Open Questions on Peyronies Disease (That won't fit under any of our current topics)

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From personal experience I can tell you that the injections to cause an erection are quite different from the Verapamil injections. The VI injections are larger needles, larger dosages, etc. The needles for causing an erection are quite small, but still not pleasant.   :-[

We still need to be clear that we each react in different ways, some people are more susceptible to scarring to others. I agree that injections of any type are a risk. But while some of had bad experiences, clearly there are examples of those who have been helped by these treatments.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


is jackp suggesting that even the smaller needles/injections they give you for producing an erection in the clinic is not safe?

also, to properly assess for Peyronies Disease is an ultrasound required to be performed both in the flaccid and erect states? I think mine will only be in the flaccid state.

Old Man


I think that jackp is trying to tell us that yes, penile injections of any kind are a risk. Even the smaller needles used for erections can and will cause further damage to one's penis. There are numerous ones of us on this forum who have had to learn the hard (no pun intended) way that the injections are a risk. So, as I have said before, heed our warnings, weigh out the facts before submitting to penile injections.

Again, this is my opinion based on many testimonies of guys on and off this forum. If we only knew about all the cases where damage has been done!!!

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



In fairness and objectivity you should know that many if not most Uro's maintain injections and especially a single injection will do no harm.

Having said that, I am with Old Man and JackP on this.  In fact I believe that Bimix injections are the direct cause or trigger for my Peyronies Disease.  I did inject about 80 times in a nine month period however.  If I needed a single injection for a good test I may go along with that.  Immediately after the injection you are to apply direct pressure with the thumb and forefinger to prevent bleeding.  This not to control the speck of blood that may or may not come to the surface but to prevent any small bleeding in the tissue.  Raw blood is a known irritant that results in wound scaring.

You are armed with the opinions, now you have to make your own call.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I would not go as far as saying that an injection by a doctor would be unsafe.
As for a Doppler for Peyronies my experience is not for Peyronies but to confirm Venous Leakage.
In understand that some doctors are not doing Doppler for Venous Leakage but relying on symptoms and history.


Based on my experience I would also be very cautious about penile injections.

But for those of you are opposed to these injections, would you then refuse any treatment by Xiaflex since it is administered by needle?  



I direct you to our incomplete glossary on our website

I also encourage you to read the child board about 3' down from the top of our forum's topic index page,2.0.html   That area is especially for new members.  It will bring you up to speed with much of the conversation on the forum.

I will likely move these posts since they are in the "Developmental Drugs" topic and they are not about developmental drugs.


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


One would  I would have to assume that a drug that is demonstrated to break down established collagen scar tissue, would also prevent the development of such scar tissue directly in the needle track that delivered the drug.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on August 24, 2008, 05:33:46 PM
One would  I would have to assume that a drug that is demonstrated to break down established collagen scar tissue, would also prevent the development of such scar tissue directly in the needle track that delivered the drug.

Hawk,  You may be onto something here.  This is one concern that I have had regarding Xiaflex.  But if the Xiaflex has a residual effect, which is probably a reasonable assumption, it may turn out to be a real cracker jack solution to Peyronie's.  Lets all hope that it indeed works out that way as these trials move forward.  With all of the research dollars being thrown at fibrosis these days, somewhere there is likely to be a breakthrough before long.  Perhaps this will be it.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?  :D


Hawk - excellent point. Thanks.

I am debating whether or not to be part of the Xiaflex trial. My experience with Verapamil was so negative that I can not decide if I want to subject myself to any more penile injections.


regarding the injections for the doppler scans:

Can a proper ultrasound or doppler be carried out on the flaccid penis? Does it NEED to be erect in order to fully assess the nature of the plaques, calcification etc ?

I'm confused about whether or not to reject the injection in order to induce an erection for any scan (if that issue came up).


My ultrasound was done both flaccid and erect. My understanding is that the plaque shows up on both. So the answer would be yes that the plaque could be identified with an ultrasound while flaccid. The other thing the color duplex ultrasound does is measure blood flow. And they ususally want to make sure you have good blood flow when erect to see if you have other issues going on.

I don't believe that the one injection to cause the erection will cause any problem. There are those on here who will disagree with me, but they also state that it was repeated injections over a period of time. These injections ARE NOT the same as the Verapamil injections that others are also opposed to.

IMHO, I would get the full scan. Both flaccid and erect and make sure you are getting a complete analysis.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Hi guys,

I'm sorry to just make a post asking questions, but this forum is an absolute labarynth and I don't know where to start!


  • I am currently 21.
  • I was taking glucosamine for ~3 months, ending about 6 months ago.
  • 5 months ago I did some penis enlargement exercises for 2 weeks. At the end of the two weeks, I had difficulty getting an erection. This resolved itself in a day or two, after I stopped.
  • One week later I had sex for the first time. When the girl was on top, my penis slipped out and got crushed a bit. It hurt a bit when it happened, but didn't stop me from proceeding.
  • After all these events: As my penis becomes stimulated, it seems is as if there is something blocking the blood getting to the end of my penis. It seems that the base of my penis fills up more than the rest, at first. At this point, the end of the penis points downwards a bit. Then, once the blood has enough pressure, the rest of my penis will fill up.

Current situation:

  • A week ago, I took my penis out of my pants and it was erect, but bent about 70 degrees to the left, gradually from base to tip (not a specific spot). I simply assumed this was because my pants were tight. There was no pain. I straightened it and had sex.
  • For the last 2 days, my penis has been very "withdrawn" and is VERY hard when FLACID. Imagine your flacid penis on a cold day, in terms of size, but very hard.
  • Last night, I attempted to masturbate. My penis filled half way up the shaft and the top bent to the left significantly. I could not achieve a full erection, this is as far as I got.
  • I attempted to masturbate this morning and the same thing happened.
  • The shaft of my penis has remained firm all day, despite being very small and withdrawn.
  • I took some vitamin E. A few hours later I asked my girlfriend to give me oral sex, to "test" my penis. I achieved a full erection, with no major sideways bending. However, the slight downward bending in achieving the erection still occurred.
  • In the very few times my shaft has been soft today, I have felt no hard lumps. However, I do have a soft bump/ridge on the left side of my penis. I have two of these on the right side. I don't remember if they are new or not, but they look like veins sticking out, running around the circumference of my penis. They are not veins though, and are part of the shaft.


  • Does this sound like the beginning of Peyronie's Disease?
  • Does Peyronie's Disease often improve, with treatment, or am I essentially screwed?
  • What tests must be done and is the injection-induced erection test safe?
  • What treatments have shown to be most effective, in general?

Thank you.


I am so sorry this has happened.  From what I have read, it does sound to me like it is the makings of Peyronie's, but you must go see a urologist.  What area of the country are you in?  If you let me know, I can see if I can find one that would be good for you.  Not just any urologist will do.  You need to go to one who is familiar with Peyronie's disease.  The most important thing is to begin some form of treatment as early as possible.  Around here the VED seems to be considered one of the most beneficial forms of treatment.  That along with getting on Pentox if possible.  I have to run to class right now so sorry for the very short response.  We have many users here who are very knowledgable and should post here shortly with much better responses.  


Does anyone know how to obtain pentox without a prescription. Secondly, if a prescription is needed what argument can I present to a uro or physian to have the prescribe that?


Old Man


Welcome to the forum and as alcohen says, there is a world of knowedge about Peyronies Disease, ED and other men's health problems on this forum.

I might suggest that you should start by going to the Childs Board section of the main forum and start reading the topics there in order to get yourself oriented with the forum and Peyronies Disease. The Childs Board section is listed just under the Main forum link about the middle of the Home Page. I think it is a sub thread link so look there.

Also, there is a thread topic listed on the main forum page that states it should be read by all new comers to the forum. It lays down the ground rules for posting and a lot of just plain good information about the forum.

Let us know should you need help with anything at any time. We are all here to help each other through the trying times of learning that we have Peyronies Disease and its devastating results.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I am in SA, Australia. I would be prepared to travel to Sydney (NSW) or Melbourne (VIC) if necessary. If anyone knows of good doctors in this country, that would be great.



newbie - go to Dr David Malouf at St George Hospital in Sydney - he will prescribe pentox ( trental 400 ) for you......


Thank you, I will look into it.

Just to clarify - my full erection looks 100% normal. However, when I am getting my penis aroused, it is as if there is an invisible rope tied around my penis, mid-shaft. Blood DOES get past this point, it just seems to be blocked a bit. Once enough stimulation is provided, the rest of my penis fills 100%. The withdrawn, firm-flacid-shaft, thing I have been experiencing goes away when I urinate or retract my foreskin. I can also make it go away when I "push out", as if I was about to urinate. This makes the shaft go soft, like it should be.

I have not heard anyone speak of these phenomena, in the context of Peyronie's disease. Is this a common sign? Also, how does one pronouce Peyronie's? Is it pay-row-knees?

I am due to see a urologist at the end of the week. Can someone give me a list of questions to ask (diagnosis & treatment options)? This is what I have so far:


  • Plaque
  • Blood, semen and urine tests
  • Duplex ultrasound and injection risk
  • Ultrasound without injection?
  • ???


  • Vacuum/traction
  • Vitamin E
  • Pentox
  • Arginine
  • Cialis/viagra
  • ???

Old Man


Looks like you have done your homework with questions for the uro. Keep browsing through the posts here and you may come up with some other questions. Be sure to write down all those things you want to ask so that you won't forget any when talking with the doctor. I tend to lose my train of thought when talking with doctors sometimes and when I leave the office remember many questions I wanted to ask.

Yes, we pronounce Peyronies as pay-row-knees like you said. It is a French word named for the famous French physician Peyronies who apparently had a very bad case of the disease and did much research on it. However, it seems he never was able to come up with a solution for his case.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thank you for your reply. If anyone else can suggest some topics to discuss, that would be great. One more question... have any of the following supplements recieved attention?

- Zinc (absorb calcium) ?
- Fish oil (reduce inflamation) ?
- Vitamin C (general healing) ?

Is it a good idea to stop eating a lot of calcium?



Ok let me recap where I am...

So the hard-flacid-penis thing started 4 days ago. I couldn't get a full errection that night or the next morning - my penis got very hard, but was very small and had a bit of an hourglass look on the left side. Later in the 2nd day, I went to my GFs house and got a full erection and came from oral sex. Everything looked normal.

When achieved, my FULL erections have looked 100% normal throughout this entire period.

From this point, I've been masturbating 2-3 times a day. The hourglass look that occurred prior to achieving a full erection have gone away almost entirely and my penis is filling up uniformly. However, the slight downward angle in a semi-erect state still persists. In a fully erect state, my penis does the opposite and angles upward (as it always has). The hardness in a flacid state has dissapeared and I am hanging as soft and long as usual.

I'm so confused. Is this Peyronie's or what? In a fully erect state my penis looks normal (curves up a bit, but always has) and I have no plaque. Semi-erect, it turns down a bit, mid-shaft, like it had been for the last 4 months immediately post-trauma.

In the last day or two, my penis has felt very "alive". Basically, as soon as I start masturbating, I feel like I am going to ejaculate. Something between my penis and anus (BC muscle? Prostate?) also feels very stimulated. This stimulated feeling can also occur randomly without an erection. The glans also feels a bit more sensitive. Has anyone experienced this?

I must say also, when I have had erections over the last few days, they have been abnormally massive and strong.


Does anyone know of a urologists in or near Louisville, KY that has a good amount of experience with peyronies? I have about 60 listed on my health insurance's web page and I think calling each one to ask about their peyronies experience would be a bit time consuming. Any other resources I can look at to find urologists in my area with Peyronies experience? At $50 per specialist visit, I don't want to go through 15 doctors to find the right one if I can avoid it. Thanks in advance.


I'm pretty sure I have P.D. and have seen a urologist that thinks the same. But.... I'm confused about the fact that I have no hard nodules or plaque that I can feel anywhere in my penis. The urologist seemed perplexed by that too. I first noticed a sharp 90 deg. upward bend in my erection about 4 to 6 months ago. There has been no trauma and I have no pain during erection. I have no problem maintaining an erection. The bend starts about two thirds of the way towards the head and there is a slight reduction in the circumference at that point.

My confusion comes from the fact that there seems to be no scar tissue, nodule, or plaque anywhere in the penis. Is it possible to have P.D. without the plaque?


You ask a great question. I spent some time recently searching this forum and I find many mixed answers even by the old timers here. Many feel that if they have a curve at all, that they ahve Peyronie's Disease. But if you look up the technical definition I think you will find that Peyronies Disease is defined by the formation of plaque of some type. The plaque cause the Tunica from expanding in that region and therefore the curve. I think it is important to understand that there are other reasons for curvature as well. So don't just assume you have Peyronie's. So my answer is no you can't have Peronie's without the plaque. But I'm sure others here will disagree.

Now... the good news is that many of the treatments for Peyronie's are good for ANY type of penile curvature. So spend some time browsing the forum and learning about all the different therapies. The key is finding a good uro to work with. Unfortunately they are few and far between in this area.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Hopefully someone here can suggest a name for you. In the meantime you might try the "physician finder" on This is a website originally supported by Dr. Levine. And I think he is one of the top uro's in the country who has specialized in Peyronies Disease for 20 years.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I just got back from my urologist.

He said what I have been experiencing is indicative of Peyronies. I showed him photos and he said that there is probably some scarring, which may develop into Peyronies Disease. However, he couldn't find any plaque.

He told me to take ALC and Vitamin E, nothing else. Should I take L-Arginine anyway, before bed? Will this conflict with the ALC? Should I find a doctor who will prescribe Pentox?

Old Man


Yes it is possible to have Peyronies Disease without any normal symptoms of it. During the very early stages which some call the inflammation stage sometimes there are no nodules, plaque or other signs of Peyronies Disease. There seems to be no explanation for this either.

Later in time, those symptoms do appear and cause one to have the regular signs of Peyronies Disease. So as it was suggested in the posts below, I strongly urge you to get busy with some form of therapy now so as to ward off the known symptoms of this horrible mess.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


It could be argued that anyone with Peyronies Disease has plaque but all plaque is not palpable plaque, meaning you cannot necessarily find a defined nodule of plaque that you can feel with your fingers.  Many men with Peyronies Disease do not have palpable plaque.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Welcome to the forum.

Now, for starters you name is a poor one since presumably you will not be a newbie for ever.  It is some what confusing since you selected a member designation as a name.  It would be much lake picking moderator or major contributor as a name.  Consider another one.

About your condition.  I say if your erections are fine without evidence of change or deformity then do not obsess over your shape when half erect.  Whether or not you experience your penis feeling "alive", speedy of orgasms, or feelings of stimulation near your anus has nothing to do with Peyronies Disease.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I have come to believe that the only sure way to detect actual thickening (scarring) of the TA is via an ultrasound of the penis.  The "time tested" touchy feely method is far from precise.  Most of what gets felt is actually inflamed swollen tissue which may or may not indicate the presence of actual scar tissue.  But it DOES indicate the presence of a Peyronies process going on.  But many guys have Peyronies plaques that simply cannot be detected by touch, but an ultrasound will reveal them if they are there.  I also believe that this is one reason that some Peyronies patients simply recover spontaneously.  I believe it may be a matter that they had a lot of inflammation that was palpable, but it never really reached the point of developing into actual scarring which would lead to a closed loop process of inflammation -> scarring -> TGF-beta-1 -> inflammation -> scarring -> etc etc etc  - George


HAWK - what would be a good idea is to have a petition page that people can sign or join up as a separate website that can go in the 'sponsored links' are on google next to Xiaflex. This way the people in this company know that we are keep for them to pull their fingers out - I would be happy to put some $$ towards this - if every one did this would be a great place to get active online with these drug least they know that we are keen and pushing for this.


hey all my recently done ultrasound concluded there was no sign of Peyronies Disease and no abnormal soft tissue. This took me by surprise because i can feel little hard things at the point of curvature. These things that I can feel are located on the sides of my member, and the ultrasound was done on the top and bottom - would this pick up EVERYTHING inside the organ or do you specifically need to have the scanner device over the plaques? The radiologist told me that it would pick up everything. I'll have to wait and see what the uro says.


Wayne,  I think what you are hearing is good news.  It DOES NOT mean that you don't have Peyronie's Disease.  It DOES mean that, so far, you have no physiological changes associated with Peyronie's Disease.  What you do likely have is localized inflammation in the TA.  You should treat this as Peyronie's and not wait for scar tissue to form.  That means you should do everything you can to bring the inflammation under control.  Ideally, this would be a prophylactic treatment with Pentoxifylline.  But if that is not possible, for sure you should get going with whatever effective treatment works for you of the ones listed here.  Vitamin E and ALC would be good choices at this point.  Also Mangosteen Juice.  Whatever you do, don't just sit on it.  - George  


Quote from: George999 on August 30, 2008, 10:53:08 AM
Wayne,  I think what you are hearing is good news.  It DOES NOT mean that you don't have Peyronie's Disease.  It DOES mean that, so far, you have no physiological changes associated with Peyronie's Disease.  What you do likely have is localized inflammation in the TA.  You should treat this as Peyronie's and not wait for scar tissue to form.  That means you should do everything you can to bring the inflammation under control.  Ideally, this would be a prophylactic treatment with Pentoxifylline.  But if that is not possible, for sure you should get going with whatever effective treatment works for you of the ones listed here.  Vitamin E and ALC would be good choices at this point.  Also Mangosteen Juice.  Whatever you do, don't just sit on it.  - George

What intrigues me is I've had this curvature for at least 5 years (so I've unknowingly sat on it for quite some time!), so isn't it extremely unlikely that no plaque/calcification has occured by now, or equivalently, that localized inflammation has been active for such a long period?  


Wayne,  I no longer think anything strange regarding Peyronies.  Medical tradition has long held that it is somewhat predictable.  But the more we learn about it, the more confounding it gets.  I've been dealing with it for around four years now and my ultrasound showed very little tissue damage.  Who knows?  Perhaps you have some that didn't show on the ultrasound.  Perhaps the machine they used wasn't so sensitive.  Perhaps another examiner might be able to identify something.  But I do doubt if you have a LOT of damage because that most likely would have shown.  My experience has been that inflammation alone can cause significant deformity.  And thats good news because it is a whole lot easier (though no small feat) to resolve inflammation than it is to reverse tissue damage itself.  -  George


I just had a look at some Brazillian studies online and they also noted that sometimes ultrasounds don't detect anything yet the patients can easily feel a palpable plaque, so maybe the ultrasound wasn't very revealing. I had one image that looked a bit suspicious to me, but apparently it was fine. I suppose just because it's very bright white doesn't automatically mean it's plaque...i mean i'm no expert in this area, all i can do is trust the opinions of those that are.


Ok, I have done a lot of "testing" and have absolutely zero curving when fully erect, except when I get a hard-on in a position that bends my penis. I do have a bit of a downward bend, mid-shaft, when semi erect. Is it possible to have trauma-induced curving without developing full-blown Peyronie's?

Regardless, I am going to treat this as if I did have Peyronie's. This is my plan:

For 3 months:
- L-arginine (2 x 3gm)
- Aecetyl-l-cartinine (2 x 1gm)
- Vitamin e (1 x 500IU)
- Occasional fish oil capsules
- Aim to achieve 2 full erections during the daytime, per day
- Sex/masturbation 2-3 times per week MAX, with at least one day inbetween, to reduce extra trauma. Normally I would have sex ~3-4 times when I see my girlfriend (3 times per week) and masturbate once every other day. It's too much... I know... We're addicts. :(

I will then stop taking all supplements for 2 weeks. In the second week, I will avoid getting any erections at all, to simulate the conditions under which I originally had problems. If the semi-erect curving has not gone COMPLETELY, I will jump into Pentox and get an ultrasound.

If at any point in this 3 months things get noticeably worse, I will jump straight on the Pentox etc.

Does this sound like a good plan? Is 3 months long enough to see results? Is 2 erections per day enough or too much? The way I look at it, if I have "localised inflamation" and not full blown Peyronie's, it must be better to avoid additional trauma via erections/sex. On the other hand, if I do have full blown Peyronie's, stretching out the plaques would be ideal and more erections would be beneficial. What does everyone think I should do?


Wayne, in reference to the image on the link, I would be proud to have an ultrasound film that said "long penis" on it  ;D

Maybe that was the angle.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Wayne, where did you find these brazilian studies?

Well, have a lot of time that i don't post here and i want to say somethings...

- Now I'm in my fourth month with the propoleum treatment (Do you remember the alternative propoleum treatment, from Cuba?)... I did not see any result yet (the treatment has six months). However, i used propoleum made here in Brazil, not the cuban formula.

- I find something on the net that i want to share with you

At the end of the year passed (2007) a research started here in Brazil that has as objective to create a new surgical technique for the Peyronies Disease. An institute was created (called SISPE, without traslation to english). It involves 12 specialized centers in urology. The technique consists to implant a swine material called "surgisis biodesign", developed by american scientists ten years ago. This material reconstructs the human tissue becoming incorporated in it. After one year is not possible to distinguish the surgical area from the normal tissue.
63 surgeries will be made. The results will be avaible in this year.

(I tried to compact the information of the article...Sorry for my bad english.) If someone wants to read, here are the links:

I recommend you to use Yahoo Babel Fish or Altavista Babel Fish to translate the portuguese for english (BabelFish helps me to talk with you)


That surgery, at least that scaffolding of surgisis that is replaced by actual tunica tissue is done in the U.S.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


tommarkey: I found the Brazillian studies at
and the part i was originally talking about was "The ultrasound did not detect five plaques that remained easily palpable even by the patients. On the other hand, in seven patients with subjective and palpation improvements the ultrasonographic findings did not change".

Hawk: I somehow don't think that the white object there was indicating the angle, which is why i am suspicious.

Also i'm not sure what the difference between anterior aspect and dorsal aspect is for an ultrasound? Dorsal would mean just on the top (ventral on the bottom), but anterior meaning from the front ?? Not sure how that works.


Anyone wanting to further explore this area can have a little fun by feeling the plaque, then applying some aloe from one of the oral aloe soft gel products and then, after a few minutes re-checking.  I found this to be very revealing.  Quite honestly, I don't really know of what use it is, but what I felt after is definitely totally different than what I felt before.  - George


I don't think doing that with Aloe made any difference for me, George. It underscores the differences we ahve between us all n how these lesions are manifested.

Guys - don't waste time over "palpable or non-palpable" - it is not worth the mental effort. The simple fact is that the human finger is not as sensitive as other modalities, including visual inspection, for noting changes the penis. Only in the last five years have I been able to palpate anything, but for thirty years I have had a gradual change in the shape of the penis that led to curvature.

I think that the implications are actually important though. If you have palpable, enlarged, firm and painful "plaque, then it is likely in an acute (more or less acute) inflammatory phase, and might be quite amenable to medications including many George recommends. If you have a hardened palpable nodular density, without pain, that is in the wall of the tunica, then it is probably "mature" and no longer in an acute inflammatory phase. In that case, things like Verapamil, surgery or Pentox might make more sense. There are other variations on the theme. I have "dents"  - IOW, I don't really make palpable plaque, but instead have small areas of density that do not stretch as well as they should, and may or may not be calcified, but are certainly abnormal in terms of elastin and collagen.

I think we need to approach how we think about Peyronies Disease differently, and start to figure out how to classify it by 'type', and not stick with plaque or no plaque as a way of diagnosis.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hawk, can you explain me better this surgery?

Here in Brazil one doctor in São Paulo does a surgery that removes the scar and substitutes for one membrane that haves cardio tissue. This surgery does not short the penis and the tunica grows again on this tissue.
Technical, this surgery leaves the penis how it was before Peyronies Disease. (I don't know if is true, if thus it was, Peyronies Disease already would have a definitive solution)
I did not do this surgery because my plaque is on a place that don't allows (dorsaly and inferiorly)

I don't know if this in USA is something similar...

Thank you, Wayne
This university that makes the article (UNIFESP) is the best school of medicine in Brazil, with the USP.
This article brings me an another hope... Someone in the forum already tried the Extra Corporal Shockwave Therapy?

These informations in researches about Peyronies Disease are very confused to me... I already read that the ECST does not have sucess in treatment of peyronie...


You make a very good point   :)

This topic is too coincidental though. I had a follow up with my Uro today and we had almost the same discussion. Not necessarily palpable vs. non-palpable......  but rather for those who DO HAVE palpable plaque AND where this plaque may have calcified. He feels surgery may be the only option for these individuals and that other therapies may not be beneficial as they don't "break up" or soften the calcified plaque. I think this is important to understand for those who may fall into that category on this forum.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I would very weary of this surgery. I would talk to at least 10 people he had used this procedure on.
I have a peyronies scar on top of my penis that is about 3/4 inch wide and one inch long. This scar keep the penis from stretching to the pre peyronies length.
The best doctor at Vanderbilt confirmed this and said leave it alone.