Peyronies 3 yrs on!!

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Hi guys
Been a while since I`ve been on the forum and thought I`d see how others are getting on and my present condition!.
Well 3yrs down the line (I thought it was longer!) and its been a fairly ok journey BUT!! the past few months I`ve noticed the bend in my penis seems to have returned  :-[ Exactly the same place bending upwards at about 45degrees!! (It was more than 60degrees last time). Is it normal for peyronies to return after so long?
After my operation I must have lost maybe an 1" in length which was ok but I`m not enjoying the prospect of another procedure and losing yet another 1". Making love is.... how can I put it? Awkward, anyone advise anything I could try please?.
So am I pleased I had it done initially? Yes I really had no option last time but a bummer to say the least that its come back.


I don't know your situation, but book an appointment with Dr Kuehhas at The London Andrology clinic. He's not cheap, but if anybody can help you, it will most likely be him.  


Thanks for the reply. I live quite a long way from London so maybe best see my local GP first!.
Must admit I was surprised at its return as noone told me there was a possibility that it might. I understood from the outset that I had to wait sometime to allow any increase in bending to stop before having the Nesbit procedure and I did for about a good 6 months before the operation. So a bit in limbo at the moment before working out my options.
I`m very fortunate in having a very caring and understanding wife though  :)