How do I cope with Peyronie's in college?

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I would really like to know how young people here have coped with peyronie's in college.

I ask this because i'm about to be shipped off by my mom to a university in another country in Africa (obviously against my will) within the next three weeks. My uncle from the US is the one sponsoring my education. I know the usual advice is to open up about this disease to loved ones but this wouldn't work for me. I know because none of my family members batted an eye when I opened up about my anxiety issues. And my two elder sister who I told about the disease have not been so supportive, not because they don't want to help but because they are not so financially buoyant. On top of that, I'm from a third world country with little access to quality medical care.

I've been doing my best to fight this disease the best way i can. My game plan has been to land a tech job so that I can get the money to fix this issue. I'm currently taking a tech certification. But with my the resumption for school been just three weeks away, i fear i won't have the time to complete my tech certification. I really did not want to go to college and planned to drop out once i found a good job. But with the workload in college, will it still be possible? I'm also trying to see how I can adapt to the situation. What is it like for a young man with peyronies in college? How do i deal with attraction for women, partying and all that? Am i just overthinking things? Please i'd appreciate any advice right now.

Year of Onset - 2012
Bend to the left and downward with pain. Suspected erectile dysfunction.
Currently on coq10 and acetyl l carnitine.
Have limited access to good doctors in my country.


How old are you?
Is your biggest problem curve, pain, or ED?

Reading this might give you more answers.,3180.0.html

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi Hawk,

Thanks for the link. I've actually been a lurker on this forum for two years now and I'm not new to the survival guide. I've also tried some of the supplements recommended in the guide. My curve is pretty bad and there's some pain. But im managing it with cialis and l arginine at the moment. Also lost some length. As I mentioned in my post above, my biggest issue is not having the money to get a quality VED,  some  supplements and a drug like pentox. However, I'm working towards changing this.

I just wanted some advice on how someone with this disease in college can thrive. I really don't want to lose faith and would like to succeed with my strategy - which I mentioned in the post above - for fixing my financial issues and beating peyronies.

Year of Onset - 2012
Bend to the left and downward with pain. Suspected erectile dysfunction.
Currently on coq10 and acetyl l carnitine.
Have limited access to good doctors in my country.


I let others comment.  I was married when I went to college would not be your bet resource.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey man, I'm 16 dealing with this.

Working out helps to clear your mind. I do it a lot
I would not avoid talking to girls, it will make you more confident even if you have this problem. And I would focus on that job you want to find, it is a good distraction probably and it's good to have something to focus on other than peyronies. Definitely don't give up
Btw a traction device helped me a lot (do it carefully), I don't know if you have the money for it but it's a good treatment.

I'm just 16 so Im not telling you what to do but these are just some tips and things I do.
Curve: 35°
Traction, heat, pelvic floor exercises, L-citrulline


Quote from: Hawk on September 03, 2020, 02:24:32 PM
I let others comment.  I was married when I went to college would not be your bet resource.

Hawk, I must say lucky you!  :)
Year of Onset - 2012
Bend to the left and downward with pain. Suspected erectile dysfunction.
Currently on coq10 and acetyl l carnitine.
Have limited access to good doctors in my country.


Quote from: 1234 on September 03, 2020, 03:06:06 PM
Hey man, I'm 16 dealing with this.

Working out helps to clear your mind. I do it a lot
I would not avoid talking to girls, it will make you more confident even if you have this problem. And I would focus on that job you want to find, it is a good distraction probably and it's good to have something to focus on other than peyronies. Definitely don't give up
Btw a traction device helped me a lot (do it carefully), I don't know if you have the money for it but it's a good treatment.

I'm just 16 so Im not telling you what to do but these are just some tips and things I do.

In no way do I think you're telling me what to do. It's very impressive that you're working out to starve off the effects of this disease. At 16, I didn't give working out much thought. Thanks for tips man! Will keep them in mind.  
Year of Onset - 2012
Bend to the left and downward with pain. Suspected erectile dysfunction.
Currently on coq10 and acetyl l carnitine.
Have limited access to good doctors in my country.


I agree with what's been said. Use your Peyronie's as leverage to shift your anchor of confidence or sense of self from your body to your inner self. Most guys in college are trying to compete based on superficial attributes, but you don't have to. Work on your vocal projection, meditate, and learn to free associate and learn humor and flirtation. You can party, meet girls, and have an amazing time. Most men are so shut down in college. Once I figured out how this all worked I had an amazing time in my MA program.

Do not hide your Peyronie's or hide how you feel. You can still get "elite level success" with women if you choose to do that (whatever that means to you). You can also get an amazing girlfriend.  


Quote from: NeoV on September 03, 2020, 08:00:23 PM
I agree with what's been said. Use your Peyronie's as leverage to shift your anchor of confidence or sense of self from your body to your inner self. Most guys in college are trying to compete based on superficial attributes, but you don't have to. Work on your vocal projection, meditate, and learn to free associate and learn humor and flirtation. You can party, meet girls, and have an amazing time. Most men are so shut down in college. Once I figured out how this all worked I had an amazing time in my MA program.

Do not hide your Peyronie's or hide how you feel. You can still get "elite level success" with women if you choose to do that (whatever that means to you). You can also get an amazing girlfriend.

Thanks for your words of encouragement man. I've been following you for some time on YouTube and I'm really inspired by how you've succeeded in handling this disease and dealing with women.

I would like to pm you if it's okay by you.

Year of Onset - 2012
Bend to the left and downward with pain. Suspected erectile dysfunction.
Currently on coq10 and acetyl l carnitine.
Have limited access to good doctors in my country.