Happy With RestoreX

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Coming up on 10 months. I am ecstatic.

Still work to do on the curve but very noticeable improvement.

On erectile dysfunction: CURED. ASTOUNDING results there. No need for Cialis.

On restoring length: ASTOUNDING results. I had lost probably 3 inches and now regained I'm guessing 2.5 inches.

Thickness: My penis is now thicker than it was EVER, even before getting this evil disease.

Flaccid penis: ASTOUNDING results. Looks longer and thicker than before getting disease.

On curving to the right as well as curving up: No more curve to the right! Still a small dent at base right but no longer causing tilt right. The curve up has improved noticeably. In the past Peyronie's made my penis resemble the letter C. Now it goes straight up until the top 2 inches curve. The curve yeah is there but not as sharp.

I'm now at the stage where I have no embarrassment. I look good down there again.

I've had this curse for almost 10 years. Thank God for Restorex.

They say 3 months but for me it took much longer. That's OK. I'll use this device forever. Like yoga for my dick.

Yes I'm still bent a bit but overall I look great there. For 10 years I have been depressed and embarrassed. No more!!!

Have patience. Only use the device at levels you're comfortable with. Gradually you'll increase pressure.

I'm so comfortable using it I actually like doing it.

Best of luck to you all.

I'll give another update in a couple of months.

For me, real impressive results took longer than 6 months. Who cares? If it saves your dick who cares? I spent 10 years suffering. Restorex saved me in 10 months.


55 yrs Old
Curve upwards, slight dent at base on right causing slight turn to the right
lost 2 inches.
ED, yes.
Using RestoreX traction device and liking it. I have hope.


Thats amazing! I'm so happy you found a cure after 10 years!!!

Are you using the 60m protocol that's provided in the RestoreX manual?

Gives me so much faith - especially that you regained all your girth, i've had really bad narrowing.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


This is absolutely wonderful!  You should write a condensed version from start to finish and place it in the improvements board section where others can get inspired from your efforts and success!  These are the stories that give the rest of us hope!!
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks to you both, Guys!

60m protocol, no, I missed that. Not sure what it is.
I'll look.

Yes, have faith. The narrowing and length loss is brutal psychologically, but there is hope!

Along the way, even with seeing results, i had doubts overall that I'd ever get the results I have now.

Keep at it!! Also part of the process is understanding sometimes for whatever reason there'll be some setbacks. One day you're at a level but the next it is painful so you must dial it back.

Do not punish yourself and force to a level that is too painful.

Yes, thank you I will post in the improvement section a condensed version.

I'm so grateful. I want all to succeed.

Keep the faith. Keep doing the work.
55 yrs Old
Curve upwards, slight dent at base on right causing slight turn to the right
lost 2 inches.
ED, yes.
Using RestoreX traction device and liking it. I have hope.


Thanks please link us when done with the improvements post.

Could you let us know the timing and procedure you used for RestoreX.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


The improvement board is towards the bottom of the main forum and is only for posting and no one can reply. It is under the main heading called "other peyronies disease discussion boards" . Then look at the fourth entry called ,"improvements .."
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


my six month checkup was successful, according to my Dr; however, I wanted more improvement.
at six months I have regained all the length I lost. I actually recovered the lost length before the three month mark.
I still have a 30 degree curve to the left, but the indentation is no longer exists.

The Dr. was happy with my progression, and that I was on track to a full recovery in another three months.  
Age 60

I've had Peyronies Disease for about 20 months. since fall of 2021
I started using RestoreX in late September, 2021.
30 degree curvature to the right. as of May, 2023 the curvature is Still 30 degrees.
first round of Xialflex shots in late September, 2023.


55 yrs Old
Curve upwards, slight dent at base on right causing slight turn to the right
lost 2 inches.
ED, yes.
Using RestoreX traction device and liking it. I have hope.


Haven't been here in awhile.


We had guests for awhile so I fell out of using Restorex. I was still happy with the results so far. I have zero self consciousness about being seen naked both flaccid and hard. I thank and credit Restorex for that!!!

Well anyway I noticed my flaccid penis looked longer and thicker than ever—but I hadn't used Restorex in awhile! I was amazed but confused. Even my testicles looked healthier. My left one had atrophied somewhat and now it was hanging and healthy like I hadn't seen it since before the disease!

I wracked my brain wondering what it could be! Then it dawned on me. The ONLY change was the previous month I had salmon 3 or 4 times a week for a month.  That ended two weeks earlier but I imagine it just took awhile for the effect to show. Same way with dieting. What you do now doesn't show up for awhile.

I googled salmon and Peyronie's and voila! I see salmon is an anti inflammatory super food! And since this disease IS inflammation it makes sense that anti inflammation on it would show results.

Now I'm obsessed and have been eating lots of salmon and other fish. I plan on taking omega 3 capsules as well.

I LOVE how my dick feels in my pants. I love what it looks like!!!

Although still maybe almost an inch shorter than it once was I have gained back length and girth. Girth even better than pre disease!

And I love that although it still curves a bit the curve isn't to the side at all anymore. My dick is straight up and then curves toward me a bit. Put it this way...If I don't get any more improvement I'd be totally fine with it!!

To think where I once was before Restorex and where I am now is miraculous.

Restorex and anti inflammation foods!!!! SALMON! SALMON! SALMON!
55 yrs Old
Curve upwards, slight dent at base on right causing slight turn to the right
lost 2 inches.
ED, yes.
Using RestoreX traction device and liking it. I have hope.


After about 6 months of RestoreX use, happy with the results. So is my wife, which is even better news :-). Not cured by any means, but much better. Looks like I'm in it for the long haul, things improve incrementally for me. But they continue to improve. I don't measure angles, just visual confirmation of improvement. The best part is to have found something that I can actually do about this problem that I've had for several years now.

As a CPAP user as well, I'm acquainted with the idea of continuous therapy as opposed to cure. Be nice to have a cure, but being able to continually improve is fine.
77 years old
Started 5 - 10 years ago, fracture during sex
Bend to the left, bend upwards, no pain
RestoreX only


Wow I could've written this that's how much I relate.

Keep going! :-)
55 yrs Old
Curve upwards, slight dent at base on right causing slight turn to the right
lost 2 inches.
ED, yes.
Using RestoreX traction device and liking it. I have hope.