other guys mentioning problems with blood cell counts.  In my case I experienced low white cell counts for several years, but those have suddenly returned to normal (I am no longer taking Pentox regularly).  But now I am experiencing issues with mild anemia.  Knowing what you have shared will certainly cause me to avoid resuming Pentox.  At this point Ubiquinol is working well for me.  However, one does have to remember that all meds DO have potential side effects.  But it is VERY important that the patient AND the prescribing physician be aware of them.

This new information would imply that anyone using Pentoxifylline should be keeping an eye on their blood cell counts.

As for anti-inflammatories, trust me, they have been tried repeatedly around here and they don't work.  AND anti-inflammatories can ALSO CAUSE bone marrow toxicity.  That is the bottom line.  - George


I would make it clear here that immunosuppression in the form of white cell depletion IS listed as a potential side effect of Pentoxifylline.  The fact that Pentoxifylline suppresses the immune system, is, in fact, at least part of the reason it is effective against Peyronie's.  Many would argue that it is the primary, if not sole reason it is effective in treating Peyronie's.  Additionally, EVERYTHING I have read so far indicates the the bone marrow depression/suppression (the commonly used terms) is temporary and clears once treatment ceases.  It IS however DELAYED.  So if you take Pentoxifylline, and you end with bone marrow depression, it will occur some months AFTER starting the Pentox.  When you stop taking Pentox, it will take some months or perhaps longer to clear and return to normal.  So I suspect that "toxicity" may be a biased and exaggerative term.  I simply think that it is something we all should be aware of and make sure the it is either managed or eliminated if it occurs.  I really can't believe that this is a serious issue and someone as cautious and thorough as Dr Lue has overlooked it.  I also think that there are lots of drugs out there that are far more dangerous than Pentox, but that is just my opinion.  - George


I just want to say that one of my hopes with Pentox was that it will lower my white blood cell counts that are very high.
Until now, 8 months on Pentox, it didn't happen.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



I just started with Pentox yesterday(400mgX3 in my country it is on the market as TORENTAL) and for some reason it feels like it is causing pain inside my penis( a burning sensation). Has anyone experienced this? Don't know if this means that it is attacking the scar or just making it worse:)




In my opinion and the opinion of almost all the people on the forum, Pentox will not cause pain or worsening other Peyronies symptoms. It helps with the pain, not the contrary.
The burning sensation you are experiencing may be the increased blood flow to your penis or something else.
Give more time to Pentox to show you results.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hi there

I started on Pentox this saturday. I'm on in for 3 days and tomorrow I will get off, the anxiety is severe, like on my worse days. I'm on treatment for anxiety disorder and Pentox sweep away all the anti-anxiety benefits of paxil and lorazepam. I'm very disappointed with this, but the level of anxiety was out of control. I'll continue with L-Arginine and planning to add more supplements. I need to read more post of the supplements section.

Maybe one day I'll be ready for Pentox.


Jacob, I completely understand. I am unable to take Pentox for the same reason. You should try Acetyl L-Carnitine and CoQ10, and consider the VED.


 I'm considering the VED, but i'm very lost, I should do some research about it.

C0Q10 is quite expensive, it's worth it? Anyway, I'll buy some ALC to add.

Thanks for the tip.


I you can get it from the US (I mean no import problems to EC) take a look on the prices bellow:
Maybe have an European company that sales on those prices also.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum