Live Now in Penile Implant Surgery - Hawk's Implant Journal

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Awesome buddy! Keep it up, keep it down, shake it all around, now you have no reason to frown.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


19 weeks Post-op

Just two short (well not that short) items.  One is penis length.  I have crept to 7" fully inflated.  A few weeks ago I could hit that if I used the VED then inflate the implant with a ring still on, hold it for 20 minutes, then deflate, remove the ring and reinflate.  It held enough stretch or blood from the VED to bump 7 inches  This morning I just inflated after not inflating for two days at all.  I did not use a VED.  For one thing, I felt a tight stretch which made me wonder if I shrunk slightly.  After being inflated for 15 minutes I measured and I was dead on 7" with a hard bone pressed measurement.   If my life depended on it prior to surgery I could get a 7 3/16" measurement on a BPSFL (after a traction session).  My maximum in the VED was 6 7/8" and that was pretty near bone pressed.  The most I could get out of the VED with a ring on was 6 1/2" BPEL.

Any way that I measure, I gained length from my implant surgery.  Keep in mind I was about 8 1/8 " 15 years ago so this is still well under my natural length.  I am fascinated though that intense, very uncomfortable traction did not get me as much as this implant.  I speculate it is because it can NEVER contract under about 6 3/8 inches.  Explaining why I gained more than my preop length is of course pure speculation.  Also, I know this is a lot of typing to discuss only a modest increase but it is huge to me when I had already lost more an 1 1/2" of erect length and was afraid I would lose a little more with implant surgery.

I also want to explain that if Dr. Eid measured me tomorrow he would measure me smaller because he does a gentle bone press.  I suspected that this was to give himself some room for argument, that he wanted me to be as small as possible before surgery then if I complained he would measure a hard bone pressed length after surgery.  Knowing Dr. Eid as I do now, I owe him an apology for even thinking that. So we would probably be accurate to say Dr. Eid would measure me as 6 5/8" BPEL.  That is 1/4 - 3/8" more than he promised me by his measurements.  I am not completely convinced I am done gaining because I thought about 4 other times I was done and wasn't.  

What I would really like and expected was girth increase but that has not happened.  I did gain about 1/4 " from almost the time of surgery but no gains since then.

I also want to say that if I were to get the penis of my prime back tomorrow I would be happy BUT I would miss the 6 1/2" flaccid penis.  I used to think the AMS LGX smaller deflated size was a plus but I have changed my mind.  This would be a real security blanket if I was in a nudist colony.  ;)

Bottom line is I have 1/2" more usable length than I had before surgery with a VED.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


This is very nice to know. I keep hearing and about people gaining length from the implant, but most of the accounts are hard to believe, given the people that write them. Not here.  I still dream of the day, we as a community are able to devise a safe protocol to use with vacuum and implant, so we can help out brothers in need of regaining size. Congrats once again on the amazing results you had hawk!  


I just read through your entire journal.  Thank you so much for doing this. As I'm 9 days post op I found it informative and reassuring. Definitely found lots of things in common. I'm looking forward to the improvements to come.
Your length gain is fascinating.  Same thing with Merrix.  What do you attribute it to?  Do you think it was solely due to the implant stretching during cycling. It doesn't sound like you used the VED that much post op except for some experimental purposes. Obviously you used to be larger so maybe your penis has the physical capacity to expand in length because the anatomy is/was there.  
In my case I used to measure 6.5 to 6.75 inches.  I didn't let my condition progress to where I lost any real significant length. I'll be interested to see if over time I expand closer to that pre-op length as I'm now at 6 inches.  Dr Eid promised 6 but it sounds like there may be potential for more.  Not counting on it or expecting it but wouldn't mind it of course  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


P-diddy all I can do is speculate but you are correct that any gains I got I did NOT get from VED or any means other than the implant.

I speculate the implant even deflated places constant tension.  It certainly prevents retraction and I wonder if that in conjunction with inflation does it.  When I used traction I went from tremendous stretch to zero stretch and with the implant, you go from maximum stretch to moderate stretch.

At any rate, once I had sex at day 21 my goal was one 1-hour session of max inflation straight per day.  My bulb was maxed out with two hands then checked again after 15 min to make sure I could not get another couple partial squeezes.  I am retired so the way it worked best for me was to pump to the max in the morning, eat breakfast, shave, brush my teeth, lay my clothes out and by that time I burned 35 minutes.  Also, by then the discomfort was getting to me so at that point I climbed in the shower.  I have a detachable handheld shower and I discovered that spraying hot water on my perineum area totally killed the discomfort.  With the shower it made the last 25 go pretty comfortably.  I kept that up for 3 months.  If I had sex the night before sometimes I would skip cycling the next morning.

Dr. Eid is very aggressive and sizing and pushing fast cycling.  He is not aggressive in the least at promoting ongoing cycling.  For all I know I would have gained without the cycling after 21 days but doubt it.  As you can tell I was surprised because I assumed I had maxed out several times.  I did nothing magic, just inflated for 1 hour straight.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on December 28, 2018, 08:32:31 PM
P-diddy all I can do is speculate but you are correct that any gains I got I did NOT get from VED or any means other than the implant.

I speculate the implant even deflated places constant tension.

I have the same thought that runs along this line. With an implant, you basically now have two water balloons in your penis. Though minimal, that is still an internal weight hanging. How much stretch it can add is likely governed by age and the amount of scar tissue. I say age because after several years conversing dick implants, I am convinced younger implantees have more gains and better outcomes. Cheers  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


I am now at 5 months post-op.  - Time flies when you are having fun. :)

This week I had a scare.  It was kind of a controlled panic where my head was rapidly processing an assessment of what I was experiencing and weighing the best systematic reaction.

We had sex 4 times in 3 days which is not our norm but the morning after our 3rd consecutive night I went to pump up while laying in bed.  What followed probably has no real value unless you have a Titan.  I seldom ever double lock my pump valve after deflation.  I over deflate and never give that first hard double lockout pump.  Over the period of an hour, I usually get a very small amount of backflow that just fills my penis out perfectly.  If it would overfill (which it doesn't), I would just give my penis one quick squeeze and not need to press the deflate button.  When I get ready to use it I have to give one hard pump to open the valve then just keep pumping.

This particular morning followed my first ever attempt to use the VED for more size with intercourse.  I felt no need to do it other than I kept saying I would and never did.  There was not much to report and will likely not do it again at least no more than one more time to definitively say if it is of any value to me or my wife.  Fast-forward to laying in bed the next morning.  I decided to pump up and then suggest sex which I knew my wife would go for if only out of kindness :)  Rather than giving that first hard squeeze I just made a slow squeeze of only about a 1/3 of a pump.  When I let off I felt that kind of a slurping feel that is present when the pump pulls in another bulb full of fluid.  I followed by a dozen more such pumps and felt my penis and it was totally deflated.  I was puzzled and slightly concerned.  I pumped another several times (1/2 pumps) and felt my penis as I did and it was not inflating.  Now I am more than casually concerned.  I was wondering if I messed up a tube with the VED the night before.  One thing I knew for certain was that if I did I was calling Dr. Eid and telling him I wanted the soonest surgical date he had.  As my wife later smiled and said when I related this to her "once you have seen the other side of the moon there is no going back"

At this point the dog wanted to go out an I jumped up to let her out and immediately went to the downstairs bathroom and started pumping and processing what I would do as far as telling my wife, calling Dr. Eid etc.  I am now not certain but on the first or second big full pump I felt the valve pop open and all was well.  Apparently, that first squeeze after deflating cannot be a gradual partial squeeze.  In retrospect, I think I have read that but just never thought about it or tried it before.  The strange thing was that I could feel the pump drawing fluid each time I let off of it between squeezes.  I let the dog in, slipped back in bed and made my offer.  After sex, I explained the whole concern I had and we were both pretty happy it was nothing.  We were also both in agreement that immediate surgery would have been our preference.

The next time I inflate I am going to try to reproduce this just to better understand the issue.

The only other thing to report is that the numbness on the underside of the shaft very close to the scrotum is improving. I would guess that 50% of the feeling has returned.  It is completely an academic interest because I have to remind myself to even check since it does not detract in the least from sex.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Wow, quite a story!  Glad it was nothing.  All part of learning how these things work.  The best part of the story is you having sex 4 times in 3 days!!
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Hey hawk... honestly if i have to say, i wouldn't try the VED anymore. Considering the extremely positive outcome you had... your recovery time, etc... why risk more problems? i would understand completely if you lost massive size, and were trying your best to regain it. But since it is not the case, why not just relax before having any potential problem?  


Quote from: pfract on January 06, 2019, 07:45:15 PM
Hey hawk... honestly if i have to say, i wouldn't try the VED anymore. Considering the extremely positive outcome you had... your recovery time, etc... why risk more problems? i would understand completely if you lost massive size, and were trying your best to regain it. But since it is not the case, why not just relax before having any potential problem?

Pfract, I tend to agree. I actually did it as much for reporting results than anything.  It typically does give me more girth and huge (more than in my prime) veins but it adds nothing to sensation (at least for me) and my wife never commented or gave me a "Wow!"  

In regard to the 4 times in 3 days, before the implant, we typically had sex once or twice a week although we would have departures from that in both directions.  Now we are more like 2 or 3 times a week just because it can be more spontaneous.  There would never be a chance I would have suggested morning sex after sex the night before just due to the lack of spontaneity.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


One other point here I have not addressed is bulge from carrying a somewhat substantial 6 1/2" flaccid penis.  I am a bit surprised if not slightly disappointed that I have no noticeable bulge in pants.  That includes my heavier Duluth Trading Firehose Flex pants (snug fit) or my suits that I wear at least one day a week.  Although my suits are not the latest style skinny fit cut they are not loose of full.  I will add that I am not a large guy.  I am 5'8 150lb.  At the time of surgery, I was down to very lean fighting trim of 144lbs.

I have mentioned this before.  I mention this simply to note it has not changed.   I am almost constantly aware of my penis.  I feel it when I walk, especially when I am walking to cover some ground like in a store as opposed to going from room to room in the house.  My penis tends to rub against my leg in a way I never experienced before.  The distracting thing is that it feels good. It is a crazy dilemma.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Wish I was down to 141 pounds. Same height and ballooned up to 167 in the past years. At 6 1/2", your weight must be half dick!  ;D
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


You made me laugh with the "Weight must be half dick" comment.  In my prime before prostatectomy, Peyronies Disease and ED, I used to be over 8" .  

Keep in mind 6 1/2" (actually closer to 6 5/8")  is bone pressed but still above average to lug around as a flaccid dick.  My full total rock hard bone-pressed inflated length (not aroused) is 7" which is only 3/8" more.

Though I put unaroused, I don't think I gain any with arousal.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi Hawk,

Just read about your Implant Journal, I can't believe what your went through & the detail that you shared with us. It brought tears of joy to know how things turned out. I'm very happy for you & I feel that this forum if very informative!


ED - born 1952   /Peyronies Disease Onset 7/2018 at 65 / Prostatectomy 4/1/2019 / Low - T testosterone therapy June 2019 / June 2019 Peyronies Disease at 70 degrees - July 2019 started Xiaflex 1st cycle


8 months - Post-op

I have not updated for a while but thought I would make a brief post.

I no longer cycle and only inflate for sex about 3 times a week.  I got out of the habit of cycling at about 5 months post-op when we were traveling out of state together and were doing a lot of visiting and having family stay with us.  My measurements are maintaining beyond what I was promised (6 1/4" +) and even beyond what I was personally hoping for (6 1/2" +).  I am at 6 13/16" or 6 7/8") so I am slightly over 6 3/4" BPEL.  That is a full 1/2" more than promised although I do a very firm bone-pressed measurement which is the entire point in doing bone-pressed.

At this point, I feel like my implant is me.  All that ever occurs to me is that I am infallible when it comes to sex for any period and most of all in any spontaneous, impromptu situation.
I am still enamored with my flaccid size and often stop to notice it in the mirror when getting undressed or dressing.

The final and most significant update is that one day I was pumping and after a period of sexual activity I pumped some more to top off.  later into the process we were changing positions and I gave one very hard final two-handed squeeze and the pump bulb collapsed and did not spring back but stayed flat.  It startled me but hardly enough to break the mood.  After sex, I went into the bathroom to check things out.  I felt the flat pump bulb and hit the deflate button.  It immediately popped out round.  A quick check confirmed that everything still worked.  About two days later I want to see if I could duplicate the event.  After pumping to the max, I waited and used two hands to force two or three more partial pumps.  The bulb collapsed again but expanded as soon as I hit the deflate button.  I suspected this was an indication that I emptied the reservoir.  I called Dr. Eid' office and spoke to Myra.  She confirmed my suspicion and indicated that it was not a problem if I want to pump with that much force.  She also said it was very unlikely I leaked any fluid because leaks from ruptured tubing are more immediate failures and do not manifest with slow leaks.

Since I have not spoken directly to Dr. Eid about this I can only theorize that I regained a little more size than he anticipated which means I have reached the limits of my reservoir fluid.  I am not concerned because I am rock hard before I run out of fluid.  If I did gain any more length or girth, it could at least, in theory, reduce the firmness of my erection.  I could also theorize that I could have a 9" penis if he had only given me more fluid :)   Since I am only 5/8" and about 150 lbs or less when I am very lean and fit I did not want excess fluid in my reservoir.  Although I mentioned that to Dr. Eid I am sure he always takes that into consideration.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


That's interesting about the pump flattening. I've heard others say it's a pressure regulating measure, but don't know. Anyhow, I've never got further than simply having a very hard bulb when I've pumped up a lot. My pump is still not broken in completely so I have time to see.
Wonder if AMS pump and Titan pumps act similarly?
85 years old.
Implanted 01/22/19 by Dr Avila.
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc reservoir
Diagnosed with Gleason  6 prostate cancer.
Monitoring it for now.


Hawk- quick question on number of pumps to fully inflate.  Approx how many pumps does it take you to fully inflate now that you are 8 months post surgery and at what time did you hit that number. Meaning if it takes you 15 for example to fully inflate how long into your post op we're you hitting max inflate with 15 pumps.  Just trying to get a rough sense although I know everyone is a bit different and cyclinder size may impact it, etc. thanks.
51 yrs old; diagnosed 3.5 yrs ago; 90 degree upward bend
But I had no ED
tried all pills, VED, traction, Xiaflex PRP, ESWT, H-100 & stem cells; IF diet. implant surgery with Dr. Eid 3/28/19
to correct deformity - 20 CM Titan 2cm RTE / 1 cm RTE


Good Question Curved.  I feel a little irresponsible and apologetic that I could not answer that question until you asked it and I pumped up and closely counted.  It has just become so second nature to me that I don't think about it.

If I start from TOTAL wrung-out deflation, this is how it goes.

5 or 6 wall-to-wall pumps give me a plump filled out penis I could easily wear in any position in my clothing
12 wall-to-wall pumps is about the minimum for intercourse (If I were single and wanted to I could probably pack that in my clothing)
18 Wall-to-wall pumps is about as hard any normal man can get.  This is the maximum wall-to-wall pumps I can do.
I can force in about 6 additional partial pumps with two hands.  At that point, I am getting right to the point of using all the fluid in my reservoir and flattening the pump bulb and I am rock hard as a 17-year-old boy that has not had an orgasm in a month and has 3 naked beauties teasing him.  (it still does not feel "artificial", just abnormally hard.)

I really can't tell you when I got to this point because when you are still sensitive, and the pump bulb is very firm it is almost impossible to do wall-to-wall pumps.  

Even being married all my life :) , I can discreetly pump up.  I can read my wife like a large print book.  Since I am usually a few pumps from total deflation, I can do 6 or 7 quick pumps in less than 10 seconds when she snuggles up against me.  At that point, my penis would be nothing to feel inadequate about even if I was a single guy with GF and even if I could get no more firmness.  During foreplay, it is easy to work in another 6 or 7 pumps discreetly.  I give all of this because I know that everyone is not in a totally intimate, committed, decades-long, relationship and might want to know how discreet an implant can be.  The truth is that even if I was a teen, I think I could interest a girl in openly revealing my bionic penis and pumping it up in full daylight in front of her and letting her know it will never fail.  So, men have options on how they choose to handle their implant.  Brag about it or discretely operate it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks a great estimate of about where I should be in terms of pumps till max inflation
51 yrs old; diagnosed 3.5 yrs ago; 90 degree upward bend
But I had no ED
tried all pills, VED, traction, Xiaflex PRP, ESWT, H-100 & stem cells; IF diet. implant surgery with Dr. Eid 3/28/19
to correct deformity - 20 CM Titan 2cm RTE / 1 cm RTE


1 Year Post - Post-op

I have not posted to my journal for a few months but thought the 1st birthday of bionic penis deserved recognition.  The celebration will come later today.

My implant has given me a year for which I am very thankful.  Honestly, if I knew my wife or I were going to die tomorrow I would be so thankful for this past year.  In some regards, it has been a tough year with some other issues but my implant was a huge counter-balancing positive.  For the first 8 months, I was probably constantly aware of my new ability and had a constant sense of wellbeing and calm confidence and appreciation.  Now there are periods when it is nowhere on my mind BUT THAT IS THE POINT.  There were never times when Erectile Dysfunction was not lingering on my mind.  That is gone.

Physically very little has changed since my last update at the 8 months mark.  I probably gained 1/16 of an inch.  This is not new but I am not sure that I reported on the drop in my inflated angle.  Early on, I was almost standing at 1 - 1:30.  That had dropped to 2:30 or maybe closer to 3:00 by month 8.   The Titan cylinders have become softer deflated but my deflated hang is still 5 O'clock whether I have a few pumps in it or whether 100% deflated with some distortion.  I would be comfortable in a public shower however and it is totally comfortable in clothing because it takes only the force of a feather to push it to down to 6 O'clock when deflated. It also has a natural swing to it when I walk in the nude.

I still have to make a conscious effort to lock the deflate valve open and it requires a very strong very exact squeeze with one hand to lock the valve open.

My penis has gained enough size that if I pump hard, two-handed, that I can use all of the fluid in my reservoir and the pump bulb will stay partially flattened until I hit the release button.  I guess that could make me wonder if I could get another slight bit of volume over time if I had more fluid however it takes more force to pump that far than is probably wise to use.  I am larger than Dr. Eid promised 6 3/8" (a conservative BPSFL).  I am now 7" BPEL, significantly beyond the 6 5/8" I had hoped for.  It is longer than my pre-surgery length  (With VED) of 6 !/2" BPEL. See Comparison: Natural Prime, Bionic, Pre-op - Peyronies Society Forums for total measurements  I can add about another 1/4 inch in both length and girth with a VED but rarely do that.

The numbness I felt at the base of the underside of my penis right at the scrotum is all but gone.  It was not enough of an issue for me to track but I just checked and at most, I still have a small area on one side of the base about the size as the tip of my finger that might still be slightly numb.

I can think of nothing that I could do with my penis at 20 years old (when I was multi-orgasmic and unstoppable) that I cannot do now.  My wife loves it and somewhat prefers a couple of positions that I could never do with a VED and or Viagra.  

Since I am unlikely to do many more updates to my journal I want to nitpick every possible thing I can about my implant to make sure I am giving the most objective report I can give.
1. My penis while 1/2 inch longer than presurgery VED length it is still an inch short of 15 years ago before Peyronies Disease and Erectile Dysfunction (my fault for not acting sooner)
2. I get very little natural erection so without a VED it is somewhat oval with less engorging of the glans than with a VED
3.  At 100% steamroller deflated you can see some distortion and tell there is something unnatural - that is easily fixed with 4 pumps
4. Components or the pump release valve, while invisible, can easily be felt high on the backside of my scrotum.

Finally, I am thankful that I was able to find this solution for the insight and options it gives to others on the forum that might have never known about or considered an implant.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi Hawk,
Congratulations!  I did contact Dr Eid via email, he did indicated that Xiaflex is not the procedure to follow for someone with ED & Peyronies Disease. The gold standard for ED & Peyronies Disease is an implant.

It's on my mind, may want to go see him or telephone conversation, my 2nd cycle of Xiafles is on 8/26, 8/28 & modeling on 8/29.

Glad to hear things are going great!

ED - born 1952   /Peyronies Disease Onset 7/2018 at 65 / Prostatectomy 4/1/2019 / Low - T testosterone therapy June 2019 / June 2019 Peyronies Disease at 70 degrees - July 2019 started Xiaflex 1st cycle


If you have ED I see little point in Xiaflex unless you use it with traction just to regain lost length prior to an implant but I don't think I would do that.  If you talk to Dr. Eid, a video conference is the same as a phone conference.  I would suggest you go that route.  It is just more personal and you will get a better feel for him.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


A big thank you for all the advice you have provided to not only me but on behalf of all others, almost on a daily basis, Hawk. Cheers!!! You are an inspiration on here. Congratulations on your first birthday. I know, from reading your journal and all your daily interactions, just how much you have benefitted from making the decision to have an implant. I hope you and your good lady enjoy many more years to come with your bionic addition. Good luck.
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


To think that it's already been a year for your post op... That, and all of the things that have changed. I hope it lasts for years to come boss.  8)

"At 100% steamroller deflated you can see some distortion and tell there is something unnatural - that is easily fixed with 4 pumps"

Still a no brainer to me.  


Congratulations Hawk, for some reason I haven't been seeing posts from this site.
So I just went in to post my 100 day mark and saw your posts.
I hope to look forward to increased length and girth, although I am very happy now.
YOu have been an inspiration and a calming force for all of us.
At times, we get a little crazy and nervous, but your calm always brings us all back.
You have helped a lot of people through this process, hopefully this site will help people avoid the surgeries that are no longer valid and quite damaging to our male image and our penises.
Thanks again and congratulations.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


As I near my 2nd anniversary ED and Peyronies Disease seem like distant memories.  I don't seldom think about my implant except that I do still happily notice my larger hang when naked.

The only thing that has changed is that in the flaccid state the cylinders are softer and even though fully deflated I can feel some distortion in the tubing, it feels like a large vein more than like a flattened cylinder.  I would be very happy to have this surgery every 2 years if necessary so it doesn't matter what happens at this point,  I think it was the best decision I could have made.  Since the deflated cylinders are a total non-issue for me at this point I am glad I choose a Titan.  The cylinders are as soft as I need them to be and I am glad I do not have a larger more irregular shaped pump in my scrotum.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums