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Thanks George, I'm glad I could help.

For those who are taking Carnosine and did not follow the link, you should know that doctors advise the use of Vitamin E with the substance. They said the E makes Carnosine more efficient.


I read on this forum somewhere about coconut oil - has anyone used this in the past and has it been effective??


Hey guys I'm new to the forum. I'm 27 and I've had this as long as I can remember. I've only found out that the condition had a name about 8 months ago and have done some reading on it since then. I've never had a "cracking" or "snapping" occur -- it's just been like that since I was a teen.

What's irratating is that I don't detect any sort of cartlidge-like mounds, fibers, bumps or whatnot. So is there even a non-surgical hope for me??  :-\

With that said...I certainly don't think any Vitamin E oil or lotion is gonna set me straight. I did what research I could and decided to buy Peyrotin and I just started today. Have any of you heard of it or tried it?

It's from Germany, it took four weeks to get here (with Pakistani stamps on it!!) and the pills have a silver coating that comes off with the touch. Get at me fellas.


Cresent....   welcome. I'm new here myself but will offer my $.02

If you have had this "as long as you can remember", then you might have a congenital deformity. Meaning you had it since birth, and not as the result of some later condition that developed. Congenital or not, it can still be frustrating. Just don't confuse treatments for Peyronie's Disease with treatments for congenital deformity. But I have read where there are similar treatments for congenital conditions. This site has a lot of information, and there are people here far more knowledgeable than I am. If you are not sure what your particualr condition is, my advice would be to see a urologist. Most can help diagnose Peyronie's vs. congenital.....   then you will know better which course of treatment(s) to pursue.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Most of us feel that Peyrotin is a sham (fake) treatment - an internet scam. If it works, let us know!

A VED may be of help, as can traction - both are non-surgical and safe (if done right) and might help even a congenital curvature. We believe that some are helped by these two forms of stretching the penis - none of us have any information about an effect on a congenital curve.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


i bought peyrotin - it took 1 month to arrive here and I know why - its manufactured in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan - as soon as I read that label on the bottle it went straight in the bin - they have a fake address in the UK to lend credibility to the product only - its a bloody big sham - those guys should be somehow reported and action taken against them...


Hello members,  My name is Tony.  I woke up with Peyronies Disease about a month ago.  I am almost 61 years old.  I am 90% sure that my Peyronies Disease was caused by trauma.  About two months ago while having sex with my wife of 38 years I jammed my penis into her pelvic bone.  I got a sharp pain and my penis hurt for a couple of hours.  A month went by with no problem.  Out of the blue I wake up and find that my erection is now shaped like a banana.  I never heard of Peyronies until I did a Google search on "bent penis".  I couldn't believe how many sites are out there trying to sell products to correct this problem.

The best site I have found that isn't trying to sell anything, but is concentrated on explaining the problem and dealing with it, is this forum.  I have been lurking for 2 days and I have read hundreds of your post.   I have decided to try the non prescription, oral supplement approach to repairing my bent penis or at least keeping it from getting worse.  I am fortunate that I can still get an erection and have an ejaculation.  I have already PM'ed  OLD MAN and GEORGE999 for their valued advice.  As time go on I'm sure I will be asking more questions.  I will share any information that I may find that hasn't already been given here.  
Thanks for this great forum to learn and discuss what is a very private matter.

Mod if this post is in the wrong section please move it and tell me where I should post general information.

Thank you,



Hi Tony:
I'm sorry to have to welcome you to the PDS forum, but Welcome.  
It is indeed a "great" site.  I "lurked" for over 2 months before gaining the courage to join in, so my hat's off to you.  I started with the oral supplements as well, and as you know already, George is a wealth of information on that subject.  And of coarse Old Man is great! Period.

I think you'll be asked if you've seen a Uro yet, as you didn't mention this.  And you'll learn the threads and where to post soon enough.

Thank you for your share, and my best to you.


57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.


I have a question about when to take Supplements.  I just purchased Aloe Vera Gels, Vit E, L-Arginine, Maca, and Acetyl-L-Carnitine has been ordered ordered.  I am also taking prescription drugs for a heart condition (plavix) and diabetes oral Medication (Glipizide ) I take the plavix in the morning and the Glipizide at night and I also take a Multi vitamin and fish oil.  Would it be OK to take the supplements for my Peyronies with these other medication or do I have to take them alone at another time of the day?  

Thanks for your help,


Be careful!! I would not take Vitamin E and Plavix both. I was on Plavix for a year and a half and just stopped because of a rash.
Both are blood thinners. Talk to your heart doctor before taking Vitamin E and Plavix together. Mine said NO!
The others I do not know.
Good Luck


Regarding Vitamin E, I believe it is the Alpha Tocopherol form that is responsible for "thinning" the blood via the Vitamin K pathway.  I don't think Gamma Tocopherol presents the same issue, but I don't know for sure.  There ARE Gamma Tocopherol products available that have next to zero Alpha Tocopherol content.  My MO if I was the one on Plavix would be to request to try Gamma T and then have a blood test to see if it was creating a problem.  I wish there were some documentation out there on this issue but I can't seem to locate anything.  But as Jack advises, I would definitely be cautious on this.  But Gamma T is NOT Alpha T.  They are two different substances with divergent effects.  But unfortunately doctors universally interpret "Vitamin E" as being Alpha T and most of them no absolutely nothing about Gamma T even though most emerging research credits Gamma T with being a far more beneficial nutrient than Alpha T.  - George

PS - Fish Oil is ALSO a "blood thinner".  Flax Oil provides the same benefits and I don't believe it has the same "blood thinning" effects.


Thanks Jack and George.  I have stopped the Alpha E and I'm going to hold off on taking any E until I am certain it won't cause a problem with the Plavix.  I had a heart attack in 2004 and have 6 stints in my heart so I have been on Plavix since that happened.  Thanks to everyone for their replies and well wishes.  I would still like to know if you can recommend what time of day I should take my supplements.



Hi, I see all this stuff about "full spectrum" vitamin E, but I cannot figure out exactly what that means or which one I should get. I currently use Central Market Vitamin E. It doesn't say that it is full spectrum, but it says that it is 100% natural in a base of d-beta, d-gamma, and d-delta tocopherols. Should I opt for some of the full spectrum stuff or is the Central Market stuff good enough? I just finally found some stuff online that said full spectrum on the bottle that i hadn't seen before, so maybe i will check for that at the grocery store.


below i was reading about Carnosine but it sounds more like it's good to take right when the injury takes place! ...or am i wrong?

it's been 5 years for me. i'm looking to buy some supplements. give it a good round.

what's a recommended set of oral and probably natural things to take?

i recently got a VED and so it will be a little while before i can really report back on that...


what is ALC???

i keep reading about it as part of treatment but i don't know what it is...



Years ago researchers concluded that only the Alpha Tocopherol form of Vitamin E is important because Alpha Tocopherol is the ONLY form that the human body is capable of storing.  Over time that conclusion became a sort of common wisdom in the medical community.  But recently new discoveries have been made:

1)  Supplementing with Alpha Tocopherol causes the DEPLETION of the levels of some and perhaps ALL of the other seven Tocos in the body.

2)  Supplementing with ANY of the other seven Tocos causes levels of Alpha Tocopherol to rise INDEPENDENT of Alpha Tocopherol supplementation.

3)  Continuing research is showing the other seven Tocos to be just as important and perhaps more important nutritionally than Alpha Tocopherol.

4)  A lot of the benefits of the OTHER seven Tocos are related to things like Nitric Oxide metabolism and thus are potentially very important in dealing with issues like Peyronies.

Based on the above points, I am moving to supplements that provide very little Alpha Tocopherol and substitute large quantities of the other Tocos.  For example, I am now taking 1200mg of Gamma Tocopherol with only 200IU of Alpha Tocopherol.  In any case, READ THE LABELS if you want to know what you are getting.  Anything saying simply "mixed tocopherols" does not supply much other than Alpha Tocopherol.  Those products supplying significant quantities of the other Tocos will list the amounts in milligrams on the label.  I am currently using these two products:  Jarrow Gamma E,  Jarrow Toco-Sorb  - George


thanks George and Iceman!!!

i'll get these and try them out... :)


Has anyone been taking pentox consistently and seem any results from it?  If so please list how long you've been taking it and if you've seen any improvments or not, please be specific, thanks!



been on pentox for 2.5-3 months now and its a bit hard to say - at least its nor getting worse...


I'd echo the below post. I didn't really have a good or bad experience with it, so it 'may' have been doing some good - nothing breathtaking though.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the general view appears to be that pentox is most likely very useful if you start taking it directly after an injury to the penis. The problem being that when the average person initially receives such an injury, they are likely embarrassed and know nothing about peyronies to begin with - so take a 'wait and see' approach and miss a good window of opportunity to start using such treatments.

In a reoccurence of injury I would argue that pentox can play a valid role, and i'd be hesitant to say that it plays no role at all in a well rounded ongoing therapy. I do have concerns that it may lower the immune system though.  


Dr. Lue speculates in his initial report that it may be of most value for those in whom the disease is slowly progressive, or when it will not become stable. He thinks it may be of less value to those who are stable with a calcified lesion.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Is there any way of establishing whether or not the disease is stable other than our personal observation? It would be safe to say no change is stable but who is in that category with this disease? I have a lump that is as big as it has ever been but I can't say if it is stable, getting better or getting worse. I can say that a year plus of VED and 3 1/2 months of Traction has improved on some of the lost size and has also helped straighten the penis to the point where I can now have sexual intercourse.

I have Pentox but I'm currently not taking it. It really bothered my stomach and for some reason, whenever my stomach is upset I get a lot of cardiac arrhythmia. So I don't want to take Pentox unless there are likely benefits due to the Pentox side effects for me.

Two questions:
1. How do we define stable peyronies?
2. Those of you on Pentox, do you have stomach issues and if you do, how do you address?


I must say that I do use Thackers formula and it does take the pain away when its imflammed - it really eases the pain


I'm sure this has been asked before but....has anyone or do you know of anyone who has been completely cured of peyronies? Why do doctors say the condition could resolve itself if it never does?


In my case the curve corrected and the plaque went away but the effects did not. That was over 12 years ago.
I know you did not want to hear that.

Old Man


I have had Peyronies Disease for over 50 years now. As far as I know, there is no one that has said they were "cured" of Peyronies Disease. I still have a small indentation where the plaque/nodules were located. My penis is as straight as it once was and I have regained lost dimensions.

Most everything was tried for a cure, but nothing helped. Finally, I was prescribed a VED for ED and while using it for that I discovered that it also helped with my 45 degree curve downward and 45 to the right.

VED usage seems to be one of the best methods at the moment for help with Peyronies Disease.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



Quote from: jackp on April 30, 2008, 10:36:56 PM
In my case the curve corrected and the plaque went away but the effects did not. That was over 12 years ago.
I know you did not want to hear that.
What "effects" remain? Shortening and/or ED?

For me, if I could get rid of the plaque and the curve I'd be pretty happy.


Remaining effects of Peronies
Shortening, and ED followed by Venous Leakage and finally fibrosis in the corpora's.
Unfortunately I did not get introduced to a VED until 10/06 after heart stents. Then it was for sex. I thought if a little is good a lot is better, WRONG. I caused a bruise that took weeks to get well.
After the failed implant of 10/07 I found this board and OLD MAN got me on the right track, thanks. I have slowly gained back some length, and helped the corporal fibrosis. As long as it has been I do not believe I will ever get all the loss back, but, the wife and I manage well and have fun with what we have.
Good Luck

Old Man


No, I have never used Pentox. There are several names for it, so if you are planning on using it, look for the best product you can find. There are generics so be careful and get the right one. My main therapy that did any good has been the VED.

Old Man.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


old man - couple of questions:

1) because I am still during the inflammation ( early stages) is it safe to use VED or will this further create more problems
2) I didnt know that there was more than i Pentox - I just went to the pharmacy and gave the guy the prescription Dr. Leu gave me - is this the best one?



Pentox (Pentoxifylline) IS the generic name.  Trental is the patented product.  - George


george - so am I taking the right stuff and also I did read in one of the threads that there is perhaps a new drug coming on the market - have you heard about this??


Iceman, There are lots of new drugs coming on the market. Are you asking if there is a new version of Pentox coming? That I doubt. Nemo mentioned that his uro gave him a timed release version of Pentox, which makes sense (though his doc only wanted him to get one per day). George has talked about a new drug coming that is a p53 modulator that is tissue safe - but otherwise not sure what you're referring to. We talk about new drugs all the time here, in lots of threads - you may have to narrow it down!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.

Old Man


As far as I know, there is no reason why you should not use the VED during that stage of Peyronies Disease. However, as has been said many times on this forum, please use caution and to not overpump the vacuum pressure. Use low pressure, fewer cycles until you are sure that you can add a small amount of vacuum as your penis gets "used to" the pressure. Caution is the watchword in any VED therapy.

This is a case where less is better than more.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


old man - why do I still have pain??? its been constant for 2-3 months now without let up and Im on all the wonder drugs - pentox ACL etc... HELP!!!!!

Old Man


You are probably still in the inflammation stage of Peyronies Disease. The pain usually goes away after extended periods of time from the onset, etc.

Just keep on doing the things you are doing with extreme care and not overdo any traction or VED therapy you are doing.

Caution is always the best way to go with Peyronies Disease so as to not do further damage.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Iceman, There is NOTHING that you can "throw" at this disease to make it go away quickly.  At best you can bring it to a halt and PERHAPS cause it to SLOWLY retreat.  Any progress you will see will occur over a period of monthS.  There are NO "magic bullets" at this point.  This is the reality.  As Tim pointed out, there are a LOT of possibly relevant new drugs in the pipeline.


Question.  It seems like most of you guys advocate to not give up or take a break away from sex when dealing with this disease.  Shouldn't we abstain until perhaps the inflammation in the beginning stages subsides?  Wouldn't this promote healing?


Do Not Take A Break From Sex! IHMO
Doing so will cause the corpora's to have fibrosis. The penis needs daily exercise to keep healthy. Take it easy and do not real rough and you should be fine.


This is really the "common wisdom" when it comes to Peyronies.  Its been "injured" so don't use it or you will make things worse.  But the reality is, if you don't use it, it WILL get worse.  You just have to use it wisely.  This is much the same as when they operate on you in the hospital and leave a big incision behind.  One would think, it just makes sense, that you need to rest and take care of yourself so things can heal.  But research has shown that is not the case and that is why the mean nurse shows up just hours after the surgery to walk you down the hall.  It is not an occasion for a major workout of course, but you DO have to use it.  - George


A company that is promoting a Carnosine patch as more effective than capsules says that their patch sends the supplement directly to the cells, which I doubt, and that it's more effective than oral supplementation because the latter provides only minuscule amounts in the blood after 30 days.

What do you all think about that claim? Are there any scientists among us who can validate or refute that claim?

Personally, I have been taking Carnosine for nearly 30 days and it's already making my skin look healthier. Of course, it's way too early to determine if it's having an effect on my scar tissue/plaque, but hopefully time will tell. There is something about the literature on Carnosine that is confusing to me:the fact that it slows cell replication and makes them live longer. Are we, as Peyronies Disease sufferers, not hoping to speed up the death of old, damaged cells in our plaques and have them replaced with new ones? Then again, the literature also says that Carnosine turns old cells young again, so maybe that's also a good way to rejuvenate our members.

And lastly, I read a site that said people over 40 should supplement their diets with 1,000 mg a day of Carnosine. Can that be harmful? It actually sounds logical to me, because as Peyronies Disease sufferers we have damage/wounds that we are trying to heal.

Can anyone provide feedback on this?



This is the link to a PDF whose authors claim that Beta-Alanine supplementation will increase Carnosine levels in the blood more effectively than Carnosine itself, because most of the Carnosine we ingest orally is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Although these don't appear to be the same marketers, I realize they are trying to sell a product. But I also wonder if what they are saying is true. If it is, would we be wise to supplement our diets with Beta-Alanine to better treat Peyronies Disease?



george 9999 : if you say theres no magic  bullet, then how come ( with all due respect to you )  my uro has said that there is a 30% possibility that it will heal itself? So if I am taking Pentox + ACL and others shouldnt this help me cure this rather than slow it down or halt it?


Quote from: bodoo2u on May 02, 2008, 11:25:48 PMA company that is promoting a Carnosine patch as more effective than capsules says that their patch sends the supplement directly to the cells, which I doubt, and that it's more effective than oral supplementation because the latter provides only minuscule amounts in the blood after 30 days.

What do you all think about that claim? Are there any scientists among us who can validate or refute that claim?

This certainly sounds interesting, but I am always very suspicious regarding transdermal claims.  The big question is whether their methodology is capable of getting the product into the tissues in the first place.  We KNOW that the transdermal process works.  What we don't know is the effectiveness of the delivery system their particular patch is using.  So its interesting, but I'm not one who would be willing to shell out money for it.  Carnosine is pretty much a commodity substance and I would buy it for the best price I can get and take it the old fashioned way.  - George

Quote from: bodoo2u on May 02, 2008, 11:25:48 PMPersonally, I have been taking Carnosine for nearly 30 days and it's already making my skin look healthier. Of course, it's way too early to determine if it's having an effect on my scar tissue/plaque, but hopefully time will tell. There is something about the literature on Carnosine that is confusing to me:the fact that it slows cell replication and makes them live longer. Are we, as Peyronies Disease sufferers, not hoping to speed up the death of old, damaged cells in our plaques and have them replaced with new ones? Then again, the literature also says that Carnosine turns old cells young again, so maybe that's also a good way to rejuvenate our members.

If you have Peyronies, you WANT to make your cells more healthy and youthful.  That is because there is nothing really wrong with your cells.  The problem is in the extra-cellular matrix OUTSIDE of the cells.  It is due to damaged extra-cellular protein, NOT damaged cells.  Most of our body is actually composed of non-human cells and non-living protein.  Peyronies occurs due to damage to the non-living protein.  We need to help our cells protect their external coat of protein from damage and stimulate them to "shed" and replace this damaged protein.  Carnosine can assist in that process.  One can picture Carnosine's role as being like a protective coating of Teflon for the protein that protects it from being gummed up by glucose and other foreign substances.  - George

Quote from: bodoo2u on May 02, 2008, 11:25:48 PMAnd lastly, I read a site that said people over 40 should supplement their diets with 1,000 mg a day of Carnosine. Can that be harmful? It actually sounds logical to me, because as Peyronies Disease sufferers we have damage/wounds that we are trying to heal.

Personally, I am currently supplementing with 500mg a day.  I really don't thing 1,000mg would be necessarily harmful.  As with anything else, what might be a harmful amount for one person might be very beneficial for another.  Carnosine levels vary radically from one person to another.  Some people naturally have a lot of it and others are very deficient.  There is evidence that being Carnosine deficient may be a risk factor for Peyronies and other similar diseases.  Obviously, a deficient person could tolerate a lot more supplementation than a person who is not deficient.  So in all of these things, I simply try to be vigilant for side effects.  If I observe something weird going on, I try to find out which supplement might be causing it and then try reducing the amount of that supplement.  The one issue that would be a huge red flag is hives or other allergic symptoms.  Anything like that should be taken care of immediately since it can be life threatening.  I have only had one problem with that so far and it was with Resveratrol of all things.  But I think the problem was actually with Knotweed.  In any case, I quit the stuff and am now aware that I am allergic to it.  - George

Quote from: bodoo2u on May 02, 2008, 11:25:48 PMCan anyone provide feedback on this?



Quote from: Iceman on May 03, 2008, 01:48:09 AM
george 9999 : if you say theres no magic  bullet, then how come ( with all due respect to you )  my uro has said that there is a 30% possibility that it will heal itself? So if I am taking Pentox + ACL and others shouldnt this help me cure this rather than slow it down or halt it?

First of all, I respectfully question from where your uro got his 30% figure.  Did he just pull it out of the air or is it something that he just heard somewhere?  I would really like to see any research that would back up that claim.  Until then, I really don't believe it.  I am just amazed at the number of myths that surround Peyronies even within the medical profession.  Its like the degree of confidence that some practitioners seem to put in Vitamin E.  Usually medical practitioners are obsessed with factual data, but with Peyronies much of that scrupulous attention to facts seems to get thrown out the window.  As for Pentox, ALC, and all the rest, sure they can be helpful, but that is far different from the concept of a "magic bullet".  All of these can help incrementally over time (a LOT of time).  There is NOTHING that you can take that will cause you to be "healed" in a matter of months or even years.  There are things you can take that will prevent you from getting worse and perhaps even make you better.  But nothing that has been identified thus far that can be marketed as a "cure".  So if someone tells you they have a "cure", watch out, they are just after your money.  Here is some useful background on the molecular process underlying Peyronies and what is being done in the medical field to address it:  Background:  Glycation and Crosslinking Proteins  - George


I do not believe there is a "magic bullet". That being said, over 12 years ago when my curve appeared and the Uro said I had Peronies. Put me on Vitamin E and Potaba.
About 18 months later the curve was gone but the effects remained. Loss of size, then ED, Venous Leakage and Fibrosis in the Corpora's.
I have tried all the ED treatments. I was one of the first to get Viagra when it came on the market in 98, then Levetria and Celasis. Even tried something I do not remember the name of in Mexico that the Uro said may help. When the ED worsened and had a Color Doppler went to shots. First PGE1 (Edex) then trimix. No help.
To make a long story short. After heart stents and delayed implant new Uro suggested the VED and had it fit in his office. Used it all wrong. After the failed implant 10/07 found this site and Old Man let me know the right way to use the VED. Seeing a new Uro 6/08 about retry on the implant.
IMHO there is no magic bullet, what works for me might not work for you. Doctors have not found a cure yet. I believe that I will always have the side effects of Peronies.
My $0.02


Quote from: bodoo2u on May 02, 2008, 11:44:48 PM
This is the link to a PDF whose authors claim that Beta-Alanine supplementation will increase Carnosine levels in the blood more effectively than Carnosine itself, because most of the Carnosine we ingest orally is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Although these don't appear to be the same marketers, I realize they are trying to sell a product. But I also wonder if what they are saying is true. If it is, would we be wise to supplement our diets with Beta-Alanine to better treat Peyronies Disease?


I have previously addressed this issue here:  Re: Beta Alanine v L-Carnosine as treatment for fibrosis ...  Use caution.  - George


You are definitely "The Man". I knew I could count on you to set the record straight for me. I really appreciate what you and the other knowledgeable forum members do for us here. I know this is an oft-repeated line, but I sure wish I had found this forum when I was first diagnosed. My life might have taken a straight and not-so-narrow path. -Bodoo