HYPERTHERMIA - Infrared light & Heating therapy

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Quote from: George999 on November 20, 2009, 05:17:13 PM
This looks VERY interesting to me, I really think it just might be useful, but  :o ->$$$$$$$

The link you posted is for an elbow strap for $300. There is also a wrist strap for $249. I guess what you'd care about is the number of diodes; they might answer that question if they were contacted. I checked but couldn't find a penis strap.

Infrared light to increase blood circulation is an interesting therapy. I get trigger points in my back. I wonder if there is any connection with Peyronies Disease, since both are connective tissue issues that are worsened by poor circulation to the affected areas.

This might make for a good DIY project too.

Old Man

Note to all:

I now have acquired an infrared heating pad. It has worked very well for use with my lower back problems in that with about 15 minutes of using it, the pain is reduced to almost nothing. It lasts for over 12 hours before coming back. Have had back surgery way back in 1968 and have had chronic lower back pain ever since with no lasting relief, so this has become a plus in that department!!!!

It is one of types that have exotic stones that are round shaped in an oblong pattern. The heat is applied to them through the heating elements contained in a 12 x 18 pad that has a control for the amount of heat, time limit and can be adjusted to ones personal feelings, etc.

Since my Peyronies Disease is under control and I don't have any symptoms, I cannot give it a try for that. However, I will be using it in the groin area to observe if any improvements in erections and/or size changes. Have been told by the makers of it that it can help with both ED and Peyronies Disease. However, since my ED has been with me since the age of 55, there probably will not be much improvement there. (The VED has "cured" that problem for me though)

Will give updates on how the pad works for me so that others can have the benefit, etc.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Actually, a few hundred dollars is a bargain for something that provides relief.  Even if you get something intending to use if for Peyronie's and it doesn't work, but works extremely well for some other health issue, it is still a bargain.  I look forward to additional reports like Old Man's from guys trying these devices.  - George


Quote from: rockwall on November 06, 2009, 04:08:18 PM
This is my first post on this forum although I have been lurking for years even back to the old BTC forum.

Some have already noted this Brazilian study that is currently underway.
I contacted the doctor conducting this study to determine if this infrared treatment was efficatious in his oppinion.

His Reply

"Thanks for your email.

I can assure you that this treatment really cure Peyronie's disease, but it is a long process (at least 2 or more years) of daily treatment. But infortunately infrared lamp alone does not work as well as the combined therapy. I have made some amendments to the protocol existing in the internet. In fact I have increased the goal to be reached in testosterone level to the highest normal level in order to have best results and the same with vit D levels.
I think that I you really wish to carry out this treatment you can send to me your lab exams, some photographs of your penis during erection ( from a lateral view and from above to measure the curvature in both perspectives) and also an echography of your penis to measure the size of plaques. You may also have to not fulfil the exclusion criteria already stated and you will have to consult an urologist to examine your prostate (rectal exam and prostate echography) .  

You can also write to Prof. Abraham Morgentaler from Harvard University (amorgent@yahoo.com) asking him if he will accept to participate in my trial because you are not the only suffer of Peyronie's disease from USA who sent to me emails seeking help.

I hope I could help you more


Carlos C. Cusmanich, MD"

Best to all,

I'm really surprised that this post has not attracted more debate.

It looks a legitimate trial http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN82950322/  isn't this what we are all looking for ???

I've mailed the Doctor a few days back enquiring when the results of the study will be out but not heard anything so far.  


I agree 100% that this is encouraging (2 years is a long time but ...) As I've stated before I have been using a thermotex heating pad for several months now in conjunction with traction (4 hours a day), pentox and a variety of supplements (including arginine, l carnitine, pycogenol). my results have been positive (less wobble - if you will - with my hourglass/hinging). I'm continuing on this course but am anxiously watching for Brazil final report. Please post the Doctor's response when and if you get it. Thanks


Hi guys, im new here so a big hello to all my fellow peyronie peeps...

right, ive been doin abit of scannin through this site for roughly a month or so.

My story - i basically noticed a small lump within my penis shaft following an intense night with a luthawanian chick.. and after doin abit of research and noticing my penis was infact beginning to bend upwards substantially, i knew i had to do something.

initially i went to visit a GUM dr who examined my penis and said i had nothing to worry about and that it was lymphocelle? he said after a few weeks it will eventually subside. it never did and i felt as if the curvature was increasing..

i was intriuged by the claims that infra red could help and being a cheap option, i thought i would give it ago.

i purchased a heat lamp (150w) and i apply this to the area of nodule atleast once a day for 30 mins, no more than twice.

I have been doing this now for roughly 2 weeks and so far i can confirm that the nodule has most certainly decreased. i am starting to feel that i have got to that point were it is not reducing any further however it still is early days i guess...

as for curvature, very hard to say. basically, there has been no dramatic decrease in curvature as of yet.

i take no other supplements to aid my condition at present however i am thinkin about paying another visit to the GUM doc or asking for a referal to a urologist to discuss additional methods of treament.

from what i can gather pentox is must.

I'm considering increasing to wattage from 150 to 250 to see if this achieves greater results.

Hope this post helps out somewhat..

will keep u posted


i dont think it matters how hot it gets for you penis but what i have noticed is that its bad for your heart! =O when i get out its pumping very fast, and i am in pretty good shape. so does anyone know if im correct? should i just make it hot enough to wear it doesn't make my heart pump? dumb question i know but i think the hotness really helps my peyronies so its a complete bummer =/

Old Man


I work out at the local Y and there is a hot tub available to the members. There is a caution note from the Y that says one should not use a hot tub where the temperature is above 105 degrees. Anything above that temperature could possibly cause heart problems and could cause skin problems, etc.

Above just my take from experience at the YMCA.

Old Man  
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: despise on December 21, 2009, 09:34:53 AM
i dont think it matters how hot it gets for you penis but what i have noticed is that its bad for your heart! =O when i get out its pumping very fast, and i am in pretty good shape. so does anyone know if im correct? should i just make it hot enough to wear it doesn't make my heart pump? dumb question i know but i think the hotness really helps my peyronies so its a complete bummer =/

Have you read the oft posted hyperthermia study on here? Have you read about tissue necrosis? Do you know what temperature at what time duration is dangerous?

As you made the comment above, I must assume not. Might be an idea to find out.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Quote from: skunkworks on December 21, 2009, 09:46:13 PM
Quote from: despise on December 21, 2009, 09:34:53 AM
i dont think it matters how hot it gets for you penis but what i have noticed is that its bad for your heart! =O when i get out its pumping very fast, and i am in pretty good shape. so does anyone know if im correct? should i just make it hot enough to wear it doesn't make my heart pump? dumb question i know but i think the hotness really helps my peyronies so its a complete bummer =/

Have you read the oft posted hyperthermia study on here? Have you read about tissue necrosis? Do you know what temperature at what time duration is dangerous?

As you made the comment above, I must assume not. Might be an idea to find out.

Yes I have read the study and I was trying my hardest to ovoid using to hot of a temperature but I guess I got lazy and thought it was a quick help to peyronies. I didn't believe in the study to much because I noticed improvement after using the high temperatures it tells you not to use and I also consulted with my urologist who said your skin would be burned first if it was a hazard to your penis. I guess im counseling out the baths as a treatment from now on because I don't see how a 105 bath would help at all but I'm going to try it anyways.  


Quote from: UK on December 05, 2009, 11:09:45 AM
Quote from: rockwall on November 06, 2009, 04:08:18 PM
This is my first post on this forum although I have been lurking for years even back to the old BTC forum.

Some have already noted this Brazilian study that is currently underway.
I contacted the doctor conducting this study to determine if this infrared treatment was efficatious in his oppinion.

His Reply

"Thanks for your email.

I can assure you that this treatment really cure Peyronie's disease, but it is a long process (at least 2 or more years) of daily treatment. But infortunately infrared lamp alone does not work as well as the combined therapy. I have made some amendments to the protocol existing in the internet. In fact I have increased the goal to be reached in testosterone level to the highest normal level in order to have best results and the same with vit D levels.
I think that I you really wish to carry out this treatment you can send to me your lab exams, some photographs of your penis during erection ( from a lateral view and from above to measure the curvature in both perspectives) and also an echography of your penis to measure the size of plaques. You may also have to not fulfil the exclusion criteria already stated and you will have to consult an urologist to examine your prostate (rectal exam and prostate echography) .  

You can also write to Prof. Abraham Morgentaler from Harvard University (amorgent@yahoo.com) asking him if he will accept to participate in my trial because you are not the only suffer of Peyronie's disease from USA who sent to me emails seeking help.

I hope I could help you more


Carlos C. Cusmanich, MD"

Best to all,

I'm really surprised that this post has not attracted more debate.

It looks a legitimate trial http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN82950322/  isn't this what we are all looking for ???

I've mailed the Doctor a few days back enquiring when the results of the study will be out but not heard anything so far.


Either these posts are being missed on the forum, or members are choosing to ignore the importance of what has been posted here.
In my opinion this could be the biggest breakthrough we have had to date - more important than Pentox, Xiaflex, VED/Traction, Surgery.
The doctor says "cure"
Why I find this believable is the doctor is
1) a real doctor
2) it is a real trial
3) it is using a realistic treatment in hyperthermia, vitamin d and testosterone
4) there is no financial gain in these inexpensive treatments
5) it is not a quick fix, stating 2 years says to me there is sincerity in the statement
6) a US urologist has teamed up with this doctor and he seems legitimate

does anyone really not have any comment to make, or has Peyronie's blinded you so much that when something worth discussing comes up you ignore it?

I'm hoping this study is going to get published somtime soon, considering I would go to prison for 2 years to be back to normal, this really isn't a long time for a treatment that could work.


Quote from: UK on December 22, 2009, 02:13:39 PM

does anyone really not have any comment to make, or has Peyronie's blinded you so much that when something worth discussing comes up you ignore it?

I'm hoping this study is going to get published somtime soon, considering I would go to prison for 2 years to be back to normal, this really isn't a long time for a treatment that could work.

Calm down sunshine, we tend to wait till results are published and we have actually read them before we start setting off fireworks.

QuotePlease note that as of 06/02/2008 the anticipated end date of this trial was extended to 26/03/2010. The previous anticipated end date was 26/09/2008.

Still a little while longer to wait.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



I have chased down promising leads for years, to no avail.

This makes sense to many of us as a probable "fix" for SOME men, but probably not all men. But we have also ween things that make sense, and which had promising preliminary results, never pan out (ie ALC, Verapamil, etc)

Being a real doc, and seeming to care about outcomes does not make it more likely that a therapy will work, although I agree that it lessens the likelihood of a swindler simply lying to us (I have long suspected that Xiaflex is being oversold for profits, and will not pan out at all).

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Today the Brazil doctor updated the protocol to include new information.


He did send me an e-mail a few weeks back stating the same, but we now have new info on Vitamin D dose and the heat source.

I have been following the Brazil protocol for 6 weeks as has another forum member for a bit longer.

My vitamin D levels were checked and very low. 18ngol/L. I started supplementation at 20000UI per day.
My Testosterone levels were checked at 695.11 ng/dl - normal so no intervention there.
150W lamp at approx 20-30cm each day for 30 minutes.

After treatment my flaccid penis is engorged and healthy looking, straight and scar is not palpable. Doctor quotes 2 years treatment which makes sense as Peyronies took that long to develop. It is back to normal after a few hours but there has been a "change", but can't say if its positive or negative at this point.

It seems as if the infrared laser for 16 weeks combined with T & D shows quicker improvement in which case this study should complete shortly.

I really think this guy is onto something.


Please keep us posted on your progress!


UK, what does this doctor's study consider "upper normal levels" of testosterone?  

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


what does palpable. mean??


Palpable means you can feel it.  


so what in fact is he actually doing other than taking Vit d etc - is there a protocol that we can follow


According to the way I am reading the Brazilian doctor's data, you do 30 minutes with the heat lamp combined with Vitamin D and testosterone injections.  I'm already taking vitamin D and getting testosterone injections, so I think I will add the heat lamp.  I also started the VED therapy 5 weeks ago and thanks to Old Man, is seems to be going well now.

Does anyone see a problem with combining these protocols?



Hey UK, your mailbox is full...


Interesting study.

His modifications from a double blinded randomized study to a "pilot" study suggest that he was either unable to get enough patients or the first protocol was not working - I suspect the latter as he made modifications to his protocol.

He changed the following, (suggesting the former is unhelpful):

1) 30 patients will be treated with hyperthermia alone (30 minutes/day with infrared lamp of 150 W at a distance of approximately 20 cm of the plaque(s) and curvature) was changed to: 10 patients will be treated with hyperthermia alone during 30 minutes/day with infrared laser applied directly over the plaque and curvature for 16 weeks.

2) 30 patients will be treated with hyperthermia (as above) plus Vitamin D (4000 IU/day/oral) and one injection of Testosterone depot (Durateston®) every 2 weeks initially (patients with baseline levels of free testosterone under median normal level) was changed to: 10 patients will be treated with hyperthermia (as above) plus Vitamin D 30.000 UI/day/oral and an injection of testosterone depot (Durateston®) every 10 days initially.

So, it looks like a lower dose of vitamin D didn't cut it (no surprise there); that he found a better way to give hyperthermia; and that he found two weeks too long to wait between testosterone injections.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hey Tim, I don't know hardly anything about vitamin d and peyronie's. Do you think it can be helpful and if so what type of vitamin d, at what dosage and for how long? Thanks


Quote from: Tim468 on May 11, 2010, 10:24:38 AM

His modifications from a double blinded randomized study to a "pilot" study suggest that he was either unable to get enough patients or the first protocol was not working - I suspect the latter as he made modifications to his protocol.

I disagree that the first protocol was not working based on the fact a forum member got an e-mail from the doctor stating the first protocol takes 2 or more years. I suspect the second protocol with the laser is an attempt to speed up the process based on his initial findings.


Tim -This is the email UK mentioned. As UK said isn't it possible that the first trial went well and now he has gone to the pilot trial as a matter of course? (I'm not real familiar with study types double blind randomised vs. pilot). Your thoughts?

"Thanks for your email.

I can assure you that this treatment really cure Peyronie's disease, but it is a long process (at least 2 or more years) of daily treatment. But infortunately infrared lamp alone does not work as well as the combined therapy. I have made some amendments to the protocol existing in the internet. In fact I have increased the goal to be reached in testosterone level to the highest normal level in order to have best results and the same with vit D levels.
I think that I you really wish to carry out this treatment you can send to me your lab exams, some photographs of your penis during erection ( from a lateral view and from above to measure the curvature in both perspectives) and also an echography of your penis to measure the size of plaques. You may also have to not fulfil the exclusion criteria already stated and you will have to consult an urologist to examine your prostate (rectal exam and prostate echography) .  

You can also write to Prof. Abraham Morgentaler from Harvard University (amorgent@yahoo.com) asking him if he will accept to participate in my trial because you are not the only suffer of Peyronie's disease from USA who sent to me emails seeking help.

I hope I could help you more


Carlos C. Cusmanich, MD"

Best to all,



i found this on the german amazon site: http://www.amazon.de/prorelax-39513-Intensiv-Massage-Rotlichtw%C3%A4rme/dp/B003RITIKU/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=drugstore&qid=1279044144&sr=8-10

its cheaper than the other devices posted in this thread but i don't know if it is worth the money.


As if I don't have enough to think about with Peyronies , I have a bad case of Sciatica since Saturday. Up til then it was just another ailment I had heard about but didn't really know how it affected your body. I do now !! Talk about constant pain - from the hip to the foot. Only one side of the body at a time - thankfully. A trip to my Y club this AM for a bout in the pool then a long , hot soak in the Whirlpool. It really took away the pain but it has returned later today. I will do the same routine tomorrow morning.
Which brings me to this Infrared Light . I would be interested to see how it , if it , does anything to help our Peyronie's Disease symptoms.
And - slightly off topic - would it help aleviate the pain of Sciatica as well ? Just in case anyone is not aware - the Sciatica nerve is in your hip and runs down the leg to your foot.

Old Man


Know what you mean about this pain! Been there and done that for years now. There seems to be no valid treatment for it. Have had over 20 epidurals for it with no relief. Have developed a bending/flexing routine that does the most good. Seems like the lumbar region of the lower back being out of sorts is the reason for most of this type of pain.

Pain tablets including Lortab 7.5 and above do nothing for it, so exercise seems to be the best treatment for it.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


On the alternative treatments page, a small study is discussed in which pretty good results were seen with heat therapy.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Any suggestions on how to apply the heat?


Some here HAVE reported benefits from heat.  It has been applied in several ways as I recall.  I think the most promising area is probably the infrared stuff being discussed on the infrared thread.  - George


I've been using heat the past week, but my symptoms just started not too long ago so I am unsure of it's effectiveness and the regular state of my progression is.  I do know that it helps dilate the blood vessels which increase the oxygen and nutrient flow to the tissue along with stretching the soft tissue.  I do notice that it does cause my flaccid as a whole to feel fuller and softer, but I haven't really noticed much on the plaque, maybe with time it will help.

The heat I am using is pantyhose that has rice in it.  I usually use it for sinus headaches, but it works well with being able to wrap around my unit.  lol obviously I am going to need to make a new one for my face though.  Using a hot wet towel may be better though, but I am not really sure on the physiological effects of dry and wet heat.


Quote from: luka-brasi on July 13, 2010, 02:10:07 PM
i found this on the german amazon site: http://www.amazon.de/prorelax-39513-Intensiv-Massage-Rotlichtw%C3%A4rme/dp/B003RITIKU/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=drugstore&qid=1279044144&sr=8-10

its cheaper than the other devices posted in this thread but i don't know if it is worth the money.

It says "red light", but does that mean infrared?



Quote from: Old Man on July 13, 2010, 10:10:03 PM

Know what you mean about this pain! Been there and done that for years now. There seems to be no valid treatment for it. Have had over 20 epidurals for it with no relief. Have developed a bending/flexing routine that does the most good. Seems like the lumbar region of the lower back being out of sorts is the reason for most of this type of pain.

Pain tablets including Lortab 7.5 and above do nothing for it, so exercise seems to be the best treatment for it.

Old Man

Old Man,

You mentioned in a post several months ago that you had received an infrared device from the Fitzz Company that was giving your back pain some relief.  At the time you seemed rather hopeful.  I assume that this didn't turn out to be a permanent solution?  

Old Man


Yes, it works great for lower back pain. How it works, have no clue. The device is a system of some form of natural rocks that are embedded in a package that is flexible and fits nicely around ones back, arm, chest or most any place on the body it would be needed.

There is no "light" as such, but the heat is generated inside the package somehow. I don't think that it would work on Peyronies Disease symptoms though as it would be difficult to form fit in the groin area. It could be laid across ones groin area if the penis was somehow held up above the legs so that it would come in contact with the stones area of the device.

Sorry that I have no definitive answer for you.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: zariche on July 15, 2010, 12:53:36 PM
I've been using heat the past week, but my symptoms just started not too long ago so I am unsure of it's effectiveness and the regular state of my progression is.  I do know that it helps dilate the blood vessels which increase the oxygen and nutrient flow to the tissue along with stretching the soft tissue.  I do notice that it does cause my flaccid as a whole to feel fuller and softer, but I haven't really noticed much on the plaque, maybe with time it will help.

The heat I am using is pantyhose that has rice in it.  I usually use it for sinus headaches, but it works well with being able to wrap around my unit.  lol obviously I am going to need to make a new one for my face though.  Using a hot wet towel may be better though, but I am not really sure on the physiological effects of dry and wet heat.

Well, glad it's giving you some relief.  Chronic pain is the pits!  Maybe someone will develop a unit that will fit the penis.  Would be interesting to see if it worked for Peyronie's pain.  Fred



I used heat for a shirt time after acquiring this fabulous disease. I think I'm going to try it again,after ved use to see if it benifits our cause. I t may benefit recovery in the exercise and healing of ved therapy.

It seems to me probably keeping a good supply of blood and dilation of the vessels could be a sound remedy to after work out.Maybe considering it a cooling down method to the end of a session.

Thank you for bringing heat back in to the equation.


Old Man


Heat should be applied to the groin area prior to starting the VED exercise sessions. This allows the area blood vessels to dilate well before applying the vacuum. Heated wet towels is another very good way to do it. If you have an infrared heat lamp that can be used and will also do the trick. Just don't use the lamp/bulb or a heating pad if one is used too long so that you won't "burn" the area.

You can also do a very hot shower a hot tub or regular tub soak before the exercises and that will help more than any other item.
You will see better performance of the VED therapy if you do one of this first.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



Thanks for the suggestions . I will try heat before pumping tonight !


Just some observations I've noticed from taking hot baths between 10-20 mnutes, I'm not sure what the temperature is, but it is very akin to what a hottub or spa feels like, not scalding but just hot enough for it to feel soothing:

Within about 2 minutes, my flaccid penis pretty much looks normal to me.  The indentations or hourglassing I have is pretty much not noticeable.  When I induce an erection, it seems much fatter and fuller than it usually does and best of all, without any pain.

I do understand that this is only temporary, since these benefits disappear after I'm out of the tub, but none the less it has to be a good indication right?

My theory is that the warm water temporarily softens the scar tissue enough for blood to pass through and stretch it normally.  If this is the case, would this not be a beneficial treatment to have erections in this state, since I can acheive an almost normal erection without deformity?  It would seem that this would be the safest and best way to stretch the scar tissue.  

let me know what you think guys.


Any news on the Brazilian hyperthermia study?
it should be finished by now...


someone had contacted the doc there....



The study is completed, yet I haven't been able to find any further results. I (and several others here) have contacted Dr. Cusmanich to get more information. I hope others here will try to contact him - I think I have worn out my welcome.


I wish to ask if somebody has more news about this treatment.
I'm thinking to begin hot water bath at 40degree two or three times weekly.
Can it be useful? Have you any positive experience of this customized treatment or other similar?

What has become of this study??



The doctor in question today has answered to me.
He said that trial will finish in December.


I tried the hot baths idea a while ago.  It does seem to soothe the symptoms. It helps with pain tremendously and even seems to soften up tough areas of plaque or scarring, however I noticed all the benefits were only temporary and subsided on days that I didn't take baths.  As I understand though, the hyperthermia treatment takes place with a heat lamp instead of baths, so I can't comment on what the differences would be.  


another 6 months passed... any news?


Quote from: Luciano on November 20, 2011, 07:26:21 AM
another 6 months passed... any news?

The study ends in December.


OK, I just found a new study with a new hyperthermia device for Peyronies Disease.

Just a few remarks:
the study was made - verapamil injections vs the device.
VI had no results in curvature,
the device:
a reduction of like 20% . (there is a before/after photography of a 88 degrees penis going down to like 47 degrees, and a 14 degrees going down to 12 degrees)
but its a 2 times a week for 5 weeks treatment. (3 cycles)  No idea if you do it 5 times a week for 10 weeks in 5 cycles.

There are 2 studies in the paper, the first one only is for Peyronies Disease.
(the company is specialized in hyperthermia for cancer treatment)
here is the study.

now you can look up the company on wikipedia, they seem serious. based in hungary and cyprus (strange) they supply hospitals world wide.
here is the wiki link
but content is short so I can post it here:
QuoteJump to: navigation, search

OncoTherm is a medical device company for oncothermia treatments.

The company was founded in 1988 by András Szász[1] in Hungary. In 2002 it received investment from a German company and was reorganized as a German-Hungarian company consisting of OncoTherm Hungary Ltd,[2] and OncoTherm GmbH.[3] The company's methodology is based on the view of its founder that the heat-dose sensitive characterization of tissue is at the core of the hyperthermia treatment.[4] Its main product is the EHY-2000, a hyperthermia device where thermo-electric effects of electrical fields are used. According to its website about 160 devices have been placed into operation, mostly in Hungary and Germany, and performed over 100,000 treatments.[5] The device is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

I did a google search for the device, Androtherm they were using. no result.
The oncotherm company does exist though, didnt find them selling stuff, doing medical congresses for oncology.

Bottom line, If someone has time to do some research, find where and if the devices are for sale...would be very interesting.



Interesting, although I always had my doubts when it mentions Italian doctors.
We still never had the Hyperthermia result from the Brazil study.
I've always believed there was something very possible with Hyperthermia and myself did Infrared lamp for a few months. It appeared to help but was too much of a time investment and any benefit reversed soon after stopping.


If heat treatment is working for peyronies then think of peyronies plaque like candle wax, when it heats up it gets soft.

Therefore think of of peyronies disease as having candle wax in your penis... How can candle wax be removed from inside a penis?

Surely it can be related to in this way and surely a solution can be found ...

Maybe the plaque could be heated and then extracted from the penis somehow?