I think Vitamin D supplementation caused my Peyronies Disease

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I think I know why you have so small dick, it's because you haven't got enough vitamin d. Who knows how small you get when you try to avoid vitamin d, let us know what happens.

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They took vitamin K in that study so they were safe from calcification (Peyronie's)
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So if you think that vitamin d caused your Peyronie's then why not megadose vitamin k2 then? Just 100 mcg of k2 is a tiny dose and k2 does not help if you take insane amounts of d. That's why Dr. Coimbra doesn't give k2 to his patients because he found out that k2 can't protect against huge amounts of d. You took just baby amounts of d and stopped before any beneficial effects could take place.
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Yeah my levels were only 54 ng/ml when I had the kidney stone. They must have gotten up to 65 ng/ml Max during these two months of supplementation. So you think vit D didn't have any influence on my Peyronie's development?
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I have experimented with vitamin d megadoses years ago. I took 50 000 IU every single day for couple of months, before that 30 000 IU couple of months and 10 000 IU for about a year. I didn't took any supplemental k2 for that whole time and I didn't get any calcification. My vitamin d level was so high that the lab where I tested my D level just said over 150 ng/ml. I haven't got any kidney stones in my life. I'm not expert on kidney stones but I don't think vitamin d has anything to do with them. Even the world leading calcium and vitamin d researcher Dr. Robert Heaney said that vitamin d does not cause kidney stones and vitamin d does not cause hyper absorption of calcium, it just enables your body to regulate calcium absorption.  
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damn.. yeah my cousin also developed a kidney stone at my age but he never took vitamin D. So I definitely have genetic predisposition. Did you take those megadoses with food, as vit D is fat absorbed?
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Yes, I took vitamin d with food, but it actually won't matter much even if you took it on empty stomach.
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So your Peyronie's occurred long after your vitamin D intake and you're convinced the vit D didn't affect your Peyronie's development at all? Thank you for your replies so far  
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Yes, long after. I experimented with large vitamin d doses in 2014-2016 and first time I got Peyronie's problems was 2020.
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Ok.. then I have no clue where I got Peyronie's from. Must be my low T levels. I had levels of 560 ng/dL a few weeks ago. Way too low for a 23 year old  
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Currently I weigh 84 kg on 175 cm which is fat as fck! But honestly I've been going to the gym on and off in the past 6 or so years. I'm fairly muscular but nothing impressive. How much can I expect my testosterone to increase from cutting weight?
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T values have not been shown to have anything to do with Peyronie, directly anyway.

The cause is mitochondria and INSULIN. Lose weight immediately. There is a reason why I look like a skeleton in my old videos. Keto works for inflammation and scarring. Will it CURE you 100%? Cannot say, but it does help immensely. We have solid evidence of glucose sick mitochondria in the penis being related to this condition and Dupuytren's and all scarring.


Sure, weight loss may help w T levels-meanwhile seek out TRT from your doc.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Doc won't give me TRT because my T levels aren't low enough but the cut-off for young guys is 400 ng/dL and I'm dangerously close to it. If my levels are 560 ng/dL in the morning, I am low T for the rest of the day because T declines throughout the day.

Can I do low carb or does it have to be keto? I'd like to keep some muscles  
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I have to give my experience on keto/carnivore. I did keto two years and carnivore couple of months and in that time my cholesterol level went to 280 and I started to have pain in my heart and veins in my head started to bulge. The sickest and scariest thing was that every morning when I woke up my veins in my head were sunken, they looked like a canyon and after couple of ours they would fill up with blood and would bulge like crazy. I have no doubt in my mind that if I would have continued keto I would be dead right now, there is no question about it, none.

All keto/carnivore experts say that diet doesn't affect cholesterol levels, well how can you explain that my cholesterol went from 89 to 280 when I went keto. I smell some bulls*it.
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That is completely uneducated on what keto and carnivore does to your body. Yes keto raises cholesterol, but trigs LOWER, and the type of LDL is the large and fluffy ones, not vLDL. What matters is your trig to HDL ration. Keto and carnivore are helping many people with heart issues, read about this. The adaption phase can feel a bit weird. You would not die by doing keto. Plenty of people have shown perfect coronary calcification scores long term on carnivore and keto. Cholesterol does not matter.  


Hey NeoV, yes I know all those arguments. Like I said I was keto fanboy for couple of years, I was preaching all those thing just like you. That does not change the fact that I started to look like a freaking monster while on keto. I have the same hair style as you and all my big veins in head started to bulge like crazy, I could hear the pulsing inside my head and like I said every morning all those veins were sunken, drained out of blood and my head looked like there where deep canyons everywhere.

I never had any of those symptoms before keto and they all went away after stopping keto. What good does it do to speak all these theories how good keto is but in reality this is what happened to me and that's a fact that no one can change.  
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My veins popped out in the first two months I did keto, and you're saying this happened to you two years in? I've been keto three years now and blood work is very good and feel the best I have in my life.


I'm with NeoV on this.  I've been keto for a year and I feel amazing.  I had adverse side effects early on, mostly the poops until I got fat adapted but beyond that it's been very positive.  Im convinced keto has at the very least slowed the progression of this disease in my case.

I encourage anyone to listen to The Natural State podcast (formerly "The Keto Answers" podcast).  Dr. Anthony Gustin has incredible dialog with leading doctors on diet, insulin resistance, cholesterol, triglycerides, gut health, healing, etc.  I'm in no way affiliated with this podcast, simply passing it along since the content has changed my perspective and life.
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I shouldn't suffer from this crap at 23. I even had first symptoms when I turned 22. it's absolutely crazy. That's why I need to find out how this crap happened. I don't know of any wound healing disorders in my family. I don't know of anyone with dupuytren or Peyronie's

I just want to live a normal life. I am very suicidal because I feel like no woman would ever want to reproduce with my crap genetics. On top of that I am balding. Next week I'll probably get cancer or some crap. I look and feel so diseased. I cannot believe I have to endure this. I can't go on dates, I can't have ONS.

My quality of life has dropped to zero. I feel like an Apathic Zombie. You don't have to tell me 23 is very unusual. I already know it. I shouldn't have to suffer this. This isn't fair. I had an entire life ahead of me and now I feel like a penis amputee
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I was diagnosed in my late 20s and believe me when I say, you will lead a normal life.  When I was first diagnosed, I had very dark thoughts because I thought life was over.  I started doing all the recommended treatments and have had drastic improvement to the point where my sex life is largely back to normal... for now.  I say for now because this disease can come roaring back.  I think being young goes to our benefit because we heal more effectively.  Decide what you want, write it down and make a therapeutic plan to achieve your goal.  Be disciplined and follow your plan.  Results will come with time.

Also you mentioned ONS.. with the prevalence of STDs in 2020, you might want to get to know someone before you have sex with them... the last thing you want is a crooked dick with bumps.  Just my two cents.
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Thank you shafted. I only hope that it won't ever get in my way of getting women or finding someone... what really makes me upset is that I genuinely caused peyronies myself. I'm really messed up in the head and had extreme irrational fears and anxiety about my sexual performance the first times of trying to have sex, so that I had sex with a semi erect multiple times. I rarely had a 100% erection the first months when I started having sex with my gf two years ago. I think this is where all of the "microtrauma" I constantly read about happened. I can't cope with knowing that if I didn't have any of this anxiety or was just a bit more "normal" in my head, I wouldn't have gotten ED and thus Peyronie's  
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This topic is an embarrassment to the forum.  There is no way 2 months of oral supplementation of vitamin D can even drive deficient vitamin D levels up into the normal range, much less cause kidney stones in two months.  It is false, fake, junk-science.  Furthermore, there are ZERO studies establishing a cause & Effect of vitamin D with Peyronies Disease.  

In another post, Graggaxy blames thrusting with a half-erect penis for his Peyronies Disease.  (a much more likely trigger)

Finally, Modorno's remarks about psychological effects from your feelings about your parents are utter NON-SENSE.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums