PEYRONIE’S Symptoms & Confirmation

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Quote from: Sasha on June 10, 2011, 10:35:13 PM
Is there anyone who has similar symptoms and, if so, what are you doing to try and correct it? Is my case a less severe one? Thank you.

Severity can be measured a number of ways. It can be the level of pain, difficulty or interference with sex, and angle or degree of curvature. Since you indicate no pain, no problems with sex, then this may be dependent on degree of curvature. Angles of 20 degrees or less would be considered mild.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Hi, im a new member, i was 19 i injured my penis while masturbating, im 25, now and never told my parents are anyone, and im too ashamed to, but the scar tissue on the side of my penis isn't/never hardened, it's really soft, but i have difficulty recently keeping an erection sometimes, i have no curve or loss of length. I basically posted because im looking for advice, im scared, embarrassed, and yet i want to tell someone and don't know how, what do i do, what advice can someone give so i can get help.


If after all of these years curvature has not developed, it may be the case that erectile dysfunction treatment such a Viagra would suffice. It's definitely worth seeing your doctor about it.d  Having penis problems at any age isn't something that is unheard of, so it won't be anything new to your doctor.


Alot of the time my penis feels very firm as aposed to soft/spongy.
However, when i go to urinate it returns to a spongy state (temporarily) then gets firm after.
If i get into a hot bath it will get very firm. Cold water tends to relax it.

Also, if i try and consciously relax my penis and squeeze the BC muscle - it returns to a soft (normal) state. but then shortly after will retract and go 'firmflaccid'

When i'm erect if i continue stimulation it is normal and straight, however if i stop touching it sometimes it has a slight bend in it.

So what i wanna know is; does peyronies scar tissue stay constant, or can it relax as mine does at times, then go back to being hardened after ?

Worried Guy

This is what a normal penis does.  Sometimes it is firm and then it can be flaccid.  The scar tissue is likely to be just 0.5cm-2.0cm in size so will not make the whole penis feel either firm or flaccid.  Your penis has probably always been like this it's just that you have never noticed it.  Now you find yourself looking in great detail on a daily basis you start to notice things.


hello  to everyone.
im 20 years old.till about a year ago i was over weight.when i started losing weight my fat pad went down and i saw a slight bend.i did not give it much thought coz i thought it was congenital.then after 8 months i felt my penis  and noticed the little bumps on the inside.penis that pointed towards a scar tissue.
also if i had not felt my penis that day i wudnt be here now.i started to look up peyriones and i have one of the five symptoms.
i have no pain
i get good erections whenever.
i dont get morning wood though.havent for a while.
i have no lumps.
the bend  in penis is very slight downward and very slight to the left.10 deg maybe
also i have firmness in the area where the bend starts all the way upto the head.the firmness goes away if u go down.
i have no decrease in size .always been 6.5inch and 5 inch girth.
also its been there for 8 months so it has not gotten worse.
i wouldnt worry about this if it werent for the firmness and bumps.
also no pain when flaccid.
also guys does the scar look like veins?i have them in top of the penis but i put my finger on them and felt blood does scar tissue have blood flow too??

if u read this then god bless u .please write a response.i m feeling really down.ciao

could some one make a do u have peyriones section.wud be easier for others


So which of the 5 symptoms do you think you have. A slight curve is not unusual but doesn't necessarily mean Peyronies.

Also you can't "see" the scar or plaque tissue. These are under the skin.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


If I were you, I'd see a doctor, preferably a Urologist familiar with Peyronie's Disease to examine you and determine your problem. Some people on this forum are very knowledgable, but none are qualified to determine whether or not you do or don't have Peyronie's based on the details you provided. Just because you aren't waking up wth erections doesn't mean you don't have them during your sleep. All I can tell you in my short experience with this disease, is there was a brief period where I had stinging pains during erections but that went away fairly quickly. Then I had some inflammatory pains over the plaque (scar) area when flaccid. That seemed to go away once I started Pentox and if not, an Advil (NSAID) would help relief this pain. The firmness at the base of my penis seemed to spread over the top in a hard casing (shell). This is under the skin and can not be seen but can be felt. It caused a hinging effect where the plaque ends and when fully erect causes an upward bend to the shaft. There is also some slight wasting on each side at that same location where it looks like the shaft is being dimpled inward. After 3 1/2 months on Pentox, L-Arginine, Ubiquinol and Vitamin E, I see no real improvement but I haven't seen much worsening either. I still get erections and there is no pain with them and no pain while flaccid most of the time now. The vein like object that you claimed had blood flow is probably just a normal blood vessel but again a doctor needs to examine you and determine what is happening. I think I read that the average age of onset for Peyronie's Disease is about 52 and that is my age, but if someone injures their penis, I suppose that is the most likely reason that younger men are affected. I have a genetic predisposition to have Peyronie's because of my Northern European ancestory and I also just developed Dupuytren's Disease of the hand.


the symptom i have is the scar tissue i think.i read that scar tissue is 1x1 cm at its that true



Scar tissue can be larger than that. I have a mild case of peyronie's but the ultrasound found an area of thin scar tissue that covered an area perhaps an inch in size.

You should go to a urologist to get checked out. I echo what retiredinGA said.



Iwillis is right.  Many urologists just aren't up to date on peyronies, the extent of their knowledge is if you have ED take viagara. The way pentox and the VED work to help peyronies isn't to complex, but takes some thinking outside of the box that frankly a lot of urologists just don't care to do, they are making big bucks and in it for the money, not to examine your penis and enjoy it.  I've learned more on my time on this forum than I have from the doctors, not that there isn't good ones out there who are thinking outside of the box, but they are hard to find to be honest!  

This convo should probably be moved to another topic and out of the PDS Resource Library.




Its been a long time that I posted here, and had good recovery in the meantime. Pretty much everything has settled down, just there is one thing that remains for me: my penis and testicles are often very swollen, and testicles look a bit red as well.

Is this yet another sympton I have been asociating with peyronies but has nothing to do with it? Any advise would be most welcome!



Fredca  - I haven't been here much myself so I don't remember reading your post in the past.  You said "everything is settling down."  Did you recently have an implant or other surgery?  I had an implant a month ago and my scrotum was the size of a softball :o  Black, blue and red also.


No its just that the disease faded out and the angle is gone, its overall a bit thinner than it was but thats not much of a problem. I'm just a bit worried that the sudden swelling might indicate that the disease is flaring up again, also noticed some redness on the shaft today..  


Quote from: Worried Guy on June 22, 2011, 04:04:06 PM
This is what a normal penis does.  

pretty sure a 'normal penis' should not retract and contract to the point where all the blood is gone and sensation is lost alot of the time


The swelling seems to be some sort of prelude of a flareup of the disease, or I am very afraid so it is just after I finally left it all behind.

Atm skin is red and I feel some stinging deep inside plus it doesnt feel too comfortable.

Ive taken 2 naproxen in an attempt if this really is a flare-up to stop it right away and early. Or maybe im just too worried. The happiness of it being gone has always been tainted by fear of it returning.  


Hi all,

I'm confused about my Peyronie's. I should say at this point that I have never been formally diagnosed with Peyronie's, however I am fairly certain that I have some variety. My penis bends up and to the right, although the curve is not too drastic (around 45 degrees at worst). However I do not have any clear plaque. Rather, I have this weird swelling that starts about a quarter of the way down my penis (upward facing) and then continues, almost like an enlarged vein (though it is not the colour of a vein), backwards to the base of the penis and then along to the right at right angles, until I can't trace it any further because it kind of goes inside my pelvis. It's difficult to describe, but I hope that does a decent job. It's soft and moves from side to side when pressure is applied to it. Any idea what the hell this is?

Many thanks for any help...


FranzFan -  I suggest that you see a Urologist that treats Peyronies Disease.  Meanwhile, read everything on this forum pertaining to the characteristics of Peyronies Disease.  There is certainly a lot of help and good advice  to be gained from some of the members here.  

How long has it been since you first noticed a change, do you experience pain, have you had an injury, what kind of medication have you taken in the past as well as the present?

Peyronies Disease is what it is with different symptoms and I am not sure there is a "variety."  There are many different symptoms. What I have experienced and the way I treated Peyronies Disease, up to and including a penile prothesis implant, has been unlike most of the experiences of other men.  Search your local resources and find a Urologist, keep reading and keep asking questions.

Good luck and God speed.


Is more thick pronounced veins a positive or negative sign?

I dont like mentioning this because of my supreme superstition but I feel pentox is starting to help with erection quality, Month 5


I dont think its either positive of negative, just a symptom of Peyronies Disease. My veins have gotten much bigger as a result of the constriction caused by the plaque. It makes sense to see larger veins as there is more pressure placed on them by the scar. I have asked my Uro if there is a chance veins could rupture of become a problem and he expressed that something like that is a non issue.  


How many of you notice your curvature/deformity when you're flaccid?

The reason I ask is that it seems strange to me that some men seem perfectly normal when they're flaccid, but when erect they see a huge curve, yet others have a curve when flaccid and aren't too bad when erect. It seems strange to me but I'd like to know everyone's experience.


I notice both. I have 4 areas of scarring, two on each side. I have an hourglass affect when flaccid and then a downward 35 degree curve when erect. It also depends on the day, sometimes the scars seem really soft and I notice nothing when flaccid, other days they are rock hard when flaccid and it looks like a mini-hourglass.

What a messed up thing this is eh?


You can't notice it flaccid. Except for one plaque that sticks out a little. If you didn't know it was there someone wouldn't pay attention. Erect is another story. I have a left lateral bend starting about 2 inches from the base with another plaque pulling down about one fourth from the end and a third plaque that just sticks out of the right side.

To add insult to injury I had three surgeries as a kid for Hypospadia " incomplete urethra from birth" so I have scars and a natural bend down to start with from the beginning. Its a train wreck down there!!!  Sometimes I just have to make light of it just to try and stay level headed. Like mercurza says " what a completely messed up thing this is!!!


I have no erect curve but a massive 90 degree twist while flaccid. I was at the Uro's today and he said he can feel something stiffer but not hard like scar tissue. My flaccid twist is much worse after ejaculation, the pain is also increased with flaccid twisting.

He wrote me a script for 8% veraprimil gel and I had to beg him to prescribe me pentox. He said the pentox would do nothing, even after I showed him the Iranian study, and had total faith in the veraprimil to halt the pain. Amazing how the forum totally disagrees with him but I'm gonna do the veraprimil and pentox.




That's pretty much close to what I experience.  Usually when flaccid I can see a small curve and the hourglass, but erect not so much.  After ejaculation though I get the extremely hard, twisted, 90 degree flaccid that lasts for hours.  It's funny though, if I get an erection without ejaculating, then it goes back to normal, so it seems to me that there is something about ejaculation specifically that causes that effect.  


when erect: 45 degree downward curve
when flaccid: curve still slightly noticeable, penis not hanging directly downwards, but curling a little bit (when I stand upright).


I am twisted to the right about 30 degrees when flaccid

Some hour-glassing on the way to full erection

30 degree upward bend when totally hard

After ejaculation the resulting flaccid state directly after is the most deformed  


I think it has to do with hormones that are released in the body to signal the body to cease all sexual desire. Hence why it dosen't occur if you jerk off like a mad man and not ejaculate and suffer nowhere near as bad. I have read interesting threads very similar to this problem, Some guys would go hard like a little rock in the flaccid state after ejaculation. Not Cool.

I think it might be related to the pelvic floor muscles as well provoking this "tired state". I'm currently working on releasing my pelvic floor away from my PC muscle (the muscle that stops pee).


Help !!
George and those who haven't heard from me prior to today. I just checked my Profile and at the bottom it doesn't say :" send this member a personal message".
No wonder I haven't been getting any messages - I guess that is why?  I've tried but can't find where to re establish this option. I tested my email and emails are getting through - but not Forum PM s.


Thanks Old Man for your information.
The PM you just sent me didn't come to my email address as a Forum PM but I was on here and of course , it came into my inbox.
I'll fish around and see what there is available as a fix.
Thanks to both of you.


Quote from: mike67 on October 11, 2011, 09:52:20 AM
Thanks Old Man for your information.
The PM you just sent me didn't come to my email address as a Forum PM but I was on here and of course , it came into my inbox.
I'll fish around and see what there is available as a fix.
Thanks to both of you.

Just wanted to follow up - I have an appointment with the urologist who Mike67 recommended.  I'm hopeful in seeing him, he does have a good reputation.  Just wanted to thank you guys for the help, it was much appreciated!


Does hourglassing occur when the penis is flaccid or erect?  What causes it?  Is it a constant symptom or does it sporadically?  Does it mean that there is degeneration in the shaft or penile tissue?  Can it occur without plaque or non-Peyronie's conditions?  Can it compromise or weaken erectile function?  Can it be related to suspensory ligament problems?  How is it treated and can daily PDE5 or Pentox help?


Pretty much yes to all of the above.

I have hourglassing where there was an injury.  The scar tissue there doesn't expand as much.  I can notice it when I'm flacid + I can feel where it is.  In some cases it does cause weaker erections as it sort of hinges and there isn't as much blood able to push against that section (it becomes very hardened).  It also sometimes blocks the flow of blood to the rest of the penis.

There are reports on this forum that Pentox helps, especially if you start using it early on.


"some cases it does cause weaker erections as it sort of hinges and there isn't as much blood able to push against that section (it becomes very hardened).  It also sometimes blocks the flow of blood to the rest of the penis."

yeah i experienced this situation sometimes... the penis will get full erect at first but the section above the plaque will get weaker if i do jelqing without any lube or lubricant... and this has never happen when i had an oral sex with my gf before, or when i apply some lubricant, it only happen when i do jelqing without any lubricant... any idea why this is happen? is it called as ED? am i going to face this problem during intercourse?


Don't jelq.  Jelqing has been shown to cause ED in lots of people.  

You probably won't face that problem but treat your penis well - don't do anything which could damage it further.


Again really, if it is not broken why throw in the wrench?



Jelqing can cause injuries don't do it.


So as many of you know, I have had Peyronie's for 3 years, however, a couple of days ago I noticed a new lump far down almost into the perineum below the base of the penis - this all seems to never end. It is relatively painful with erections. My curve had actually stabilized for about 5-6 months and recently had some more intense sexual activity.

Does any body know of or has experience plaque development this far down?


I don't want to alarm you, as I am pretty new to this condition myself and have more questions than answers myself, but I would get that checked out.  
Saint Hubbins
"He was the patron saint of quality footwear."

Old Man


What you are describing it not the usual location for Peyronies Disease plaques, nodules and/or other symptoms. However, since the corporal chambers/tunica goes much further into the body than the portion that protrudes as one looks at it, the symptoms can occur that far in, etc.

Their location makes it almost impossible to "treat" in any way since they are somewhat embedded into the body. I would strongly suggest that you see your uro about this as soon as possible.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


what does a plaque feel like? Can it only be felt in flaccid state? or only while erect? or both?

If there is a small "dent" felt in an erect state, is this considered a plaque?


My understanding is you can feel it when you're flaccid.  The dent is usually caused by the plaque, not something that can be felt when erect.

I want to emphasize - do not self diagnose.  You really, really need to go to a doctor.  Have you set up an appointment?  There are a million things that sound like Peyronies but which aren't.  The internet is NOT a good resource for medical issues - a lot of medical conditions are simply not listed and typing in symptoms is not a good way to get to the right result.

I urge you to talk with a doctor who can give you a straight answer and who has access to lots of training to help you figure this out.



In my case the plaque could be felt in both the flaccid and erect state.

The dent could be from hour glassing or the first stages of multi point peyronies.

You need to find a Male Sexual Function Specialist, not a general practice urologist for a proper diagnosis.



quickguide90012 did you just see a general practice uro or a peyronies disease speciallist? Take some pictures of your penis erect and not erect when you go see your uro. Do you have ed too?  Go see a peyronies disease specialist.


Just an update on this: Went to my uro and based on the physical exam it did indicate another plaque formation in that area. He said that it was definitely unusual but not unheard of as those tissues are susceptible to this type of scarring as well. He said it was most likely due to re-injury after stress at the base due to the trying to maneuver the penis during sexual activity to account for the curvature. Pain has subsided in that area.  


Quote from: clarkk on November 03, 2010, 12:30:37 PM
Hve any of you guys noticed a hard flaccid penis that turtle heads in when you sit? I cant tell if it is in my head as I am extrememly nervous about it, but my penis feels harder I think when flaccid now and it doesnt hang like it used to. This is all very distressing. -Clark


yes i have! i first noticed it years ago, before i even knew i had Peyronies Disease brewing in my crotch!
i was at a movie theater, it was really cold. i went to the bathroom, and noticed my penile
muscle/tissues were rigid. it scared the hell out of me! it happened one or two more times
and stopped. i did use a traction device last year, and that changed my tissues once again,
and they have been hard/firmer when flaccid. it seems to be getting better now. but when
it does that on its own, you should consider some oral medications -- at least L-Arginine
or L-Carnitine. They are supplements and no prescription required.


this hasent happen to me but sometimes when I sit down I will get an erection and it will go into a 90 degree sharp curve downward out of nowhere and I usually dont have a curve at all.


my flaccid size has defietly decreased. its not fuller as it used to be and it dosent hand like it used to be. im sure its because of the scar tissue. i get the hard flaccid penis too.
i usually get it right after i masturbate.


I had and have still the hard flaccid penis and small size like it's absorbed partially in the body.
That improved and continue to improve after I begin with 2*400mg daily Pentox.
Proposing to all to give Pentox a try.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Pentox, co q 10 and cialis using anyone of these alone will give me a more elastic and fuller penis.I found this out by running out of a suppliments one at a time.If i stop taking them altogether  i go back to having a tight flaccid penis.Using a ved will keep you in a more narural state also you have to keep all the blood that you can down there.This is what i believe anyway.Should promote healing never the less it will not cure you.
