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I wanted to post an update. I 44 years old and still have a 45-50 degree left curve which I discovered about a year and a half ago I don't have any pain, nut I'm not married (yet) so I don't know what the effects of intercoures would be for me or my wife. I still get reasonable strong "morning woods".

Psychologically im OK, but not optimistic. I pray every day for a miracle cure. I've gone to 3 urologist. Two scratched their heads, handed me a brochure and wished me luck, one, a doctor I found on this site, prescribed 4 months of  Pentox and minimum stretching a few times a day and "modeling" in the morning when I had an erection.

As I predicted, this was inneffective.

On the follow up visit 4 months later he talked about the injections of the 45,000$ drug. My doctor  Kaiser permanent so I am without direction.

Neither my doctor nor insurance companies will tell me what plan to buy to cover this bizarrely expensive injection course.

Are the injections worth it! Besides prayer, is there any other plan I could get going? Thank you!



Read my expierience with Iodide and DMSO mixture and manual stretching and massage daily and using VED from time to time. It works for me. As to be with a woman You may have to find a proper position to get inside :-)