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Hi, I am a 57 year old man who as long as I can remember has had a bit of a curve. Around the holidays things being busy sex was even less often as normal. as thing pick up in January there was a noticeable  increase in the curve that with in a month has become almost 90 degrees. my wife is in the medical field and after a while mention fracture penis thinking it happened during sex. I started searching the net, not what was happing. so here I am.
I would appreciate any and all feed back.
thanks Brian.


You need to see a competent, Peyronies aware urologist asap. The sooner you start fighting this the better chance you have of an improvement in your condition.

In the meantime, read all you can on this forum. I would recommend that you pay particular attention to the sections on traction and VED.

But, most importantly, seek professional opinion. If you cannot find a Peyronies specialist in your area, check the list of well regarded Uros on the site.



Welcome to the forum.  You've certainly come to the right place.  

Yes, it certainly sounds like you may have Peyronies Disease and yes mine happened as fast as yours did and it seems for no reason.  That's one of the frustrations of Peyronies Disease is that no one really knows why it happens.  It doesn't sound like a penis fracture to me.

Regardless, feel free to peruse the forum and its multitude of topics.  You'll be amazed at the amount of information available and the number of members who have or did have Peyronies Disease.

One thing you need to do, if you haven't already, is line up a good urologist, preferably one with some Peyronies Disease background.

Good luck to you and please keep the forum updated on your progress.



Agree w/ Jimbruskie.  One of the peculiarities of this disease is that it can give you no warning.  In hindsight, I did notice the penis a bit higher when using the restroom.  But no concern.

And then boom-  went from straight to 90% w/ nor warning at all. And it was not during a sexually active period.  Could never understand what could have occurred to take it from normal to straight up.  Urologists have no idea either.


Quote from: Brokenbonie on March 07, 2016, 11:34:28 AM
my wife is in the medical field and after a while mention fracture penis thinking it happened during sex.

Generally fractures are extremely painful. And likely you would have known it and maybe ended up in the emergency room. As your curve is changing and getting worse, it would tend to indicate Peyronies progression.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Hi, I have been reading quite a bit here and other places. I believe I read here that some men also have these hard noduals. mine are near the base on both sides and less then an inch in length and maybe 14" in width with angular edge. sound familiar ? also I live near Albany N.Y. and a short search has reviled  many Dr.s That specialize in Peyronie's  with in groups.


Many doctors will say they 'specialize' in Peyronies. You really have to do your homework and find out who the good ones are.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Thank all, nice to have a place to chat.