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Old Man


I am truly sorry that you take the position that you do about VED usage. Just think where you might be now if you had started using a VED when you started all the OTC pills, herbals and supplements that by now you must have consumed. Consider the cost of all that, and IMHO they would add up to much more than the cost of a good medical quality VED. VEDs can be "sex toys" to some folks but to Peyronies Disease sufferers, they could be the total answer.

I know first hand about taking, oh, so many pills and other treatments to get rid of Peyronies Disease symptoms. Over the years that it has been with me, believe me, I know the drill. All of the things that I tried did absolutely nothing.

For example, I took 13,000 Potabo pills (6 pills each dose, four times a day, 13 bottles of 1,000 total) with absolutely nothing is return but many side effects. So, before you write off the VED, remember the old saw, don't knock it if you have not tried it!! A lot of guys have seen good benefits from its use, if nothing more than to keep their penises healthier.

Respectfully, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,  Something obviously got lost in the translation here, because I have nothing but good things to say about the VED.  True, I haven't used it, but I haven't yet used Pentox either.  And at this point I have neither size reduction or curvature to justify VED in my opinion.  But I darn well think that it is VERY effective.  My point was that, unfortunately, it hasn't really gotten any attention in the research community because nobody can make any money off of it.  If it were a new drug, not nearly half as effective, somebody would be throwing millions into it.  I actually think that it is very unfortunate that doctors are not openly promoting VED use for Peyronies.  So, don't think I am anti-VED, as I am most certainly not.  Not even neutral.  I fully support its use.  - George

Old Man

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Anyone else got any thoughts on these supplements? Neprotax Pyrotab Peyrotine?


mustang - forget those wate of time supplements - especially pyrotab - its made in pakistan  - youll  poison yourself

TRY THESE INSTEAD - they work for me:

1) L Arginine
2) Acetyl L Carnitine
3) and most importantly - PENTOX ( gotta go to a URO for that )

these are the best options on the market in my humble opinion but definitely for forget  the other crap sold online - waste of money and time


big hello to everyone,

my question is does anybody actually know of a reputable source of Trental / Pentox (pentoxifylline) other than through the urologists?
There are (unbelievably i know) a fair number of uros who won't pescribe it because they don't believe it is an effective / valid treatement or otherwise. that is at least the case in the UK. I am aware it is far easier to get a script for it in the US. Therefore rather than trawling my way through 4 or 5 uros before finally getting a script (which of course i wil do if nessacary) I would greatly appreciate if anyone knows of a genuine online source (or otherwise).

below are a few example sites I found alledgedly selling trental :


Now i think I should inform you that i have infact ordered pentox from the last online source (yes w/o a script) - from their european supplier. It arrived swiftly and everything was there that i ordered. itwas a pentoxifylline brand called Trentalin (turkish). My problem was that everything was in turkish (aside from a note included in the pack explaining directions of use etc) and almost gave it a fraudalent look to it. in all fairness im probably being paranoid and it probably was genuine pentoxifylline but how can one be sure it's not just a rip off? I only ordered a bit as a test but am looking to buy in bulk now and wanna make sure i get the right stuff. Thoughts or suggestions anyone?? - and dont say go to anotha uro lol.

PS:  if anyone does know of a decent uro who pescribes pentox in the south of England let me know as that would resolve the entire problem.
peace  ;)


swoosh - i got trental 400 in australia from my 3rd uro I visited ( it was prescription ) - the first 2 didnt know too much except for vitamin E and a hefty fee at the end of the 5 minute consultation that left me absolutely shaking with fear in the car park  -  I would be extremely dubious about anything from turkey that you bought online - sounds like a rip off very much like pyrotab from pakistan - can you see the similarities??????



I don't have an answer. There are reputable providers of medications in India that work off-patent (and Trental is off patent already anyway). If the process used to make a drug is not unique, then by Indian law, it is not protected. I have not (yet) made such purchases, but I note the the World Health Organization has approved some drugs made in India for treatment of HIV in other third world countries in Africa (this was very controversial because of the patent issues). I figure that if the manufacture of drugs by a company passes muster for WHO, then it will probably e good for other stuff too.

More on the topic at: http://www.cptech.org/ip/health/aids/

Cipla makes cheap Trental and it is offered through several European or Indian online pharmacies.

Other possibilities:


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


yea i know what you mean iceman when i think about it i can see the similarities. only bought a bit anyway see to what its like. well I think that if one was to buy online then the link tim provided to elitenetpharmacy should be a good bet after checking it out. it certainly holds more promise than other suppliers. I think i will order some and check it out and i ll be sure to let you know how it goes!



I went to see a urologist the other day, and he was a very nice fellow. He didn't know half of what I know (thanks to you guys) about Peyronies Disease, but he listened during the time we spent together. He even gave me three months worth of Pentox, and (this is the good part) he is the friend of a nearby doctor who is affiliated with a company conducting a study on collagenase.

He talked to the trial-study doctor on the phone and gave him my name and address. The doctor is going to send me the study literature and the application via mail. The only thing I'm worried about is that not everyone gets the collagenase. Three-quarters of the trial participants get it, and the other 25 percent get interferon. Well, I'm also worried about the damage that can be caused by injections in the penis. I mean, what if I get the Interferon and wind up with more damage from the injections. That would be devastating for me, since I have the worse kind of Peyronies Disease; the kind that angles to the side, instead of up or down.

What do you think? Should I participate if I am accepted? And should I stretch out the Pentox to six months by taking one 400mg tablet each day, instead of twice daily?


Great questions, Bodoo,

First off, you hit a homerun with your doc - keep him as your ally!

Tough call about participation. Try talking to the docs involved and make your choice. If it works, then everyone will get study drug when they move to open label phase (no longer blinded with a placebo). So you will eventually get drug - and recall that interferon has helped some men as well.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Animate Spring Bio-Tech supply Epimedium extract in bulk

SPECIFICATIONS: 20%-80% Icariin.
Raw Material: Leaves of Epimedium Brevicornum.

Epimedium extract Specifications
Epimedium extract  Icariin 10%
Epimedium extract  Icariin 20%
Epimedium extract  Icariin 30%
Epimedium extract  Icariin 40%
Epimedium extract  Icariin 50%
Epimedium extract  Icariin 60%
Epimedium extract  Icariin 70%
Epimedium extract  Icariin 80%

Animate Spring Bio-Technology Co., Ltd
Tel/Fax:+86 21 69981207
E-mail: shhww3@163.com

Hello, recently we received many business partners feedback. In
international market, there are different Epimedium extracts. My
business partners are confused by their quality and price. Now, we
will introduce them clearely below.
Both of them declared they are Epimedium extract. However, there are
different in their COAs. One showed assay Icariin(HPLC), Another
showed Icariins(HPLC). The difference between them is "S" behaind
icariin. It really is a little difference. Someone will ignore it.
However, it caused big difference in quality and price.
Epimedium extract has a long history in chines traddtional medicine.
Chinese medicine experts researched it for many years and established
strictly quality standard. It was documented in chinese pharmacopoeia.
We will attached in our forum files. Members can download it freely.
This analysis method is stable and is used by chinese SFDA. It also is
a purchase standard accpeted by chinese epimeidum extract fomula GMP
Then, when Icariins came forth? When epimedium extract just entered
USA market,  No one knew who set up a analysis method to identified
icariin. Maybe a researcher in a USA lab or a teacher in a university.
However,  their method isn't precise. it can't separate icariin from
its impurity. Later, they found it is a mistake. Finally, they named
their result is Icariins, sometime they said it double icariin and
named correct single icariin.
Then, we will asked them, since you decleared "double", could you
showed us, what is their chmecal structure and CAS No.? What is their
molecular weight? what is your reference standards? One or two?  As we
know, they only use Icariin as HPLC standard reference, then, how to
get the concentration result of double?
We did lots of works about epimedium extract. We compared two kinds of
analysis method. We found,  Analysis method of Icariins can't separate
icariin. The peak of icariins were composed by 2-3 chemical substance.
One is icariin, another can't be identified.
Then, conclusion is clearly,  Icariins analysis result is higher than
Icariin.  The cost of Icariins is lower than Icariin.  Lower price
abstract attension of market. However,  please be careful in


After a recent flare up with the inability to tolerate ALC any longer, Mangosteen extract seems to be kicking in to do the job for me.  Things are stabilizing after I resumed taking the Mangosteen capsules and doubled the dosage.  AND, I now have a referral in hand to see Dr. Lue.  I am very happy about that and am hopeful that he will grant me access to Pentoxifylline.  - George

NOTE:  As of 07/20/08 I have been back on ALC (a different brand and formulation) for a full week without any problem.  Thus, it seems the problem was with the formulation or with the specific brand and NOT with the ALC itself.  - George


george999 - i went to see Dr Lue and Im sure he will give you the Pentox - I flew across the Pacific from Oz to have an appointment - also can you send me the link where to buy mangostten capsules - i can only find the jusice.



These are the ones I am using now:

NSI Mangosteen Extract -- 500 mg-120 Capsules

Recommended dosage is ONE A DAY, I am taking FOUR A DAY spread out through the day.

In the past, I have used this one and might go back to it:

Natural Factors, Mangosteen, Super Strength Extract, 250 mg, 60 Capsules

This one appears to have less strength than the one above, however, if you look closely, you find that it actually contains more of the Xanthones which are the active ingredients.


Thanks for all the feedback, Fellas.

Can anyone tell me how long it will be before Pentox begins to take effect? I have been on it for nearly two weeks and I am sure that after the first day or two I noticed that I was fuller when I was flaccid. What I am asking about is when will it begin to change the shape of my blood cells, if that is in fact what it does. I'm just curious about that. I realize that it's something I will not be able to see.

Thanks again for your responses.

Tim, so far I haven't received any literature from the people who are doing the trial study on collagen's, but I keep watching for the postman every day.



George I would recommend that you drop the NSI brand. they are a very shady and dishonest business.


Thanks for the tip on NSI.  I don't know what you know about them, but I am beginning to suspect that there may be problems with there operation.  I really was not having any significant problems until I started using their products.  That may easily be a coincidence or perhaps not.  In any case, I will not be ordering any more of their products.  - George


A question or two for the group.  I just started taking my Pentox Rx,
400 mg   3 X day. Question 1, after having this wonderful disease for
over 3 years will it do any good????   Question 2,  does this Rx have
a side effect that makes a person a little dingy????    Musicman


As one who is NOT YET taking Pentox, but who PLANS to begin taking Pentox, let me try to take a stab at Musicman's question.

1)  Will it do any good?

The results with Pentox, as I understand it, are not really conclusive.  It seems to help some people more than others.  It also takes a long time to demonstrate its effectiveness.  Also, one has to ask here, what do you mean by "Will it do any good?".  Do you mean "Will it make it better?"  (This is what most people mean).  Or do you mean "Will it keep it from getting worse?".  If you really think about it, the second option is really not so bad considering the choices.  And 3 servings of Pentox certainly beats 24 servings of Potaba in my book.  AND, I would bet it would be a bit easier on the pocket than Potaba to boot.  There are a LOT of factors that go into Peyronies Disease.  Pentox multitasks well by effectively tackling a few of them.  But there are other factors that almost certainly would modulate the ability of Pentox to be "effective".  And only you can control *some* of those factors.

2)  Side effects?

Who knows?  Here again, this probably varies from user to user.

You will probably get a better picture on this as people who ARE using Pentox and those that have used it in the past and dropped it.  Personally, I don't know whether I will even be able to tolerate it, but I am certainly going to give it a shot.  I think its pharmacology is just about the best out there for fibrotic diseases like Peyronies (with the exception, of course, of treatments still awaiting approval).  In that vein, I suspect a future combination treatment with Perfinidone, Collagenase, and Alagebrium.  Now that would be a dream package!  - George


hi musican,

Ive been on Pentox for 4 months now and in the beginning it made me very tired but not anymore - Im used to it and take it 3 times per day with meals - as my pain is now non existent I think that it has helped me in this way - I was really beginning to stress about the pain> From the moment I got into my car in the morning throughout the whole day I was in pain - now nothing ( thanks god!!)
Also, with the Pentox try L arginine and ALC....
Keep me posted

Lets hope the VED I bought and the advice I follow from old man will help me -  


I've been on Pentox since Dec 2007.  I noticed no side effects, even at initial usage.

Has it helped...    Not that I know of since I still have curvature.

Did it keep things from getting worse. Well, I am the same now as before so I can't tell you one way or the other.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: lwillisjr on July 02, 2008, 04:05:28 PM
I've been on Pentox since Dec 2007.  I noticed no side effects, even at initial usage.

Has it helped...    Not that I know of since I still have curvature.

Did it keep things from getting worse. Well, I am the same now as before so I can't tell you one way or the other.

I am not sure how you have determaned that the Pentox has helped.
If you have no change for the better I don't think that means it is working.
I for one am looking for improvement as for me I don't think I can get any
worse off than I am. Maybe if I see a small improvement in my angle I could say
that it is working.  I can say that I think the VED has improved some of the
hourglass so I do think the VED is helping.  The VED does not seem to have
helped with the bend at this time. ( 5 months into the VED )


Some interesting posts here. Maybe as a group we should be asking ourselves, has anybodys condition got worse while they have been taking pentox? A number of people here take pentox, so do any of you fit into this category?  


When it comes to Pentox, I think one also has to take an even deeper look by examining the pharmacology of Pentox and the effects it has on the body.  At this level, the major effect of Pentox is likely its ability to block cytokines like TGF-beta-1.  This is very important in the case of Peyronies because if you can block the cytokine activity, you can theoretically block the disease's progression.  Personally, I will settle for that any day.  But it also means that you can open the door to progressive (but glacially slow) improvement as collagen turnover progresses and new collagen is not destroyed by cytokines.   It also provides freedom from the pain caused by cytokine fueled inflammation.  On a secondary level, Pentox should significantly improve oxygenation of tissues via its ability to modify the characteristics of red corpuscles.  This would also improve the possibility of more normal collagen turnover taking place and would further limit the likelyhood of further inflammation and progression.  All this would seem to indicate to me that although Pentox is not a cure, it is definitely a useful tool in dealing with Peyronies.  To those who argue for surgery, I would warn that surgery is not a guaranteed cure either although, in many cases, it can result in some degree of improvement.  The downside is that, from what I have observed, the failure rate is still quite high and, even in the case of success, the condition may well reassert itself in the passing of time.  The reality is the options are few, and that would make Pentox look pretty good to most of us.  AND, there are things that can be done in concert with Pentox, like Old Man's VED regimen for example, that most assuredly CAN achieve regression in terms of symptoms.  And I think Pentox can be an important adjunct to VED therapy with its ability to further prevent more inflammation and scarring.  - George


when you talk about surgery do you mean correction surgery or penile implants?


Quote from: Hitman on July 03, 2008, 01:30:41 PM
when you talk about surgery do you mean correction surgery or penile implants?


The big problem as I see it is that Peyronies is never guaranteed to be 100% stable.  This can have a huge impact on the long term effectiveness of correction surgery.  As for implants, in my less than expert opinion, they carry their own set of risks.  - George


Quote from: George999 on July 03, 2008, 09:10:49 PM
Quote from: Hitman on July 03, 2008, 01:30:41 PM
when you talk about surgery do you mean correction surgery or penile implants?


The big problem as I see it is that Peyronies is never guaranteed to be 100% stable.  This can have a huge impact on the long term effectiveness of correction surgery.  As for implants, in my less than expert opinion, they carry their own set of risks.  - George

the implants seem to have a high success rate and the technology is improving though.

Old Man


Yes, implants are now enjoying a greater rate of success than in the past. New technology is being developed all the time and the newer models carry less risk of anything going wrong. The biggest risk is getting the proper sizing when the implant is done. Any good uro will make sure that you are fitted with the proper implant.

There are several companies making the implants and have had good success as I said above. Just be sure that if you are considering an implant that you are absolutely sure that one is right for you. Implants are not reversible and once done, you are "stuck" with it!

They do have their place in sexual health for men who cannot have sex any other way. The surgery is really not all that bad, recovery is based on each man's physical health and above all, if done do not engage in sex too early after surgery so as to not cause complications. IOW, don't get anxious and jump off the deep end early.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: Old Man on July 04, 2008, 09:00:49 AM

Yes, implants are now enjoying a greater rate of success than in the past. New technology is being developed all the time and the newer models carry less risk of anything going wrong. The biggest risk is getting the proper sizing when the implant is done. Any good uro will make sure that you are fitted with the proper implant.

There are several companies making the implants and have had good success as I said above. Just be sure that if you are considering an implant that you are absolutely sure that one is right for you. Implants are not reversible and once done, you are "stuck" with it!

They do have their place in sexual health for men who cannot have sex any other way. The surgery is really not all that bad, recovery is based on each man's physical health and above all, if done do not engage in sex too early after surgery so as to not cause complications. IOW, don't get anxious and jump off the deep end early.

Old Man

sure. I was only considering it as a last resort (in the coming 5-7 years or so)

Old Man


My mother-in-law's last husband had a penile implant done and they were both tickled pink with the outcome. He lived about 8 years after the surgery and according to his words, "really had a ball in the bedroom with it". Only have his words for it, but I am sure he was right.

His was the last resort since all other methods of relief for him failed.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: Old Man on July 04, 2008, 04:11:32 PM

My mother-in-law's last husband had a penile implant done and they were both tickled pink with the outcome. He lived about 8 years after the surgery and according to his words, "really had a ball in the bedroom with it". Only have his words for it, but I am sure he was right.

His was the last resort since all other methods of relief for him failed.

Old Man

how old was he?

Old Man


He was 74 when the surgery was performed. He died as a result of a knee replacement surgery that went bad. A blood clot formed in his blood stream and went to his lungs and heart shutting them both down.

He had the AMS 700 luxury model implanted. It was/is the three piece unit where the rods are implanted in the corpora, the reservoir in the abdomen and the pump inserted in the scrotum. Look up the AMS medical company on the Web and you can see the latest update to the implants devices. You could Google penile implants and it should take to a link to AMS.

As I said, they enjoyed having the implant done for years before he passed away.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


There are lots of helpful supplement including herbs that are worth to take, but lots of them contain more or less amount of calcium. My question is: does the income of calcium to body make the scar tissue more calcified? Does it worsen the whole condition? I take pills of the whole complex of Vitamins B and it contains calcium, also a herb called Alfalfa which I drink twice a day contains a lot of it.
Thank you very much.  


Quote from: Ralf3 on July 06, 2008, 10:03:29 AMMy question is: does the income of calcium to body make the scar tissue more calcified?

In a word: No.

The problem is not your calcium intake, the problem is in how your body utilizes the calcium.  In the case of Peyronies, inflammation is causing calcium to deposit in the inflamed tissue.  You can not stop this from happening by reducing your dietary intake of calcium.  The solution is more related to stopping or at least lowering the level of inflammation going on.  The current gold standard drug for lowering inflammation is, of course, Pentoxifylline.  But there are other things you can take that should be helpful in that regard.  Right now I am using Mangosteen and I do believe that it is helping.  But I am hoping to be able to get access to Pentoxifylline soon.  - George


Quote from: George999 on July 06, 2008, 12:24:35 PM
Quote from: Ralf3 on July 06, 2008, 10:03:29 AMMy question is: does the income of calcium to body make the scar tissue more calcified?

In a word: No.

The problem is not your calcium intake, the problem is in how your body utilizes the calcium.  In the case of Peyronies, inflammation is causing calcium to deposit in the inflamed tissue.  You can not stop this from happening by reducing your dietary intake of calcium.  The solution is more related to stopping or at least lowering the level of inflammation going on.  The current gold standard drug for lowering inflammation is, of course, Pentoxifylline.  But there are other things you can take that should be helpful in that regard.  Right now I am using Mangosteen and I do believe that it is helping.  But I am hoping to be able to get access to Pentoxifylline soon.  - George

My HMO ran a 24-hour urine test for Calcium. Here's the results for me:

Component             Your Value     Standard Range

CALCIUM RATE, 24 HR URINE     234     50-250 mg/spec

Test Overview

A test for calcium in urine is a 24-hour test that checks the amount of calcium that is passed from the body. Calcium is the most common mineral in the body and one of the most important. The body needs it to build and fix bones and teeth, help nerves work, make muscles squeeze together, help blood clot, and help the heart to work. Almost all of the calcium in the body is stored in bone. The rest is found in the blood.

Normally the level of calcium in the blood is carefully controlled. When blood calcium levels get low (hypocalcemia), the bones release calcium to bring it back to a good blood level. When blood calcium levels get high (hypercalcemia), the extra calcium is stored in the bones or passed out of the body in urine and stool. The amount of calcium in the body depends on the amount of:

   * Calcium you get in your food.
   * Calcium and vitamin D your intestines absorb.
   * Phosphate in the body.
   * Certain hormones, including parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and estrogen in the body.

High calcium levels in the urine can cause kidney stones.

Vitamin D and these hormones help control the amount of calcium in the body. They also control the amount of calcium you absorb from food and the amount passed from the body in urine. The blood levels of phosphate are closely linked to calcium levels and they work in opposite ways: As blood calcium levels get high, phosphate levels get low, and the opposite is also true.

It is important to get the right amount of calcium [at least 1000mg(1g) a day] in your food because the body loses calcium every day. Foods rich in calcium are dairy products (milk, cheese), eggs, fish, green vegetables, and fruit. Most people who have low or high levels of calcium do not have any symptoms. Calcium levels need to be very high or low to cause symptoms.


They also did 8 blood samples:


I was within the High/Low Levels of all these blood tests.




The information regarding calcium was helpful in that it underscores the fact that Ca is stored in bones. If we drop our intake, our body will simply liberate more from bone if it is needed for wound healing (admittedly, abnormal wound healing) in a plaque.

So decreasing intake will not reduce a tendency to calcify - if one in fact has a tendency to calcify. Many Peyronie's lesions do not calcify at all.

Your Ca excretion is at the upper limits of normal - probably OK, But if one had wound turnover (or excessive intake) one might find higher urinary calcium levels. You have done well to have such a complete workup.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


in big pain today and I dont know why  - it comes it goes where it stops nobody knows -  

Old Man


Just make sure that you are not using too much pressure when using your VED therapy. Sometimes that can cause pain or discomfort and that is the main reason that we caution everyone using the VED to watch the pumping.

Take a good hard look at the way you are using the VED and you might find something that is not going right for you.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


oldman - that was meant to be a bit of a poem:)

anyway i think im ok with the ved - it seems to be working all right getting the vacuum seal - ill be extra careful on the pumping - i think that i am cautious however...


Has anyone else noticed better, more frequent, more easily achieved erections while on Pentox (or Trental)?

I started a regimine of L-Arg, ALC, PLC, Zinc and Pentox (just one a day) about 4-5 months ago.  As noted on the ED forum, I witnessed a return of nocturnal erections and easier achieved, faster erections, which enabled me to stop using viagra for sex.  I was never sure if it was the Aginine/ALC/PLC or the Pentox that was helping me, but I didn't want to fool around with the mix to find out.

Then a couple weeks ago I ran out of Pentox and my new supply has been slow getting here, so I've been off the Pentox.  I am now noticing a decrease in nocturnal activity and my erections are somewhat harder to achieve for sex.  This leads me to think the Pentox may really be the key for me.  I've read in several places that Pentox has been used (primarily before Viagra came out) as a treatment for ED, since it gets blood into the penis (and other lower extremities.  

Just wondering if anyone else has had these good benifits from Pentox/Trental?  I've got to find a Uro who will prescribe it for me so I can quit having to order from a foreign pharmacy.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


It seems like Pentox is available from more doctors these days, especially from Peyronies specialists, but there are still some areas of the world that don't have access to it.  It would seem like there is a need in those locations for people with Peyronies Disease to band together and identify a Peyronies specialist or research uro in their part of the world and petition that person as a group, including well prepared supporting documentation.  I think a lot could be accomplished in this sort of approach.  - George


While we're on the subject of Pentox, is there any reason why I shouldn't cut back to one 400mg pill a day. My doctor prescribed it at my request, and gave me a three-month supply at twice daily. I'm thinking that I can make it last longer if I take it only once a day, but I don't want to miss a chance for healing.

Can anyone tell me if dropping back to one a day will be detrimental to my progress?


While I think no one really knows the answer to your question, I'd stick with what the doctor prescribed you as it sounds like you'll be able to get a refill from him/her when it runs out.  

Interestingly, when I had a phone consult with Dr. Levine a few months ago, I asked him for the name of a good Uro in my area.  He gave me a name and as I've run out of Pentox myself and my Uro won't represcribe it, I called up this Levine-recomended doctor to schedule an appt.  I asked the nurse to ask if he prescribes Pentox for Peyronies Disease ... the answer I got back was "he's familiar with it but says the results aren't very good" ... I got the distinct impression I'd have to convince him, so I'm cancelling the appt.  The quest goes on ...

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.



I am a new member in this forum and i am from germany an my english is very bad, please excuse me for this.

10 days ago, over night, I fell ill with Peyronie's is "Induratio Penis Plastica (IPP)" or "penile induration".

It's a big area around the end of the glans. There are palpable hard skeins and sometimes it hurts by light pressure.

I read something about Vitamine E an PDE-5 (Viagra). I read, that Viagra should have a good healthy-errect, so I try now 50 mg Viagra daily combinated with high Vitamine E dose.

My penis-bend is not very big until now.

Are there some positive results about Viagra-therapie reported?

Whats about spontaneous recovery?

Thanks for help!


Welcome, "Al - the King - Bundy" ( I love the new names I see here)...

Read the "Child Boards" and you will find a lot of helpful information. Hang in there - you will see that a lot of potential help is there - for most of us we have faced several defining issues:

First - is it really Peyronie's Disease? To be sure (for some folks self-diagnose and get it wrong)

Second, have you been seen by a good urologist? "Good" is subjective, but many of us need to search to find one willing to provide us supportive help.

Third, are we really well-informed? This is where we can do a lot to learn more here.

Four - don't make hasty decisions or choices. This is the time to sit back and to gather some information before acting. I say this with one exception - most of us feel that regular erections are good for erectile tissue (use it or lose it, they say, and it may be true for Peyronie's Disease). Therefore, getting better blood flow with viagra (or other similar drugs) may help as well as using the VED which will pull fresh blood in as well as stretching out the tissue to prevent or fix contraction and worsening of the angle.

Welcome! Read up here and I hope this post helps!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hi Tim,

thanks for your help. yes, I visited a very good urologist, i know him since 10 years and he confirmed, that I have Peyronies Disease. I will read the Child Boards, and I am sorry, that I did not read it first, but I am very scared about my disease. Al Bundy should be happy about it, because he does not like having sex, but for me its very importeant for a good life.

Thank you for your help.

Youre Al


As those of you who follow this thread are probably aware, I recently had a mysterious reaction that I thought was being caused by ALC.  But, in response to the cooler heads around here like Tim, Hawk, and Old Man, I decided to try switching to another formulation and brand of ALC.  So far I have been taking the new brand for a week now with no adverse effects.  Obviously, the problems I was having with the previous product were not being caused by the ALC content.  The previous brand DID contain Vitamin B-6 in addition to the ALC and it *might* have been the B-6 that was causing my problem or any one of a number of other possibilities.  The new brand is an ALC/ALA combination (thanks for that tip!  :D).  In any case the problem was NOT being caused by the ALC itself.  I certainly want to apologize for the mini-panic I caused here with my bizarre speculations and again thank those who stepped in to steer me toward a resolution.  My appointment with Dr. Lue is coming up this Friday and even though I am back on the ALC, I intend to keep the appointment with Dr. Lue and hopefully get started with Pentox.  In a way, I really feel badly about this episode.  I was at the point of having very little palpable plaque, zero pain, and a moderating upward curve.  Now, after just a few weeks of being off of the supps, I have a new leftward curve and lots of pain and new plaques.  :'(  Oh, and plus a urinary tract infection.  It was like being run over by a trunk.  At this point things are starting to get better, but once the inflammation kicks in, it is like pulling teeth to get it back under control.  - George

Old Man


Glad that you have gotten somewhat back on track with your treatment routine again. I know that in the past you have told us you did not desire to use the VED therapy, but why don't you give it a try one time to see it would not help with your Peyronies Disease?

Inflammation can be bad at any time in any part of one's body as it causes many and varied problems. Have had a bout with my legs and left knee swelling bad lately. Talked to my heart doctor about getting off Pravastatin. He DCd it and RXd Lipitor. The same effect, so the inflammation comes back every time I take either drug. He and I will be having a round table discussion about trying something else soon.

Take care and good luck to you on the road to get back to where you were, etc.

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Don't worry, the moderators will take care of it, but after this do try to be careful about this because it degrades the value of the threads and makes extra work for the moderators when we do these things.  - George