Surgery this week

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First post after finding this site, I am having a penile tunica plication this week in Chicago.
Nervous as heck but happy to be addressing this issue, since I am balding, broke, FOG and slightly overweight married guy I am not to worried about some shortening, although I have already lost some after my prostate removal six years ago.  My wife and I just want to "really" enjoy sex again!
Wish I had found this a couple months ago!
Good to hear of others successes as well as challenges, best of luck to you all.


Good luck, Waldo. I had plication done in Dallas just under three weeks ago. I do not regret it at all. In fact, I wish I had done it sooner. I don't seem to have lost any size to the surgery. I had already lost it to the Peyronies Disease. Hang in there, bud, you will be glad you went through with it.
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Any chance that Dr. Levine is doing your surgery?
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: LWillisjr on January 07, 2014, 05:31:17 PM
Any chance that Dr. Levine is doing your surgery?

Thankfully, yes.  


Good luck!

Keep us posted on your progress.


Welcome, Waldo,

Look forward to good reports as you recover from surgery.




Quote from: Knight on January 09, 2014, 12:14:43 PM
Good luck!

Starts in an hour, should be a fun day.....looking forward to two months from now!



Here's to a speedy, successful and complete recovery!

Please update us as often as possible. Your experience is invaluable to those of us next in line.

Thank you!


Almost 24 hours later....

Wrapped tighter then I don't know!
Not in a lot of pain but I feel like Mr. Happy has been somewhere he shouldn't have!  Like playing in the street and being run over by a bus.
I can see some serious bruising under the gauze, I can unwrap on Sunday and shower than as well.
If all looks "normal" I won't see doc for another two weeks.  
I'll let you know how things look later this weekend.  


Good luck with that first look at it. My first look was pretty scary. It really will get better every day. Norm
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Best wishes. I can't imagine it all, but I hope it all works gorgeous the better.

And thank God for good wives. Mine has stood by me too. I don't really want the fix for me but for her. I want that intimate relationship and want my wife happy.

Hopefully you nothing will be happy, and having more fun with less pain.


My bruising and swelling actually got worse for a few days before it started to get better.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: LWillisjr on January 11, 2014, 08:16:38 PM
My bruising and swelling actually got worse for a few days before it started to get better.

Unwrapped late last night, the night was fine.
This morning the swelling is real bad and the pain has spiked.
Stitch job, 3/4 looks good, a section that looks bunched up, but I'll get a better look this afternoon after I've iced the crap out of it!

Thanks guys!  


Erections are not your friend right now. Think about a brick wall.
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Quote from: Norm on January 12, 2014, 12:12:38 PM
Erections are not your friend right now. Think about a brick wall.

Ice packs keep away all thoughts building anything!

I read a few posts where guys were given drugs to repress nocturnal erections but that was never mentioned to me.

We'll have to wait and see!

Ice all day today, still very uncomfortable.  


I asked my doc if he was going to give me anything to eliminate erections during healing. He said no, that there was really nothing that worked as good as an icepack. I think we have been mislead all our lives.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Quote from: Norm on January 12, 2014, 12:12:38 PM
Erections are not your friend right now. Think about a brick wall.

Felt one coming on last night, woke me up.  I had briefs on to hold me close and rolled onto my stomach to quell it!  
Today still quite swollen and sore.  Lots of ice yet, but even that seems to make things sore after awhile.
Let's see how things go tonight, I was planning on a couple hour drive tomorrow afternoon.  


Kind of a relapse last night/ this morning.
Pain was back and very sensitive to anything touching it!
Wow. Like I ever needed a reason to walk around bottomless?  Got one today.
Much happier hanging out in space vs briefs and ice packs.
Seems to be healing well, stitches are tight but still very swollen. Wonder how long that lasts?
Urine flow is good doesn't appear to have any constriction of flow.


I woke up a few days thinking it was going to be a bad day. It got better. Hang in there!
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Its been a week and I can say today that things are really feeling better.

Still quite swollen and bruised but not too much pain, most is coming from bottom, internal stitches...hope that abates!

I office out of my home, haven't had to drive anywhere but I did today.  A couple hours out of state and I will see a client in the morning and head back.  Feel okay and that's what I want.

As an FYI, 59yo, I had my prostate removed 7 years ago due to PC, all good today.  Peyronies started showing up a couple years later, I feel it came on after and failed attempt at coitus.....I cannot recall anything from prior to that incident.  Excuse me as i don't know any technical terms but I had a 50 degree up angle.  Erections with pills got me very stiff and bent with coitus very challenging and mostly very uncomfortable for my partner, more casual arousal produced a much softer and not too bent, coitus was possible but not terribly satisfying for either.  Lost at least an inch due to prostrate removal and I am expecting to lose another to this, I am okay with this as is my partner as she has always enjoyed girth over depth, we are looking forward to a couple of months from now as we both have been unhappy the last few years.

That's it for now, let you know what tomorrow brings.



Ten days later.

Bruising slowly subsiding, swelling too.

Stitch line swelling is looking better too, stitches themselves are the cause of most of my discomfort.  They are painful when touched/rubbed wrong.
I've been applying Neosporin around stitch line to help minimize scarring.  Hope I'm not rushing or ruining dissolvable threads. Oh well.  

Looking forward to straighter days.




I wish you all the best with your corrected tool.
Just one more month to wait.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


One day short of two weeks, things much better however...

I need to go in for my post op check up next week but I asked to come in today as I have a unique swelling on one side, I say unique because it is almost a perfect rectangle...weird.

Outside of that stitches look good, most swelling way down as is most of my discomfort just a little when it is completely constricted like bending over, sitting up straight...just want to have this swelling looked at.

More later.


Best of luck with the visit! Hopefully the swelling is normal!


Hang in there, Waldo. I had some strange looking places myself, but they eventually corrected themselves. Here's hoping yours do the same.
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Quote from: Norm on January 22, 2014, 06:13:56 PM
Hang in there, Waldo. I had some strange looking places myself, but they eventually corrected themselves. Here's hoping yours do the same.

I'm good with recovery. Having lived with a dorsal for a few years, that's all behind me and only good things to come.

Swelling today was fluid build up, no infection. If it hardens or gets puffier (sp) need to go back.
I'm to start massage and in a couple weeks traction.

Soon to be straight again!



I am sure mine was fluid buildup also. I had something similar to a small balloon looking place. It was soft and puffy. Having seen the same thing after a knee surgery, I was fairly certain that was what it was. After a very few days it returned to normal. That was what I thought of when you described yours. It really will go away. Congrats on the surgery and God's speed with the recovery.
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Quote from: LWillisjr on January 11, 2014, 08:16:38 PM
My bruising and swelling actually got worse for a few days before it started to get better.

Willis, I took the time to read your history, thanks for sharing with all the men and their partners.
My wife never fully grasped the psychological effects of this on me.  
Being post menopausal she no longer initiated sex so she had a hard time getting that this particular appendage has been a long time friend of mine and its important to me.  
Thankfully she always tried to make things pleasurable for me and tried when I wanted to.
With my 50* dorsal and pills it was way to hard and curved to be good for us unless we got a bit creative and found it best if she laid flat on her stomach, although not all the fun we wanted!  
Nice that even though she never initiated she was always a willing participant once things got started!
Back to the psych issue, it has been hard to deal with, frustrating and embarrassing, just not feeling like the man you used to be.  I understand the ED and loss of sex drive as we get older but this Peyronies Disease has been devastating for us, it did rob us of a few years of total intimacy and i so look forward to a month from now to again consummate our relationship.
Thanks for your candor, thanks to all you guys that share your stories.


SO....last night I had a nocturnal erection, it woke me up as the stretching was a bit painful.
Wow that was good to see.


Wish we had a "Like" button. Happy for you Waldo!


Good news's indeed Waldo :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Ain't it grand? First time I saw mine straight brought tears to my eyes. Good luck, Waldo! In a few weeks you can take it for a test drive.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Quote from: Norm on January 24, 2014, 08:59:17 AM
Ain't it grand? First time I saw mine straight brought tears to my eyes. Good luck, Waldo! In a few weeks you can take it for a test drive.

I'm fueling up for that drive!  Very excited but cautious as I know it will be 6-8 months before I'm really healed and there could be some bumps or curves that appear on that drive.
Shorter but at least recognizable and that itself is a victory.
But it was nice to see, no kidding.  As of now I am kicking myself for not doing it last year.

Happy Trails!



Three weeks.
So far the results are-short(er) but straight!  I'm okay with that, it's so good to see my quasi erections being straight.  
Most of my stitches are gone, nocturnals wake me as there is still some stretching discomfort. Shaft feels more solid?  Why I guess it's internal healing between skin and membrane under?
Swelling is primarily under the glans, my "wattle" is quite puffy.
Still sensitive along stitch line but some gauze wrap during the day helps lots.
I can see happy days ahead!


Your wattle sounds like mine. Mine got fluid in it and got really puffy. That went away in a very few days. Sounds like you are doing fine. I felt like I was ready to go after four weeks. My wife and I both got colds and had to postpone activity until five weeks. We did. It was still too soon. I only had one spot that was still sore, but it was sore enough to shut things down. I tried, I had great intentions, we used KY lube, but the discomfort still outweighed the pleasure. I will try again in a few days. All I can say is, don't rush it. Be careful. When you think you are ready, you probably aren't. Give it all the time you can. Hang in there.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


I was quite sensitive along my stitch line (circumcision scar) for several months. But it eventually cleared up to where it was totally natural again.

I've said many times healing is a long slow process...... do not rush
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Four weeks today.
Still a roll along stitch line, most discomfort has eased.  I was wrapping in gauze up until Tuesday, I ran out as I am traveling this week, feels fine without a cover.
Occasional nocturnal, feels stiff enough for penetration and I have resisted the urge to fully experience my improved family member at night, stretching exercises as of yet do not result with the same success but i see signs.
No numbness that I have identified anywhere.

So far so good!



Good to read your post Waldo ;D

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Good to read Waldo! God bless you brother!


Five weeks today.

Swelling all down, stitch ridge is 50%-70% reduced.  No pain to make note of.

Nocturnal's don't seem to be as rigid, a bit of a concern....but they are straight so if I need pills to make me harder for pentration I'm okay with that.  WE are okay with that.

Next weekend it will be six weeks so..................hopefully we can celebrate a deferred Valentines Day like we did back in the day!

So far so good, just so dang glad to have Mr. Happy pointing in the correct direction.

Not much more to elaborate on, I think I had more discomfort then others, I needed my painkillers that first week, occasionally the second due to the stitches themselves catching and pulling.

Thanks for listening you guys, its helped it have an outlet!

Chris W.


Again good to read your post Waldo. Let us know how was the trial 8)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Good for you Chris! Thanks for the updates and details on your experiences. To live through your experiences is invaluable to those of us who may one day soon follow a similar path as the journey you are presently on.


Not much change from last week, except for this is week SIX!

Still quite a ridge around scar/circumcision line which is sensitive to "motion."

So will I take Mr. Happy for a test drive?  Not to sure about that, we will see over the weekend, after these last few years another week is not going to make a difference.

Thankfully I am straight and respond to stimulation so I will remain patient and let things develop.

As of week seems like I may have a solution to my issues, to some of you it sounds like there are still some serious challenges ahead that need to be addressed, I hope all of you are able to find the right procedure that brings you gratification.  

Good luck gentlemen, best wishes for you all.



Yeah, don't rush anything! After all you've been through it would be a shame to make a mistake now. Give your body all the time it requires to heal.

All the best!


That ridge where they circumcision scar is on me was sensitive for several months. But eventually was back to normal.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


It is barely past two months from my surgery, which was not nearly so traumatic as yours. I have a couple places that are still sore, especially during sex. I don't think we realize what punishment our penises take during sex. We take it for granted until something like this happens. My doc said it would be six months or more before I was able to feel like nothing had happened. Give it time. You will be fine.
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Your doc is right. I was just commenting on the scar. It was easily 6-7 months before everything felt back to normal for me.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Week seven.

No more pain or discomfort.  However nocturnal's have all but disappeared and I am concerned about that.
I was told to stretch and massage to minimize scar, plaque and that would result in a decent partial.
Now I get nothing.
What do you guys think?