Anon’s Implant journey

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Hi all,

I'm stepping out of my comfort zone here and writing down some thoughts about receiving an implant. My story has been in pieces throughout the forum since I joined, but I'm going to use this thread to talk about my journey with Peyronies and how I ended up to where I'm at today. I'll be focusing on the different treatments that I tried and what not, but I also wanted to use this to highlight my emotions throughout the past year.

Frankly, it's been hell. We all have Peyronies, so we all know the struggles, and if you've read any of the other journals, you'll see that implants come with their own emotional hurdles as well.

So I'll start with quick background info. In late March 2020, I was like everyone else here: stuck at home. My wife and I were binging Netflix shows and snacking too much (I was convinced it was the end of the world, might as well enjoy some candy on the way out), but overall, things were good. Our town didn't have any covid cases but the threat was obviously there.

Then one day I woke up with a painful erection. I didn't say anything about it, nor did I look on the internet about it (big mistake) but after a few minutes I was flaccid and everything was fine. This went on for a few days, I chalked it up to the extra sweets and the stress of the lockdown and pandemic.

It wasn't until a few days after having sex with one of those painful erections that I noticed a bump. I immediately panicked—this is when I hit google, found out what Peyronies is, and had a meltdown. I suffer with anxiety and depression, so to be dealt this blow at the age of 33 was incredibly difficult. My wife, the saint that she is, tried her best to reassure me that everything would be okay. We booked an appointment with a urologist, despite my concerns about the virus. We met with the urologist and he confirmed it: Peyronies. I do consider myself lucky in one regard: he knew enough to prescribe Pentox and suggested other vitamins, diets, traction. At the time he said VED would only help if I couldn't get an erection. But it seems a lot of guys here meet with uros that say "ehh, you're fine, just wait" so I am thankful I got some treatment.

I took the Pentox and vitamins and got rid of the lockdown snacks. Began light manual traction and waited for my follow up.

Throughout the summer of 2020, things were okay. The painful erections went away by the end of July, and the single mass of scar tissue hadn't grown. I had about a 40/45° curve, which made penetration impossible, but I could keep my erections to orgasm, so there was a lot of oral. This became the norm. My wife was compassionate and told me even if I lost my penis she'd never leave me. I honestly don't deserve her, but I'm so grateful for her.

Okay, so on to the implant. Next post
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Summer ended, then into the autumn, everything seemed the same. I got a prescription for Cialis from my primary doctor, 2.5 mg daily, to keep everything flowing down there like it's supposed to. This gave me incredibly hard erections to the point of being painful. Looking back, I think I overdid it, even at 2.5: I just don't think I needed it at all. But still, I kept taking it.

The Peyronies seemed to react to what I was eating: when I ate a lot of berries and healthy things, it was small, almost flat. When I had sweets, it puffed up and hurt. So I tried to eat as anti inflammatory as I could, much to the joy of my wife, but it wasn't my favorite thing to do.

I've always struggled with food and weight. Food is where I find comfort, unfortunately. I was always a bigger guy, and when I was about 30, I decided to do something about it. I went from 250 pounds to 150 by walking and dieting. Was it a good thing? Sure. I got all new clothes and I looked healthy. Did I feel it? I guess, but I also felt like crap because I wasn't eating the things I wanted to. So anyways, the dieting helped my Peyronies but didn't help my emotions.

But still, the scar tissue felt like it was smaller—flatter. I equated it to a pea: it was about the size and shape of one. When I ate bad it was like a hard pea, but when I was walking, dieting, it felt like a squished pea: still there, but not as prominent. Either way, I was still 45° curved.

So it was time to change that.

I got the restorex device, the andropeyronies device, the phallosan forte, and the soma erect VED.

I couldn't figure out the andro or the phallosan. I also didn't want to wear anything for 6-8 hours, so those were out.

I tried the soma device. Old Man, who is a saint on this forum, coached me in several PMs, but I could just never get it to work. I was frustrated, because I really thought that would be what saved me. More on the VED later.

So I started using the restorex. Got a GREAT stretch from it, slipped out a few times, but was confident it would help. Fast forward about a week, and my scar tissue felt like it had doubled in size. I could feel a couple extra bumps down the shaft under the original mass. Picture it like a roller coaster: one big up-and-down drop followed by a few smaller hills. I was crushed.

This is when I had another panic attack. Had I ruined my penis? Was it broken beyond repair? I tried the VED again, hoping it just needed blood flow to help it. Nothing, I could never get hard in the soma device (even though I was still waking up with morning wood and could get and keep an erection from arousal).

This is when I started looking more into surgeries.  
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Originally, around the time of the first visit with the uro, my wife asked if there were any surgeries for Peyronies. I was very adamant that I did not want any surgeries done on my penis, especially with how invasive they are. The pictures are gnarly, I just couldn't picture myself doing that. I was too scared.

But with my penis and mental health in rapid decline, I began to research all the surgeries more. Plication was immediately out—the location of my plaque would have taken a lot of length from me, not to mention the fact that after the restorex use I had begun narrowing and buckling at the plaque site.
Grafting surgeries seemed to be the way to go, since I could still get and maintain erections—but how much of that was from the Cialis? Also, the rates of ED occurring afterwards were scary. I know, I know, if I go to the right doctor I'd be fine. But still. If I got THIS plaque fixed, who's to say it won't come back, in another spot?

Which it did.

After some time of doing counter bending/traction, I noticed a very small piece of scar tissue was forming on a new spot on my penis. OK—I thought. This is with you. This is not going away.

So what's the best move for that? Seems to be the implant. So I started researching that. Between this forum and another one I read all about guys getting them for Peyronies and ED and a combination of those two, and the satisfaction rates, and all that. I won't get into it too much here, because we've all seen how it can descend into something else, but anyways. I wasn't just researching forums. I was on the websites of the doctors, reading scientific journals, medical papers, coloplast website, AMS website, all of it. Got a small list of doctors and started emailing.

First doctor was a phone call. I don't think I explained my case that well but he said if I could still get erections it would be "immoral" for him to put an implant in me. I said I can't have sex. He wanted to do xiaflex or plication. I didn't want to do either. Nice guy though, but that was that.

Then I met with Dr Eid. I've spoken about this elsewhere but I'll just say that he wanted to do 2 surgeries, which I wasn't thrilled about doing—for a few reasons: infection, recovery, and expense. My wife said she was willing to spend whatever it took to help me, and I told her what 2 surgeries would cost and she said so? Again, I don't deserve this amazing woman.

Then I had a video call with Dr Hakky. Right off the bat I knew this guy was the doctor for me. He's young, and he doesn't talk like a lot of doctors out there. He doesn't use words like "penis" or "intercourse", he says "dick" and "F^@$!ng". I was taken aback but also felt very comfortable. This was just a guy I was talking to about my junk. I gave him the rundown and he said he could install an implant and at the same time do the "scratch" method: a bunch of incisions on the plaque to expand it. I said that sounded good to me. He gave me his cell and said text with any questions and sent me an article about using VED before the surgery, said to start right away. I mentioned the soma device and how it didn't work for me and he didn't have any specific one he recommended but if I could get it to work it would help make the surgery easier as well as maximize length. He answered a bunch of my questions, basically the ones everybody should be asking.

He does about 200 implants a year. He does a no-touch method, doesn't like to use RTEs unless he has to, scrotal approach, start cycling at 1 week, infection rate under 1%, could do it in the hospital or his office.

We texted back and forth for a couple days with other questions, then after a phone call with his office, I had a surgery date.  
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


I really wanted the VED to work but damn it, it just didn't. So I ordered a cheap one online from Walmart, I figured if THAT didn't work than whatever, I was only out $20.

It worked.

I pumped up and was thrilled to see myself finally straight (even if it was fleeting). I was happy that I got something to work and excited to put it to use to recover some length and help the doctor make the surgery easier.

I was also feeling better emotionally. Sure, the Peyronies was still there, still prominent. The scar pain was still there but I knew it's days were numbered (well, I hoped so anyway). The temporary elation of finally beating Peyronies was sometimes dashed by the fear and worry about surgery—the only surgery i had ever had before this was my wisdom teeth. I had no frame of reference for recovery, or how to feel beforehand, so my mind was racing.

Here's a tip for those heading down the implant route (or any surgery really): EAT PINEAPPLE.

Dr. Hakky gave me this advice, said he learned it from cosmetic surgeons. The bromelain in pineapple helps you avoid bruising after surgery. I had seen some pictures of guys getting implants that were bruised from their bellybutton to their knees (this is of course rare, but still). So being a pineapple lover I took this suggestion VERY seriously and ate about 2-4 pineapples a week in the month leading up to surgery, not hard to do as I love fruit and pineapple is my favorite. Spoiler alert: it worked. Obviously Dr Hakky's skill also had something to do with it, but after my surgery, and still to this day, I didn't have one square inch of black and blue. Like it never happened!

But, I'm getting ahead of myself here.

So I go to the office a few days before surgery. We meet in person and he examines me, does an ultrasound and a cystoscopy (which I'm convinced is the worst part of this whole journey, OUCH, even with nitrous!). He says yup, an implant is the way to go. Urethra looks good. He equated the inside of my penis to two sausages: on one side (with Peyronies), I had bad casing but good meat inside, and on the other side, I had a good casing but the meat wasn't looking great.

I was a nervous wreck and everyone could tell. My anxiety was through the roof, especially after the cystoscopy. He calmed me down and said if I do the implant, all this is done. Just revisions. If I do anything else, I'm looking at pills, injections, diet, all that. With no guarantee that Peyronies won't come back. That convinced me. I said let's do this.

He told me to keep pumping and rest up before the big day.  
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky



Woke up very early to get to the hospital. I was originally set to be #2, but an insurance mess up had a guy cancel his last minute so I got bumped up to the first slot at 8 am. Show up to the hospital and get checked in and hooked up to all the stuff. Shaking nonstop from the anxiety. Nurses are very nice. Doc comes in a few minutes before we're set to go and I let him know how scared I was.

One last stop before the OR to pee and I looked down at my flaccid, bumpy penis for the last time.

In the bright OR room, meet the team, I'm too nervous to comprehend anything. They strap me down because I'm shaking so much. They start the anesthesia and last thing I remember is one of the nurses telling me how nice my hair is (haven't been in a salon in about 7 months) and then I'm out.

I wake up being rolled to the recovery room asking if I'm still alive. Nurses probably hated me at that point.

As I recovered they gave me some crackers and a Coke. But wait, I thought, this is sugar and carbs. It's gonna make my scar tissue hurt. Not anymore!

Dr Hakky removes the catheter in surgery so I was only sent home mummy-wrapped and also with a drain. I started all the necessary meds, including one to help with the urinary pain (the name escapes me but it's the Rx version of AZO).

Got back to the house, immediately laid down in bed. Starting the icing routine, drinking water and Gatorade. Through the mummy wrapping I could tell the curve had lessened. Doctor said I had more plaque than the tests showed. Installed a Titan 20 cm + 1 cm RTE with the Touch pump. Reservoir on my left side, due to my body. Usually goes on the right but wasn't working with me.

Peeing HURT. It sucked. I read a suggestion online to drink milk to help with the pain but that didn't work. Between the tips, the curve, being inflated, I was spraying everywhere. It was for sure the worst part about recovery. I had a hand help urinal that helped, or I went in the shower.

Ate more pineapple.

Had a scare with the dressing, I thought I got too much pee on it. I sent a late night text to the doctor with pictures and he said to unwrap a bit to see if it soaked through. It didn't; crisis averted. I went to sleep: on my back, with pillows to keep me from rolling over.  
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


I am almost without words.  I have been waiting for this for some time.  Your detail and your writing are great.

Two questions:
1.  Was this scrotal approach or retro public?
2. What was with your body that he had to switch sides with the reservoir?  Was it a prior surgery?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Wow! Keep us posted on the recovery. Very intriguing story.  :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Quote from: Hawk on April 01, 2021, 08:33:27 PM

Two questions:
1.  Was this scrotal approach or retro public?
2. What was with your body that he had to switch sides with the reservoir?  Was it a prior surgery?

1. Yes, scrotal approach. Dr Hakky uses a 1/2 inch horizontal incision that honestly looks smaller than that. I have no idea how these doctors can fit the components through such a tight space.

2. So, I'm not exactly sure. He explained to my wife while I was in recovery but she didn't recall everything he said. I guess there was just more room on the left side. I'll have to ask him to clarify.

50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Amazing start to your journal, anon. A great piece of writing by you so far. And so informative for others out there reading and wondering all the time about implants. Thanks for plucking up the courage to tell us all. I found it very cathartic to detail everything and I sense you'll be the same.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Thanks for all the details.
I believe your details about your thoughts, feelings, etc. will help a lot of men.
Great posts.
By the way, could you put more details in your signature?  
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I am dying waiting for the next installment.   ;)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Post Op Week 1 recap

So, apologies for the delay. I should have said earlier, but I'm posting my journal after the fact. Most journals on this site are written stream-of-consciousness, almost like live updates as they happen. And there's a lot of benefit to that. I didn't want to write mine like that, mostly because I was out of it for the first few days, and I didn't feel like writing anything out. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't have written anything of substance or help for anyone.

The first week was rough. Mentally. More on that later.

Physically? It was a breeze. I have already mentioned eating pineapple and how much it helped me not bruise and so I continued to eat it throughout the first week. I tried to eat as healthy as I could to help with the healing but I also splurged on some things I hadn't eaten in a while which felt great to do.
Dr Hakky uses a pelvic block and also uses additional shots of local anesthesia so I couldn't feel any pain. I felt sore, especially from laying so flat for so long, but every time I got up to pee I tried to walk around a bit to keep loose.
Alas, the only pain was from peeing. I don't know if it was the catheter itself or just because I've never had one before so I have nothing to compare it to, but it was easily the worst part of everything.

So, physically, felt great. As great as I could. Mentally, however, was another story.

This was my first major surgery. Wisdom teeth out at 21, and then this. So all the drugs, the soreness, it was all new to me.
You often read about the guys that think "what the hell did I do?!" And i thought that. I thought it a lot. Pretty much every waking minute. Why did I do this? What the hell was I thinking? Did I make the right decision? I was a wreck. My wife had to constantly remind me that my mental state also affects my physical state, and I needed to heal. So my instructions were to lay down, watch TV, take my medicine when she told me to. I started the first few days taking the pain pills as prescribed even if I didn't need them.  I didn't want to be in a situation where it was too late, if the pain had gotten too much to handle. So I took them as directed and that helped stave off the pain as well.

Surgery was on a Tuesday, so Thursday I went into the office to get the bandages and drain removed. I was anxious (duh) because I didn't want any signs of infection or I didn't want anything to be messed up, but I was assured that everything looked good. Incision looked perfect, pump was in a good spot, tips were seated right where they needed to be. Curvature had lessened A LOT.

As you research implants, all the doctors and patients say the same thing in regards to size and shape: be patient. They say it takes about a year (sometimes shorter sometimes longer) before you arrive at your end goal of size, girth, and in our case, degree of curvature. I went into the unwrapping appointment with a certain mindset: whatever it looks like when it's unwrapped, be fine with that as your end result. now, obviously it can and does get better, but I went in thinking that just so I could mentally try and tackle the journey ahead.

And I was okay with what I saw.

Length was shorter than pre-Peyronies, about the same as pre-op.
Girth was same pre-op (the narrowing was gone)
Curve was MUCH less (from ~50° down to less than 10)

So I was feeling good. Shorter than I was used to in my prime, much less curve than pre op, but with the understanding that everything would get better. I was only 2 days out of surgery! Not even pumped up all the way. But I was straighter. And that made me very, very happy.  
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Good update, anon. Thanks for doing this. I'm glad you explained why you're not writing in the present tense - I did wonder. Great to hear that your curve has greatly reduced to almost nothing now. Please remember that not only will daily cycling improve the curve even further, but will also give you back a significant amount of length lost to Peyronies. Hang in there and good luck.

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Learning to cycle & a long drive home

Seven days after my surgery I went in to the office to learn how to cycle. They checked my incision—everything still looked good. Also did a scrotal ultrasound to see the position of the pump and check for hematoma. Technician said pump is in the correct spot, facing outward like it's supposed to. A little bit of fluid around the pump and a *slight* hematoma, but overall nothing to worry about, told me to just keep what I was doing because everything looked good.

So what was I doing? Nothing at all, really.

Laying down as flat as possible. Icing, medications, eating, all on strict timed schedules. This is key to healing. The pineapple was still keeping bruising away. When I was laying down, I'd cut a hole in my boxer briefs and a jockstrap to keep my penis pointing straight up. My wife let me have a few of her makeup towels to wrap my penis in—these are small, thin towels that are very soft and comfortable. From scratching away all the plaque my shaft needed something comfy. After wrapping, I'd use a travel neck pillow to keep my penis propped straight up. The neck pillow was a nice touch—it was very soft, and all I had to do to change the positioning of my penis was slightly move the pillow. Came in handy when you're dealing with a very sore penis!

I learned in the office how to deflate and inflate. I was assisted twice, but they wouldn't let me leave until I inflated and deflated by myself—they want to know you can cycle without any issues. (If I couldn't do it, I would have left inflated and come back a couple days later, but that wasn't necessary)

So once I did it myself they let me go home. The only pain, besides the sore shaft, was the spot where my reservoir is. The pain would come after cycling and it was really bad the first night. Not during inflation or deflation, but starting about a half hour after deflating and it hung around for an hour or so. Spoiler alert: the pain after deflating goes away, and it took about 5-6 days for me to get past it. Really, it's more like discomfort than pain. My theory is that the rush of saline back into my reservoir was just making room, forming the new scar tissue around the full reservoir.

Cycling is the fun part. At first, it feels like your penis is going to explode from the hardness.

Size was pretty decent for only being just over a week post op. The curve was down around 10°, and seemed to drop by the day. As the swelling went down, everything started to look better. The length was decent, but I know it'll get better. The girth from the titan is legit: bottom line, I've never been this girthy.

So we left our Airbnb, and spent a couple of long days in the car heading home. I laid in the passenger seat with the occasional ice bag, and we made it home in one piece. As soon as we got in the door, I got back on the couch to continue healing.

The drive probably set me back a couple days as far as healing goes, but I could still cycle, albeit with the occasional reservoir pain. Each day I increased the time in which I was pumped up to the max, and I noticed that each day it became easier to pump, get a couple more pumps in, etc.  All good things.

50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Great entry as usual.  I keep my comments to a minimum to limit the distraction from your journal but rest assured that the members are following it, as are many guests.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: anon1986 on April 21, 2021, 06:41:35 PM
Learning to cycle & a long drive home

After wrapping, I'd use a travel neck pillow to keep my penis propped straight up. The neck pillow was a nice touch—it was very soft, and all I had to do to change the positioning of my penis was slightly move the pillow. Came in handy when you're dealing with a very sore penis!

 Great report!    Those neck pillows are amazing!   They should have an infomercial about this!  LOL .
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Weeks 2-4 post-op

Hello, apologies to all, I'm sorry I haven't been updating this as timely as I should. I have obviously been thinking about my Peyronies and my penis because I'm healing, but it's a different kind of thinking: before it was always negative, now it isn't.

After I learned to cycle and came back home, I focused on healing. The long car ride probably set me back a couple days in the healing process, but as soon as I could I was laying flat flat flat, icing, and pumping once or twice a day. I tried to hold the max as long as I could, then try for a couple more pumps to get the best stretch.

Mostly, it was just resting and healing. I was off the painkillers and onto a couple other pills: gabapentin and meloxicam. Gabapentin helps with nerve regeneration and meloxicam is a more powerful Motrin basically. Kept my rig of the cut boxer briefs, jockstrap, and neck pillow.

There were little gains and victories everyday, with progress really happening week to week. My main source of exercise is walking and after 2 weeks I went for a substantial walk: not my usual sub-15 minute mile, but I went out for about an hour, walking and resting when I needed to. It's funny how this surgery highlighted the fact that my scrotum is more prominent than I realized. Obviously it was tender from the surgery so I noticed it even more, but still.

I needed to be careful getting in and out of cars, so as not to clip my new ball on the seat. Finding a position to sleep in was difficult. For the first few weeks I slept on my back with my neck pillow keeping the penis safe and protected, but once I was ready to sleep on my side, I used a regular pillow between my knees for protection.

The important facts: size: still too early to judge really, but longer than pre-op, shorter than pre-Peyronies (but not by much)
Girth: at the base, wider than ever. Rest of the penis: pretty much pre-Peyronies
The curve: almost gone!!!! The reason for the surgery. I'm almost at 0°, each week getting closer to that. There's a slight tilt at the glans but the doctor tells me once i stretch it out more and more it will go away

50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Weeks 5-6 post-op and beyond

Week by week, progress is good. Incision is healing, scrotum is becoming less irritated, pumping is easier.

I developed the "dog ears", like so many other Titan owners have. At first I was very nervous, it does not look natural at all. In fact, at the site of the "kink", I had some visible irritation. I texted the doctor. He reassured me that it's just one of the things Titan owners deal with. They'll soften up after some time. His exact words "you have the dog ears because you have a big dick now!" I was also nervous that the kink would do damage on the inside of my penis but he said that is nothing to be worried about.

In the weeks after that, the dog ears have gotten easier to deal with. I think I'm lucky in the sense that they don't hurt, they just don't look perfect, but hey, it's better than what I had before. Dr Hakky said he's taken Titans out of guys that hate the dog ears. He said when it comes time to replace the Titan, he would put in an AMS if I wanted. Hopefully we're many years away from that, but at this point, I wouldn't switch based on the dog ears.

But that's probably my only complaint. That and the fact I needed the implant to begin with.

That's the big thing to grapple with. The permanency of it. I keep coming back to it. BUT, on the other hand, I feel much, much, MUCH better.

The Peyronies is gone. Done. Bye bye. Can't see any plaque, can't feel any plaque. When I'm pumped up but not aroused, there's slight narrowing by one of the cylinders. But I'm hard and straight.

The other thing that I know gets talked about a lot and asked a lot on all forums: glans engorgement.

My glans engorged before surgery. It engorges after. Period. Also, my shaft engorges as well, making me even girthier. I wake up with morning wood around my deflated cylinders. Not strong enough to penetrate with, but it's still working.
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Hello Anon,  Great update.  Thanks.

I predict you will NEVER ask for another implant if you have a revision.

My dogears are now so soft and rubbery that if a woman were to fondle my flaccid penis it would feel only like a large vein in my dick.  It is a total non-issue.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Have you used your implant for sex, and if so, did it meet the expectations of you and your wife?  Can you compare that to the weeks before surgery and compare it to your Pre- Peyronies Disease days.

I understand your progress is not complete yet, but I think a comparison would help with no more detail than you are comfortable sharing.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Absolutely, Hawk. I have used it for sex a couple of times and it works great.

My Peyronies was so severe and so sudden that as soon as a curve developed, I couldn't penetrate. So I'm comparing to before Peyronies, and the feeling is the same. Again, slightly shorter, at this stage, and maybe forever, who knows. I don't mind though. The difference is negligible for me and my wife. She does notice the increased girth though!
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Do you mind posting up before and after photos  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


Great update, anon. Thanks for continuing to share. I'm noticing an increased number of new members willing to post about their fight with peyronies and the implant journey they are considering. This is the result of increased info available through journals like yours and helps so many - most of whom are silently lurking in the shadows of this forum, observing, thinking, worrying, considering. Most never post questions or comments but read and read, searching for answers. Our journals are priceless to so many for the simple reason that we are the proof. Not the theory. The proof.

Great to know that you are approaching zero degrees curvature. Why an extraordinary achievement.

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Thanks, Roddy. The journals were a great help to me, so it's nice to pay it forward and add to them.

Kobe, I don't have any before pics to post unfortunately.  
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Anon1986, good to hear about your progress. Could you tell me more about the coloplast rep you met who had 6 revisions ? Why did he need so many revisions and for how many years does he have an implant ?
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


Anon thanks for the details and thoughtful diary! It really makes an impact and helps us out. I'm 30 myself and looking to get this operation done, it's nice to know I'm not alone in this age bracket.

Don't forget to keep coming back to the forum and replying when you can! It helps :)
Injury Nov 2019, bend 15deg, loss of erections, dent and hard-flaccid
VED, cialis 5mg on/off
EQ medium (with pills), no NTE.  Lost 1+ inches length, lots in girth. Some loss of sensation. Considering implant to restore full sexual function


The coloplast rep has had implants for over 30 years—I believe the first couple were a different brand.  
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


That's good to know that a guy can rely on implants on 30+ years. I was just concerned about erosion or infection since it is such a long time. Can anyone get in contact with this rep ?  
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


Can you add to your signature information, the name of your doctor, city, state. This will give the opportunity of others to contact them. I am impressed with the aftercare and how they checked your scrotum with ultrasound. Sounds like a great doctor and staff.
By the way, I love my Titan because of the rigidity and increased girth. I love my new penis and so does my spouse.
Thanks for sharing.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thank you Stepone, updated my signature.

I'm also getting more comfortable while sleeping. As I think I mentioned before, I slept on my back for a while with the travel neck pillow keeping my penis propped up, but now that a few more weeks have passed and my cylinders are softening up, I can finally go back to sleeping on my side.

However, I also like to sleep on my stomach (pretty much the cause of my Peyronies I believe: I took trazadone to sleep and I think when I got a nighttime erection I rolled onto it hard and bent it), so I'm looking forward to the day when I can be a little more comfortable while sleeping.

For now, I have a pillow between my knees to keep my scrotum and penis protected, but it's making my legs sweat! Any one have tips for sleeping during or after recovery?

50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Hi Anon,

How far post-op are you?  What was the actual date of your surgery?

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Sorry please post the date of your surgery in your signature too, so we don't have to go so far back in your posts.
But to answer your question, I sometimes wore a jock at night to keep things positioned or some tightly whities.
Since our anatomies are all so different, such as big balls vs. small balls. It's really an experimental thing of what works best. I had a few low rise jocks that seemed more comfortable.
At 2 years, I still sometimes wear boxers, briefs, and or nothing to bed. It's about how much action my penis had during the day, lol.
Hope this helps and keep on growing.
Here's a question.
Do you still get a little pain when you max out and stretch the penis so much you get a little pain?
I hate to confess this, but I miss that pain a little, it was like a high knowing my penis was getting bigger.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Fantastic update Anon. I'm happy you are healing well. My husband I look forward to all of your updates due to a possible referral to Dr. Hakky. I called his office for some minor credentialing information last week, which I got from the front desk,  and  the man called me, himself, the next day to answer any further questions! He spent about 15 minutes on the phone with me and was super nice and informative. I wish you the best going forward and can't wait for your next update.
48yo wife of ED and Peyronie's patient with hemophilia (waveboy).
I'm looking for answers but am happy to answer any questions you may have.



Glad to hear you and your husband are considering Dr Hakky. He's a great surgeon and a great guy. I'm sure you can attest to his attentiveness—he included my wife in every step of the process as well. He recognizes that, of course, it's a surgery for the man, but the man's partner has an important role in the process as well. I hope you continue down the road with him, let me know if you have any other questions!
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Week 12 Post Op

This past week I hit 3 months with my implant (surgery was March 2).

Things are great. No more Peyronies. Straight, hard erection. The added confidence boost of the big penis has been great as well, no more negativity thinking about Peyronies. Let me recap some stuff:

The PROS list has been done and done by others. Straight, super hard penis. No more Peyronies. Big flaccid package.

My CONS list is pretty small. I still am a little uncomfortable when falling asleep, I have to readjust my legs and balls. I'm pretty flexible so I used to always pull my scrotum up high so my legs could close while I slept on my side but the pump makes it a little difficult. Getting easier though.
The dog-ear kink—still no pain, but it's not the greatest thing to look at. But, I've read other accounts that it'll eventually soften up, so until then, no biggie.
The erection angle isn't high like other men. This doesn't bother me at all though. My wife and I haven't had a position yet that we haven't be able to do. My erection doesn't point at the sky. Big deal though, right? It's hard and straight and always works.

So there it is. The pros far outweigh the cons for me. I'll be back to check in on this thread if anyone has questions but if you're feeling shy like I was when I started this journey feel free to PM me with any questions.

Big thanks to Hawk and everyone else that has a journal, doing gods work here gentlemen!!
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Great update. Well done and delighted for you that everything has worked out as well as it has. Just to note that my erection is straight out in front of me and not pointing at the sky. I also have no problem with any position - unlike pre-implant. Thanks for sharing.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Fantastic news Anon! Thank you for the update. Please come back and update us along the way. We wish you the best of luck.
48yo wife of ED and Peyronie's patient with hemophilia (waveboy).
I'm looking for answers but am happy to answer any questions you may have.


Great report. Our bodies all heal in time.  
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Great report Anon! I'm very happy for you. No pressure but it would be awesome to see a picture (always feels so weird to ask). Might help others (including myself) what one might expect as per erection angle. So awesome that you're having good sex again, congrats!
Injury Nov 2019, bend 15deg, loss of erections, dent and hard-flaccid
VED, cialis 5mg on/off
EQ medium (with pills), no NTE.  Lost 1+ inches length, lots in girth. Some loss of sensation. Considering implant to restore full sexual function


I read your bio.
I am so sorry what you are going through.
Have you decided on a new course of action?
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I saw Dr. Eid in sep '20 and he said to see what changes over 6 months and make a decision... I'm seeing Dr. Karpman in two weeks and will ask about an implant. I've had issues for long before I even had peyronies it's time to make a change.
Injury Nov 2019, bend 15deg, loss of erections, dent and hard-flaccid
VED, cialis 5mg on/off
EQ medium (with pills), no NTE.  Lost 1+ inches length, lots in girth. Some loss of sensation. Considering implant to restore full sexual function


Richard, to regain lost length, also make sure to ask about TEP which is done at time of implantation. I would love to know if this new technique has caught on with mainstream surgeons.
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


There are very few surgeons who do TEP and it greatly increases healing time.  We have also yet to have one successful, fully healed TEP on the forum.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey guys, just wanted to check in. It's been a while, sorry for the delay!

Life has been moving forward. I am completely healed from the surgery. No major issues. Around the 3.5-month mark, I got a little ambitious and had some very rough sex, which resulted in some swelling of the scrotum. Of course I panicked and texted the doctor. I described everything and asked if I should go to the ER, fearing infection. He said it didn't sound like an infection but I went to the ER for my own piece of mind. My local hospital didn't have anyone that knew much about implants but I got an ultrasound and the tech said there weren't any signs of infection, just a small hematoma. I took some Motrin and rested things for a few days and all was well. Since then it's been smooth sailing.

As I said before, straight and hard. My length is definitely longer than I was with peyronies. As far as pre-peyronies length, I'm a bit shorter than that, I think, but it's negligible. The girth is much bigger. Flaccid package is big. I still wake up with morning wood—not enough to penetrate, but probably good for HJ/BJ. This added blood flow helps length and girth. My glans still swells a lot. Feeling is back to normal—the shaft was a bit tender for the first few months.
No more pain on the peyronies scars, in fact, I can't feel them at all anymore.

Flaccid is still cumbersome, difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position—I still have a small pillow between my knees. Certain aspects of my life with my new flaccid are difficult, I suppose before I had a very small package because now I'm aware of it nonstop. People say after a few months you "forget you have an implant" but my anxiety-riddled brain will never let that happen.

The reservoir makes me nervous. Not for any tangible reason, it's just me being paranoid. But I'm on the smaller side—5 foot 9, about 170, but with no muscle. I'm what the kids call "skinny fat"—so my reservoir is more noticeable. Not that I can see it, but looking down, I can tell what side it's on by the slight rise in my public area—it's hard to describe. But I'm always nervous that I'm going to do something to move or damage the reservoir. Hopefully it's just an irrational fear and I hope to move on from it soon. Dr Hakky assures me that the reservoir will not move, maybe mere millimeters, but it would take something major like a car accident to really move it and cause problems. So I need to get over the fear I have of this thing sliding out.

Other than that, things are overall pretty good. I'm still super bummed sometimes that I had to have this done, but pretty thankful that I was able to "beat" peyronies in some way. The disease really messed up my mind along with my dick.

I am extremely pleased with Dr Hakky. He's simply amazing. He knows his crap and is committed to making guys happy again. I am truly grateful for him.

That should cover it for now. If anyone wants me to elaborate on any of these topics or has additional questions please let me know. I'd prefer to answer them here but if you want to keep it private you can message me and then I can address that in these posts so it stays in the open for other guys to view. Hope everyone is well!
50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


Your recovery sounds awesome! You will get used to things over time and will stop worrying about it. I know that after my second double hernia surgery I was always worrying about the mesh tearing and moving, but it did not.   For sleeping I have always slept on my side with a long king size pillow supporting my knees. It helps my back and hips align better. I think it is a plus that you are having some morning wood! Thanks for posting your success !
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Sorry for the late post, but it sounds like you are doing well.
Time will make that bulb more flexible and after a while you won't even know it's there.
I hope you are doing well.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Great to hear from you, Anon. Sounds like you've had as successful a journey as you could ever have wished for. I understand your nervousness around the reservoir. I also, even after 2.5 years, still think about mine when I'm doing a workout at the gym, crunches etc - I have an irrational worry that the pressure of my bending my abdomen with some force will damage the reservoir. I believe this may never happen but it doesn't stop me worrying about it so I get your point.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Anon, Great report and great post.  

If a man chooses or is compelled to worry about things that cannot happen, that has to be overcome psychologically.  I will say that you are not even to the one-year mark yet.  All is not as it will be. Though 90%+ of your healing is done and you feel totally healed, your awareness of your implant WILL diminish further.  It will happen because it is the new normal.  The novelty wears off, and you just forget it is there.  It also happens because the cylinders of your deflated Titan get softer for over two years.  It will happen because your feeling of the pump, etc., will fade as you heal further. Not only does healing remove the pain, but it also resolves the over-sensitivity that makes you aware of the components.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums