Cialis... the irony of it being SO effective

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So I'm 10 months in, ish.

What started out as a lump with no other symtoms is now a 40-50 degree hinge, a fairly decent loss of size and girth and up until only very recently, extreme pain which has now (thankfully) resolved by (I think) the use of a VED. The progression of disfunction and disfigurement however have only continued to get worse.

Multiple GP's in the UK wouldn't prescribe me Cialis. They all literally said they didn't know anything about Peyronies (reassuring) and therefore they'd leave it to a Urologist.

Trouble is, for whatever reason, I'm on my SECOND Urologist referral and I've still heard the grand sum of F~@< all in terms of getting an appointment.

So, I tried Loyds Pharmacy and... I got denied.

I was one of the rare few that get vetted by an actual pharmacist and the one that reviewed my application denied me because of it... wait for it... a penile curve/dent and therefore said I should wait for a Urologist.

The frustrating part about this is that Cialis has anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory properties! It promotes blood flow! It stops turtle-ing! We all know this! It's well tolerated, despite my earlier concerns.

I ended up having to basically concoct a not-quite-real persona and lie on a brand new Loyds Pharmacy application, with a false name and putting in false details, but I'm desperate, what else could I do?

Anyway. Fast forward another month or so, and I finally have a prescription for 5mg daily Tadalafil... *celebratory horns* - And this is where the irony begins.

I've had a fairly severe case of Erectile Dysfunction due to this, likely mostly psychological, but severe nonetheless.

So, I'm 4 days in taking my daily Cialis and finally my penis isn't spending all day turtling like it used to. It feels full when flaccid, hangs like it used to, it's warm to the touch for the first time in months.... And at night? My NTE? They are incredible!

I lie there, in the middle of the night, feeling the blood pumping and my penis inflated in a way is hasn't felt in nearly a year and my god does it feel good. It throbs, it pulsates, it feels like it used it. I lie with it and just enjoy the experience. Sometimes, it's SO hard that I have to reposition myself because it's a bit uncomfortable. I feel happy. I feel joyeous almost. If I didn't have Peyronies Disease, I'd almost feel like this was completely normal, because feeling like this IS completely normal.

.... and then I look at it. Or, I touch it.

And it's bent. It's short. It's thin. It's leaning over to the left in a weird cork-screw-like hook shape. It's lumpy. The left hand side is kinda missing. It's deformed. It's F^@$!ng broken.

Ironic. Why?

Because it's the best I've felt in months, and all it does is remind me how broken I am.

I'm going to stay on the Cialis because of the aforementioned anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory properties. I'm going to stay on it because surely, SURELY, bloodflow is only a good thing. But good damn, has it made me feel worse psychologically, because I now get some really stark and really big reminders of how bad it is.

Anyone else get this?
35. No injury. Lump Feb 22.
Pain, dent, left & upward bend ~50deg. Bad EQ.
Cialis Dac 22 - ear issues.
Diagnosed Feb 23.
VED Oct 22. PMP Feb 23.
Lump reduced May 23, dent remains, angle a little better. EQ improved.

Supportive partner, depression.

Bud luck

I do too, my penis when it gets hard it looks so weird!!!!, but I don't care how I looks anymore, I just want to keep the erection enough for sex
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


Hey bud! Same situation here. Glad to hear you got on Cialis because that personally makes me feel at least closer to normal. Before Cialis it was really hard to get an erection. Partly because of less blood flow due to hinging and partly psychological knowing my situation. Anyway. I've tried 5mg daily and it gets me back to baseline. I experimented taking an extra 5mg before a date (so 10 mg total) and WOW. Better erection than I've ever had in my life. I've tried it once and I'll be trying it again on a date next week. I literally had to think non sexual thoughts to get the erection to go away. It was almost a problem, but given my situation- it was the best thing I've ever felt. Nice rock hard erection in an instant.

Now, to your point. I also have hourglassing. So while I feel this porn star like erection (lol), if I grab my dick I feel the indentation and hinging. First of all, I'll say nobody is paying as much attention to your dick as you are. That said, it's likely a girl wouldn't even notice. In my two experiences in the last month, during oral sex both seemed completely normal and no comments afterwards, so maybe they didn't notice? Or if they did they didn't think much of it. Matter of fact, both tried to have sex with me, where I said no both times because I'm taking baby steps and not risking further injury. Oral sex seems safe enough though.

But I'm right where you are. I need a little more stability so I'm not hinging, then I'd feel confident with sex. And then there's the cosmetic part of the hourglass...I'm seeing Dr Christine about that soon and I'm confident ETG can fix that, cosmetically anyway. Even though that procedure isn't really for stability, I think it's undeniable that it does add SOME stability. Even if 20% more stable after, I think that would be enough to make sex possible. Not that crazy rough sex I had before, but I'm willing to compromise lol.  
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


This is pretty awesome!  

It's a rarity to get NTE or morning wood but when I do, I'm ecstatic!  I feel like it's progress!  I like text my friend who I talk to about all this, he now understands what it means to me.

I go back to my uro next month, one year anniversary.  Do you think he'll give me Cialis?  It's worth asking for.  I'm not having sex but his thing is "as long as you can penetrate, leave it alone."

Be well.

I have a girlfriend
Age 48, No injury
Diagnosis January 2022  
Six plaques
Hourglassing when flaccid and semi-erect
Only have my congenital curve
Massaging with vitamin E cream twice a day 
5mg Tadalafil, Healthy diet
Discomfort/aching sometimes



Most of my life I've had few NTE's, which is always found odd. After starting Cialis I'd have to wake up several times to adjust my penis because it was uncomfortably hard. Never felt that before in my life.  
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


I literally quit taking daily 5mg Tadalafil because of this exact reason.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


I used to be like this but then the deformity improved which I assume was due to the improved nocturnal erections and some form of internal traction. however, I got a second deformity and it progressed to the extent where my entire left side of the penis hurts upon erection. now I cant use Cialis anymore, or rather I should say, I can use it but it does not really help anymore. the erections I get with it are not superior to the ones I get without it and they aren't good, I cant maintain them and it feels very uncomfortable. when I dont think about sex and actively force an erection I can go weeks without any form of erection. sometimes I have morning erections but they are weak and never fully because of the what I assume is tissue damage. I also have pain in the left corpus cavernous. basically everyday for half a year I have this inflammatory pain.

abstinence makes matter worse, when I try to get an erection after not trying for a week its more deformed than ever before. bottom line is that even with Cialis I would never even attempt to have a real sexual interaction with someone. thankfully I have no issue with getting Cialis, I think at this point it should be an easily available medicine. I dont really recall what it used to be like as its overall been 3 year in February. however id say its just gotten progressively worse. since its not a major curve and more of a mix of indentation with ED, my doctor also hasn't given me much input and there is not much that can be done to correct it it seems. I really would like to know what's going on however.

its put a huge dent in my life and sank my mental health even further
diagnosed with peyronies disease in Feb. 2020
mid 20
tried VED without much success, Cialis and potaba


Quote from: gobbler on December 27, 2022, 06:51:39 AM
I used to be like this but then the deformity improved which I assume was due to the improved nocturnal erections and some form of internal traction.
I'm really hoping this happens too. So far my deformity has only gotten worse, but 5 days in taking 5mg Cialis daily I'm hoping that these rock hard NTE's combined with VED will give the tissues a really good workout 🤞
Sorry to hear you're struggling Gobbler. If it's gotten better once before then I'm hopeful for you that it can get better again!
35. No injury. Lump Feb 22.
Pain, dent, left & upward bend ~50deg. Bad EQ.
Cialis Dac 22 - ear issues.
Diagnosed Feb 23.
VED Oct 22. PMP Feb 23.
Lump reduced May 23, dent remains, angle a little better. EQ improved.

Supportive partner, depression.


My situation is a very complicated one, and I can't overly comment on the state of my erection appearance because, well, it's complicated, but I can tell you that since I've been taking 5mg daily (over a month now) that my flaccid pain has significantly calmed down. Still has bad moments/days, but a big improvement compared to where I was back in October time.

I should mention I introduced the typical other supplements too at the same time so it may be them helping also, but cilas 100% makes my penis hang fuller and healthier, and stops it trying to tunnel into my pelvis which I think was a big part of the problem.

The blood flow alone is so helpful I think, although I do need to stress, at this point I still don't have clarity on whether it's peyronie's or something like hard flaccid, I don't want to claim I know it's peyronie's 100% when I say cialis is helping me and mislead anyone.  
32 yo UK
Engaged with two young children
Injured 2017, healed
RE injured Sept 2022
Chronic flaccid pain since 2nd injury
Starting 5mg cialis daily, trying to obtain pentox online

Possible hard flaccid, possible Peyronie's, possible nerve damage


Quote from: IwillbeatPD on December 26, 2022, 11:40:32 PM

Most of my life I've had few NTE's, which is always found odd. After starting Cialis I'd have to wake up several times to adjust my penis because it was uncomfortably hard. Never felt that before in my life.

I used to have them so much, especially in the morning!  Now it's floppy with the exception of the few times.

I guess I know the answer, depends on the person but is Cialis for life now once you start?  I can use harder erections.
I have a girlfriend
Age 48, No injury
Diagnosis January 2022  
Six plaques
Hourglassing when flaccid and semi-erect
Only have my congenital curve
Massaging with vitamin E cream twice a day 
5mg Tadalafil, Healthy diet
Discomfort/aching sometimes


I can relate to the experience here. Sometimes I have hard erections that are completely full and sometimes it's kind of bent and hinged when I touch it. Also like gobbler mentioned, if I go a week with abstinence, the next time it gets erect it feels kinda rigid where the plaque is . On the other hand, frequent use makes the tissue remain elastic and feels better. I have also come to a new conclusion, I strongly feel daily restoreX traction with 5mg vial is greatly enhanced the quality of night time erections than any one individually. When I stopped or was taking a break from my restoreX sessions , the erections were not as hard as I remember. At the end of the day, even with all this and the deformity of indentation, I still don't feel I can have sex with ease of mind. I don't know , nothing replaces diseased fibrotic tissue ever. Only an implant along with Tinica Expansion Procedure or relaxing incisions on the plaque can bring my natural girth and length back. Oh it would be so wonderfulll !
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


I haven't been able to have a solid normal erection in over a year now not even with high 20mg doses of Cialis. It just makes not a real difference. at this point I do believe something is quite likely organically wrong because it cannot be explained any other way. if I had some days, even just one day with a normal erection that would have shown me that the tissue is still able to do it, that architecturally there is still some things right. after a while you kind of forget that things like masturbation or sexuality are actual things. personally I resigned and did not even book further appointments with the doctor anymore. after the last one he said in 3-4 months ill be better. that was 11 months ago and im worse off now. I think not having erections in a year itself is pretty bad for tissue health, regardless of the primary cause. so Cialis is definitely recommended even though no large scale studies exist on it, even Dr Trost suggests there could be benefit due to traction like effects. not for me though because I dont seem to respond anymore
diagnosed with peyronies disease in Feb. 2020
mid 20
tried VED without much success, Cialis and potaba


Hey gobbler
I'd definitely keep on the VED to keep those tissues from atrophy, if nothing else.
35. No injury. Lump Feb 22.
Pain, dent, left & upward bend ~50deg. Bad EQ.
Cialis Dac 22 - ear issues.
Diagnosed Feb 23.
VED Oct 22. PMP Feb 23.
Lump reduced May 23, dent remains, angle a little better. EQ improved.

Supportive partner, depression.


I honestly cant be bothered messing with my dick anymore especially not with the VED that I used for so long and it didn't even do anything at all. it doesnt even inflate. its just a waste of time
diagnosed with peyronies disease in Feb. 2020
mid 20
tried VED without much success, Cialis and potaba