A New Chapter Begins Tomorrow - An Implant Journal

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I developed this rotten, horrible condition about 4 years ago. I have not shared with anyone, it is embarrassing and not something I can talk about. It devastates your life psychologically but when I take it seriously I think of all the guys with worse and get angry with myself, yet it has so deeply changed my life.

I developed a hard, small "lump" in my unit about 8 months after splitting with my wife. I was not even sure if it had always been there or was new. As I got a little concerned it began to be a little uncomfortable and before I even could make an appointment to get checked I woke up with morning wood, started to urinate and noticed it missing the toilet and splashing on the tile! As I looked I could see a definite curve in my penis. I knew then what it was, but I was not overly concerned as not being educated on Peyronie's I assumed that was all it would be and it was not debilitating. How wrong I was. It became more uncomfortable with a more severe bend quickly and I realized sex would become hugely difficult. I was dating a couple women at the time and, I still could get oral, but once I realized penetration became difficult I just stopped seeing anyone.

I made an appointment with Dr. Levine. He confirmed what I knew and after examination suggested Verapamil and traction. I went through a series and the curve to the side disappeared to be replaced with an upward curve. This soon became worse and approached 70 or so degrees. Dr. Levine then scheduled surgery, he would determine plication or graft at the time. I became sick the night before and due to dehydration the anesthesiologist cancelled the surgery. Due to my circumstances as a single dad with a highly stressful job I just put off rescheduling and lived "life" for the next couple years as a virtual eunuch.

I had had enough. I consulted with a surgeon / urologist who was a Levine pupil and has also trained under other very well known implant surgeons. I was recommended that I could get surgery, but with my age (pushing 60) and the quality of my erections being usable but not what they were when younger, they would try Xiaflex or perform surgical straightening only,  but would recommend getting an implant and graft - straightening instead. I considered the outcomes and decided to go with the recommendation. Due to COVID and work schedule this has been a months long journey, but I am now scheduled for surgery tomorrow AM.

I am excited to begin a new chapter as a functioning man again, but I am super nervous about the surgery as it is my first. I am opening the dialogue with this post, but I will wait to read any replies or post further until after the surgery as frankly, any doubt or questioning of decisions at this point will be nothing but negative. I have confidence in the doctor, I have a plan, and I guess it is now go time. Appreciate any prayers or positive wishes, I guess I will see you on the other side.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


I've been through it all man, and wish you a very positive outcome.  Any questions you have I'm here for you bro.
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Congrats on addressing this and keep us posted.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Hey Thrownacurve,
I like your name.
First I have already prayed for you and you will get through this.
Second, please read the detailed logs that many of us have written about our problems, searches, questions, solutions, etc., and then finally our healings.
I have found this site to be an answer to my prayers. The people on this site know what we have gone through and they help us when we get lost.
Getting a solution to such a personal problem is overwhelming. I hope you will find the same kind of encouragement as you go through the process.
Please read the various journals by individuals as I did, they surely will help, but also feel open to ask any questions or concerns.
I am sorry friend fir what you have gone through. But you can get through this. I am thankful every single day for the "new" rock hard penis I now have. I had so many issues and concerns before and felt defeated.
Now, I can have sex and be confident it will be great and also great for my spouse. It took some time to get used to my new penis, but i am totally happy as is my spouse. It's actually thicker than my old penis. So I am totally happy with it. It is different fir sure, but my bionic penis has improved my entire outlook on life.
Feel free to ask any questions and PM message us if you feel more comfortable. I have chatted with a few guys by phone before and after they decided to implant. Their lives have changed to.
Let us know what and when you decide to do.
But feel free to ask all the questions you may have.
Prayers and hugs for you my friend.
Read our journals  
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Good luck to you. No negativity from me at all. I firmly believe if you have peyronies, just skip to the implant. I also had a good curve upward, plaque I could feel about the size of my thumbnail, and an hourglassing. I also lost about 2 inches in length after ed and peyronies started.

I should have gotten my implant the month my ed started. Viagra and cialis did nothing but cause my peyronies condition. I did not talk to any urologist that recommended the injections for peyronies. I was told with peyronies, my option would be a titan. Once I was told as about an implant, I was on board immediately. I was not wasting any more time. No more ved, traction, pentox, vit e, nothing.

Titan fixed my curve, hourglassing, and cannot feel any trace of plaque. Over time, i even regained almost all of my lost length. Totally happy here.

Good luck again.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


   Way to go. You took control of a situation and I think you will be happy with the outcome.
   Good luck and wishing you the best
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


So...the first steps in my new life. I was nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. The nurses were great, joking and light and kept me sane. My surgeon checked in and was calm and supportive and I felt calmer. The anesthesiologist said they would relax me, I would be completely calm and not nervous, take me and prep me, put me out and next I would just wake up. Well, I was relaxed, the nurse started the IV, I said that feels cool going in my arm, and I was then awakened in recovery. Surgeon informed me it went very well. Said that in the OR it was determined that the curve was closer to 90 degrees up (I told them those erection shots don't work so well on me as normal stimulation), so they were very happy we had decided upon grafting. Due to the complexity I was in OR for close to 4 hours. Had heavy pain meds in the recovery room where I was for about 3 hours due to wait for a room, was in a fog the entire time but I recall talking with the surgeon and nurses who were giving me pain medications. Cath coming out kind of sucked running, but not as bad as anticipated. I was kept overnight, went home Tuesday late afternoon. Sore, but tolerable with oral pain medication, as of last night I have not taken any and doing fairly well. I am partially inflated, length already is tolerable and I can live with it, is what it is. Girth is more than expected, surgeon told me it is not swelling but I had good girth to begin with and all the narrowing in the shaft was eliminated so the shaft is back to "normal". As of now I am straight, that feels good to be so.

Supposed to start gently "pulling" the pump down yesterday. I did some, but I have to psychologically come to grips with this and just do it, I will get it done more aggressively today, but very gently and carefully. Yesterday was a really weird day emotionally, more so than I ever expected. I was depressed and felt like I wished I had never done anything and just let nature take its course, now I had some weird plastic dick I was stuck with, no one would ever want to be with me anyway, etc. I was very down, so didn't post and just relaxed, tried to walk around every hour or two and dealt with my thoughts. Today I feel much better psychologically, it is what it is and no one calls any other person with a prosthetic a freak, so as of now I got it out of me and will work very hard to not let myself feel that way anymore.

Thanks for all the support. I don't have a S/O right now so really no one I can share this with, for me it is too much information so I simply had a "complicated hernia repair". It does help to be able to clarify some of my thoughts on here. Physically - it sucked of course, they cut my junk. LOL. But, not anything that you can't deal with. The surprising part is I was sure I had completely prepared myself mentally and there was no doubt in my mind. I still am sure intellectually that this was absolutely the proper route. These "feelz" though, really strange. Something I just need to work out in my head, start feeling the plastic pump in my sack without being freaked and move on. Always move on, one step at a time, even a half step, but keep moving forward. Its such a joke to people, "penis pump", "penile implant", "bent dick". Normal people that just don't get how tied to a man's psyche that part is. Can you imagine joking about breast cancer, or a breast cancer survivor having to get fake tits? I have four sisters, I'd punch a mf in the mouth for that. Yet on twitter I searched penile implant looking for doctors and information, mostly got insults about the President. Yeah, super funny you assholes. So for us, it is silence and shame and embarrassment. Time for that to end, it really is. Out for now, I am going to psych up and feel this pump today.

60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


congratulations ThrownAcurve.

Take it from one someone with the "weird plastic dick" and the doubts and the "prosthetic ....freaky dick". You are going through what many people went through, some say they didn't, but some did and I was one of them.
But let me tell you what I know, 18 months since I had the implant put in. It is the thickest dick I ever had, it is the strongest dick I ever had, and if I wasn't married, I would be delighting a lot of people. I have shown a few of my male and female friends via pictures, because of their demand to know.....and not one of them said anything but "Damn, that is one nice piece of meat".
Now back to being a freak, if you were a bad, insincere, non-caring person, you will continue to be one.
BUT, if you are what I think you are, you will live a wonderful life and a very sexually satisfying one..
Stay positive, stay strong, try to wean off any narcotics, as they make people crazy, as you can and you will be fine.
Read everyone's journals, SERIOUSLY read and reread them, you will find comfort.
But if you need help, we are always here to help the best we can, but your surgeon should help you with any fever or severe pain issues.

It has been a only a few days.

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I am four days out from implantation.

The psychological weirdness has leveled out, still a little strange but in the right direction definitely. I wonder how much the medications may have had to do with that?  I came home just about 24 hours from being out of surgery. I used pain meds every six hours the first 18, one full dose then cut down to partial. Day 3 went without until I took one (two is max dose) to go to bed, none so far again since and pain is actually quite tolerable. I imagine I will tell another story when I manipulate the pump. I am bruised pretty significantly, but to be expected as I had not just the implant but an extensive grafting process as well. Walking around with this semi hard penis is odd but I am getting more comfortable, the strangest thing to me is it actually already feels pretty much like when I had a boner before the Peyronie's, just not really aroused, but the feeling is actually quite natural. Called and verified bathing and showering is ok, I think I will take a nice warm shower or bath, I know I have read in the journals how much that helps with initial handling of the pump which I need to gently pull on some more. I looked in the mirror and even partially inflated I do have a dick back, maybe a little shorter, hard to remember after the shriveled and bent shrimp I had hooked to my abdomen a week ago, but it is back to thick and will be usable. I appreciate the comments and encouragement more than ya'll know. I was going to go back to work for a half day the second day....yeah, right. That was a completely unreasonable expectation. I could have done a little time today, but figured it makes no sense, continue to heal through the weekend and evaluate on Monday.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Stepone, 2Oldfords and SW01 -

Thanks very much, I really appreciate the support. This is a really strange path that not very many have taken or would understand, your counsel is invaluable.

I went on Amazon to check out some comfortable drawers, the reviewer stated he was implanted and it worked very well for that! LOL. Who'd have thought?
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


I'm here for you too bud.  Anything you need
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Very interesting reading, Thrownacurve. The lows you describe experiencing the day after surgery will soon be a distant memory for you. As all of us here will remember only too well, you do feel that there's no way back when out of surgery, that there's this plastic inside you now, that you cannot get a natural erection ever again, but once you start pumping -in more ways than one LOL - you realise that you truly are bionic and in total control of your penis now. Rock hard, straight, unending erection - totally controlled by your own hands. There's no going back, it's amazing. You never need to worry about premature ejaculation ever again, or having too many beers and not being able to get it up. In time you will love your new bionic dick. Good luck to you and please ask for as much advice as all the guys can give you - a wealth of healing advice and ways to manage pain etc in the early days/weeks.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Day 4 after implant and grafting.

I took a good look, my poor dick looks like it got caught in a blender. Dang. Everything is bruised, sore, but not overly painful if I don't mess with it. I went to the drug store, saw 2 pretty attractive women with low cut and very natural shirts. I got a little spunk in the junk and actually felt like I was a little aroused - normally - the sights combining with partial inflation I am walking around with. That was such a great feeling, to get the idea I will have normal feelings and desire, just will have to do a mechanical assist to get fully there.

Took a warm shower, manipulated the pump some, it is reasonably easy to feel and grasp. Pulled on it gently as directed, it seemed to move fine but it still is fairly sore in the ball region. After the shower I laid on my back and used a warm hair dryer to ensure I was thoroughly dried off, I have to say I am impressed.  Already longer than I anticipated and girth is honestly every bit as large as pre-Peyronies, or at least it seems so. I looked big!  I am so eager to have the healing in the rear view, but just take one day at a time and appreciate how much better I feel from 48 hours ago. When I drop my quarantine gut I am going to have a unit to be fond of.

Thanks much to you also TDix, Roddy and TonySa...I have read your posts and journals over the last couple years along with the others who have supported me and many others. This site was invaluable as were all your wise words in getting me to the place of realizing that living life is important, existing is just that and you have to move boldly to enjoy bold rewards. Thanks all of you guys.  Now, a little heating pad time and going to bed.  
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.



Great to hear a success story. My Peyroines has actually improved a little in the last 5 years. The hourglassing went away on its own, and I never had ED from this horrible disease for some reason. Still had a lot of lost length but I'm not worried about that because I'm still within the average range anyway (5.5 inches). I did use Pentox the first year and a half, or maybe 2 years, and quit thinking it did nothing. (I frankly don't think it did a thing.)
So my next step is Xiaflex injections as soon as I am able (I probably can't do them now due to a head injury I had causing a subdural hematoma, which is stable- no surgery required).

Glad everything worked out for you.



Quote from: peter123 on October 17, 2020, 05:38:32 AM
how f'~c<+d up is that, jan is somewhat 60 years ols and he never had Erectile Dysfunction and here am i at 22 with total impotence without viagra and an hiurglass indentation that makes sexuakity, masturbation and sex, impossible. igenuinely want to die

You're not total impotence -- this is all psychological.  

Also, clean out your inbox.
Age 37


Quote from: jan.schaller1958 on October 17, 2020, 12:50:15 AM
My Peyroines has actually improved a little in the last 5 years. The hourglassing went away on its own, and I never had Erectile Dysfunction from this horrible disease for some reason. *** I did use Pentox the first year and a half, or maybe 2 years, and quit thinking it did nothing. (I frankly don't think it did a thing.)
So my next step is Xiaflex injections as soon as I am able***
Glad everything worked out for you.

Thanks for the positive thoughts. I did take Pentox along with a couple others recommended by Dr. Levine and used an extender. It wasn't enough to prevent the progression for me. Verapamil seemed to be hopeful at first, but ended up being unsuccessful. Thus, I end up where I am now. Feeling much more positive about it all now though, after a psychologically rough first couple days. Really should be a follow up by a counselor prescribed after the surgery as much as any other follow up I think.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Now 12 days out from surgery.

Seem to be healing ok, the pain is doing better other than when it feels like the pump "pinches" against something in my scrotum and gives me a pretty good jolt. I can gently manipulate it fine. I took a hot bath last night, that really seemed to make things feel better and I need to grow up and start taking a hot bath every day, manipulating the pump and preparing for my follow up appointment on this coming Friday.

The semi-erection rubbing the tip of my penis on my clothing is uncomfortable so I am ready for that to be done for a while. All in all I am finding this part of the process is wearing on me, I can't work out, can't really lift, as a single dad my house is a disaster as getting help from my kids is pretty much an
impossibility. I went back to work last week, but sitting is the worst and since I can't do much else that sucks too.

On the bright side, I have a penis. That is a major improvement on the twisted, bent, shrunken little thing I had previously. I am feeling very sexualized, imagining actually using said penis. Just need to get through the bad part of healing and the weird part of getting used to and becoming comfortable with using my bionic attachment.

60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Yes, some of us go through a tough time at times.
I am sorry you are not getting the physical support.
It took me weeks to be able to sit easily. My big advice is to stay positive, as you have been doing, and remember that we all heal at different levels and at different times.
Stay focused on the bright side as you are doing.
I wish I were there to help you through this, as I received help.
Best hopes for you, stay in touch.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Stay positive. Do not let anyone who wants to spew negativity bring you down. You decided to do this and it is a decision each of us has to make. I had one choice and it was the implant. For me, it is a good one. You had the bravery to make this choice.

Do not let anyone bring you down.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


You'll get through this and be in a great place!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


2 weeks out from my penile reconstruction and implant surgery.

Thanks very much everyone, it does suck to try and do this without any help, but on the other hand I have never really gotten, or been one to ask for much help so it isn't anything new. I was lying in my hospital bed with the Monday Night Football game the nurse seemed obsessed with having on "for me", in some discomfort, groggy and worried and I realized I was actually really happy having one night where no one could bother me, no one could call and "need" something, my ex would have to deal with the kids without losing her cool and calling me to get them. LOL. Tough way to get a night off.

Well, a woman I was occasionally "seeing" told me today an implant was "too weird" for her and she was moving on. LOL. Yeah, whatever. Actually made me laugh out loud as she has had more work, including epically fake tits, than a 60 year old declining actress. No worries, other than I was kind of hoping to use her vagina to experiment with my new system. Guess I will have to find someone to date.

I can't wait for my penis stitches to be out (does the doctor take them out or do they fall out?) from the grafting and straightening. Right in the circumcision line and they are constantly rubbing on underwear or the little kids sock I have been covering my penis with. I guess I will see at the appointment on Friday. Hoping the doc doesn't get too aggressive in my sack, kind of timid right now about that.

Have an anniversary drink with my new dick and go to bed, but I don't really want a drink.  ;D

60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Dear Thrown a curve,
My stitches came out over time, although I may have coached them a little, LOL.

And the has been actress, she is weird! I am married, but never has my spouse or anyone else on here that I recall, ever heard a partner say the implant was weird.  Ditch that person and run don't walk away from her.

Stay strong and soon you will have a bionic penis that will never let you down, when you want to have sex. It's not perfect, but it's the best thing that happened to me since my injury. Sex is amazing. You will get there soon.

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Implants are not the answer for everyone. But in some cases they are recommended if you have peyronies and are not able to achieve and erection. And there are people on this forum who have implants and are VERY happy with them.

Let's stick to the original poster's topic and not argue here if implants are weird or not.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Jan. I guess you do not have bad peyronies. If you did. I saw 4 countem 4 surgeons. Talked to 2 other well known ones on here. All said with my peyronies. Get the titan. Not even counting the venous leak.

Peyronies, an implant fixes it. Forever. Nothing else you need to do. No more pentox. No more ved. No more hourglassing. No more plaque. No more nothing. No more injections. No worrying about getting it  up. Why would anyone not consider it.

Want sex. Have sex whenever. Wherever.

You are entitled to an opinion. Mine comes from 6 urologist surgeons.

Course we all have opinions. Yep. Some peyronies gets better. Implant fixes them all. If my erection curves back and looks at me. Nope that is not right.

I hope you never get to the point where an implant is your best option. I really do.

I just wish you the best. If you read my post or journals with pictures.  If I had gotten implant the month after my fall I would have a straight 7 inch dick without almost 3 years of progressive anguish. It took a year of cycling after implant to get close to that.

So yep. If you have peyronies, an implant is a great option. Fixes it forever. Period. Never worry about it again.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.



You stated, . ,,I firmly believe if you have peyronies, just skip to the implant."
Skip to the implant?  I don't have Erectile Dysfunction, but I do have Peyroines, so why in the world would I want or need an implant? I don't want one. In fact, that would be a Katastrophe for me to even consider one of these pump up penises. Pump it up like a bicycle tire? No way. Not for me.

I think it's highly inappropriate to advise anyone if you have Peyroines just skip to an implant. I'm never even considering that ever. If you want one, go ahead, but at least acknowledge that many Peyroines sufferers like me consider the idea of an implant just abhorrent. They should never even be considered except maybe in the rare case intractable  Erectile Dysfunction.

And an implant should never even been considered, except under the most unusual of circumstances in someone under 40 (probably less that 1 10th of 1% of all cases of Peyroines )


Thank you for showing everybody that you don't understand nothing about this condition and you don't even bother reading the medical guidelines on how peyronies should be handled. Besides stopping posting junk on this board, you should take some time to learn a bit more about this disease and how doctors recommend it should be treated in some cases.

It would look better on you.  


Did I want an implant?  Nope!  Did I want to go to the ER twice trying to keep away from surgery?  Nope.  I will gladly take a tire tube over an eggplant between my legs any day.  If you don't advocate or even slightly consider an implant, why are you posting in this section of the forum?  Sorry to sidetrack thrown's post
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Why are the administrators allowing hijacking of this site?
And why are the contributing to the hijacking of thrownacurve's journal?  
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I am day 17 out from my surgery. I am afraid to jinx myself but the pain in the ball sack upon movement, sitting, pants shifting etc. was like a sharp pinch or pull occasionally. That really seems to have lessened today, man I am hoping it is for real. Since I have the doc tomorrow for my first follow up (beside getting my drain out day after release) I gave it a half squeeze on the pump bulb. It is stiff but now I see I can move it. I have felt around, I can locate the deflate button easily and of course the bulb easily. I am hoping to get the stitches out of my circumcision scar tomorrow or at least find out they will dissolve on their own, that is still somewhat uncomfortable. I was in the operating room for 4 hours so they did quite a number.

I tried to use a toilet roll tube to slip over the penis but with it partially inflated I can't come close to getting it over the glans. Bought some toddler socks which does help the friction discomfort. Took a quick measurement and find it at about 5.5 inches partially inflated and not pressed hard to the bone, and also allowing for some fat I will lose when I am able to work out again. I think I will get to six with a full pump and some cycling which is absolutely fine, probably lost an inch or inch and a half from pre peyronies but I am not obsessed with it, this size will work fine I'm sure.
Looking ahead and feeling positive this evening, I can almost believe that one day I won't have pain or discomfort and will just have an extra resident of my scrotum.

Thanks for all the support folks. Means a lot.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Quote from: Stepone on October 27, 2020, 02:56:57 PM

And the has been actress, she is weird! I am married, but never has my spouse or anyone else on here that I recall, ever heard a partner say the implant was weird.  Ditch that person and run don't walk away from her.

Stay strong and soon you will have a bionic penis that will never let you down, when you want to have sex. It's not perfect, but it's the best thing that happened to me since my injury. Sex is amazing. You will get there soon.


Thanks StepOne. Yeah, it was nothing real anyway, just someone to see occasionally. She surprised me with the neuroticism, but whatevs. I certainly don't need to be around someone that negative. It actually makes me laugh that someone who, by choice only, has huge watermelons implanted in her chest would question something fairly natural looking/feeling and that was medically necessary to straighten my Peyronie's ruined unit.

Hoping this increase in comfort is going to last...

60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Congrats thrown,

Now you are cured both from Peyronie's and from ED with a bionic penis. I think it's a great option tbh.

Personally if the person you were 'dating' was not serious in your eyes then i would not have said anything. Just come up with an excuse as to why i'd be out of commission for a while.

Keeping an eye on your journal, best.
Injury in April 2020. Onset of ED.
Started RestoreX and VED 2 months after injury.
Taking 10mg daily cialis, pentox, coq10, vit-e.
Traction (+1 inch)/VED/PGE-1/DMSO+X


18 days out from surgery...

So today I had my first real follow up with my surgeon. Found I had a AMS 700 CX put in, didn't get the length for sure. I will get that at the next appointment. Was still reasonably sore today but had the unit deflated which is a relief, walking around with a half erection for 18 days was one of the least pleasant aspects of this process. Difficult to conceal, very sensitive on the penis, put pressure on everything else when I moved wrong, etc. - it was a good moment when the deflate button worked.

I found out that because of my severe Peyronie's that the surgeon used the incision made around my penis in the circumcision scar to install the pump. I have no idea how this magic was worked either, but having a young surgeon that is on the cutting edge (ouch) of the specialty and has trained both under Levine for straightening procedures and highly respected implanters for implant procedures, is smart as a whip and has a simply outstanding ability to relate and is teaching in the field also, appears to have resulted in a more unique approach.  I was checking my scrotum and unable to see any incision, the small incision for the drain seemed so small I couldn't figure out how it was done. I recall being told in recovery that it was done through the existing circumcision scar so it would not be seen, but I actually assumed that was just the grafting and straightening portion. I respect all of you that were more involved in exactly how things would be done, what would be the process, what would be implanted, etc. but that just isn't me. I am more like just find someone I really feel good about and trust, and let them do their best. When early on I asked what the implant would be I was told the surgeon likes the Boston Scientific line, but if I wanted a specific product they would be happy to install anything they felt was workable. "Ultimately, it's your penis". I liked that answer and when the time came I simply requested whatever solution was felt to be best for the situation, let me know when it's over. LOL. I have to say she was the first dick-doc I have seen that did not make me feel embarrassed and actually made me belly laugh at one point in the early consultations. The pump is definitely on the large side, but from about day three I could immediately identify the pump bulb and the deflate button with no issue and through the swelling. I am pretty sure both will be able to be manipulated reasonably well with one hand as I familiarize.

I now will move to easily cycling, was told to just get familiar with the pump, don't stress about how much I can pump or the mechanics being stiff as they will work in over time.  I need to pull down on the pump unit firmly for about a 15 or 20 second count. This was demonstrated again when I wasn't jacked up on pain meds and now I know exactly what to emulate so that's no problem.  I will have another appointment in ten days where I will get the real lessons and homework after I am healed a little more. Fortunately I was told I am looking great, a little bit ahead of the expected healing schedule and the remaining swelling and stretched skin on the penile shaft should absolutely disappear over time.

The ring around the penis is still a little angry looking and uncomfortable, but not really painful. Now that I know this was somehow used for implantation I understand why it was a little more uncomfortable than I thought.

Pain in the balls is still improved, none of the sharper, stabbing pains like something caught for a couple days now. The surgeon did have to push fairly hard on the button for deflation and squeezed and pushed toward my body on the penis, the pressure on the button was kind of painful but when she squeezed the penis it was not really uncomfortable at all. She checked the glans fairly intently and explained she wanted to be sure the tips were where she wanted them and symmetrical. I sweated a bit until it was confirmed they were "absolutely right where I wanted them".  

All in all a very good day, I am more and more familiar and accepting of this contraption in my junk and more and more confident it is going to work our fine and I am really happy I made the decision to go forward.  I am a bit sore now, lots of handling today, but the entire game changed with the deflation, really 100 times more comfortable.  Honestly, as ridiculous as it is intellectually, having a thick and definite organ hanging down now, instead of the pathetic mushroom with a tiny stem I had developed before makes me feel like an actual man again. Even if I am the only one that knows.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Crazy time. I just for the hell of it looked up my posting history. First post was exactly four years ago, when I started my Verapamil injection course with Dr. Levine. Halloween 2016. Damn. Had a different President. Today, four years later I have a straight and soon to be functional penis. Shouldn't have wasted so much time.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


You are a good man!
Thanks fir sharing your thoughts on your journey. Others that read your journey will be thankful.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


[quote ]
Crazy time. I just for the hell of it looked up my posting history. First post was exactly four years ago, when I started my Verapamil injection course with Dr. Levine. Halloween 2016. Damn. Had a different President. Today, four years later I have a straight and soon to be functional penis. Shouldn't have wasted so much time.

it feels like time wasted, yet it was a couple of options that you tried first to see if they would work out for you. Gives you peace of mind. Also, i find it so nice to see another success story and another brother regaining it's manhood.... gives me hope too. I hope more members will feel inspired by you. Best of luck with it and definitely keep us posted.

have a good one!


Day 20 from being implanted:

Last couple days I have seemed to be a little more sore in the incision, stitches are bristling out and rubbing on my drawers, still have some swelling which combines with the fairly rigid implant to keep it pushing out enough to be somewhat uncomfortable. I also returned to a bit of the "pinching" feeling occasionally in the pump area where it seems to bite into something a little. Not as painful as initially so hopefully it diminishes. I've never been a big bath guy so I need to get more regular with a hot bath and manipulation rather than just hot showers. I did do significant "pull down on the pump for 15 to 20 seconds" Friday, first by my doc and then myself, and a couple/three times yesterday so that may have increased soreness as well.

I am almost certain that I have some bit of natural erection occurring also, is this possible?  I will have to ask the Doc on my next appointment.

The fullness in my dick along with the realization I should be able to function sexually again is making me feel very sexualized. As in, I am hornier than I can imagine, I feel like 18 and at the beach again. I just went to the grocery store and I seriously, on my last few trips out, feel like a wolf eyeing a caribou herd. Like, I see an attractive sight and I am literally getting the flutter in my groin and just amazing desire, not weirdly for any one person like some stalker dude, but a general I NEED TO HAVE SEX feeling. LOL. Perfect demonstration of the mind is willing but the flesh is weak theory, I am sure there is no way I am doing anything remotely sexual for another quite a while. I kind of hope the sex drive slows up just a bit until I am able to close a deal, but the current situation makes me think its only going to get worse. It is really forefront in my mind.

I know one thing I screwed up is I just totally blanked on icing the first few days, I am sure that set me back in overcoming swelling and beginning healing by a little bit. I highly recommend if you get this done to remember to ice on and off for however long the surgeon recommends.

Enough of an update for today, I think I will try to think about baseball, football, hunting, fishing or anything but....

60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Haha welcome back to the horn dog club😂!  It will only get more intense because now you know you can compete with the best of em.  Going through what we have really breaks you down mentally to where you feel it is what it is, but now it's not!  Good luck to you bro, you will have fun with your new toy
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Great update, and yes some guys have varying amounts of residual erections without pumping.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I am one of those guys that still have residual erections after my implant.
My head still swells and when I get aroused, I still get the feeling that I am growing in size.
One of my problems was that I could never retain a hard on, because of leakage, but I am still living a great life with my implant.
It has helped my psychological and physiological issues with sex. I am restored.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


3 weeks out from excision and grafting and an implant.

I am getting comfortable with the mechanics, not so freaked out to handle the pump. Still up and down with comfort, the "pinches" from the pump are not as dramatic as previously, but definitely still discomfort when sitting, especially driving, on the right side of my sack. Still trying to pull down the pump a couple times a day as instructed, best is in a hot bath, which I just have to, for some reason, really work at to take a bath. The stitches seem to be dropping out of my incision around the circumcision scar, that switches up from itching, to sort of burning, to not really noticeable, etc. I am still shedding stitches and dead skin rafts from it, almost all gone now.

Can't wait to be feeling more normal, less sensitive, and less feeling like if I lean forward I can feel a pinch in my sack. My horniness subsided a little as my discomfort increased a little. I think it is primarily the stitches coming out and the incision cleaning up. I have not been able to resist putting in a couple pumps and deflating, it works tremendously easy on one occasion and much stiffer the next. Probably user error I'm sure. Going in a week for my full user lesson and instructions on cycling. Hopefully healed more fully and ball sack toughened more by then.

This was a lot of work all at once, but glad I have it done and over.

60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Good update, thrownacurve. The little twinges of sharp pain are perfectly normal for your stage of healing. Don't worry. Sounds like you're healing very nicely. Wait until you start cycling and see what your doctor has given you. You'll be over the moon.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


3 weeks and 4 days from my implant and plaque excision/grafting surgery.

So today was great. After a ramp up in discomfort, particularly in the penis where the incision was bothersome, the friction was bothersome, the stitches and skin shedding were bothersome, and with the pump still arguing with the right side of my sack and pinching and discomfort sitting, today it all reduced significantly. I was driving and realized it really was not particularly uncomfortable. My excess sex drive returned with a vengeance and I thought about sex a lot this afternoon and evening and seeing attractive women everywhere. Really happy about the incision pain going away, I was getting worried a bit, I am wondering if either the long bath or washing it with Hibiclens irritated it. Going to be careful about that, but it really looks as if it is healing well today with only a few spots of the scab/skin remnants/stitch remnants left. I am really hoping to be on the way to completely healing and being able to test drive. I am supposed to get my education on the tenth, but I couldn't resist learning the pump and testing it a bit. Today I got it figured out completely, it pumps reasonably easily, the release button is much easier and I could feel the deflation happen properly, and then with a quick firm squeeze I can feel the valve snap open to enable the pump again. Got a few pumps in and got partway inflated, looked straight and firm. All this is a very good feeling. Hoping to get to the point I am not thinking about the implant in my junk constantly and feeling like it is truly part of me. Feel like I made some steps toward that goal today.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Good for you.
I stopped the cleanse and just used a mild soap for keeping the scar area clean. I also started using Aquafor healing ointment for faster healing. It kept the wound area moist and condoned healing.
I forget what model and size you had implanted.
Could you update your signature with that information?
Sounds like you are doing good in your recovery.
Blessings to you my friend,
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quote from: jan.schaller1958 on November 07, 2020, 11:12:39 PM
I don't anyone to think I'm anti-implant here. It's just that I asked an internist about this once, and he said, and he was quite familiar with Peyroines treatment, that implants are only for intractable Erectile Dysfunction, that they are not a standard therapy for straightening or restoring length caused by Peyroines. I don't know if this is everyone's reason here for having an implant, but no one really has said that. I wouldn't deny that any guy has a right to have one if he likes, it's Just that the reasons/guidelines for implants still seem unclear to me. I get the intractable Erectile Dysfunction reason, and that makes sense, but that's about the only reason I can imagine, because for me it just doesn't sound desirable in the least to have one.

Here's my reason. I had severe Peyronie's that had rendered by dick unusable for intercourse, and embarrassing. A mushroom on a tiny stalk. I felt like less of a man, not only with women where I could only give and get oral or manual stimulation, but even in going to a gym locker room, where I would try to change rapidly and away from others.

I was scheduled for surgery, either plication or excision/grafting by Dr. Levine but got sick the night before with stomach flu and the Anesthesiologist would not go forward. I procrastinated, and after a few more years I am pushing 60, my erection is still "ok" but my urologist said it was not perfect, the grafting/excision needed could effect it negatively and recommended an implant at the same time.

I was weirded out by it, but truth is after 3 weeks I am getting used to it, it functions easily already, I have a straight 6 inch, thick rager instead of a pathetic, half circle freakish, tiny dick and it doesn't make me feel strange in the least. In fact, I feel more of a man than I have since Peyronie's reared its evil f$%^^ head, and love the feeling of a weighted shaft hanging in my pants once again. There is some discomfort still, not totally healed but already I am so glad I made the decision to try this.

If you think it would make you a freak, that's you bro. I respect your opinion, you can be anti-implant if you wish, we all have our own beliefs and I don't hold it against you. However, for me, I feel like my life restarted now and I'm living it in color again instead of sepia tones.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Quote from: jan.schaller1958 on November 08, 2020, 12:29:51 PM
One thing I've noticed is the great variety of stories I read here. If an implant was necessary in your case and you're happy now, more power to you.

Lue recommended against surgery because of a 40% risk of Erectile Dysfunction it would carry at my age (62). Recently a urologist recommended  against any sort of implant. Said it was totally unnecessary in my case and would Ill-advised. He said ,,you definitely don't want or need an implant. No way."

Sounds to me like you don't need one either. I suppose a subset of men have zero reduction in erection quality from birth to death and you may be of that fortunate group. I had a sufficient erection that I wouldn't have gotten implanted if I didn't have an unusable dick, a very significant chance of increasing ED from the surgery I would have needed, and some reduction in erection quality already from my youth, indicating it may continue to decline as I age.

Why would you rebuild the engine if you only need to change the plugs, right?
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Four weeks out from Implant and excision/grafting surgery.

I went for my second follow up yesterday. Went well. She pumped me to a fairly full inflation and pronounced everything looking great. Very pleased that she was able to remove a full 90 degree bend and give me a rod straight penis. Not as pleased as I.  She checked the sub-coronal incision and was pleased with its great healing, to be honest from the way it looked after surgery I am amazed. She is really a very talented surgeon, I see why she was recruited to a University teaching program, thankful I caught her just before the move. There is not even a real scar beyond the original circumcision area she used. She related the slight burning/itching discomfort I am experiencing is actually a good sign of healing and nerve reconnection, again happy to hear this.  I also confirmed that I still get natural erection of the glans and some blood to the penis when stimulated. I had about a 7.5 inch dick pre-peyronie's. I was at 6 inches pressed to the pubic bone. The surgeon is great, she told me she felt I could very realistically regain .5 to an inch over the next year of cycling and use which surprised me but was encouraging. She also wasn't shy about reminding me that losing some weight and abdominal fat would definitely result in a larger appearing penis. I'm motivated now, I'm a freaking man again! Said I am clear to fully cycle, to do so daily, and one more appointment in 10 days. Lastly, she demonstrated a few "exercises" to go through in manipulating the erection side to side and up to the stomach which will remove a little push to the right from how I wear myself, and to soften up the base and maybe get more of an upward angle. I am probably about 2 o'clock now, honestly I am perfectly happy so anything else is gravy I suppose.

I pumped to a full erection and did some exploration afterward. The full pump results in some burning discomfort in the base of the penis (after a few minutes and while pushing up on the erection), the incision area, and of course the pump in the balls is slightly uncomfortable still and sensitive to the pumping/pinching and deflate button. I have some numb spots, the dorsal side and glans are pretty much still feeling as before but a few areas on the side of the shaft and the ventral shaft subcoronally located have some numbness. Hopefully this is going to repair as the nerves regenerate.

My implant is an LGS 700 CX. The CX designates stiffer cylinders more like the Titan style which was indicated due to the severe 90 degree bend I suffered. I have to say, now that the swelling is gone, I am really impressed with how natural the implant appears, my flaccid looks pretty much the same as it did when I was a young man. Initially I thought that didn't really matter, but I am somewhat happy I look so natural when uninflated and also that my penis is naturally hanging and not highly uncomfortable to wear clothing. I still forgot to get the specifics on the implant size, I guess it isn't really important anyway, I have a solid six inch penis with potential to go back to seven. Frankly, if it remains exactly as it is I can comfortably live with it, I am functional again and that's irreplaceable. The girth is definitely more than prior to Peyronie's. I always had a very large glans in proportion and now I think the shaft is actually larger, or at least the same as the glans circumference. At this point I can get about a dozen full pumps in and the pump is still pretty stiff and hard. The deflate is simple, hold the button down (really doesn't take much force when I got the hang of it) and I feel the fluid drain, hold my hand surrounding the shaft and thumb over the head and push toward my stomach and completely drains. Takes about 3 or 4 seconds is all. Not being endowed with a giant schlong is not completely negative.

All in all I am feeling good about life. Next stop, getting laid. I just need to find a partner. LOL.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.


Such an encouraging post you made... super glad to hear good news from you! Hopefully things will only keep on getting better from now on to you. Other members that may be on the brink will enjoy know your progress too.

It's going to be harder now to find a partner no?  8) 8)


Congrats man on such good progress!  Being a fellow 90 degree bender, you give me hope that there is an end to this hell if all else fails.
45 Yrs old, Peyronies Disease Onset 11/2019, Stabilized 6/2020.

Dent/Hourglassing distal and dorsal side, lost length and girth.

Underwent Plication with Dr. Brian Christine in Birmingham, AL on 6/17/2021. Fully recovered with no complications.


Congratulations thrownacurve

Months will go by and you will not even notice the wonderful changes you will be going through. I have said this before, but eventually you will get to the point where you will think the implant is just a part of you. I can't believe how mine just seems to be getting better and better. It is so hard for as long as I want it to be, its amazing. I still have problems with the deflate, as I always have had, but that's a small price to pay for incredible sex.

Keep on pumping.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Brilliant progress, Thrownacurve. Great post and update for us all. You are recovering so well and like many others on here, your journal you are carefully updating will be an inspiration to others and very educational. You must be so happy - wait til you use it!
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Tomorrow is 5 weeks out from Excision/Grafting and Implant Surgery:

I've noticed that my penis has areas of numbness, I suppose this is to be expected. I may try to "map" it and feel where the numbness areas are to report to my Doc on my follow up scheduled for Friday. Pump is a no brainer now, I can operate everything one handed and actually fairly stealthy to pump. Deflate is a touch more complicated as I do need to manually push on the penis to get a full deflate. I can get more pumps in every time. I just now cycled and I see what many were talking about in their journals. OUCH! I pumped every bit I could, checking every couple minutes and getting a partial or two until I had an iron pipe going. Then about 4 or 5 minutes in it began to really be uncomfortable. 8 or 9 it definitely hurt. The last two I had my eyes closed, controlling breathing and feeling that deep ache in the base of the penis area. I made it though, which is good. On a very positive note, as soon as I deflate I am fine, a little residual discomfort in the base area but nothing I can't handle. Does anyone ice or use heat after this process? I may take ibuprofen for anti inflammatory.

I am eagerly awaiting the day I can pump without discomfort to rock hard. Actually progress has been pretty amazing and the pump and my balls continue getting acquainted and becoming neighbors. I expect they will never be friends, but hopefully will build a nice fence and coexist peacefully.

I think I am getting to a point I could try some type of activity but I don't think with the discomfort still remaining and the areas of numbness I am going to be able to get anywhere at this point. Hopefully the sensitivity returns and discomfort reduces on a reasonably rapid schedule, I will also ask about that. One poster had mentioned healing lotion, going to try that. Another silicone scar sheets, I have a very thin raised scar in the circumcision line where my incision was, going to try the sheets to mitigate that.

Each week a little better and closer to "normal" than the last, just going to keep moving forward. Thanks for everyone's interest and support.
60 Years Old, healthy and young for age, diagnosed 3 years ago. Verapamil by Levine, recommended for either plication or graft, but surgery cancelled. Abandoned hope for 2 years. Implanted AMS 700 CX October 2020. So far, so good.