VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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Quote from: getting_there_in_oregon on February 17, 2008, 05:36:06 PM
Q 2. and how much do i pump?

The following is what I follow based on a single cylinder VED.  This will not apply to a cylinder that does not allow you to achieve full erect size.
You pump until "you have a normal, firm erection".  You should not try to obtain that in a minute or two but gradually. After you have done that for a while (weeks) you can experiment with pumping it a bit more firm as long as you monitor for :pain, discomfort, discoloration that lasts beyond the session, fluid accumulation, or swelling under the skin.

Also, be extra careful if you take common blood thinners like, ginkgo, aspirin, excessive vitamin E, garlic, etc.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Guys, I'm still in "watchful waiting" mode with my current situation.  Just to recap, a little more than a month ago (possibly triggered by a bend during sex) I noticed an indention on the bottom right side.  Shortly thereafter, I noticed two more indentions, one near the first and one near the base, all on the bottom side of the right cavernosa.

For about the last three weeks I've had a vague, very mild and sort of migrating soreness on that side -almost feels like nerve stimulation at times.  When erect, it's mildly sensitive on that side, but not the "pain" I remember from my first bout of Peyronie's seven years ago.  What really bothers me with this is the weird "almost sore" feeling when flacid - it sometimes even seems like if I'm walking a lot, the nerve sensation extends down into the testicle on that side.  Neither I nor my Uro can feel any nodules or lumps (and believe me, I check frequently.)

Nevertheless, I'm taking the usual suspects, ALC, PLC, E, Advil.  My Uro gave me a prescrip for TV but I'm not sure if I'll fill it. I used TV seven years ago and while I improved, I'm not convinced it was due to the TV.

My question is, should I use my VED (Osbon Esteem) during what might very well be an inflamatory stage?  I have no bending (yet - fingers crossed) but I don't really undestand indentions.  Would two or three pumps to near full erection a night to stretch the tunica and get the blood flowing be good, or would these indentions be hurt by that kind of activity, or possibly made worse?  

Any opinions would be appreciated.  At this point, I'm just praying the dents will stabilize or even reverse and the weird sensation will go away so I can quit feeling like I'm waiting on the axe to drop.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.

Old Man


Strange that you would relate the exact symptoms that I had with one of my bouts with Peyronies Disease. Mine felt like that the nerve endings were exposed and any touch sent a tingling feeling all over my groin area.

My uro had no explanation for it, but a check with ortho surgeon found that some nerves in my back were probably causing this feeling. Anyway, along with these strange feelings, there was the usual indentation and plaque to a degree. Not a severe plaque, just a small amount of firmer than normal tissue, etc.

I would say that using the VED with a very mild pressure would do no harm. However, do not pump to a full erection. Just pump up slowly to a partial erection, hold for a few seconds and relax the pressure. Would recommend that you determine the amount of time to do this based on how your penis feels with the added pressure. Don't believe you could do any further damage using a very mild pumping action. So, bottom line, be extremely careful and if pain should occur cease the VED exercises at once.

Keep us up to date on how things work out for you.

Best to you, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man, I should probably be a little clearer on the "nerve" part of what I'm talking about.  The sensation I feel is, strangely, not when I touch the penis, but when I'm not touching it.  It's a sort of low level "awareness" of that right side, but if I touch it trying to nail it down, there's no specific spot of soreness or discomfort and the sensation I feel throughout the day seems to alternate between the right side base area and the right side mid shaft area.  If I pull on the penis, gently of course, the right side near the base does feel a little tingly, or like it was strained at some point or something - not painful, but not normal either.  It doesn't hurt when I'm erect, but it does have moments of sensitivity on that side if I'm handling it (if you get my drift).  Again, not "pain" but some sort of sensation.  It's very odd to me, but I'm just holding my breath that the indentions (since I'm a month in and can't feel even the smallest of plaques or nodules) aren't precursors to bending.  

I'll try the VED as you suggest.  Thanks, as always for your counsel.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


I have started with VED. However, on the next day after my second day of excercises I had some pain, so I stopped and took a rest for 2 days. My question is should I start again now or how long should a person wait ?

I dont think I overpumped, but may be I did, I dont know. So next time I will just pump to a partial of what I was doing before.


Old Man


You should be very careful when starting off on a VED exercise routine. And, after you have gotten used to the added pressure on the corporal chambers, you should exercise caution at all times not to overpump the pressure. One cannot be too careful in VED usage is the watchword.

Take it slow and easy for several weeks until the penile tissues get used to the added pressure.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

Thanks again for the words of wisdom.

I hope I did not do any damage. I will just take it very slow for a few weeks.



My Urologist recently suggested using a VED for my peyronies.  I will be receiving the device shortly and have heard contrary opinions as to how to use it.  I was told by the sales rep to do short reps of "pump and release" so new blood flows through the penis regularly.  I also read on line from a Urologist to maintain pressure and NOT use the pump and release method.  Which advice should I follow?


Here is what I do: I pump and release until I am nearing a full erection in the cylinder. I do not easily stretch out to full length at first - takes about 5 minutes or less. After I finally get to my maximum stretched length, I unplug the pump and let it sit that way for about 8-10 minutes at full negative vacuum tension. I then release and after about 10-20 seconds, repump up for another ten minutes. That is my usual routine.

Also, here you will find protocols for using different size cylinders - the general plan is to start with a confining seemingly too narrow cylinder and gradually work to a larger diameter one. This has allows some men to get improvements in angulation, followed by improvements in dents (if present) and erectile quality (if not normal).

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I like Tim468 advice. Old Man is the expert on VED.

I have used it for a year. Probably most of the year I was focused on how large a penis can I create with the VED without any pain or irritation. I now see the device as a long term solution, getting blood into areas that wouldn't get blood or as much so I'm less inclined to worry about length on a daily basis.

I use a pump and release. It takes 5 minutes of pump and release to get to a reasonable comfortable size. Tim468's idea of holding the pressure for a few minutes sounds like a reasonable cautious additional procedure I might try.


so how many times a day?

and how long do i keep it in the vacuum tube?

what's a usual session look like?

Old Man

getting there:

The protocol you would want to use will be based on the model of your VED. There is a protocol for a one cylinder model and there is one for a multi cylinder model.

You would need to let us know which make and model VED you are using and then we can recommend a protocol for your use.

Most VED exercise sessions last about 10 to 15 minutes or longer based on how well your penis tolerates the vacuum pressure. There are many ways of doing VED exercises and you have to determine which would work best for you.

So, let us know which VED you are using and we can go from there.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: Tim468 on February 21, 2008, 01:26:39 PM
After I finally get to my maximum stretched length, I unplug the pump and let it sit that way for about 8-10 minutes at full negative vacuum tension. I then release and after about 10-20 seconds, repump up for another ten minutes. That is my usual routine.

I tried holding in the vacuum but for me it felt like it was simply taking a break more than benefiting. The pumping and release - say hold for 8 to 12 seconds - repeating the pump and release for usually 10 but up to 30 minutes has the benefit of bringing in new fresh blood each pump. Whereas holding simply feels like an erection with the same old tired blood for the duration of the hold.

I may simply not understand the benefit of a hold.


IMHO I use the following logic that may or may not be flawed.

In any general body stretching, the hold for at least 60 to 120 seconds is far superior to stretch release.  The tissue tend to protectively contract at initial stretch and do not lengthen for at least a minute.  While this primarily is dealing with muscle and tendons the same may apply to any combination of tissue.  Next, body remolding of teeth, bone, lips or ear lobes respond to steady prolonged stretch, not short 10 seconds of expansion.  Finally, consider that the penis could not possibly deplete the oxygen from the engorged blood in a few minutes.

In conclusion, I think pumping and releasing ever 8 to 12 seconds is WAY to frequently.  I would hold for at least 1 - 2 minutes.  Unfortunately there is no data to compare results of different types of penis stretching.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, your posts are always well thought out and logically presented. I would agree that a prolonged stretch is better for growth - muscles, teeth, penis, whatever. After a year of using the VED I'm inclined to see the the objective behind its use as generating more blood flow rather than penis growth. Therefore I like a 8 to 15 second hold period to encourage more blood flow and a Traction device as a means to increasing length. I'll spend the next year on those two approaches and see what results I get.


TIM,,,,after reading your post about your regemin,,,it is exactly the same as what i am doing..After a couple of months i have noticed that i have regained about a half an inch and a little girth,and i'm sure that is all it will do....I am happy with it and will keep it up for the long term as i really believe it has been benefical in more ways than not...
I have only missed a few days here and there because of my wifes health problems, have had to make a few unexpected trips to the doctor,,emergency ones....

Old man has given us good instructions and i intend to keep following them.....Thanks oldman and all here who have done so much......



 Hi Guys,
 This is my first post and I'm a little nervous. I've been reading, reading and reading and still don't know if I'm in the right place.

 I first noticed a problem 8 months ago, and was "officially" diagnosed by a UR 4 months ago. The Doc, I suspected,  really didn't have a clue, and this was confirmed when I found this incredible PDS sight (on my own) and started reading up. Now with more knowledge under my belt I have a "second opinion" appointment with a new UR March 5th, But kinda dought he'll know any more than the last Doc. (Though my question is about VED's, is there a referal list from you guys of knowledgeable UR's in the New York City/Hudson Valley area? Or is this conflictual in some way?  I certainly can't afford to see Dr. Livine in chicago, so how do you know where to go?)  About the VED's. I want to get one, and have a script from our family doctor, but don't know what to get, and/or how to go about it.  I found Osborn, Encore, and Augusta, but then I saw Old Man and others talking about the Soma Correct and if thats the best, then I want it, but they're in England. (?) Also, something was mentioned about the FDA? Any feedback here would be greatly appreciated.  

 I'm 57 and married 19 years to a wonderful woman.  I've had "hourglass" syndrome since a bad injury at 15, but other than it being only really noticeable when semi-erect, it never was an issue until now. My plaque, shaped like the state of Idaho, stretches from the base, halfway down the top of my penis and has somehow incorporated this 'hourglassness' into it's destructive plan, and I now have what I saw someone refer to as "hinging", which makes penetration impossible without supporting it with my hand, and needless to say, is painful.  It curves off to the left at about 15 to 20 degrees and I'm afraid it's getting worse. I've also lost some sensation, and again, needless to say, I'm scared!  No ED, knock wood. I understand the importance of measuring and record-keeping for the cause, and intend to get a protractor(?) soon, and when I get my VED, and with the help of my wife, keep some good stats to share. I watched the Dr. Livine videos and I see a lot of you guys switching over or incorporating traction, and I'll wait for more data on this.  

 For now, any help and/or guidance on which VED to get, and from where, is greatly appreciated.  

57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.



I welcome you to our Peyronies Disease support group.  I will leave the VED questions for others but for a doctor, you could try  

I cannot personally vouch for him but he has the  interest, the credentials, and is with a good facility.  In the NY City area you should have a rather good selection of physicians that have extensive experience with Peyronies Disease.

Go prepared with questions and take notes.


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Wow Hawk,
 A sigh of relief, and a smile on my face.  My first contact!
 I printed-out Greenfields page and will call him in the a.m., and be happy to share anything I learn.  Thanks for being here, and thanks for the tip.
57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.

Old Man


Sorry to hear that you have joined the Peyronies Disease club! You now know what a lot of us have known for many years about this horrible disorder. The Soma Correct VED is not made in England though.

First, the Soma Correct is no longer on the market due to technical difficulties between the maker and the FDA. They were produced in Augusta, GA by the Augusta Medical Supply company. The company now markets the Somaerect (also made in Augusta, GA) which is basically the same unit as the Soma Correct model but is not listed as a Peyronies Disease therapy unit.

The Somaerect has three cylinders just like the Correct model and can be used for Peyronies Disease therapy just as well. There is a 26 week protocol listed elsewhere on this forum about using the three cylinder models of VEDs for Peyronies Disease. Also, Dr. Tim, Angus and possibly others have made their own three cylinder models by using medical quality materials. Dr. Tim has listed sources of those he used to make his VED, so look for that post by using the search engine, etc. If you are mechanically inclined you can make one yourself.

Also, there are other medical quality VEDs on the market so explore any and all before deciding which one would work for you. I am surprised that your uro does not have a source for VEDs. Most uros do have a source along with technical assistance on how to use them.

If you need further help, just feel free to ask the questions. We all are here to help others in any way possible.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I live out of country where shipping is impossible.  I have a friend coming to my country later this week who could bring me a VED so I need to make a decision today about which one so I could get the VED overnighted to my friend.  I have a combination of Peyronie's and ED though the ED varies from mild to medium.  So I want to use the VED for both.  I have looked at the vacuerect and like it.  It seems easier to use if preparing for intercourse (that's a month or so away because my partner lives in another country).  

The Soma Erect has the 3 cylinders and from what I understand, you can do different protocols with those with some giving more attention to girth.  I like the ability to vary the use and to use intuition and biofeedback in eventually developing my own protocols so it seems better for that but I don't know.  

I have one good sized plaque on top of my penis close to the base and apparently one smaller one on the bottom also toward the base.  The curve is to the right and a bit down.  I have the hourglass effect.

I've gone from the peyronie's being only a bit of a nuisance in relation to intercourse (at diagnosis 8 months ago) to its being a real challenge and threat in the  last couple of months.  

Unfortunately I'm not mechanically inclined so the route for saving $ which you have for the mechanically inclined, is not so appealing to me.

With the vacuerect, can I do protocols toward girth and length as well as I can with the soma erect?  Is there a third or fourth option I should be considering?  If so, could you be specific about a third or fourth option--I go on the internet and have very little criteria to guide me about what to purchase.  

All my best information has come from this website.  God bless you all.  I've had appointments with 3 urologists--Mulhall most recently, but I decided not to do the injection routine he recommends.  The other 2 urologists seemed nice but not up to date.


I have had peyronies for over 2 years now. I began using the SOMAerect Touch II battery operated vacuum system about 1 year ago. It has the 3 cylinders which I believe are important for peyronies. I am extremely happy with the device.

It has not "cured" nor even improved the bend, loss of length, size of plaque since I started using the device however, I believe I would be much worse off without its use. I particularly like the battery vacuum - I'm a finger touch away from increase or decrease vacuum pressure.


Welcome Gnosis,

I own a Vacurect.  I think the manufacture deserves credit for a very novel design and good value.

Cheaper than many but still a good medical quality unit.
Compact with no separate pump device.
One hand operation.
The rings are unique (flat washers or discs) that can be used without the VED just to enhance an erection. (maybe all you will need).

No release valve,you have to let the pressure leak down or break the seal by slightly squeezing/deforming the base.
Single chamber with nothing to hold the penis straight or to cause a longitudinal pull.
If your plaque is right at the base, it may put some pressure Trauma) on that area as the base necks down  (in other words it puts some pressure around the base of the shaft at full pump depending on your girth)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man


You state that you live out of the country. Do you mean live outside the USA? If so, did you come to the States to see Dr. Mulhall?

As Hawk says, the Vacurect is a good VED, but it is primarily designed for ED. It can work for Peyronies Disease but not as well as the three cylinder model VEDs. Using a VED for Peyronies Disease really does need a release valve for good therapy exercises. It just works much faster and is better overall.

The Somaerect can be purchased through many drug stores and/or at urologists offices. It does, however require a prescription from a doctor to buy. How would your friend get a prescription for you since you are out of the country, etc?

The above is just some questions that come to mind in reading  your post. I realize the urgency of what is happening for you, but the RX is required so that may be a problem for getting the VED that requires an RX.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

Isn't it true that a prescription is only needed to get an insurance payment?  If one is willing to pay the full price I am of the opinion that the Augusta will sell them a unit.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, Old Man, Et all,
 Just got off the phone with Augusta and you can only purchase their 'Vitality' model OTC.  Script needed for the SOMAerect, and I'm waiting to hear back to see how much my WellCare will pay?  I did bookmark the 'homemade' VED's and considered making my own for a little while but the SOMA is looking good to me right now.  

 And on the subject of insurance: Dr. Greenfield in New York, doesn't take WellCare (not a huge surprise) and he charges $400 to $600 for a, looks like I'll continue seeing the little guys in my area, and get all my important information from this incredible support group.

Thanks.   AR
57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.


I am not sure exactly what "Wellcare" is.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Wellcare is our medical insurance provider and not everyone accepts it.
57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.


Old Man, Tim, etc., one thing I'm not clear on is the value of the variable sized tubes.  I have an Osbon Esteem battery powered unit.  I always just used it to get a good pump and stretch tissue.  I actually gained the length back from my first bout with Peyronie's (I had minimal loss though).  

But in the situation I'm currently in, where I'm worried about some indentions on the bottom, but don't yet have a bend, do I really need a narrow tube?  Wouldn't the large tube of the unit I have pull in ALL directions equally, and wouldn't that be sufficient to stretch plaques?  

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.

Old Man


As far as I know, a prescription is required to purchase the Somaerect. Should I learn differently, will post it here.

I don't know of anyone getting either the old Soma Correct or the new Somaerect without one.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.

Old Man


The battery powered model Osbon Esteem is really a good VED for both ED and Peyronies Disease. Using it for Peyronies Disease you have to develop a regimen of exercises that will give you an overall stretch, pull and hold and release.

I used the manual model of the Esteem and developed a regimen that worked for my Peyronies Disease. The exercise routine that I used has been posted elsewhere (on the recap thread under the Child Board section) and maybe on some other posts on other topics as well.

The value of the three cylinder VEDS is to keep the penis very straight and confined when first starting out with the 26 week protocol. The narrow cylinder only allows the penis to be pulled straight out from the body rather than being pulled in all directions like the Esteem cylinder, etc. The narrow cylinder also permits the plaque to be "pulled" only in the longitudinal direction.

As the exercise routines of the 26 week protocol progress into the larger cylinders, the penis is then pulled out in girth as well as being pulled straight.

Anyway, there is benefits from using either the one cylinder or the three cylinder models.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.

Old Man

Update on my post number 1229 of 2/25/008:

I checked with the Augusta Medical Supply company about the requirement for an RX for the Somaerect VED.

The information that I received back was this:  A prescription is required for the purchase of the Somaerect either with or without insurance coverage.

Since an RX is required for the purchase of the Somaerect either with insurance or without insurance, they suggest that interested parties wanting to purchase a VED that they buy their OTC Vitality single cylinder model VED, purchase the A and B cylinder along with the instructional manual for the Somaerect as extras.

IOW, they are saying that the above would make up the same package VED as if one bought the Somaerect. No RX is required for the OTC model pump and single cylinder which is one and the same as the Somaerect manual model VED pump and C cylinder only. This provides a means for one to buy a VED that can be used for both ED and Peyronies Disease without an RX.

Maybe the above will help those guys who want to purchase a VED without a prescription and not have insurance, etc.

My usual disclaimer applies to this information in that I have no personal interest in Augusta Medical Supply nor do I work for that company. Just providing information in order to help others with this crazy mess called Peyronies Disease.

Best regards to any and all, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


As we have said many times, one can use the cheaper (but well made) models available from the better purveyors of adult products  ;D

Things to consider:

1) a hand-pump with a pressure gauge can be purchased for $25 and allows you to reproduce the same conditions (ie the same pressure) each time. I have noticed that this can feel quite different at times - sometimes quite tight and sometimes quite comfortable. I have also noticed that the comfort factor is better if I am wormed up (so I do it in a hot and shallow tub - I sit and soak for a few minutes, pump up, and then fill the tub some more to cover me up better)(in too deep of water, it is harder to keep soaped up for lubrication).

2) variable diameter cylinders can be purchased from different vendors. I found that the largest diameter I use (I think a 2.25 or 2.5 diameter) is too wide at the base and pulls my scrotum up in and pinches (ouch!). One vendor offers a silicone sleeve that provides a snug fit at the base and prevents this "pull-up" problem. One can also take a large rubber inner tube from a bicycle and insert it into the cylinder and fold the edge over at the base. With a lot of lubricant, this can also form a sort of barrier to "pull-up" problems - or so I have heard, I haven't tried it.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Old Man, Tim:

 I've been on the phone with Augusta yesterday and today, (dealt with Marlon, as Louis wasn't available) only to find out my insurance won't cover the SOMAerect (I want what ever Old Man is using!) and I was directed to the Vitality, which is their OTC model. The problem with the Vitality, for me, is that the cylinder is 2.25" ID only, and I'm thinking to get started, I need a 1.75" ID, or a 2" cylinder max.  
 I also spent most of my day yesterday and today on-line looking for affordable, and high-quality alternatives to these unaccessible $600 VED's, and found my most promising option at a sex-shop sight, where I can get the pump with the pressure gage and two different size cylinders (of my choice) for $129.45 (shipping included).  This, after going to several different hardware stores, and searching on line for the materials to make my own (ala Angus [thanks for that info and those great pics Angus]), looks like the best bet for the $.   One big problem with allot of these devises, and particularly with a fixed-pump-head model like Vitality, is how do you know another companies cylinder will fit it, or vise-versa?
 As with Old Man, I'm not affiliated with, nor promoting anyone, and I haven't even got a pump yet to be sure if I did good... Just wanted to share some of my leg-work with folk, as it actually makes me feel like it was more worth while.  And, if it's not inappropriate, I'll be happy to share the sights, and specifics if anyone's interested.


 PS.  Shocking how realistic-looking they're making dildos these days.

57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.


I just re-read your post Old Man.  Perhaps I'm wrong about the Vitality, but I was under the impression that even Augusta, did not have different sized cylinders for it.  Better recheck my facts.
57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.

Old Man


The Vitality Pump unit is basically the one the company supplies with the Somaerect. It may or may not have the same name stamped on it, but the function is the same. Yes, Augusta does have different cylinders for their VEDs. As I understand it, all of their cylinders are the same in material, size (makeup, etc.) and are interchangeable between several models of their VEDs. They come in sizes A, B and C, with C being the largest and A the smallest.

If you decide on the Vitality, you need to askd about the A an B cylinders since the it come with the C as standard.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hey Guys,

My insurance does not cover VED's, and I couldn't afford the $500 bucks for the one my Uro's sales rep tried to push on me, so I went hunting on line.  I found one at for $109.00 (the Encore Impoaid).  I received it in the mail a few days ago and it seems to be working well.  I have never used any type of VED before, so I dont' really have anything to compare it to.  I'm using the whole "less is more" mentality and trying not to do too much too soon.  I use it 1-2 X daily for about 5-10 minute sessions.  I've been using the pump and release method.  This first few pumps I don't get as much, but by the third or fourth pump I notice quite a bit of length difference.  I feel the stretching and straightening more toward the end of my sessions than the beginning.  I know it'll take time and patience, but at least I feel like I'm doing SOMETHING to help now.

Great site, guys!  

Old Man


I went to the site you posted below and took a look at the Encore unit. There should be no reason that you cannot use it for Peyronies Disease symptoms. However, as has been stated many times here before, do not use the retainer rings for Peyronies Disease therapy session. Also, just be careful not to overpump at any time when using the VED. The better you take care of the VED, the longer it will last for you. The price is much better than others in use.

VED vacuum therapy is a case where less is better than more. You do want to stretch your penis as far as possible each therapy session as long as there is no pain or discomfort in doing so. As you start out your therapy session, pump once or twice to get the blood flowing well before adding more pressure. As you stated you noticed that it did not stretch as far when you first started pumping. This is what I am talking about when starting out on your sessions. Start out slow and increase the time of holding and releasing as you get more comfortable with the therapy.

As you get more and more used to the added pressure of pumping, you will find that you can add more without causing any adverse effect. But, again, use caution at all times in vacuum therapy for Peyronies Disease.

We are here to help others in any way, so feel free to call upon us at any times. Any question will be accepted and an answer given if at all possible.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man -AR
Was home along yesterday. Got out the VED and started my pump and hold routine for 10-15 minutes. Start the stretching slow and work up to full erection in about 5 minutes. This while using the Augusta Medical RX VED.
Just for kicks I got out the old OTC pump I had before I got the RX one. It is the Rejoyn manual model that I paid about $125.00 for over the internet. I had markings on the tube when I switched and have gained almost 1/2" with the Augusta routine.
If you can not afford the August Medical the Rejoyn may be a good second line product.
Note: I have an Augusta rep locally and has been helpful. The restriction bands with the Rejoin are not very effective. The ones with the Augusta are a better quality. The only problem the side grips. As we have aged my wife's labia have become thinner and the side grips cause her discomfort. The way we found out to combat this is use the Osborn restriction rings.
If you can not afford the Rx VED get a good OTC and order Osborn restriction rings over the internet. May be a good alternative.
Hope this helps some. My $0.02


Tension rings, as Old Man points out, are not for Peyronies Disease.

 Thanks Old Man.

 Moguy, Thanks for that Fitzz site.  Great selection, and some good prices! (Shopping for a VED is becoming as overwhelming as shopping for a new car!!)  I called Fitzz a little while ago and spoke with a helpful fellow named Nick about the Vitality and learned even more (is this never ending?), and, got some conflictual info as well, that I'm guessing Old Man can clear up.  [Fitzz sells the manual Vitality for $120. It comes with the C (2.25") cylinder, and you can purchase the A (1.5") and B (1.75") cylinders in a package for $69, or separately for $39 each. Unfortunately for me, I think the A is too small, and I wish they had the B+ or the C- (2") model in the same deal...but anyway, he said the A and B cylinders fit inside the C cylinder. Is this the same with the SOMAerect Old Man? Then he said, and this I questioned, is  that with Peyronies Disease you start with the C and work down to the B, etc. Isn't it the other way around?  Now the question for me is, indeed, what size cylinder(s) do I need?  At this time I'm going by measurements I made of myself based on a diagram suggested from a site by a "Dr. Joel Kaplan".? I'm guessing that this info has been posted somewhere and this question answered  Dozens of times but Old Man, if you could help me here...much appreciated.  

     !!!We Interrupt This Transmission!!!  

 The sales rep Marlon from Augusta Medical just called to check-up and see how I was making out getting my VED, and without mentioning the name Fitzz, I told him I'd found a good deal on his Vitallity and the two xtra cylinders; gave him the price, and said if he could match it I'd be happy to get it from him,etc. He said "let me talk to my boss and I'll get back to you."  Calls me right back and sais, "no, we can't match that." And then he goes on to tell me he's concerned, because it's so cheap, and Augusta doesn't even allow the A and B to be sold with the Vitality,etc., and the A is 1.75"; the B is 2", and the C is indeed 2.25".

 Man! My head is spinning! That X4 Labs Hybrid Support Traction System is looking awfully good right now.

 So, I guess a question Moguy is, was Fitzz totally professional with you, and who did you deal with, etc.

 Thanks everyone.
57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.



I had an appointment with the Osborn rep at my Uro's office and the model he had did NOT have any variable sized cylinders.  The model he had was just one cylinder, and he never mentioned using variable sized cylinders even though he knew I was going to use it for Peryonies.  Therefore I didn't know anything about variable cylinder sizes until I found this web site.  Unfortunately, I found this web site AFTER I ordered my VED from Fitzz.  Since I only have one cylinder I'm hoping that it still helps.  My bend is not too severe, and I noticed that when I do my pump exerices, the vacuum does straighten it out quite a bit.  I'm more interested in gaining my length back.

I never spoke to anyone at Fitzz--I only used their website and decided on a model based on their descriptions and price.  I figured that the warranty and FDA approval was a pretty good selling point instead of going to the local porn store for one.  And, since I'm on a budget, their pricing was good, too.  NO WAY was I going to pay $500 bucks for the Osborn without GUARANTEED results.  This was just a shot in the dark for me to see if it helps.  If I get results, GREAT--if not, at least I'm not out $500.


Old Man

The Augusta rep is correct about the cylinder sizes. The Vitality only comes with the larger C cylinder. The A & B cylinders along with the Somaerect instructional manual can be purchased separately from the company.

Sometimes you can purchase the Augusta products from other sources at a lower price, but as far as I know they do not carry the warranty that Augusta provides through their authorized sales outlets. So, if you purchase one from a source other than the maker be sure to ask about their warranty.

The small cylinder is designed to be small on purpose. It is to allow the penis to be drawn straight out from the body to hold it in tight so it will not bend in the cylinder. The 26 week protocol starts out with all three cylinders in place for exercises and then goes to the larger ones in progressive weeks.

The Fitzz rep is incorrect about using the C large cylinder first. It is actually reversed with A, B and C all used when first starting out on VED therapy according to the 26 week protocol.

You can purchase the A & B cylinder from Augusta separately (see post below for prices quoted) . Why their rep does not advise their prospective buyers about the extra cylinders, I have no clue. However, the last post does show the correct sizes of the cylinders. See paragraph above for reason for the smaller cylinders.

Be glad to help in any way with your exercise sessions if needed.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I agree with Old Man tension rings are not for peronies treatment or penis exercise only I only use them for sex.
I use the VED exercise daily for corpora's fibrosis following Peronies of 12 years ago. I wish I knew than what I know now.


Okay, I wasn't sure where to post this, but the VED thread seems appropriate.  

I was reading Dr Levine's book on Understanding Peyronie's, and in the section where he talks about surgical implant of a prosthesis, he describes how the surgeon corrects the Peyronie's in the process of installing the implant.  To put it bluntly, according to the book, the surgeon installs the inflateable tubes, then, with his hands, bends the penis opposite the curve for 30-60 seconds to stretch the scar tissue, allowing the inflated penis to be straighter.  

My mouth dropped open when I read this because it sounds crazy. My first thought was, wouldn't this trigger more damage and subsequent scarring? But if this is correct, and I have no reason to doubt Dr. Levine, then what that means (to me) is that VED therapy is sound and should provide great hope.  In other words, if the scarring is stable and not inflamatory, then gradual stretching (either traction or VED) really might be just the mechanical force needed to straighten you - emphasis on gradual.

Food for thought ... and hope.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Does anyone know the diameter (inner and outer) of the Vacurect VED tube. I am interested in the dimensions at the opening, to see if the flanges that come with it (and which can be ordered separately) might work with the 2.0 " cylinder I currently use. I like many find that the larger cylinders (when I am supposed to use them) allow too much "suck-up" of scrotum. If I pump up with the small cylinder, I can then switch to the bigger one - it seems that when I am pumped up already, there is less room for "suck-up". I have a 2.25 " (I think) cylinder that comes with a removable flange already. It is not, however, small enough in the internal diameter to work as an erection aide by itself, like the Vacurect flange/rings do.

So again, does anyone know the diameters of those rings for the Vacurect?

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



I apologize.  I read your post stating your interest in the Vacurect tube size and the workability of their ring with other tubes.  I meant to reply but I got side tracked. then it slipped my mind.

First, the base of the Vacurect VED is not flanged in the least.  The VED necks down in diameter just a 1/2 inch before the base which baffles me.  I almost always use the VED without the ring if I am just pumping for a stretch or to encourage blood flow after traction.  Since the base of the VED is not flanged, it cuts into the body pretty good without the ring/washer in place but is not painful.

The tube's INSIDE base diameter is 1 3/4"
The OUTSIDE diameter is just a hair less than 1 7/8"

The construction of the ring is such that a smaller diameter tube would easily work and a slightly larger OUTSIDE diameter would work but the ring would hug the tube a little tighter since it curls up around the outside of the tube.  

I do not think a flanged tube would work unless the flange on the tube was 1/4" or less in width.  The flange would have to seat between the the flair in the ring's center hole and the outer curl of the ring that curls up around the outside of the VED tube.

I have a series of rings ranging in size.  I only use the 2 largest ones.  Frankly, I have never considered myself large in girth but I cannot imagine using one of the mid sized rings much less the smaller ones.  If you want,  I would gladly mail a smaller (unused) ring out of the collection so you can see if it will seat on the base of any of your tubes.  They are of no value to me.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, I felt the same about the Osbon rings when I got my VED a few years ago.  I'm not overly girthy, but I do get wider in the middle of the penis (back in the days when my penis and I were on good terms, I lovingly refered to it as "The Cobra".)  When I was examining the Osbon rings, the small ones of which are tighter than Dick's hat band (actually, that's a pretty good moniker), I just thought, "Well, that will cure the Peyronie's problem, because if I put that on, my pecker's going to fall off on the floor."  

I later tried one of the larger rings, but like Old Man says, you need to use lube to get it off.  I didn't and getting it around the mid-flair of my manhood was not a pleasant experience - something akin to skinning a potato.  My biceps were trembling as my purple fingers tried to pull that ring as far open as I could, which of course, only made its aperature a wide, FLAT hole.  A little lube would have indeed been nice.  Those rings still make me nervous!

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.

Old Man

Nemo and others using Osbon retainer rings:

Your experience with removing the retainer ring reminds me of what most guys go through with when first using the Osbon rings. If you will look back at Dr. Tim's post showing a picture of the Osbon ring you will note that it is of a special design.

The rings are not entirely round, but have a protrusion on each side of the inner topside. The have an identation in the middle of the topside and one on the bottom side. They also have an outer loop on each side to allow for easier removel. The indentations are designed to allow the dorsal membrane to be free of pressure and the urethra be free of high pressue. The protusions are designed to put added pressure on the two corporal chambers to hold more blood into them. Round retainer rings without the outer loops to allow for easy removal are much more difficult to remove.

The Osbon Esteem model VED comes with 4 retainer rings, an instructional video and a written brochure that explains the different levels of tension applied by each retainer ring by their color. The video shows how these rings are applied to the cylinder and thus onto one's penis. It states that careful use of these rings must be applied or pain or discomfort would occur. At one time the company also packaged a very soft practice ring with the unit, but since they are not due to their not being durable and some guys were using them to hold up erections but they failed.

My experience, and that of others I have worked with, has allowed me to gain valuable data on how to apply and remove the Osbon rings. As I have stated in just about every post where I gave instructions about my method of therapy that extreme caution should be exercised in applying and removing these rings. Lubrication of them and that of one's penis shaft is the key to successful application and removal without causing pain or problems.

My method of removing them is like this: Once I am ready to remove them, I lubricate my shaft and the rings enough to cause a very slippery surface. Then, with TWO fingers in the outer loop on each side, I pull out with enough pressure to allow the penis to deflate somewhat before trying to slide the ring upward toward the head. After the blood pressure drops off, then and then only, do I continue to pull the ring off.

Lastly, it is mandatory that one develop the correct tension ring from the set that comes with the VED. The brochure lists the varying degrees of tension that will be applied by each color and size. One must practice enough with each ring to become adept in applying and removing them comfortably. However, one must use a ring with enough tension to hold up their erection long enough for sex. The 30 minute rule should apply in all use of any retainer ring(s) on one's penis. A retainer or cock ring should never be placed behind the scrotum as some have posted on this forum that they do. It can shut off the flow of semen from the testes and problems can and will occur if this is done.

Hope that the above is of some help to those using the Osbon rings. After my early experimentation to get the right size I have not had any trouble with them since.

Old Man

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I own the the three chamber Soma Erect VED with its nifty carry case.  I travel at least 2X / month by plane, and have never taken the VED with me, thus interupting any disciplined therapy. Several month ago I remembered seeing a a story on a local TV news that was later repeated in the newspapers and even the butt of late night TV about a man who was detained by airport security until they inspected his carry-on bag by hand search to reveal a "penis pump" as the laughs went.

My travel is impromptu and I travel otherwise travel light, never checking bags. Have any of you traveled with your VEDs through airport security and if so, what were your experiences?


I have traveled numerous times with the Soma Erect VED – all three tubes - in my carryon luggage bag. Main airports include Los Angeles, Chicago and Toronto. The only inspection came when I was carrying too much shampoo. They ignored the VED. I think those stories of inspectors making fun of carry on items are simply stories.