Introducing myself

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Hello everyone,

I first began to notice the effects of Peyronie's just before I turned 57.

That was 3-1/2 years ago.

I was diagnosed in January of 2019.

It has only gotten worse, with painful urination the whole time (at first I thought it was a UTI, and was taking AZO daily) , and significant reduction in length when erect, and now penetration is possible, but due to the weakened structure, it is not pleasurable.

And now that I'm thinking about it, I realize I have constant pain "down there"; I guess I just have learned to push it into the background of my awareness.

The fibrous thing inside my penis has grown in length and now nearly reaches the tip, and is enlarged at the end. It has sort of the shape of a bean sprout, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable to bring it to my awareness by feeling for it.

I realize can't deny it anymore; it's happening, and worsening, and the only medical options offered have been a cytoscopy with dilation (which was done December 2020, helped some with urination), and the possibility of Xiaflex injections in the future, an option that seems problematic at least.

I did develop a Dupruyten's-like band in my dominant hand about 6 months prior to Peyronies Disease onset, which has mostly resolved and receded into the background.

So naturally, I am at the point where I am trying to learn from others with the condition, what may or may not work, to improve my condition.

If my user name is offensive, I'd be happy to change it; it's just the first thing I thought of.

Thank you all and to the owners of this site for making this valuable resource available.
Married 60 YO
Onset @56 YO (2017)
Peyronies Disease Dx @57 YO
Initial symptoms were deformed erection & painful urination
Stricture dilated @59 YO
Initially took L-Acetyl-Carnitine, PABA, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase; in hindsight, I should have continued


Welcome to the forum, Your user name is fine with us if it is fine with you.

A couple of basics.  I do not think any knowledgeable member of this forum, including Dr. Trost, would agree that burning urination has ANY connection to Peyronies Disease.  Also, a cystoscope has NO role in Peyronies Disease treatment.  I am not saying you do not have Peyronies Disease or that you don't have urinary tract issues but if you do, they have absolutely nothing to do with each other.  It is very possible you have some prostate issues going on but again, that has zero connection to Peyronies Disease.  If your doctor has not made that clear, they did you a disservice.

It is essential that you read the SURVIVAL GUIDE--->,3180.0.html
read it carefully, maybe more than once.

Your next assignment - We cannot remember your case details out of 20,000 members.

If you want accurate answers that apply to your case then be considerate enough to help us.  You can save us all from typing the same 40 questions over and over.  Fill in your signature line --->Instructions for your Signature Line

We will talk more after you get the basics taken care of.



Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thank you, Hawk.

How does one find a physician in my area who would prescribe the meds mentioned in the survival guide? I don't see a resource (maybe I'm not looking hard enough) for recommended providers.

I'm asking because it sounds like I need another opinion, and I don't want a repeat of the previous experiences.  

And I want to find a doctor who is really focused on Peyronie's disease.

I have an appointment scheduled with a Phoenix Pro provider this week, but it may be that what I really need to do, is find doc that will separate these two issues with some certainty.

I can only say for certain that, yes, there is something fibrous in there which has altered my erections in a negative way, and yes, there is inflammation present.

I assumed the inflammation associated with Peyronie's was making my urethra sensitive.
Married 60 YO
Onset @56 YO (2017)
Peyronies Disease Dx @57 YO
Initial symptoms were deformed erection & painful urination
Stricture dilated @59 YO
Initially took L-Acetyl-Carnitine, PABA, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase; in hindsight, I should have continued


The problem is that few urologists have knowledge of Peyronies Disease and few take an interest because it is a frustration without a clear "cure".  You need a Peyronies Disease specialist so you may well end up dealing with two different doctors.

Here is a doctors list for Peyronies Disease specialists.  You will see an AZ doctor at the top of the list.,4063.0.html
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Married 60 YO
Onset @56 YO (2017)
Peyronies Disease Dx @57 YO
Initial symptoms were deformed erection & painful urination
Stricture dilated @59 YO
Initially took L-Acetyl-Carnitine, PABA, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase; in hindsight, I should have continued