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Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


This is a interesting perspective and study on Peyronie's curvature, I'm getting my protractor out

Tuesday, 07 April 2009  
Division of Urology, Mount Sinai and Women's College Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Among men with Peyronie's disease (Peyronies Disease), the degree of penile curvature has significant implications on psychological well-being, sexual function, treatment planning, and posttherapy evaluations.

The primary objective of the current study was to correlate patients' estimates of penile angulation with objective measures.

(i) Proportion of patients over- or underestimating their actual degree of curvature; and (ii) degree differences between patient estimates and objective measures of penile curvature. Methods. At baseline, patients with established Peyronies Disease were asked to provide a "best estimate" of their degree of penile curvature. Objective measures of penile angulation were then performed using standardized photographs and protractor-based measurement of penile curvature during full erection. Correlations were performed between patient estimates of penile curvature and objective measures of penile angulation.

Eighty-one men with established Peyronies Disease and a mean age of 52 years (range: 20-72 years) were prospectively evaluated. Mean duration of disease was 33 months (range: 6-276 months), and mean plaque size was 1.4 cm +/- 0.1 standardized error (SE). The proportion of patients with dorsal, lateral, and ventral curvatures was 39%, 57%, and 4%, respectively. Patient estimates of baseline penile curvature (mean 51 degrees +/- 3.1 SE) differed significantly from objective measurements (mean 40 degrees +/- 2.4, P = 0.001). A significantly higher proportion of patients overestimate their actual degree of penile curvature (54% overestimate, 26% underestimate, and 20% are accurate within 5 degrees, P = 0.002). Compared with objective measures, patients' estimates of degree of penile curvature differed by an average of 20 degrees +/- 2.2 SE.

Patients with Peyronies Disease tend to overestimate their degree of penile curvature. Objective measurement of penile angulation is necessary to accurately counsel patients regarding disease severity, recommend appropriate treatment strategies, and objectively evaluate outcomes following therapy.

Written by:
Bacal V, Rumohr J, Sturm R, Lipshultz LI, Schumacher M, Grober ED. Are you the author?

J Sex Med. 2009 Mar;6(3):862-5.


Has anyone ordered Herazy's manual stretching video from Peyronie's Disease Institute? It's $50 and I think it's worthless, so maybe someone can let me know their thoughts...


After a week from my injury pain during flaccid has subsided but erection pain persists, but not that strong. The pain starts out as an ache and in full erection it turns into what I can only describe as "white pain." It hurts but not in a specific area, and can be ignored. Things seem to be healing nicely. Vit E and IB helped a lot but irritated the hell out of my stomach. I am optimistic.


richB - That's great news. Hopefully the improvements will continue. I'd stick with the IB for another wee, and maybe take pentox to be on the safe side (if you aren't already). You should probably use this incident as a lesson that you should be a littl more careful in future. I would mean this is a lecturing way, but rather that there would be nothing worse than having a "near miss", only for something similiar to happen again.


Hey Guys!

Maybe I'm posting it in the wrong section, but i couldn't find a suitable topic for this.
I've had this knotlike lump of about .5 inch stuck on my shaft of my penis, just below the head, and beneath the skin for about 14 months now. Sometimes this lump is palpable, but not all the time. Sometimes when I'm erect i can feel it, mostly in the morning, but sometimes i can't. When my penis is flaccid i can't really feel the lump.

I don't know if it's Peyronie's, since i don't have a curvature. But is it possible that i have Peyronie's? Is it normal for a Peyronie's scar to sometimes be palpable and sometimes not?

Thanks in advance for the information and good luck to you all!


Quote from: Ashlander on April 13, 2009, 08:27:44 AM
I've had this knotlike lump of about .5 inch stuck on my shaft of my penis, just below the head, and beneath the skin for about 14 months now. ...  is it possible that i have Peyronie's?

Clearly none of us are going to say it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to have Peyronies Disease.  If I assume you are under 50 years old, have no injury to your knowledge, and have no other symptoms that characterize Peyronies Disease, then the odds are great that you do NOT have Peyronies Disease.  These are the odds however.  Obviously a even a good urologist can not diagnose over the internet so we certainly could not.  Just because it is likely not Peyronies Disease does not mean don't be concerned.  There are things that are worse, as well as things that are not as bad but that need diagnosed and treated.  

Find a GOOD urologist and make an appointment.

PS: if the lump moves with the skin rather than the skin moving back and forth over the lump then it definitely is NOT Peyronies Disease.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The other night I had an epiphany.

During sex one night with my girlfriend, something happened and my penis got bent way farther than it should downward. Now, I would have otherwise been concerned, but for a reason I am not going to disclose, I was busy comforting her afterwords to worry about what had gone on with me. Now over the next couple of days things were pretty sore, but this was masked due to I had developed a rash in the same area of injury. I had concluded that the pain was from the rash and NOT injury. Over the course of the next couple of days I had gone though many different ways to try and diagnose myself. Testicular torsion, epididymitis, anything that would be considered an infection and not penis injury. I specifically remember squeezing the area of what is now my scarring and being in immense pain, if only for a few minutes. I had a lot going on in school at the time, so I ignored it. I also continued to have sex about two weeks afterwords. I had completely and utterly forgot about this incident.

The odd part about this is things didn't pan out characteristically of a penile injury. I remember one time I was having sex, she was on top, and everything was fine. The moment I got up I was in terribly immense pain on the left of the base of my penis for about 10 seconds until I bent over, and the pain disappeared. Odd. I honestly can't explain anything that has gone on in the past months following "injury."

Nothing makes sense. Nothing comes together. I do have what might be considered "plaque," but it is more of thin scarring and not nodule like. My penis doesn't fill up the same way during erection like it used to. Yes there is a bend, but it is not a result of any noticeable scarring or nodule. It isn't an immense bend, maybe 5-8 degrees more than my original one, but it's there. The left cavernosum is not as full as it used to be. Nighttime erections are not as rigid. I don't get it. I feel like I have to draw the blood into my penis to get a full erection.

I took Cipro for two weeks, and I know there has been suggestions about it in other threads. My symptoms, did, and I am not exaggerating, improve while taking Cipro.

I need to see a urologist again. I need to be correctly diagnosed and treated. I need to see a GOOD urologist, one that will actually care about my problem. I am confident my problem might be very Peyronies Disease like, but not Peyronies Disease. Maybe it can be fixed. Maybe it will resolve in time. Who knows. The only thing I know is that I want answers.

I have been examined many times. I do not exhibit obvious Peyronies Disease symptoms. I find it odd that I might develop such a problem considering I have always, always been considered extremely healthy in the eyes of my doctors. The only thing that would effect my immune system is that I was about 6 weeks premature. Which also leads me to another possible conclusion. Maybe if I have developed Peyronies Disease, it could be a symptom of a greater problem. I have always healed well (and quickly, in fact) in times of physical distress. I remember when I broke my leg when I was in jr. high. I had to get it re-set a week later due to me falling onto it. The doctors had to re-break my leg because it had already healed enough to cause problems.

Things since the initial injury have not gotten that much better and I can't tell if they are getting worse, which I will take as a good sign. I know that something is going on here, and I am determined to find out.



We have discussed here previously (at length) the implications of not having a palpable nodule or scar. Essentially, it means nothing more than that the area that is abnormal in your tunica is too small or thin to be felt by human fingers. That does not mean it is non-existent.

Recently published data show that the tunica of men with Peyronie's Disease is abnormal, even in areas other than the palpable plaque. At the time of surgical repair, the docs took out the scar and also took small punch biopsies of nearby normal-appearing tunica. This turned out to be abnormal in collagen content and structure. So it is not surprising that what is leading to your new bend is not easily felt by a couple of fingers (which are not going to be as sensitive as light microscopy at finding abnormalities!).

Everything you have said suggests that you have Peyronie's Disease, and that it is affecting your penile shape and erectile function. Keep on trying to find a doc who will not go with simplistic answers (ie "I can't feel it so it must not exist") and instead with someone who will take the problem seriously.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I agree with Tim. You need to find a doctor that specializes in penile health or a Male Sexual Function specialist. They are hard to find. You do not need a general practice urologist because he does not have all the skills you need. Been There Done That!!!
Let us know what area you are in, some of us may know of a great doctor.


I need to get on Pentox. I live in Cleveland right now, and my home is about an hour SE of that. Hanoverton, Ohio.


In your area Dr. Montague at Cleveland Clinic has an excellent reputation. You can go to the Cleveland Clinic web site and look up his bio. I know of some that he has helped.


Skjaldborg, in the "Our Histories" section, you said:
Quote from: Skjaldborg on April 17, 2009, 05:41:06 PM
Age 30

Very first symptoms In early 2009 I noticed a tingling sensation on the top middle part of my penis after sex with my wife. There was NO popping or pain or loss of erection and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The tingling sensation went away after a few hours. Approx 1 month later, I noticed an hourglassing shape in the middle of my shaft and some discomfort during erection....

The urologist gave me a full examination and explained the condition in detail. He said to take it easy for 3 months, try to forget about it and take Motrin everyday to reduce inflammation. He was very supportive and said that at this stage (acute) we will have to wait and see what happens...

Psychologically this has been very difficult. My sex drive is way down and I'm worried that every time I get an erection that I'm making it worse. I am lucky that my wife is very supportive and we have discussed the situation openly....

Erections will not worsen you situation but likely help maintain penile health.  Wait and see is not a good option.  Now is the time to be proactive.  Read the "child boards" on this forum.  They will give you an overview of the issues.  Posting is done here on the main forum, not in the child boards.

Good luck
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


You'll find that pentox is a treatment of choice on this forum.  Get on it ASAP!


Hawk and Jonny 13,

Thank you. I will ask my Urologist about Pentox.

I have skimmed through some of the threads here about Pentox but am surprised that the Urologist did not recommend it. He appears active in organizations dealing with penile health so it is unlikely that he is completely unaware of it. He seemed upbeat about the lack of severe trauma and absence of large scar tissue. I will push him a little more on this.

Thanks again for the suggestion.



Skjald -

Also consider L-Arginine, Full Spec Vitamin D, Viatmine E, Maybe acetyl-l-carnitine, possibly even viagra.

Dr Levine suggests that starting light traction early could be of use too, and many have demonstrated that the VED can be of use too. Anything in moderation can help. Moderation is the key, and hitting this from different angles can't hurt. You've caught this early, so take advantage of that :).



I think I've read here of others noticing this...

A couple of times when it's taken me longer to get fully erect, I notice a larger "inside curvature" on the right side while I'm semi-erect.  I have a dent at the top 1/4 near on the right side...but completely disappears quickly as I get full erect.

I seen this a few times over the last 4 months.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Cowboyfood....i was just about to post what you said. I am 22 year old male. I have i guess what you would consider a severe curve while semi flaccid, getting erect, and a dent with a lump above it under the penis head on the left side. I would say its between 30-90 degrees depending on how erect i am. However when i am fully erect its barely noticeable. But i do mean fully erect, usually it involves high stimulation and touching/straightening out the curve with my hand. Even the slightest lost in an erection results to some degree of curve. Anyone know what is going on. The doc said peyronies...and started me on Vitamin E and Colchicine. My penis seems to be offcenter also compared to before...whether its in the erect or flaccid state? Will the flaccid state be a prelude to my erect state?  


I don't think it it means that...but, I don't know.  That's why I posted the question, I am very uninformed, and only know what I've read here...but, I think I remember reading one of the "veterans" posts that said this is not unusual, even for those not effected with a scar condition.  

I have a second appt w/ a urologist (well, their PA) that does a lot of work with Peyronies Disease in Atlanta in a few weeks and I'll (try) remember to ask.

My first uro I saw last week didn't question my partially erect state, he just wanted to know if I had pain and if the erect shape caused a problem for intercourse.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


per my last post!!!

I didn't mean to imply that I've read everything and know everything that is on this board, and therefore uninformed!!!

I meant, the little I've read here has greatly increased my knowledge of the condition, but that in know way makes me remotely knowledgeable about the condition.

This forum obviously provides us fantastic information that we can relate to doctors...Even if they are not as "informed" as some on the board, they are trained on how to use knowledge and their specialty.  So, I wouldn't assume that a uro that may not be as up to date with the latest information as many on this board, I presume they are trained on how understand the body.

that being said, try to find a uro in your area that has a demonstrated interest in this condition.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


I've read several cases recently were one's curve is worse while in the semi-erect state and then seems to straighten out once erect. I'll offer my opinion of what may be happening, but my opinion only.

It would make sense to me that there clearly is some fibrosis or Peyronies scarring present. But that it is still somewhat elastic, but not as elastic as the surrounding tunica tissue. So as the erection process begins the curve becomes evident as the Peyronies Disease scar is that last area to stretch. As the erection becomes firmer and puts more tension on this scaring, it does finally stretch some so that curve relaxes and is not as noticeable.

Now, will this always continue this way, will it get worse?  This would be impossible for anyone to answer. Peyronies Disease is so unpredictable in how it will manifest itself in the stable condition in each one of us.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Les - This pretty much mirrors my view of it. My only other thought was that for those with a semi erect curve, it would probably be an ideal time to begin traction or VED, as if they are able to tip the balance in a meaningful way at this stage, maybe it can make a big difference.


Does anyone else on here experience a double stream when they are urinating? I was experiencing this before the Peyronies Lump periodically, but honestly i can not remember how long its been going on....Now that the lump has set in i have the double stream everytime i pee, no pain though. I have been to two uros and neither mentioned anything about a urethra stricture...any ideas?


What you described in your post is exactly how I am, with the semi erect bending, and I agree, it appears peyronies plaque is present but still able to stretch some, just not as good as normal tissue.  This could mean you have peyronies plaque mixed in with normal tissue.  I would guess it could keep getting worse myself.  This is why I take pentox to try to stop this and heal any of the damaged tissue I can.  



Do you experience a double stream when going to the bathroom? Also the base of my penis is swollen. Are you experiencing this also?


I was experiencing some strange pain on the top of my penis below the head recently, decided "what the heck, lets try it" on some back stretching, the pain is now gone. This is strange.



per my Peyronies Disease history, I noticed a dent and about a 15-20 degree curve from the dent (located at the distal portion, about an inch below the glans) since last december.  My first uro diagnosed a scar tissue where the dent is located.

Anyway, I've noticed over the past many weeks I have some "discomfort" in my bowels, the area near my bladder, the base of my penis, the 'area' in front of my bladder right before you get to the penis, my rectum...all that area.

The discomfort is almost like a constipation...but can also be "achy" in any of these areas.

Any thoughts?

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Quote from: cowboyfood on May 06, 2009, 03:07:16 PM

per my Peyronies Disease history, I noticed a dent and about a 15-20 degree curve from the dent (located at the distal portion, about an inch below the glans) since last december.  My first uro diagnosed a scar tissue where the dent is located.

Anyway, I've noticed over the past many weeks I have some "discomfort" in my bowels, the area near my bladder, the base of my penis, the 'area' in front of my bladder right before you get to the penis, my rectum...all that area.

The discomfort is almost like a constipation...but can also be "achy" in any of these areas.

Any thoughts?


I found this post from another board member about "pelvic pain" help...
Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Sounds like a prostate problem. Do you have BPH?



wow, now I'm get to look don't know what that is.

but, I've got a uro appt next week...Old Man said the same thing...I hate getting old sometimes....but, I look young!

whats bph?

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Thought I'd jump in... not trying to beat you to the punch jack, but here ya go, cbfood...

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also known as nodular hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy (technically a misnomer) or benign enlargement of the prostate (BEP) refers to the increase in size of the prostate in middle-aged and elderly men.

  Hey cbfood, don't feel bad. I'm 58 but don't look a day over 143  ;D


Quote from: Angus on May 07, 2009, 12:08:49 AM
Thought I'd jump in... not trying to beat you to the punch jack, but here ya go, cbfood...

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also known as nodular hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy (technically a misnomer) or benign enlargement of the prostate (BEP) refers to the increase in size of the prostate in middle-aged and elderly men.

  Hey cbfood, don't feel bad. I'm 58 but don't look a day over 143  ;D

After everything I've done with my life, now that I am familiar with the term "benign prostatic hyperplasia", I feel officially grown up.

Well, I will explain this to the uro on Tuesday.  Now, I have a list!  Some suggested it might be "stress" related.  I won't bore the board with my story...but, to make a long story short...I've voluntarily put myself under a lot of stress with a career change; which involves law school and living like an indigent at a very hectic move in between fall/spring semesters last december to a school in Atlanta.

Anyway, I'm so thankful to have this wonderful board to educate me on things I took for granite for so health.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


The only thing I disagree with about your statement about BPH is that it can strike at any age not just older gentlemen like our selves.  ::)
I'm 66 now but I will never forget my first bout with BPH at 35. Back then it took over a year of weekly DRE's (Prostate Massage) and antibiotic's to clear it up.
The one thing I found that helps is a couple of glasses of Cranberry Juice daily. It is an acquired taste so I drink it Ice Cold.


Just a side note.  Cranberry concentrate in pill form IS available and it works wonders and avoids the sugar intake usually associated with cranberry juice.  I currently take one of these a day to keep uro problems at bay.  - George


Quote from: jackp on May 07, 2009, 06:45:05 AM
The only thing I disagree with about your statement about BPH is that it can strike at any age not just older gentlemen like our selves.  ::)
I'm 66 now but I will never forget my first bout with BPH at 35. Back then it took over a year of weekly DRE's (Prostate Massage) and antibiotic's to clear it up.
The one thing I found that helps is a couple of glasses of Cranberry Juice daily. It is an acquired taste so I drink it Ice Cold.

Jack,  I think you had prostatitis at 35.  Prostatitis can be either bacterial or non-bacterial.  BPH on the other hand is an enlargement of the prostate that develops gradually over time and that does NOT clear up.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man


Sorry, cannot answer your PMs. Your inbox is full and will not accept any further PMs at the moment. Go into your inbox and delete some so that you can receive new ones.

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I have read several post regarding Urethra Strictures. Very curious about this. I experience a double stream when urinating SOMETIMES, along with a swollen base of penis(in the scrotum region, not the part used for sex). Also i can not get fully erect with out helping it along......and certain parts of my urethra do not swell up like usual when having an erection along with what appears to be a turnicant running across the urethra causing an indentation. Are these signs of Peyronie? I have talked to two doctors and posted this on this board with NO answers....Is no body else experiencing this? Seems unlikely? The double stream and inability to become fully erect without using my hand or someone else help? While fully erect its obvious that i have a peyronie lump at the top...but what about the other things ive mentioned?


Hi Starting2looseHope,

your case has some resemblances to mine.  

I have  a supossed peyronie lump at the right base of the penis, and a swollen area in the middle left of my penis, which feels like some soft burning, specially after eerections, different to the mild pain produced by the supposed peyronie lump. I also have difficulties getting a complete erection.

A few days ago I went to yet another urologist.  This one told me that Peyronies disease in young people (I'm 30) are often produced by/related to prostatitis (inflamation of the prostate), and if the prostatis is treated maybe the peyronie lump dissapears.  This doctor even was not interested by histories of trauma (he didn't asked me about it). He was more interested in symptoms with the urinary stream, of which I have some mild ones, like burning while urinating.  He made me a rectal examination, after which some days later I still have pain, and he told He gave me CIPRO 500 tablets for 10 days (it is worth looking at the CIPRO 500 page in Wikipedia, its secondary effects, and specially on the section on prostatits).  This treatment would only cure 5% of prostatitis, so I think it will not resolve my problem, which I suspect is  type III prostatitis related to stress.  He also spoke to me about having surgery (prostate plastia) to remove part of the prostata (I am really frightened about this).

What you say about double stream might be related to prostatitis. In any case, I do not know if to believe this last doctor.  I am getting quite uncredulous on doctors, and I have seen no reference in the scientific literature about  the relationship between peyronies and prostatitis in young men.

Regard to sexual activity, I think in a case of prostatitis to have sexual excitement without ejaculating.

So, have  a look on the prostatitits page in wikipedia.
Do you have any history of trauma/bending movement?

Has anybody else symptoms similar to prostatitis (burnig feeling when urinanting...)

Keep us informed on what the doctors say to you.

Quote from: Starting2looseHope on May 10, 2009, 06:33:23 PM
I have read several post regarding Urethra Strictures. Very curious about this. I experience a double stream when urinating SOMETIMES, along with a swollen base of penis(in the scrotum region, not the part used for sex). Also i can not get fully erect with out helping it along......and certain parts of my urethra do not swell up like usual when having an erection along with what appears to be a turnicant running across the urethra causing an indentation. Are these signs of Peyronie? I have talked to two doctors and posted this on this board with NO answers....Is no body else experiencing this? Seems unlikely? The double stream and inability to become fully erect without using my hand or someone else help? While fully erect its obvious that i have a peyronie lump at the top...but what about the other things ive mentioned?


Quote from: atlantis on May 11, 2009, 04:58:06 PM
A few days ago I went to yet another urologist.  This one told me that Peyronies disease in young people (I'm 30) are often produced by/related to prostatitis (inflamation of the prostate), and if the prostatis is treated maybe the peyronie lump dissapears.  This doctor even was not interested by histories of trauma (he didn't asked me about it). He was more interested in symptoms with the urinary stream, of which I have some mild ones, like burning while urinating.  

What is his basis for connecting Peyronies Disease to protatitis?  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi all. I'm a 19 year old living with Peyronie's Disease, and I acquired the disease when I was about 13 years old after trauma occurred. I spent most of my teenage years embarrased by the disease's effects, so I never told my parents about it...until now.

I just recently went to a urologist, and within 15 minutes, without hesitation, he told me that he can set up surgery so the scar tissue can be removed, but my penis will be shortened. For the past few years, I've been thoroughly researching Peyronie's Disease, and there are a few things that bother me about my visit to the urologist.

#1 He doesn't specialize in Peyronie's Disease
#2 He was quick to offer surgery (and I realize there are various surgical options, not just the one he offered)
#3 Many online sources I read say that surgery should only be used as a last resort

Based on what I've told you, does the situation I'm in sound good, or should I seek a urologist that specializes in Peyronies Disease? Any other words of wisdom?


Hi Smitty

It's good that after suffering in silence you are now being proactive in looking into the options. You are still very young and as such I would say that getting a second opinion from a specialist would be a very good idea, especially since the urologist doesn't specialise in peyronie's disease. Surgery would no doubt depend on a number of factors, such as whether your disease is stable (this seems likely), and the extent of the deformity. Some members of this forum have had success with VED for instance, other studies suggest that traction can be useful. Can you tell us more about the extent of the curve?


Quote from: newguy on May 12, 2009, 01:30:33 PM
Hi Smitty

It's good that after suffering in silence you are now being proactive in looking into the options. You are still very young and as such I would say that getting a second opinion from a specialist would be a very good idea, especially since the urologist doesn't specialise in peyronie's disease. Surgery would no doubt depend on a number of factors, such as whether your disease is stable (this seems likely), and the extent of the deformity. Some members of this forum have had success with VED for instance, other studies suggest that traction can be useful. Can you tell us more about the extent of the curve?

The curve is a downward one that I would describe as medium-bad. Before I let my parents know about my Peyronies Disease, I was definitely considering buying a traction device. They cost quite a bit, but I was desperate to cure my Peyronies Disease without anyone knowing about it. After more online research though, I found some sources that claimed traction devices are just big money makers that don't necessarily work.

I have a few general questions though.

#1 If I would get surgery that results in shortening of the penis, exactly how much shortening are we talking about? 1/2 inch? 2 inches? I'm guessing it depends on how much scar tissue is present.
#2 Since the penis is cut open during surgery, does it leave any scarring?


Smitty - You're right to be suspcious of the wide range of so called peyronie's "cures" of there. I do think that it has definitely been used by some people to decrease the curve, but it can on occasion cause further injury. Many people have had success with VED therapy, and I'd certainly say that it's worth a shot, and when used correctly is very safe. None of these methods are quick fixes though and it doesn't pay for people to see them as such. As for surgery, if you do get a second opinion from a peyronie's expert, it may be the case that you are suitable. There are a few members here that have gone through surgery and as such they might be able to enlighten you as to the process, what to expect, recovery times etc. length lost will likely depend on the extent of the curve.


Before opting for surgery go to the VED thread and follow the 26 week protocol.  It will help in size if you have surgery. The VED also helps keep the penis healthy.

What surgery did you doctor recommend? How many of these surgery's has he done? What is his background in treating peyronies?

An indication of loss of size would be if you crook your finger to the curve and look at the short side that is probally what you will have after surgery.



Quote from: Smitty on May 12, 2009, 01:18:44 PM
Hi all. I'm a 19 year old living with Peyronie's Disease, and I acquired the disease when I was about 13 years old after trauma occurred. I spent most of my teenage years embarrased by the disease's effects, so I never told my parents about it...until now.

I just recently went to a urologist, and within 15 minutes, without hesitation, he told me that he can set up surgery so the scar tissue can be removed, but my penis will be shortened. For the past few years, I've been thoroughly researching Peyronie's Disease, and there are a few things that bother me about my visit to the urologist.

#1 He doesn't specialize in Peyronie's Disease
#2 He was quick to offer surgery (and I realize there are various surgical options, not just the one he offered)
#3 Many online sources I read say that surgery should only be used as a last resort

Based on what I've told you, does the situation I'm in sound good, or should I seek a urologist that specializes in Peyronies Disease? Any other words of wisdom?


1. Are you able to achieve and maintain an erection?

2. What is your degree of curvature?

There are at least three different surgical procedures. I've had surgery and it was successful. I lost about .5 inch in length after all was said and done. I know two others who also had the same surgery procedure that I did, one also lost .5 inch, and the other person said he noticed no loss of length at all. Feel free to email me. I'm happy to share details of the surgical procedure.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Smitty, there are published data that say that downward curves are harder to fix well surgically.. I would vigorously explore other options first.

You have taken an enormous step in asking for help and being honest with your parents. They will love you and support you, I am sure, in making good choices - how great that you do not have to suffer in silence any longer!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


the pain has returned - F$%K I am so so so over this disease - i am really getting pissed off with this F#*%ER - constant pain for the past 2 F**KING years!!!!


Quote from: Hawk on May 11, 2009, 09:35:38 PM
What is his basis for connecting Peyronies Disease to protatitis?  

I do not know very well, I have not seen any references in scientific journals linking both things, and that doctor was from the moment he saw the photographs of my erection asking me about the symptoms of prostatitis. He did not even asked me about trauma.

In my case it would make sense, as I have some of the symptoms of prostatitis (pain after ejaculation, burning feeling when urinating...).  From what I read in the forum some people have some of the prostatitis symptoms (it suffices to write prostatitis in the forum searchbox).

Has anybody else had Peyronie's disease together with prostatitis?


Iceman - Sorry to hear about that. As you were without pain for several months, it sounds like something has aggravated your condition. I suppose as peyronie's sufferers we are more already in a weakened condition to an extent, and as such these things sometimes occur, even when we don't do anything that would typically we seen as risky. All I can suggest is that you stick with pentox and vits, exercise and a healthy diet. Beyond that we are playing a waiting game. The xiaflex trials will hopefully be positive. Time will tell.


newguy, jackp, lwillisjr, and Tim468,

Yeah, after researching the disease for a few years now, I was quite surprised whenever my first urologist visit resulted in the option of surgery being thrown into my face within 15 minutes. All I know is...I am 19 years old and I hopefully have a full life ahead of me, so I would really like this disease cured once and for all. In addition to my Peyronies, I've had a handful of other problems, both physical and mental. In a year, I'm supposed to move away and do some training for my college degree in Radiology. I would LOVE for ALL of my problems to be fixed by then, b/c I feel like my issues have been keeping me from a happy life...and all I really want in life is happiness.

I appreciate all of your support and advice. I'm definitely glad I found this forum while doing a Google search. Anyways, my parents actually aren't as supportive as I thought they'd be. They are very ignorant to my situation, and they are trying to force decisions on me, decisions that I should be making on my own.

lwillisjr I'll contact you within the next few days. Thanks.

Anyone up for a little humor? My urologist asked me if I have any pain during intercourse, and guess what I told him? I've never had intercourse. He was shocked... 19 years old and still a virgin? He asked me why...and I told him it was b/c of the disease, which was embarrassing for me. The good news is I'm not embarrassed by the disease anymore.

Oh, and one more thing: Since I got Peyronies Disease during puberty when my body/penis was still maturing and growing, do you think some of the Peyronies Disease effects are permanent? It seems like the circumference of my erection is kind of thin/narrow. Will surgery help this, or is it something I'll just have to live with?