Sex and masturbating after implant?

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How come no one posts about sec and masturbating after implants? Is it normal? Is it better? Is it worth getting implants if you are struggling with Peyronie's and ED? Should I just jump the gun and get my sex life back? Is orgasming the same?  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


When I read a question like this, I sit stunned, trying to understand what is going on and how to address it. It is a strange question because everyone posts about sex after an implant.  Clearly, you have not read any of the journals or many of the other posts.

Every journal posts about the natural feeling to both the man and their partner. They post about rigidity, the feeling during orgasm, different positions, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, and masturbation.

It would not bother me if someone said, "I don't know my way around", or "I am just too lazy" or "I am in a hurry and don't have time to read all of the great accounts, so can you address my question."  But to suggest that no one talks about sex on the implant board is a slap in the face to all the discussion and work done here.  It is like asking why we never discuss Peyronies Disease ??????

If you rephrase your question, you will likely get answers.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Well said, Hawk.

That question ranks alongside something like:

"Has any guy on this forum ever had an implant?"
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


I am so sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect anyone by phrasing the question like that. Right now I am in shock, denial, and angry that's this has happened to me. Also scared and frustrated and just scouring over this forum the last week or so. I haven't been able to concentrate at work and barely hanging on thinking about my future. But this forum has been very very helpful and I'm sure everyone's who is on here understands the struggle. After reading throughout the forum about Peyronie's and it's progression I slowly got into the implant section. I may have not read the correct posts or filter through far enough but most of what I've read is just the process and which implants and doctors to go to. Not much of what I could find was the aftermath like sensation, sex quality etc. I will try and read through more posts.  Again I am sorry if the question came out as disrespectful or As if I had done no research.
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


I appreciate your clarification.  I am sure we all do.

Nothing is removed from a penis during an implant.  You have the same nerves, flesh, veins, tunica, etc.

Because of this, there is no reason even to think it would or could feel differently.  The concept of an implant is very simple.  Your corpora cavernosa are typically filled with fluid (blood) during an erection. With Erectile Dysfunction, the fluid leaks out faster than it flows in.  An implant lines the cavernosa with a silicone liner that can be reliably filled with fluid.  All of the components of the penis react like they always have when filled with fluid.  You get a very firm "erection."

The rigidity is enough that with a few other simple procedures like relief incisions and manual modeling, even severe bends can be reduced to essentially straight.

I doubt you are ready to consider an implant at this point.  However, it is good to know that if that point ever comes, it is your "ace in the hole."  If interested, then please read the sticky topics at the top of the implant board.  It will take you to the personal implant journals of our members.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


I appreciate how shocked and anxious you are and how this condition takes over your life. I would echo what Hawk has said and emphasise that an implant, for a lot of people, is the last resort. The option to take when nothing else has worked for you. Certainly it was the final solution for me.

To summarise, sex after an implant is highly satisfying from both a physical and mental perspective. After years of having suboptimal experiences you can then have sex with a straight, rock hard penis for as long as you want. Your dick doesn't fail you when your partner is all up for it, you never really need to worry about not satisfying your parter if you suffer from premature ejaculation as you stay rock hard even after climaxing, you can very quickly learn to relax after you know this, and sex becomes so satisfying. There's the added bonus of being able to have as many drinks as you want on a night out and yet you perform exactly as you would if you were stone cold sober.

Sex feels the exact same on a physical level. You feel everything. There's no need for be circumcised if it's a straightforward implant surgery, so no temporary loss of feeling around your head caused by cutting etc.

All in, would I rather have a 'normal' healthy penis, unaffected by this horrible disease and not have an implant - yes of course I would. Am I glad I have an implant given that my dick was all messed up and wasn't 'normal' - yes of course I am. The past 2 years, since implant, have been extraordinary for me. I've had the most fulfilling sex since I've no idea when. I also have a lot more sex now than at any point in my 20s/30s. That's got a lot to do with my implant and my increased self confidence in the sack.
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


This is my dilemma. It's seems like it is very rare anyone actually recovers fully from Peyronie's. Almost everyone on this forum is are will be fighting this for years on end. Instead of me trying to fix this with sub optimal result and being distressed, depressed, for the next couple years. Why not just get the implant rather drastic but get my life started again? With what you know now would you have gotten the implant t sooner? Did what you did? Exhaust all your options then get the implant?
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


This is a very good question. I have repeatedly stated in my personal journal that I would have been implanted years before had I even known they existed. I struggled with such an extreme bend that sex became very difficult. This, undoubtedly, had a major impact on my self-confidence and psychology as a man. I had/have a rock steady relationship so was lucky to have a wife who supported me whatever the case but wow has our relationship hit new heights since I got my implant almost 2 years ago now.

Adjusting to the implant and having to pump up my dick for sex was a huge adjustment at the very start. Yes it would appear odd to anyone without an implant but for the both of us, watching it becoming perfectly straight after decades of looking like the most bent banana you've seen was actually really exciting. To think we both missed out on all that sex because I didn't know about the existence of implants until I stumbled upon this forum. I also went from 8 inches long to 5.5 inches by the time Peyronies and a dreadfully unsuccessful excision/grafting procedure had managed to rob me of that healthy tissue. By daily cycling for about 8 months after the implant I have got myself back to 6.5 inches and am perfectly content with that. There's sometimes a misconception on this forum that the act of getting an implant reduces the size of your penis. This is not true. Peyronies does that. The implant restores that lost length if you work at it. I read last night on TDix's journal that he is contemplating seeing just how much size he can regain from aggressive daily cycling. I think that is entirely possible but just didn't have the desire to do this.

So .... taking everything into consideration, and this is a personal perspective, had I jumped straight to an implant years before, I would have not lost the length I did, would have possibly enjoyed years of happier, more fulfilling sex and would have been an all round happier person.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


I am
In full agreement with Roddy.
Pre Peyronies, I too was a little over 8".
Peyronies and a surgery to fix the Peyronies took me down to 6".
Titan implant brought me to 7" after about a year of pumping.
I wished I had had the implant 5 years sooner and I may not have lost an inch.
BUT, I and my spouse are very happy.
She loves the increased girth.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I am only 34 and just started my Peyronie's journey 4 months ago. I can barely keep it together. My penis is deteriorating every day. Couple weeks ago I could get fully erect and stay erect but with pain. Even a week ago I could get erect but started seeing my first dent. Today even with cialis seems like I can only get 60% erect with hour glassing and more dents. I am only about 5 inches to begin with. I was always confident even with my small size. But now to think I'm losing girth and length with this stupid disease is making me suicidal. I honestly do t know if it's worth trying to fight. Just accept this dumb ass disease and get the implant and hopefully by 36 I can start my new life.  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


We all know the impact this can have psychologically on a man. If as you say ,however,

Quote from: Kobegianna on April 17, 2021, 08:13:41 AM
..I can barely keep it together. ...this stupid disease is making me suicidal.

Then it is little wonder you cannot get an erection.  Any healthy male is likely to lose an erection if someone screams FIRE.  Panic, anxiety, stress, and anger not only disrupt mental stimulation but trigger the stress hormone adrenalin.  Adrenaline attaches to the same receptors as nitric oxide.  Since nitric oxide is a basic part of the erection process, these mental states block erections.

Your penis is NOT deteriorating daily.  You are obsessing daily.  The obsessing makes everything worse, including the physical aspects of Peyronies Disease.  Your mental state is the primary thing you should be working on.  I suggest you concentrate on these resources ---->,13846.0.html
and make them a priority.  You might very well save yourself from having an implant at 34 and save that as the option you hold in reserve.

If and when you do go for an implant, find a high-volume, world-class surgeon who will aggressively size you.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I read a lot of the post here and particularly from Hawk.
He has given you good advice.
I think it's up to you to decide what you want to do.
I don't recall, but have you met with a reliable surgeon yet?
Perhaps that is your next step.
Penis issues are tough. As one of the surgeons told me as a young guy, you discover your penis, it  brings you great satisfaction. Relationships come and go, problems in life come and go, but you can always count on your penis to be there for you, to bring comfort. It becomes a best friend.
BUT, when you have problems with your penis, it shakes you to the core.
Old or young, it shakes us to the core.
Take your time, read the journals and try to understand, you are not alone with this struggle.
We are here to help, but spend some time thinking about what you want and how you can get there.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC



When I first replied to your post, I did not read it in context with the other posts and the topic but as a stand-alone post.  If you look at the top topic on this board, it is an index that includes an index to all the journals.  The first thing it says in the journal index section is that we all had different conditions, different ages, different relationships, and different surgeons.  The only thing we have in common is that we all wish we had the implant sooner.

You can do two things at once.  You can follow the advice in my post that I strongly stand by and still read some implant journals, contact the best surgeon you can access, etc.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks you. Yes I am in this forum right now alittle too much. Every second I have I am reading. It is messing with me mentally. I need to step back alittle and gather myself.  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


I am in the same position. 37 years old, started out with maybe 5.5inches. Im at 5 now on a good day. I asked my uro to go straight to implant and he said it will be the biggest mistake of my life, some say you lose the feeling of being erect, others say they still have it. I consulted another who is also an implant surgeon and he said do not do it cuz of our age. We will have to do 4-5 surgeries in our lifetime. It makes sense, on the other hand id rather be having sex and developing relationships now than when im 80 years old if i survive with all the stress i had even before this disease not sure if i'll even reach 80. None of these uros ever consider our age. To be honest implant f we can get the results all these guys have sounds amazing. Doing Xiaflex right now out of pocket, if it doesnt work, wont be able to afford an implant. Canadian healthcare would cover it for me, just probably would have to wait really long time and im sure they wont care about giving me a decent size. If i do it, I will take out a loan and go to the US.
37 Years Old
April 2019; pop sound from BJ
Diagnosed Sept 2019. Possible 2nd injury
Have 2 very large plaques and loss of size and girth
Pain for 2 years
Tried VED, Traction, Xiaflex
Pentox 3 times 2.5 mg Cialis daily started Colchicine 2/17/20


I have become nervous of always saying "come on do it, get an implant" to solve anyone and everyone's issues for fear of being a guy who portrays that everything is rosy and there are no bad experiences and no failures. The trouble is, tho, is that the guys who post on this particular part of the forum that HAVE actually received an implant all report nothing but success and satisfaction. There is no story posted by anyone of it being a bad decision. Of course, that doesn't mean it doesn't or hasn't happened but no one has actually posted a negative experience. Whilst I have absolutely no information to back the following assertion up, I cannot think that in this time of technological expansion, where science and engineering are developing at an exponential rate never seen before, that new ways/inventions won't prolong the life of an implant far longer than the current leading implants now. Surely in my lifetime we will see implants lasting 20+ years and hence you at 37, never mind me at 49, will have many less revisions than the current estimation. I think one must live for the moment as one has no idea if they will even be alive 5 years from now, so to speak.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Are you doing anything like traction or ved?  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


Yes roddy. I'm distraught right now. Hoping for the best. But I do not want to be fighting this for god knows how many years to only get certain results. I don't want to go from taking pills everyday , then switching to injections , to using penis pump to have sex. Why not suffer a year and just get the implant and hopefully enjoy my 30's and 40's. Maybe even have the confidence to find a woman. Cuz right now even if I found a loving girl I'm just going to be constantly fighting. It's seems on average minimum couple years for slight improvement  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


No I am not doing any form of traction or anything else with my penis now other than using it successfully for sex about 3 times a week.
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


These posts have been honest and hard to read.
I guess the good news is that there are implants now, whereas some of us knew nothing about them.  
Many men young and old have been told by urologists that "I am sorry, but you have Peyronies Disease and there is nothing you can do to fix it". I was told this back in 2014 and I have another friend that was told the same thing in 2010. When I told him what happened to me, he confessed he too had Peyronies Disease.
I said there has got to be someone that can help us. I knew a neurologist at Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, so that's where I went. The urologist told me I would have to wait 12 months, before they could do a surgery to fix the bend and break. I told him I had been dealing with it for 8 months already and he said, ok, so in 4 months come back and we can talk about a Nesbit surgery.
I thought WTF and started looking for other urologists. I drove 5 hours one day to a place in VA that did Peyronies treatments, but still no mention of an implant.
If I had known what I know now, I would not have had the Nesbit surgery, I would not have been taking Cialis, Viagra, and injecting my penis every time I wanted to have sex. I did say wanted to, because it was like 40 percent of the time I could stay hard enough, but most times it was a huge downer to myself and my spouse. Life was hell and I was depressed.
Then I discovered implants through the Peyronies website.
Not one out of the 6 urologists that I had seen ever mentioned an implant. Not one!
So where do you go from here?
You have a choice and serious thinking to do. No one can promise what the future can bring. Take your time and I promise you that we all feel your pain as you move forward.

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Yes as informative and helpful this forum has been. It's seems like there's not much hope. Just years and years of sub optimal treatment that majority of the people deal with. Not trying to be negative but I compare it to a balding man. No matter what everyone knows that your are balding. You can do a combover, you can wear a hat, you can try romaine, etc, etc but it only masks the problem to eventually you either have to accept it or go completely bald or get implants. So that's the dilemma for me. Not trying to be negative. But just in the denial and anger stage roght now. Beat with me. I'm sorry  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


I ask myself what I would say off-forum to a son or grandson and then be honest enough to express the same opinion here.

Against standard opinion, I don't see that age has much to do with the question.  I would concede that a 70-year-old has nothing to lose by an implant IF we assume he has a successful surgery with a properly sized implant.  I think for him, it is superior to every possible solution for ED even if PDE5 inhibitors still work.  I think it is superior for Ed alone, Peyronies Disease, or any combination.

For a 23-year-old, I only slightly change my view.  If the problem is mainly ED and If PDE5 inhibitors are working and they are willing to rely on them -  then I say they should take them and postpone an implant.  If the problem is the only deformity and they have excellent erections they should consider a graft.  If it works, they might be fine for many years.  If not, then they can go to an implant as plan B.

To all other young men with significant deformity with any level of ED.  Or with ED alone that does not respond to PDE5 Inhibitors, it is a no-brainer.  If you already cannot have intercourse, how does the possibility that you might not be able to have intercourse at 70 keep you from having intercourse now?  You would be embracing the certain worst possible outcome in your 20's to avoid a possible outcome in your 70's.  No one can make that sound like a rational argument.  

A few clarifications;  Kobegianna suggested that getting an implant means suffering a year.  An implant is almost like a part of your body in 90 days.  I am sure that is more true for a young man.  Also, he said some men miss the feeling of having an erection.  I have never heard a man say that.  It makes no sense to me.  I had raging erections for 50 years and could orgasm up to 5 times without losing an erection.  I think I had more hours of natural erections than almost any man on this forum.  Nothing about my implant makes me miss an engorged erection because I have one.  My penis does not have a brain.  It has no idea what fluid is in it or how it got there.  If I start missing the feel of a "natural erection" then it means I have some psychological issues.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I did traction and a little Ved. All of them gave me pain eventually. I am now doing xiaflex. My erections are good for the most part and very good with cialis. The biggest problem other than my size loss is the pain that i get. Discomfort, stinging, aching u name it. This happens every other day if not everyday for the past almost 2 years. It was getting better, my doc suggested i start having sex. I met a girl and now shot back into inflamatory phase again. We are in love and she s totally cool with my situation and very supportive. The only thing is i feel like im back to square 1 with this. Im hoping xiaflex can make me straight give me some size back and stop the pain. Im so tired of the pain.
37 Years Old
April 2019; pop sound from BJ
Diagnosed Sept 2019. Possible 2nd injury
Have 2 very large plaques and loss of size and girth
Pain for 2 years
Tried VED, Traction, Xiaflex
Pentox 3 times 2.5 mg Cialis daily started Colchicine 2/17/20


I think the biggest mistake i did was pinching myself with the Restorex. It sent me into a world of inflamation. Don't let me put u off about traction or VED. It hasn't worked for me so far, could be because i wasn't doing it right. I hope i can get it right with Xiaflex without having pain.
37 Years Old
April 2019; pop sound from BJ
Diagnosed Sept 2019. Possible 2nd injury
Have 2 very large plaques and loss of size and girth
Pain for 2 years
Tried VED, Traction, Xiaflex
Pentox 3 times 2.5 mg Cialis daily started Colchicine 2/17/20


I am not sure how either of the last two posts have anything to do with implants.  Let's make sure we post on the appropriate topics and boards.

I will say that a man who gets good erections and is has a penis straight enough for intercourse is NOT a candidate for an implant.  An implant is not a solution to pain.
I would recommend ALC.  It is pretty well known for reducing pain.  I could turn pain on and off with ALC.  I did it 4 times, experimenting to establish the connection.  Be careful of Colchicine.  Litte evidence to support its use and lots of potential bad side effects.

Do not respond to these topics on the implant board.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The answer that will help me make a decision about getting an implant is how long and how many years of function can a guy in his 20s or 30s expect ? If a surgeon told me they can make me functional for 35 years , so till the age of 60, I'd consider implant as a much more serious option. If the surgeons told me it's unlikely to get out 35 years given you'll be needing 4 or 5 revisions and the chances of something going wrong increases with each revision you'll have a working penis for about 25 years only , so only till I'm about 50 , I'll be much less interested.

I do agree that advances in science will make implants last longer each time I get revision hopefully but the risk of erosion and all over so many years is a real issue. We do not have any member on this forum who's had implants for 3 or 4 decades. So we do not know how it will play out. don't know if tissue engineering will play out for people implanted , will they be able to construct entire length corpora cavernous ?

While I agree with hawks assessment of when one should get an implant, real life is not as black and white. For example, while I have good erections I lose them almost always in standing positions , moreover I have a curve that limits my sex positions. I can choose to live like this, very limited sexual positions, curve , indentations hinging etc.... or I can get an implant and have trouble free sex like it's meant in your prime for the next decades. I would bear with my condition if you told me, I would not be able to have sex 50s onwards because you will run out of implant revisions. I would not bear with my condition, if you were to guarantee trouble free sex till I'm in my 60s atleast and who knows might be able to have tissue engineered penises by then.
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


My guess is you will know when it is time for You to get an implant not by some finely calculated formula of probability but because one day you will just say, "I HAVE HAD IT!"  

I am sick of the lack of spontaneity.
I am sick of the uncertainty of whether I can perform
I am sick of the frustration for both my partner and me
I am sick of trying to figure out how to nurse my dick day in and day out
I am tired of the time with traction and VED's (I could have earned a Ph.D. with the time investment)."

When that day hits, no one will be able to stop you.  That's how you will know.  And when you choose a GREAT surgeon, you, like everyone before you, will wish you did it sooner.

Until then, I recommend you keep things functioning the best you can for as long as you are comfortable fighting the battle.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: gaussrifle on April 18, 2021, 10:29:33 PM
If the surgeons told me it's unlikely to get out 35 years given you'll be needing 4 or 5 revisions and the chances of something going wrong increases with each revision you'll have a working penis for about 25 years only , so only till I'm about 50 , I'll be much less interested.

Where is this info coming from? That we only have a certain number of implants our body will allow. Then wouldn't it be illegal to implant anyone under 50?
The coloplast rep I met is on his 6th titan. Shouldn't his penis have eroded beyond repair?

I don't understand, if done correctly, how a good surgeon could not put an implant in someone.
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


I read threads like this and shake my head.  Ok, we get it, you are in your 20's, you have penile issues.  Do you want to wait?  Do you want to stretch and pull and inject until you are old enough to say "ok, maybe I need an implant now".  I have had 2 surgeries on my penis in the last 2 years.  Would I do another for a revision?  In a heartbeat.  My wife and I wouldn't bat an eye.  You cannot replace time.  It doesn't stop.  Then when you are 60 and sitting there saying ok I'll get an implant now because if it fails I'll probably be in my 80's......REALLY??!!  you wasted years of screwing better than when you were at your prime!!!!!!  
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


I believe that many of us have shared our own personal thoughts on what we went through and then why we made our own decision. We shared this very personal information as a courtesy not to convince you to get an implant, but to give you our thoughts on why we chose an implant. Everyone shared.
It's up to you to decide what to do.
We are happy with our decisions.
Decide today, tomorrow, or years from now.
I wish you peace in making whatever decision you make.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Anon1986 the coloplast rep you met is on his 6th implant ?? Can you tell us more about him, when did he first get his implant, what is his age now and why did he need 6 implants ?
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


Thank you for all the replies. Just like all of you I am just processing everything and it's been a dark couple months. But hanging in there.  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


You are in the early stages of the disease physically and mentally.  I was floored for the first 6 months easily, but after reading all the stories and chatting with many on this forum, I was able to realize, hey there is light at the end of the tunnel and it would take some time to get sorted out.  It's not an abscessed molar that can be root canalled or yanked in minutes, this is your penis.  A very critical and complex organ of the body.   Once I got to that point, and it took me a while, my path got a lot clearer.  Do I still obsess about it sometimes?  Yep. Am I nervous and concerned about a surgical solution? Damn right I am.   But once again, just read the journals of all those who were implanted or had other surgeries.  If you are dedicated and informed you will get through it and be better on the other side.
45 Yrs old, Peyronies Disease Onset 11/2019, Stabilized 6/2020.

Dent/Hourglassing distal and dorsal side, lost length and girth.

Underwent Plication with Dr. Brian Christine in Birmingham, AL on 6/17/2021. Fully recovered with no complications.


Are you still having a sex life while you are doing treatment? Do you have photos posted up? I know some of us are alittle wary to post photos but at this point I'm not embarrassed at all or embarrassed to see Other penis online lol. I just wish more people would post photos up so we can see claims of improvement. But thank you for responding. I hope your therapy is going well and improving for you
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


hey kobe

you generally seem very distressed and looking at the final solution rather than trying other things out here that have helped a lot of members (VED, traction etc). i was the same at the beginning but after finding out that my father got this disease too (at a much later age) and my mother has dupyutrens, i realised i will probably carry this forward for the rest of my life. as i am seeing great results with traction and soon will incorporate a VED (as many other users have reported), i would reccomend you at least try these two. this not only will help you be more positive once and if things start to improve, but maybe (for the time being) avoid getting a costly implant.

stay strong!
30, ~20-30 degrees right bend beginning of 02/2021. Small plaque under gland on right side of the shaft
04/21 Plaque right side under glans
07/21 plaque by base
10 deg curvature at base + narrowing
1.8 g Citrulline 2-3 g ALCAR, 6-8h daily with PM