Refrain from masturbating or not during acute phase?

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So i may or may not have peyronie's (my previous post as you can tell, it's before this one) and i'm curious on one thing.

I was looking at different posts on whether or not you should engage in any activity and i can't find any real solid info on what's better.

Some people argue and say that masturbating or sex could work the scar tissue and make it more pliable.

Others argue that it is bad and can cause excess inflammation and is best to be left alone.

I personally have hypothesized that approximately 2 months after this injury the very acute inflammation "injury" will be healed and it is better to engage in more activity.

Can i get some insight please? Even if it's just your opinion?


If it doesn't hurt, it's OK to engage in masturbation and other sexual activities. It is probably a good idea to be gentle, use lots of lube, and avoid positions like reverse cowgirl that can bring risk of further injury.

You might also want to read this thread: Sexual Activity/ Erections - Peyronies Society Forums




I wish I had an answer for this. The simple fact is that sexual activity is good and bad, in different ways, and it will end up depending on the individual. Good because you want to remodel that scar tissue and keep the penis healthy, bad because it may irritate the old injury or cause more inflammation and more Peyronie's.

Looking back, I wish I would have abstained completely during that time, but I also am just not sure how that would have worked.

In general I would say masturbate occasionally so that your erections are very hard when you do so. Masturbating every day seems like a terrible idea, at least in my case. I cut down to only once a week and I saw a lot of improvement then because 1: I was resting, and 2: the hardness of my penis during those times was very hard.

Just experiment. Try taking a break and see how it feels and looks.


I made a home page search for sexual activity and I got 9 pages.
The subject was discusses many time on the forum.
My opinion is "Use it or lose it". Other members think different.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


As long as you are gentle and use lube I see no problems in sexual activity during any stage of the disease. Just be careful and don't overdo it. It's the same advice as I got from my uro.