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I always thought I was pretty well acquainted with my penis.  We spent years together and have a lot of the same likes and dislikes.  Traction opens up a new dimension however.  As Jjmnpi mentioned, under traction with both hands free, you can feel structures in a completely flaccid penis that you never noticed.  I am inclined to think these are strands of plaque.  One thing is clear.  When stretched near the maximum, there are many tissue areas of the penis that are not drawn taut at all.  Much of the penis tissue is somewhat relaxed.  It seems that you can clearly examine the limiting structures that are drawn tight however.  These are clearly taking all the force of the traction.  It makes me think that what needs stretched is in fact just what is getting stretched.  In my case it is much like guitar strings but more irregular and not real symmetrical which is why I figure it may be scar tissue.  One is on the dorsal.  It runs the length of the penis.  Near the base 1/3 it seems to branch or be surrounded by other fibrous nodes or tissue.

It does not seem the dorsal vein or arteries would be under tension since I have lost near 2" in length from Peyronies Disease restricting the tunica from stretching. The blood vessels should actually have slack in them.

Obviously I never examined my totally flaccid penis stretched under traction prior to Peyronies Disease so I am unsure what a completely normal penis would feel like.  I regret this neglect in getting to know my penis better.

It doesn't seem that any of a guys friends would likely understand a request to let you examine their stretched flaccid penis.  ;D

PS: I think I may ask about this on a traction site were most men do not have Peyronies Disease.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



My point is that when we do not get what we want, sometimes other needs are being met. I am interested in whether or not it appears that his penis is getting better blood flow, for instance.

Since this is not objectively gathered data, I think that your goals of us gathering rigorous data are, if not pointless, at least not likely to be successful. Since we cannot even be sure that someone isn't coming here to SPAM us into buying a certain brand of traction device, I certainly do not accept at face value that the reports I read here are always "true" (or more likely, gathered well enough to mean anything).

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Here is an interesting presentation by a forum member on a penis enlargement(PE) forum about tissue remolding.  He cites studies not directly related to the penis.  Many of these people are obsessive, and employ what I consider to be dangerous technique, nevertheless, this post is very interesting reading.  After all, VEDs and traction devices were designed by the PE movement, not for Peyronies Disease treatment.

I think you can see this post without registering.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


It looks like the guys done some research. Long duration low intensity stretching would seem to make the most sense for peyronies sufferers.  


I have been using a traction device for 18 days for about 14 hours a week. It has been 15 days since my last update.

Progress - I have clearly gained 3/8 of an inch in length in "VED pumped length".  This is not approximate.  I know the maximum limits I could reach before Vs now.  This now matches the 3/8" gain in "stretched flaccid length" that I gained within the first 2 days of traction.  I have not checked progress on pumped girth at this point.  I also have only subjective data on deformity since my deformity is in the form of a large teaspoon size dent on the underside of the base.  I have no good way to objectively measure this.

Protocol- Now, I typically get in a hot shower in the morning and as soon as I get out I put on the device and throw on a robe.  Over the next 60 - 90 minutes I eat, brush my teeth, get clothes out, and watch the news in my robe.  

I wear it again under athletic clothes for an hour at mid-day.  Since my current underwear are tighter than my athletic pants or sweat pants, I extend the device out the fly of my shorts for more freedom of movement.  This works better than not doing so, but large boxers would no doubt change any benefit from this. I wear the device a 3rd time in the late PM right before bed with my robe.  I am often on the forum or watching TV for that hour.  At this point I sense that I may take one day off a week just because it feels like the thing to do at this point.  I total 1 - 3.5 hours a day at this point and do so 6 days a week.

Tension- I use fairly strong tension.  My device has marks on the side tension bars.  I usually adjust it to the 2nd of 3 tension marks.  Typically I start at the first mark for about 10 -15 minutes then increase the tension for the remainder.

Documentation- I am keeping a daily log of total time in traction, the number of sessions that is broken into, whether I use the noose or the comfort strap, intensity of traction, and any comments such as tenderness of if a missed day was intentional or due to my schedule.  I also include measurements in the comment section but I only intend to measure about once a week, which I consider very frequently.  I could probably measure once a month.

I sometimes experience coldness in the tip of the penis with 90 min wear.  If this happens I actually apply pretty warm heat for a few minutes and then draw blood in with the VED since I have close to total ED without arginine and/or Viagra.

General Comfort - I have still not worn this device in public.  If I had to, I am sure I could and I eventually will just for the benefit of a full review.  Anyone that suggests like you could just wear this to work with no preparation or thought however, is just blowing smoke (exaggerating for non-English readers).  

Noose Vs. Comfort Strap - The traction device I use allows use of either the noose or a wide comfort strap.  I have found that the strap is more comfortable and I now use the strap about 90% of the time.  Strangely, I have read some on their forum that prefer the noose.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I have been reading that same penis enlargement (PE) site, Hawk. "Fanatic" barely begins to describe some of them. Nevertheless, there is some accumlated wisdom there worth hearing. I think they are generally dismissive of the "medical devices" as too costly and exploiting people for more money when cheaper will do just fine. I think that since the Peyronie's community came to PE fairly late, by then many of the medical devices were getting more popular, and we didn't think to use the cheaper stuff. It may in fact work quite well.

The PE site "Thundersplace" community really hates the noose, or more particularly, several very vociferous posters hate it. So I am really interested in hearing your thoughts on it.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Quote from: Hawk on January 24, 2008, 02:15:30 PM

Progress - I have clearly gained 3/8 of an inch in length in "VED pumped length".

Are you still using the VED regularly in addition to the Traction?


Quote from: Hawk on January 24, 2008, 02:15:30 PM

Noose Vs. Comfort Strap - The traction device I use allows use of either the noose or a wide comfort strap.  I have found that the strap is more comfortable and I now use the strap about 90% of the time.  Strangely, I have read some on their forum that prefer the noose.

I have the FastSize Traction device which only comes with the noose so I have no way of knowing if a strap would be preferred. I must say I have no problems with the noose at all, with the additional 3 inch "soft" fabric that come with it and encircles the noose, it is very comfortable to me during back to back 2 hour wears. It could be that some nooses are less comfortable than others. Also, FastSize seems like they are really into their product so if more comfortable products come out from their competitors I would imagine they would come up with compatible alternatives rather quickly.



I seriously prefer the strap even though X4Labs also provides a memory foam sleeve (hollow tube) that the noose slides through.  I am not saying the noose is no good.  If my strap broke tomorrow I would use the noose at least until I got a new strap and maybe instead of buying one but I doubt that.  Provided with the choice however I only use it only if I think I may be approaching the point of getting sensitive with the strap and I want to do another session.  I suspect I will toss the noose in the box and not touch it very soon.

Pudendum, the guy that wrote the analytical post on Thundersplace is registered here and pops in from time to time.  he is also on the X4Labs site.  That is where i met him.  If I recall correctly, he stated he is a physician working in some aspect of cardiology.  He seems like a good guy. Like many of us he boldly expresses his opinion which is a plus.

Ptolemy, - I never used the single chamber VED with therapeutic regularity.  I found the commitment a nuisance and was just not sold on the effort to benefit ratio.  At most I used it 3 times a day for 10 to 15 min for a month.  I mostly used it sporadically (4 times a week) and sometimes for sex if a Levita did not quite do the job.  I still use it 7-8 times a week for 5 min max.  I often do so immediately after traction to refill my penis with blood (1 cycle of a maximum erection without holding).  I also do a brief hot soak once or twice a day right before traction.  Right after a shower while still in the tub I fill a very flexible plastic (rubber) glass with water as hot as I can tolerate and press it against my body to trap the water inside.  It cools pretty fast and I only do this for about 3 or 4 minutes.  While the temperate is hotter than I would recommend, the period is brief so I am not too concerned.  I feel it might give me maximum stretch without injury.  It also offsets the cold tip I can sometimes get.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I can't say that the noose on my fastsize has been too uncomfortable, but after gradually lengthening the device since last May I may have hit a brickwall. I haven't been able to add any length since early December without having the head of my penis pop out of the noose constantly. I believe X4 Labs is selling just the end piece with the strap that is supposed to work with other traction devices for 75 bucks, I thought about trying that to see if I can get little more stretch using the strap. I'm a little worried about going too far and causing further injury. ???



I am sure your Fastsize has spring load in the tension side bars.  I think as long as you don't bottom those out you are not placing enough tension to hurt, especially after the break-in period which you are long through.

The only other worry is keeping it on too long.  I think that is solely a matter of preventing irritation to the skin and making sure you allow frequent circulation to get through to the tip.  

I know that X4 labs does sell a conversion kit.  How many straps and foam rings does it include?  I would call and bargain for more.  I think the mark-up on these devices (and VEDs) has to be outrageous.  I think there is a chance they will throw in more if you give a call.  

One of their distributors has posted a link to our site and Dr. Mulhall's site. I think I am going to see if X4 Labs will post a link to us.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on January 26, 2008, 05:20:10 PM

I am sure your Fastsize has spring load in the tension side bars.  I think as long as you don't bottom those out you are not placing enough tension to hurt, especially after the break-in period which you are long through.

The spring in the Fastsize is very strong IMO. In fact too strong. I couldn't handle the stretch if the spring was engaged at all let alone tight enough to bottom out. For me the spring only becomes engaged when I bend over or sit down which action changes the available length.

Fastsize sent me their final email (early engagement emails) suggesting that the stretch each day should be above the erect length. I don't think I could handle that.

Fastsize quote below
It's Micky from FastSize checking in as promised. It's been 4 weeks since you have ordered, so you should be well through your break in period and set in your daily routine. Are you currently stretching above erect length and wearing the device over 4 hours a day? If so good job.


It is possible that the tension is "OK", but that Peyronies gives one more discomfort than someone without it would suffer. I think it makes sense to stretch to the point of discomfort, and then a bit less so - at least that is how I stretch out my hamstrings.

However, if the discomfort is in the point of contact - and due to the noose, then it may be important to look at different ways to grasp the end of the penis without pinching or making too tight a ligature.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



I am with Tim on this.  If your could not take greater tension at the point of the noose, I would work to pad, cushion, or try another system.

If you think you could not take more tension on the shaft I think that steady tension (as opposed to a sudden jerk) is not likely to hurt you within the range of the spring tension.  If you have a curve I would guess your tension is on only one side.  My biggest problems are loss of size, dent, and ED that is partly the result of a prostatectomy and finished off by Peyronies Disease.  I function well enough to hesitate to go for an implant. i hope for some size gain and a trace of ED help.  If that fails, I at least hope that I will get enough stretch that I cold handle one size up in implant.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I agree with you that stretching past erect length can be uncomfortable. I find that during the day, a nice comfortable stretch is the way to go and at night I go for as far a stretch as I can. The reason is, during the day, I'm up and down alot. Up and down stairs, up and down at my desk and walking around. It does not pop out of the noose with a comfortable stretch. At night, I'm more still. Relaxing in front of the TV and not moving alot. This is when I can maximize the stretch. I try to increase every two weeks with additional extensions on the bars. I'm taking it slow and steady. Every time I increase the length of the tension bars, the more confident I am that this is working. My main goal is to straighten. If I accomplish this, my length might come back.

Good Luck!



The discomfort is caused by the noose; it has to be unbearably tight to allow a stretch to the point of engaging the spring. My plaque is on the top, slightly left but stretching doesn't generate any pain there at all. After 2 hours when I take the Fastsize off, I feel minimal discomfort in the plaque area for 2 or 3 minutes.

Has anyone tried a compatible comfort strap that fits on the Fastsize? I think I will have to migrate to the comfort strap if I am to add more stretch. I would hate to have to buy a whole new unit.


I would never buy a whole new unit.  I would experiment with options.  For instance try the self adhesive gauze to wrap yourself in first to protect the skin from any abrasion and to cushion the pressure even more.  It will also add friction so the noose does not slip.

Maybe you are placing the noose too far forward to start with.

if it does not work, buy the conversion unit from X4 Labs.  If you were skilled you could possibly just buy the comfort strap and foam sleeve from X4 and cut slots in the Fastsize yoke to accompany the staps.  These would have to be precision though to accommodate the strap but not let it slip.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



As I think about your situation I am still convinced you need to experiment.  For instance, if you wrapped a couple windings of self adhesive gauze (contains latex) and then placed the noose on top.  If that is not satisfactory, wrap several turns to increase the diameter of the end of your penis with the self adhisive(uses very narrow gauze).  Next put the noose to the rear of your wrap.  It should keep the noose from slipping off even without pulling it real tight.

Let us know

PS: don't be afraid to shorten the side bars so the noose is behind the glans without being on a backward angle to do so.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Many of those who work with the device recommend "baby wipes" to be wrapped around the tubing (or perhaps also around the pad itself, it you are using that) before the "noose" is tightened maximally. It allows the noose to be loosened later without pain (perhaps from reperfusion of compressed cutaneous nerves)..

The baby wipe wrap is also recommended to reduce slippage of the noose (if that is what you are using).


ps I got this from google'ing traction, penis and baby wipes.
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Thanks to both of you. I'll try a few things differently including the baby wipes. I was more successful today simply by being a little more careful putting the device on. I was able to get a pretty tight stretch although I can't say it was tight enough to enhance the spring most of the time.


OK, Fellas, I have a question for you:

Does it ever feel like the side of your penis that isn't afflicted with Peyronies Disease is growing faster than the other side. I have been using a traction device for several months, and it seem like I'm getting a better stretch  on the non-diseased side of my penis. I'm worried that if the good side outgrows the bad side there will be more of a curve.



I can conceive of no possibility that you could stretch the healthy/long side of your penis with a traction device.   In my mind that is one of the potential advantages over a VED which is a challenge to focus the stretch just on the plaque or shortened tissue.

Either envision or actually do the following.  Cut a half dozen strings 6 inches long and then cut one string 5 inches long.  Now lay them side by side so all ends are together at both ends.  The six inch strings will have to be curved.  If you grab each end of the bundle of strings and stretch, only the 5 inch string will have tension placed on it.  The longer fibers will not be engaged.

Even if you substitute a combination of rubber bands and strings of various lengths to represent elastic and non-elastic tissue, the non-elastic fiber will get the stretch.  See the crude inartistic drawing where the red line indicates shortened non-elastic tissue and the blue is the relaxed longer tissue.  Stretching the unit below in will place no traction on the blue fibers.

I have both objective and subjective indications that my traction routine is working even at this early stage (25 days).  I am very encouraged although that could change tomorrow.  Time will tell.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, I may be blowing smoke, but here is an alternative thought.

What if the "short string" was a very strong rubber band, and the long string was a piece of hat paper we unroll and hang for a birthday party - the kind that stretch out but do not snap back.

If we then stretched them both out to a taut length, when we released pressure, the rubber band could snap back to it's original length (defined as increased elastic recoil, a property of scar tissue), and the party streamer might stay more stretched out.

If the scar side is "tighter" (and it is), and if the "good side" is more amenable to "growing" from traction, it seems it could work that way.

And, if the stretching is being done in a VED, then it is really easy to imagine applying a more productive force on the "good" side compared to the "bad" side. That is why 90% of my mainenance work with the VED is done with the small diameter cylinder - to apply a good longitudinal force.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



That is exactly what I was thinking, which is not to say that Hawk doesn't know what he is talking about. This is interesting. I'm concerned because I don't want to stretch out the good side and cause more of a curve.

Unfortunately, I didn't measure my angle at the beginning so I can't tell you if traction and VED usage has produced measurable results. I do, however, seem to have less of a curve.  



don't get you shorts in a wad, but I ain't buying.

Heaven knows that few things are more obvious than the fact that I could be wrong.  I could miss some unknown variable but in the absence of some support to the contrary, I think that every piece of evidence supports the crude drawing.  It is generally established that it is the scar tissue that has little or no elastin and it would therefore be least likely to stretch and snap back.  The normal tissue has gone from a nub to a 5,6,7,or 8" weapon and back a million times.  If healthy tissue stretched and stayed, penis enlargement devices would be flying off the shelf faster than the industrial nations of the earth could produce them.  In a short stretch with traction (which is all we get) the blue fibers are still slack.

Bodoo2u -
QuoteUnfortunately, I didn't measure my angle at the beginning so I can't tell you if traction and VED usage has produced measurable results. I do, however, seem to have less of a curve.
Please muster your deepest powers of communication and give me a short dissertation on how you can possibly be satisfied to live in the dark about your chosen treatment and what it is doing to your penis when it would be so easy to KNOW exactly what is happening.  All it takes is a little effort to KNOW.  ???  :D

I long to understand.  Are people afraid to know?  Will it keep them from imagining results? rulers, protractors, digital cameras surround us.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


You're absolutely right. If the stretch lasted it would mean that the traction device does in fact lengthen penile tissue, which would be a billion-dollar industry. Man, it's amazing how much we forget because we are so worried about a cure for this dreaded diseases.


The penis enlargement industry DOES make millions a year.

And parts of it may in fact work, the more I read.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I am convinced already that traction works for restoring loss of length.  I measure again in a few days and will give an update.  It will have been a month but just from what I see when I use the VED I expect to have a 1/2 inch gain in that month which is huge by my view.  i can tell you if I had lost another 1/2 inch, I would be pretty unhappy.  Even if I max out and never gain more than 1/2" gain I would have to call this significant.  

I would be ecstatic if I gained 1/8" a month for a year or even 8 months.

I have yet to measure girth since the first day but it seems to have increased.  I will update that on the 1 month mark.

Levine also now suggests using traction for 3 months prior to an implant with the hope of restoring 1 - 2 centimeters (.4 to .8 inches)

PS: Several well known MD's in Peyronies Disease circles are associating themselves with Fastsize.  They are actually on the board.  I have to think that move has been pretty financially rewarding for the docs.  I am not sure why, but something about that bugs me.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Tim: If I didn't believe it do you think I would aggravate my carpal tunnel syndrome by regularly pumping with the VED, or stretch my member for hours at a time? At this stage of the game I'm willing to believe anything, and try almost anything, as long as it's not going to hurt the rest of me.

Hawk, have you also straightened with the gain in length, or are you fortunate-enough not to have a curve?


Quote from: bodoo2u Hawk, have you also straightened with the gain in length, or are you fortunate-enough not to have a curve?

Here is the short answer.  Click on the quote to see more details
Quote from: Hawk on January 31, 2008, 10:17:29 PM
I have lost about 1.75" - 2 " in length and also lost girth (although I have gained some length back).  Over the first year, I went through a 10 - 20 degree curve in all direction (first down then straight, then up, then right, then straight) I have no real curve now.  When my initial curve started I also developed a dent like a spoon would make pushed into play dough.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Boodoo,  If you are willing and able to spend hours a day working on this, then you might do better with the traction devices (or methods). The longer term use of the VED seems to be counter productive to me. I have tried more "marathon" sessions a few times and the result was edema and swelling, which did not look as wonderful as the freaks who posts those pictures on the internet seem to think they look. In my reading of the boards for penis enlargement (PE) sites, a common theme is to not overdo it with the VED. All of this is relative - I think they overdo it with their stretchers, and many of them are sublimely unaware of how risky it is to do what they do. We have some folks here who started out with PE techniques, suffered an injury, and ended up with Peyronie's Disease.

I think that "gentle" traction over a longer period of time may be best. It is hard to do in the constraints of time and the clothing we work and our need for privacy. I am not yet ready to go to work with a barbell hanging down my pants attached to the end of my aching penis.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Quote from: Tim468 on February 02, 2008, 09:58:06 AM
I am not yet ready to go to work with a barbell hanging down my pants attached to the end of my aching penis.

Yes, but are you willing to sleep while suspended by your penis from a Chinese handcuff, tied to an i-bolt, anchored in your ceiling?  ;D
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, have you seen any difference in your ED after using the device?  


Quote from: Hawk on February 02, 2008, 11:41:08 AM
Quote from: Tim468 on February 02, 2008, 09:58:06 AM
I am not yet ready to go to work with a barbell hanging down my pants attached to the end of my aching penis.

Yes, but are you willing to sleep while suspended by your penis from a Chinese handcuff, tied to an i-bolt, anchored in your ceiling?  ;D
ya know.. some people pay for that kind of action


Had peyronies correction surgery last Friday.  I am worried that I have lost length.  How soon before I can start traction?  Does it work?


Quote from: GreekGuy Had peyronies correction surgery last Friday.  I am worried that I have lost length.  How soon before I can start traction?

GreekGuy, I think that is clearly a question for your doctor !!!  It scares me that you would even ask that question on the internet and take a chance of screwing up your surgery.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: california on February 04, 2008, 03:28:25 PM
Hawk, have you seen any difference in your ED after using the device?  

California, I have very significant ED from prostate surgery.  I did tend more toward getting night-time erections for the first week after starting traction but that went away as strangely as it appeared.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk.  Has anyone else seen in improvement in erections since starting traction?  The makers seem to advertise this as a benefit (of course...) but I wanted to know if anybody had actually experienced some subjective improvement.  Thanks.


Greek Guy, I agree with Hawk that your doc should point the way for you. It is also true that urologists do not always know the latest way to do things. I would avoid any traction right now. You might want to use the VED - there was an article by a Seattle urologist that documented better outcomes using the VED after surgery you might ask him to read if he is negative. Whatever you do, do it with a discussion with the doctor and carefully!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


california, I've been using Traction for about a month now. The first 2 weeks were really spent getting used to the device and I had a week where I was unable to use it much. The past week and a bit I've been fairly regular at 4 hours per day. That amount of usage may have been a bit agressive in that I've developed some mild irritation from the noose.

Night time errections for me have never been a problem and they are as frequent since I've been wearing the device if not more frequent. I use the VED daily as well and have not noticed any gain in length so far. I probably need at least another month of regualr use. I'll update in a month.


I have a question about traction devices. I purchased an inexpensive model that uses a hard plastic ring to hold the penis at the base. Is that standard with the more expensive devices, or do they use soft, flexible plastic?


The Fastsize that I use has hard plastic at the base. I don't think flexible plastic would work. The base has to be rigid enough to hold everything in place.


Quote from: Ptolemy on February 16, 2008, 01:50:41 AM
The Fastsize that I use has hard plastic at the base. I don't think flexible plastic would work. The base has to be rigid enough to hold everything in place.

I agree!  The X4 Labs device has a rigid base.

If the base were flexible the entire traction rod system would twist and misalign under torque and movement.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


One of the less expensive devices uses a nice squishy padding added to a hard plastic base. I like the design.

Link later.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Thanks Tim...can't wait to click that link.


They use a vacuum attachment for the end of the penis instead of the noose. Although I do not like their amateurish designs, many men swear by this company for it's quality and willingness to stand behind the product.


They also have other interesting products. Not sure if they would be OK for a man with Peyronie's Disease - might hurt the penis.
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Just a quick note: I have never heard anyone allude to the fact that they experienced even slight discomfort from the base of a traction unit.  The tension that is dispersed there is far more easily tolerated than the tension focused on the glans of the penis.  I think it is a non-issue, but maybe others here that use traction have a different opinion.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I haven't had any problems with the base of the traction device at all. After three months of using the traction device, I have noticed the most improvement in the elasticity of my penis. I have also noticed improvements in my erections and slight improvements in the length and girth. I have not noticed any improvement in the curvature. What is amazing to me is when weaing the device and getting an erection, it is a straight and a full as can be. I don't notice any indentation or curve. Unfortunately I can't wear  this thing during sex. It might hurt my wife a little bit or fall off and get stuck inside her. I think it's healthy to obtain an erection while wearing the device. I've also thought about combining traction with a VED to continue constant blood flow to the entire area. I have slowly increased the length of the stretch. This weekend I stretched it as far as I could tolerate it without it popping out. I was able to go about two hours with the maximum stretch, then I went back to a comfortable stretch for about four hours. I have been consistantly using it about 4 - 6 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only problems I have is at work getting up and down constantly. I pops out. I am going to purchase the Hybrid system from X4Labs. It is interchangeable with the Fastsize. It might be a little more comfortable for me and hold it in place longer. I have been using baby wipes wrapped around the noose which helps a little bit.
I'm still confident that this is going to work for me. I just have to be consistent and not give up. It's only been three months. I am not giving up. Constant stretching and increasing the blood flow has got to work.

I'll keep you posted.



Quote from: jjmnpi on February 19, 2008, 12:13:26 PM
After three months of using the traction device, I have noticed the most improvement in the elasticity of my penis. I have also noticed improvements in my erections and slight improvements in the length and girth. I have not noticed any improvement in the curvature.

I've been using the Traction Device for 6 weeks now so it's a little premature to really comment however, I would expect the curvature to take a little more time to improve than improvement in the length and size increase. I would think the Traction is increasing both the plaque and the rest of the penis but more slowly initially on the plaque because of the firmness of the plaque. I think it will take additional time to gain length in the plaque even though the plaque will be stretching more aggressively than the rest of the penis. However, I would expect over time the the plaque will eventually give in and "catch up" to the length in the other areas.

In other words jjmnpi is experiencing what I would expect. Hopefully he will begin to see improvements in the bend soon.