A young(ish) Diabetics Implant Journal- WARNING EXPLICIT PICS!

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4 Days Pre-op.

Hi Everyone,

I was a bit of a latecomer to this forum, having first found it in January 2021 and had already endured over 2 years of severe deformation to my penis, to the point that i would actually avoid sex if i ever put myself in that position. Like a typical man, i just buried my head under the carpet and hoped everything would go back to normal. Clearly this was never going to happen, and I started to research and finally found this amazing forum 13 months ago, and i effectively self diagnosed myself with Peyronies.

Firstly, without this forum, i don't know where I'd be. i certainly wouldn't be as upbeat, optimistic or knowledgeable as i am today. I truly believe that participating in this forum, and reading other peoples stories has given me more insight and knowledge than any urologist could give me, as it it real experiences rather than the easiest option for the urologist, in most instances anyway.

I first noticed a change during the first lockdown, in March 2020. Being at home on my own all day for 8 weeks, lets just say i had the opportunity to have more 'alone time' than normal. I noticed a curve, probably around 30 degrees at this point, and any erection i had wouldn't stand to attention like they used to. Over the next few months the change became more severe but I ignored it, whether it was due to embarrassment or because i thought there were more important things for our NHS to deal with who knows. It then occurred to me that i couldn't remember the last time i got night time erections. Subconsciously maybe i thought that was just something that only happened when you were young, looking back now i realised how naïve that was.

After a couple of failed attempts at sex, i began to struggle psychologically. To begin with it was the size i lost, about 3 inches at its worse. Then it was the realisation that intercourse would be very difficult and as i later found out nearly impossible. My latest relationship ended towards the end of last year, we both got to a point where we would avoid sex and I felt very emasculated not being able to satisfy her. It was exasperated even more so because i knew what i used to be like, and i was a shadow of myself, in and out of the bedroom.  

In February 2021, i saw urologist number 1. He was fairly local to me, about a 30 minute drive away. I walked into his office, he smiled and told me to take a seat. I explained to him my issue, showed him a photo and he said ' what would you like me to do? ' . At this point i wasn't knowledgeable, Had only just found this forum and i was ultimately paying a specialist to tell ME what my options were. He examined me, with no doppler , flaccid and after 30 seconds suggested we keep a close eye on things and he would perform a Nesbit in three months. I didn't like his attitude, and regardless if that was the right option for me or not ( it wasn't) i didn't feel comfortable with him being my surgeon. I was already using the Penimaster Pro, Tadalafil daily and the Somacorrect so i continued this regime. I was probably at my most deformed at this point, roughly 65 degree dorsal curve, and no more than 5 inches with a substantial hinge. I had been in a short relationship just before and she ended it as she didn't want to take on the responsibility of how it was going to effect the relationship.

Over the next two months i took a concoction of pills and supplements. Of course none worked, except the 5g daily tadalafil. Every morning i would wake up with a raging hard on and that felt great. However, this posed a different issue. Peeing. Peeing with a hard on is difficult enough, combining it with a curve that nearly hit the belly button is much trickier. All too often it would go on me and not in the toilet bowel, so i resorted to standing up by the sink and forcing it down, gently, or would do some squats until it became more malleable and pee in the sink.  

I saw urologist number 2 in July 2021, he suggested an excision and graft. I knew this wasn't right for me, sure I could get an erection, but they were definitely becoming softer and with my diabetes i knew this was a risk i didn't want to take.

In between uro's 1 and 2 i began dating someone else. Things got serious quickly, i was honest with her from the beginning and for the most part she gave me the support i needed although i don't think she fully understood how it effected me and how it made me feel like a failure all too often. It was very much a catch 22, if i got hard enough, the bend would be more severe, making intercourse that much more difficult. If i wanted to lessen the bend, i could, but i wouldn't be solid enough for intercourse. Ultimately the Peyronies broke the relationship after 8 months but it made me more determined than ever put it to bed.

Uro 3 suggested shockwave therapy, which was an instant thanks  but no thanks and then i found Uro 4, Mike Fraser who listened to me, was empathetic and agreed wholeheartedly that an implant was the way to go. In fact, with a now 70 degree bend, it was the only way to go. He was 500 miles away from me but that didn't matter, i knew he was the man that would hopefully change my life. This was at the end of November and the following week i had my surgery date - February 14th - What an ironic date for my new toy!

Having used the traction for roughly 35 hours a week for the last 9 months and the VED intermittently, i have definitely regained a bit of my lost size back.  i tried measuring with a tape measure last week, apparently my long side is 7 inches and my shorter side is 4 inches. I think i must have mis measured but as a guestimate i'd say I'm around 6 currently.  I'm happy with my size now, I've learnt to love what i've got ( minus the curve ) and if the operation goes well, infection free,  I'd be ecstatic if I ended up with a rock hard 6' for the next 10 years until i need a revision.

So, here i am, after a 7 hour drive i arrived at my air B n B this afternoon. i have my Covid test tomorrow, and assuming it's negative three days of isolation until the big day on Monday. I feel more excited right now than nervous but i know full well as Monday draws closer i will be a bag of nerves.

One thing i think has really helped me, especially over the last 6 months is sharing this experience with my close family and friends.  I don't feel embarrassed about it any more, i am embracing it and the support they have given me has been invaluable. I would have been worried how a new partner might have reacted to a bionic penis, but having spoken in depth about it to a couple of my close female friends, i am anything but nervous now and can't wait to show the world what my new tool can do!

I will try and update this as often as possible, i am expecting my recovery to be a little harder than most due to my diabetes but i guess its in the lap of the gods and it's out of my hands from now on in.

Over and out.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


  Good luck, i'm having mine tomorrow in london. Lets share our recovery stories as we'll be at the same stages together. I'm really nervous tbh and i've managed to aggravate a plaque overdoing traction and VED trying to maximise size. My surgeon told me to stop last week when i told him, but it's still a bit sore. I'm hoping it doesn't effect the surgery.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Fantastic start to what will hopefully be your own personal implant journal, Jimmi. Good to get an understanding of how you got to where you are now. From reading your post, your excitement and anticipation is palpable. Yes, from the photos I can appreciate how difficult intercourse must have become and you have no doubt made the correct decision. You know I am an avid supporter of Dr Mike Fraser - the man quite literally changed my life. Good luck on Monday and keep us all up to date with your progress throughout. As you've said already, this forum can be a wonderful support so it's important not to go through what you are about to go through on your own.

Philtered - good luck to you too and mind and keep us informed of how it goes.

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Kudos for having the courage to take the the bull by the horns and do what will undoubtedly give you a better, happier life.

I applaud you and look forward to hearing of your progress.

Best Regards,
51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Good luck with your surgery! You have been through a lot and dealing with diabetes also. If you read some of the other implant journals you can see the format that has been used.  Mikel7 :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


2 days until pre op

I didn't hear back from the hospital yesterday following the covid test, apparently that's good news so it looks like a green light for Monday.

One thing that occurred to me last night, I have quite a small scrotam, and Mike mentioned that as well on our initial consult. How is a small sack likely to effect both the ability to conceal and the comfortableness? Can a scrotam be too small to actually put the pump in?  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Hi Jimmi85, good luck for your op on Monday, i'm sure all will go well, fingers all crossed for you
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


Great to hear you recovered some of your length through traction and VED.
It should be something that everyone should do for atleast a few months prior to surgery. I think it helps the surgeon put the right size implant in.  

All the best with your surgery.
60 yrs old, Peyronies since 58
A nickel size internal scar at base of penis causing 40-degree bend
Dr. Karpman - Titan Coloplast 18cm+2cm RTE implant in Oct 25, 2021.


Goodluck jimmy we are all rooting for you. Keep us posted I'm sure youll be hppy about the outcome. first step is relax and rest  
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


Thanks for all the well wishes guys.

Will leave for the hospital in about 15 minutes, I expect surgery to be around 10am (uk time )

I am definitely more excited right now than I am nervous which is surprising, of course it will always be in the back of mind that something might go wrong, infection being the biggest worry but I am definitely going into this with a positive attitude and know full well if it goes to plan, and there is no reason why it won't, I will be in a much much better position than I am in now.

That said , I was a little sad that I woke up this morning with what is very likely to be my last ever natural erection and made the most of it given that will be off the cards for a few weeks! That will be my biggest struggle I think!  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Good luck! Curious how much you think you gained back using pmp?
35 yrs old
Onset 05/01/20 diagnosed 05/14/20. Taking Pentox, trental, multivitamin, Zoloft & Tylenol
Traction was painful and made it worse
Lateral plaque by glands 20 degrees left/ narrowing
Lost about 2cm length


2 hours post op

In recovery now, woke up in a fair bit of pain so asked for me morphine which they duly gave me!

Have a had a brief chat with my surgeon who said all went to plan and I have a nice straight penis which is music to my ears.

I have an 18cm Titan with no RTE's- optimistically I was hoping for 21cm but I knew that was unlikely. He said he was surprised at how much length I had lost - obviously he could during the surgery. I am still hoping to be between 5.5 and 6 inches once healed and after 6 months of cycling but to be honest as long as it is straight and works and can get diamond hard I don't think I'll complain either way.

Xavier - I don't really know what I gained solely with the PMP. I have no doubt that the daily tadalafill which brought back my nightly erections played a part although that was probably likely more so with stopping me losing any further size rather than gaining back lost size. The PMP certainly didn't help with the curvature; if anything I think it made it worse but I used It in conjunction with the VED which undoubtedly helped.

I have learnt to appreciate what I have now rather than what god gave me and I will learn to embrace what ever tool I have between my legs and make the most of it. IMO most Girls would rather a rock hard 5.5 incher that can go for hours rather than a slightly floppy and bendy 7/8 incher that is only good for 10 minutes.

37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


  Glad it went well jimmi and that's brilliant you have a straight penis. I'm left with some residual curve which is nothing considering i was 80 going on 90 degrees and my surgeon thinks the titan can straighten it out some more.

Relax and take it easy man. Did you get left inflated?
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


I actually wouldn't mind a 10 degree residual dorsal curve to hit the G SPOT 😂 I'm also aware that it might have been just a figure of speech and he could have meant straight compared to what I did have.

Yes, I'm Around 60% right now and will be for the next 2-3 weeks. Most of the uncomfortableness is in the shaft where I expected it to be in the balls but I see that as a good sign as it is obviously being stretched with it being inflated.

I have no idea why they have to give me such an attractive nurse, FFS I've just had a prosthetic penis and am 60% erect 😂

Also; for anyone in the UK, I am so glad I went private. The attention I am receiving is second to none and I feel so much more comfortable knowing that I am their number one priority  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Congratulations to the both of you!!!

Jimmi, your positivity through all of this is to be commended! I can already tell you are going to have a great outcome through all of this! 👏🏻
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Good job dude! Glad it sounds things are going well I second that your positivity is very inspiring  
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


1 day post op.

I didn't sleep well at all although I never do in hospitals. The pain was a 7 at it's worst and a 2 at best. A quick buzz to the nurses and I was given some morphine type drugs to help relive the pain.

The biggest area of pain is from my right scrotum where I have the drain in. It's just really uncomfortable. I am hoping this will be taken out today at some point.

I actually got woken up by what I am sure was a morning erection. Right on cue at around 5am as always. If I'm honest it's difficult to 100% confirm as I'm 60% pumped, wrapped up and sore as hell but it was definitely the same sensation as I usually get with morning wood, and this was without Tadalafil last night. I have always told myself the hardest part would not be the size lost but the inability to get some form of natural erection. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic and jumping the gun but given I had decent erections pre surgery and given what I felt this morning it's looking good.

I had a bit of a feel down below last night. I am still very curved but I was expecting this and in time the curve should lessen, especially when I start to cycle. Length wise it's difficult to tell but I look and feel a lot girthier. Granted I am wrapped up in dressing but I'm not even close to being able to wrap my hand around my new bionic penis. I never actually measured my girth pre surgery, but I am certain I am a good half an inch wider now.

Doctor should be seeing me later this morning. He might discharge me but I get the feeling I will be in for another night, which I am fine with. They seem very focused on my diabetes Abbas my blood sugars and I'm certainly not going to complain in free hot meals and drugs on demand for another night.

Over and out  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


  I've still got some curve but like you i think cycling will sort it out. My main worry is  i have a dog ear in my titan right where the curve is which is fine when i stand but laying down it hinges in that spot. I'm hoping 2 weeks deflated while it's healing won't effect the final outcome too much.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


I remember the deflation (no pun intended) of still having a curve post surgery. I thought I'd gone through everything for nothing. Man was I wrong - twice daily cycling to the max for 30 mins to an hour and within weeks I was super straight. Patience and cycling required.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Philtered, have you been deflated since the operation on Friday?

I would t worry about any dog ears so soon after the operation much like the curve but I am surprised you aren't at least 50% inflated.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


i was pretty much fully inflated for 24hrs and deflated since. it seems every surgeon has a different protocol.  To be honest i wouldn't want to be sticking out at 3 oclock much more than i am now.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


30 hours post op

Had the catheter and drain removed this afternoon. OMG both hurt like a bitch but so glad the drain is out. All unbandaged as well and pleasantly surprised with the lack of swelling and bruising. I was told to eat lots of pineapple a few weeks pre surgery because of the bromine and this has possibly contributed to how good looking it looks 😂 Mike came in and saw me and said all looks good and hastily deflated me to 50%. crap that hurt. For 50-% erect I am pretty damn hard so looking forward to cycling and increasing the size and hardness. I am staying in for one more night as I feel very weak and wobbly on my feet.

Am on a 3-4 on the pain scale, scrotum is tender but doesn't cripple me with pain when I touch it but the shaft is very tender.

However , I have just encountered my first issue:

As previously mentioned, peeing in the early hours has always been a challenge, having a severe upward curve and very good morning erections. I have just been for my first wee and it went everywhere, on me, the walls and I swear a little bit hit the ceiling. Using the toilet is impossible so I attempted to stand by the sink and hold a bowel in front of it to catch it. Needless to say it did t work. I can't decrease the erection like I normally would and neither can I bend it gently due to how stiff and sore it currently is.

How the hell am I supposed to pee for the next three weeks without having a golden shower at the same time?  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


I'll leave that one to others who had the same problem - of which there are a few that I recall, just that I don't remember which ones. I was straight out so can't help
You on that one, sorry.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


   i piss in a jug and pour it down the toilet at the moment. The worst one for me was my first dump post op, i couldn't aim my dick down the pan like normal and ended up pissing everywhere. Serious clean up sesh afterwards. It's at times like that i wonder what i've done tbh.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


Pleased all s gone well so far, have you taken any photos?
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


Thanks everyone.

Dr Fraser deflated me a little more and told me to just bend it down the toilet pan. There's no way I can do that, it feels too rigid and is too tender to force it in any direction so I've resorted to standing by the sink and aiming in a bowl to catch the wee and then pour it down the sink.

Pain wise I'm feeling ok today although my abdomen is sore, I feel very bloated and blocked up so I've asked for some more bowel movement medication. Hoping that will make me feel better.

I don't look particularly bruised, and by scrotum although clearly swollen isn't black and blue and looks pretty good. I might take some photos later today if I can pluck up the courage.

I had a WTF have I done moment this morning but I'm feeling a bit better now, I am expecting the next two weeks to be difficult, more so due to my diabetes but things should get easier:

Am about to get changed to leave the hospital, although my dick isn't really sore, more achey with being pumped up 50%, the glands are very sensitive so I can't say I'm relishing getting changed!

37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


One more quick question if I may:

I have water proof and dissolving stitches. I am fine to shower from today and bath ( which I can't wait for ) from Saturday.

I assume I am ok to wash gently around the Wound area with my antibac soap and Hibiscus scrub?  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Same comment to both Philtered and Jimmi as you are both fresh out of surgery and questioning whether you have done the right thing.

Yes, rest assured you have done the correct thing. You have both sought the advice of the top urology surgeons in the UK and both surgeons thought the said course of action was the correct one for you. You are having doubts within the first week of post surgery psychological trauma. I remember it very well indeed. I was sitting on the edge of my bed at home asking myself and my wife WTF I had done to myself. I was at a very low point. The pain was intense - constant, and starting to cycle made the pain unbearable at times. If you read the early part of my journal again you will see what I mean.

However, the guys on here kept me going. I took advice, I took strong painkillers and I stayed ahead of the pain. You need to do the same when that time comes.

Your pissing issue will not be an issue when you are not erect. After all, who does a piss with a hard on. Just now is a massive physical but also psychological adjustment for you.

Stay strong - I know I repeat myself with this, but you are 3 weeks away from having unimaginable sexual pleasure without the worry of PE, inability to gain an erection or how to get your bent dick into positions to have meaningful sex. It's all in the past for you both now.

You'll see. Have faith. All will be good.

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Jimmi85  if you can get a Urinal. Probably from a drug store. I had 3 at my bedside, one in the car and one in the bathroom. I couldn't bend mine down for 2 weeks. I stopped at a store on the way back from follow up visit and forgot my urinal and the bathroom just had toilet and here I was bending over and twisting to aim it to pee at 45 degree angle. I didn't forget it anymore!

Glad surgery went well and yes always thankful for the forum!
50 yo male
Factor 8 Hemophilia
4x inguinal hernia repairs,w/mesh
ED -Meds stopped working.
Peyronies x 2 yrs
AMS 700 CX 21cm w RTE 10/2021/Dr. Rafael Carrion @USF Tampa
Revision 07/2022 Titan XL 24cm no RTE/ Dr. Tariq Hakky@Atlanta Cosmetic Urology


Day 4 post op

A urinal sounds like a good idea, thanks waveboy. Presently I'm standing by the sink on tip toes and peeing into a measuring jug. It's 50/50 whether it's a mess free wee.

Last night was bad, I was in a lot of pain, mainly around the right scrotum where the pump is. I actually had a little cry in bed, it hurt that much. Immediately I panicked and assumed I must have an infection but I calmed myself down and slept naked.  Much better. It must have been my newly shaven and swollen balls rubbing against my underwear. I bought David archly and separatec but I'm definitely more comfortable commando.

I am trying some ice packs today for the first time. Although I have little to no bruising I am very swollen around the balls. I think the sooner this goes down the easier it will be.

My other big issue at the moment is constipation. This is actually giving me as much pain as anything else. Laxatives don't seem to be working so I'll try some more today but have less painkillers as they are the source. It's annoying as even for a poo I need to pre plan in the sense that I have to have a wee in the jug first and then sit on the toilet. So far though, to no avail.

So today, Ice and poo.

Over and out  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery



Yesterday was a good day. Very little to no pain when i was lying down, but very uncomfortable when i moved about although i'm trying to be as immobile as possible. i iced for the first time last night and woke up this morning with very little swelling and i can now actually feel the pump. Very exciting. Whether this is a direct result of the icing or purly coincidence i don't know but i'm looking forward to having my first hot bath on Sunday and having a good feel. I actually think i might be able to tentatively start cycling in the next 5 or 6 days, i am surprised by how quickly i've improved over the last 48 hours although the constipation is actually the wirst part right now.

I slept well last night, although peeing every hour or so is a pain in the ass. I tried to sleep on my side for a bit last night, as that's my normal sleeping position, with a pillow between my legs and although i'm not quite there yet i am hopeful that within the next few days i cn revert back to this modified normal sleeping position.

I've plucked up the courage of posting some pics today. I am pleased with the lack of bruising and swelling although i have to keep reminding myself i am only 50% pumped right now and have 6 months of cycling to regain as much size back as possible. TBH whether I'm sub 5 inches or over 7 inches, i couldn't really care less, i just want it to work as it should and remain infection free. I certainly haven't been this straight in over three years!
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Peyronie's onset in 11/2021. Age 39
Two plaques under the glans. Minimal pain, only congenital curvature.
Tadalafil 2.5 - 5 mg per day + TRT


Everything looks like you are healing normally! Great recovery!
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks everyone, it makes me feel better knowing that I look normal  :)

Pain wise, it really comes and goes, I can go for hours with little to no pain but then be in agony for the next couple of hours. I can clearly feel the pump so have sidelined Monday evening for my first hot bath and a good feel about. The pump is very right due to my small sack and feels like it is rubbing against the scrotum so I will see if I can manipulate it a little on Monday.

I've bought a wheat bag today so will try that tonight along with some baby socks to put over the head as I am still very sensitive.

I couldn't sleep last night so curiosity got the better of me and I briefly watched some porn to see what happened. It's still too early to touch myself 'properly' but I definitely felt tingly and both my glands and shaft engorged a little which I was pleased about.

I just need to go for a Damn poo now and then I'd be a very happy bionic brother !  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


 i bought some dulcoease for the poo and take a couple a day. I've been daily since day 3 now and i'm still taking a 3 co codamol tablets a day so they must be helping.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


Day 6 post op

I slept like a baby last night, certainly my best nights sleep since the operation. I thinks that's because I WENT FOR A POO!! feel so much better for it and strangely enough I am walking much better since as well.

I ordered some sexy looking jockstraps from Amazon last night, they should be arriving tomorrow. The pump is way heavier than I expected so I definitely need extra support down there.

The wheatbag is helping lots as well and I am now off the stronger pain meds and using only ibroprofen and paracetamol.

As far as I can tell most of not all the swelling has gone and looking forward to my first hot bath tomorrow . I feel as though I will be ready to start cycling next week but I will follow doctors orders and won't play with it until our zoom appointment week after next.

I am a little worried I might have been undersized but I guess only time will tell. I've gone from 8' in length to probably 6' or just under pre surgery and only have a 18cm. I am seeing guys on here and FT who were the same size or smaller ore surgery with a bigger implant so unless I have an incredibly shallow crus I can't work out how I only have an 18cm?!

Currently on route home now , a 500 mile drive. Luckily I'm not driving but coping ok at the moment.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


  Glad to hear you're making good progress. i'm jealous to be honest i'm still black n blue and in incredible pain around the pump and left testicle when i move around. I tried to feel and move the pump around a bit in the night because it pushes down on my left nut, but i wish i hadn't touched it. burning pain and now i'm dreading going for cycling practice on thursday, i can't imagine what the pain will be like to actually squeeze the pump.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022



I'm sorry you're still in a bit of pain - just stay positive.

One thing I would recommend, and it might be too late now, is to eat lots of pineapple. I gorged on it three weeks per surgery because of the anti inflammatory properties it has ( bromeline) and even after surgery eating pineapple alleviates pain.

Also, a wheatbag helps a lot as well. As a fellow Uk brother, order one for Argos for £10. I only got mine yesterday but OMG it helps.

Feel free to PM me if you want to chat further.
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


 Thanks. I've been using a heated wheatbag alternating with ice. It brings temporary relief but pain always seem to return especially in the morning and for some reason when i stand still. The pain seems to centre around the pump and tubing from pump to the base of the shaft. I'm still very bruised and swollen so hope once that goes down i'll make quicker progress.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


QuotePhilitered, just remember everyone heals differently. Keep in touch with your surgical team and send them over any photos to put your mind at rest. You are lucky you have that support; I have no idea who is contact if I had an issue, the communication from my surgeon and the Nuffield hasn't been great,

Day 8 post op

Yesterday was a good day, for the most part. I was more mobile and drove for a short distance. It wasn't comfortable but at least I know I can do it.

My jockstraps arrived yesterday! However, I under estimated the size and did not take into account I am 50% inflated. The balls fit nice and snug but the actual penis does not fit. The glands are still sensitive so I can't wear them currently with glands poking out. Pretty gutted about this as my scrotum is begging for support.

I skipped the hot bath yesterday as I was told in a passing comment infection Is more likely especially if the wound isn't fully healed. So I will wait until the weekend. Like Philtered, due to my diabetes infection is my biggest concern so it's just not worth the risk.

I was in quite a bit of pain last night, and it's still here this morning. Not agonising but a strong dull ache. More so on the shaft. I didn't sleep well at all and spent a fair bit of time 'playing' and feeling about. I can clearly feel the pump but haven't yet worked out which way round it is. I am waiting for the keychain from my surgeon and I'm sure it Will then become clearer. There is definitely an oval shape currently and I can clearly feel the tubing. Towards the bottom of the shaft I can actually see the tubing but I'm hoping it will become less obvious both over time and when I inflate more fully?

Size wise, I am scared to measure if I'm being honest. I keep telling myself size isn't everything and it will 'grow' over time. I was expecting to be shorter immediately post surgery but was hoping I wouldn't lose any more girth but I have. But I can't change anything so I'm grateful either way.

One last thing, for the single guys out there. In my boredom I've been back on the dating sites. I'm not ready for another relationship yet, but I want to prepare for how girls my age (30-40 ) view the implant. My friends, who are mostly female think it's great but I wasn't sure if they were just being nice. Turns out an implant is pretty cool! I tell them almost instantly and once they ask a few questions they have all said it doesn't put them off at all. This makes me feel good although like said this is more an experiment as opposed to looking for love .

I'm going to take today easy and monitor the pain/uncomfortableness. Even now lying in bed it feels different and the normal pain free experience of lying down certainly is not there.
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


  Have you got an email address for your surgeon, ralph answers mine pretty much straight away and rang me. One of his team rang me yesterday as well. Email or ring them with any concerns i'm sure they'll get back to you.

  I've resigned myself to a slow recovery tbh and i'm making i tiny bit of progress each day. Well done on going for a drive, i haven't even left the house ha ha. Maybe that's why you're a bit sore overnight.

Hang in there brother and i've given up on underwear at the moment, i've used bamboo boxers with my dick sticking straight out of the hole 3 oclock. it's so uncomfortable bent upwards
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


Jimmi, you WILL grow again and regain lost size by cycling twice daily when allowed. Don't concern yourself with that - honestly, I regained an inch and a quarter by the time I'd had enough of daily cycling after 6 months.

Have you not got an email address for Mike? What about phoning his secretary? Do messages not get passed on?
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Hey Roddy,

Yes I have mikes email address but he hasn't always been that quick to reply. I hear stories of peoples surgeons calling them after a week checking up on them yet I have heard nothing and Mike Even forgot to bring the keychain with him when he caught up with me a few days after the op.

I trust him but it's so early to tell if it has all gone to plan.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Day 9 post op

Days abs nights keep getting easier! Woohoo!!

I slept through the night last night, except waking up at 3am with low glucose levels so I ate some biscuits and then fell asleep again until 9am.

Everything is becoming a little easier but I am still remembering to walk or even crawl before I run.

I had new underwear arrive today, that's been my highlight of the day. I bought some jockstraps earlier in the week but due to my seninerect state and the tenderness at the glands they didn't fit properly. So I've had a mixture of briefs and boxers arrive today, David archey and separatec to find out what works for me. I am positive finding the right underwear is the key to me being able to be more mobile with less pain.

I am beginning to get a little bit concious that I can very prominently feel tubing at the base of my penis. I am not sure if this is because I am 50% erect or if it's a combination of this and the fact that the tubing will soften up over time? Tbh if it works I'm not overly concerned but it would be nice to know either way.

My only other real concern is that the pump seems to be hanging very low. From what I've read it seems preferable for it to be low rather than high but sitting on a chair seems a long way off right now.

I am hoping I can begin cycling at some Point next week, once I have my keychain and get the all clear from Mr Fraser. I feel as though I could probably do it this weekend but I'm not going to risk anything and will gladly wait and be patient.

I have set aside Sunday for my first hot bath. I'm looking forward to this and hopefully any remaining wounds would have healed to limit infection whilst in the bath.

Lastly, and I feel naive for asking this but I assume sex and self gratification are one of the same thing? What I mean by this is I assume if one hasn't been cleared for sex then the same goes for masturbation? It's been 10 days now and as much as I am Getting a little restless I am also keen to look at glands engorgement or even to confirm if anything below happens whilst stimulated.

Funnily enough, I got chatting to a girl online a few days ago and told her about the implant. I'm not embarrassed about it and I believe in being open and honest. She loved that I told her and said she could only see positives with it. Interestingly, she has a friend who had an IPP a few years ago so already knows all about it!

Overall, I would say I'm doing better right now than I had expected. Any pain, whether it be from an implant, cut or bruise is always worse when you don't know the reasons or cause. As soon as you are reassured said pain is normal it suddenly becomes very tolerable.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Hi Jimmi

What a fantastically positive post from you about your progress. You appear to be making great progress and seem to be mentally in a very good place. Delighted you slept well last night and this is the start of real steps forward in your healing.

To answer some of your questions that you asked of me privately and in your post above, your balls etc will simply get used to the newcomers in time - extremely painful right now but will definitely calm down to ZERO pain in time. Probably 8-12 weeks tbh.

As soon as you see the keychain you'll know exactly what the deflate button should  feel like and will help you when you are feeling around - particularly in a hot bath where everything just becomes easier to navigate. The best way to describe it would be like a block of Lego- a cuboid with a round raised dimple on top in the centre of the surface. The dimple is what you press to deflate. Google an image of a piece of Lego and imagine only one dimple in the centre of the top surface.

When my ball sack is compacted - most of the time - I can't really feel much tubing. I'd need to press my finger into my sack to feel it. However, on the rare times that my sack hangs loose I can clearly feel the tubing. As I look down from above, I can see a piece of tubing on the left side of my balls, at the top, below my shaft. It isn't something I have ever really had to worry about as my wife and I went into the whole process with our eyes wide open, and ANY result that allowed me to have sex again was a bonus. As it turned out, the result was far from just something that allowed me to have sex again - it's was life changing and I could not just have sex but mind-blowing sex. For as long as I wanted. If the tubing being able to be felt with a soft hanging sack is a negative then I'll take that negative. The overall result is outrageously positive. You sound as tho you kind of feel the same way already.

I get that this is easy for me to say as I was/am in a long-standing relationship but could be a difficult concept as a young single man. I love your philosophy on that one and how you have already sought out opinions from ladies. Very brave and reassuring and will only lead to a positive psychological outcome for you. I don't know that I would have had your strength of character to do that.

I definitely would not start cycling without Mike giving you the go-ahead. He's the expert. Why would you second guess him and risk everything? You are in this for the long haul and need to be patient. An extra 2 weeks is no time at all in the grand scheme of things and I'm glad to hear you will await further instructions.

Finally, I would most definitely also rest as much as possible. Your body will tell you when things are moving in the right direction so just take it easy and try and get a mixture of rest and gentle exercise.

Hope this all helps? Great post from you - well done!

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


The pictures give this such a perspective on how dramatic the improvement already has been. Best of luck on the recovery. You seem to be healing well and that's so encouraging.

Thank you for posting your updates!



I had my first bath this morning! My word, what an absolute delight! This will be a regular daily activity for me now, before before I start cycling. I put some hibicleans in to ensure it was as sterile environment as possible along with a shed load of bubble bath: after a 30 minute soak I was a. Relaxed as anything and was actually able to stand/walk for about 10 minutes after until the pain set in. I was hoping by scrotum would relax a little so I could have a proper feel around but it was still all very tight.

I can clearly tell where the inflate bit of the pump is but I can't figure out the where the deflate but is. I'm hoping to receive the keychain in the post over the next few days which should make things much clearer.

I have noticed a clear correlation between daily activity - sleep - pain next day. If I exert my self too much I don't sleep very well at all and am in a lot more pain the next day until early afternoon . I'd i spend all day on the sofa I sleep like a baby and wake up pretty much pain free. Not looking forward to going back to work on Monday on that basis!

The last few days I've woken up with my shaft really aching. Not hurting but very uncomfortable. It reminds me of when I woke up pre implant with a raging erection and after a period of time it would begin to really ache. I'm hoping this is a sign that I might have at least some residual erections?!

I'm not really concerned about much at the moment: I was expecting pain in the first month, being 50% pumped is a pain in the ass but I'm Hoping I can start cycling in the next week or so.

I have noticed however I'm currently pointing at 1-1:30 which would make some positions quite difficult. Is this because I'm not fully pumped up or will it find its own place in time? Obviously 3 o clock is the optimum and I don't know if I'm Just being impatient?  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Quick update -

I've just had my first walk. I was very apprehensive but had no food in the house for lunch so I walked to the local shop and back. Was. Little under half mile there and back and was walking in XXL trackies holding my crotch through the pocket!

Surprisingly it was easier than I thought although I am pretty exhausted now. I am chuffed to bits and see it as a big step in my recovery.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Another mile stone for you today then. Well done.

The hot bath is a wonderful way to keep the pain at bay as you cycle and will let you have a good feel around.

Do you know what exact model your implant is? If you do, a simple google search could maybe show you the constituent parts and help you feel your way around for the deflate switch?

Keep up the good recovery.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.