Greetings everyone! New here but not to Peyronies Disease

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Hello everyone, I am 49, I started noticing a slight curvature upwards in November of 2011, by the end of December it was getting worse and had me concerned enough to call and make an appointment with a urologist that was scheduled February 17, 2012. That is the day I was diagnosed with Peyronies. The doctor prescribed Vitamin E, Potaba and Colchicine which I took for nearly eight months with no improvement at all. My penis doesn't look like mine any more. It appears as if someone pulled back on the reins of a horse and pulled the end of my member with it.
I am married and have two sons,  3 year and a 21. my wife all but cut me off in November of 2009 after she got pregnant. We have only had intercourse once since I was diagnosed back in 2012, that by itself is a blow to my mental state. The Urologist asked me at the time of my visit if I could still get a hard enough erection to have intercourse and I then told him I wouldn't know because it had been over a 18 months. But that is for a different forum I am sure.
I have tired Vitamin E oil for the last year with no change, I put if on after a hot shower. I can feel the plaques inside that are causing my problems. The doc says I will have to live with it and it will never straighten out again and could get worse.


First of all, find another Urologist. With his attitude, you certainly won't improve. You need an ultrascan to detect the extent of the plaque and whether calcification has occurred.

Read all you can here, there is a goldmine of information, and experience in dealing with this disease. Blood supply ( oxygenation) of the penis is essential. You need Pentox, if you cannot get a prescription, you can find sources on the site where it can be bought at reasonable cost. I would recommend also, ALC, Arginine, CoQ10, and, if there are still ED problems, low dose Cialis. For the curvature you can use traction or VED. So, all is not lost.

If all else fails, there are surgical options to consider. But primarily, do not listen to this Uro telling you nothing can be done. If he had a bent and painful penis, he would have a completely different attitude, I assure you.  


Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



You should be coming into the stable phase of peyronies.  The best thing you can do now is start the single cylinder VED exercise and 5mg of daily Cialis. You an get a coupon for a months supply at with the coupon and a prescription from your doctor the first months supply would be free.

May I suggest you and your wife start counseling by a good family therapist. My wife and I do divorce care at church and next to money lack of intimacy is a major cause of divorce. If she won't go with you go by yourself. She also needs to go to her doctor for complete physical and blood work. Her hormone levels could be messed up. Go with her. I also suggest you get a book called "Intended for Pleasure" by Dr. ED Wheat.



Thank you everyone! I do have lots to read here and I am so grateful to all that have replied. I have no problems at all getting erections, maybe have too many a day and night; do I still need the Cialis?(Jackp) and what brand of VED? I looked online and the results and price differences were a bit overwhelming. How do you find a good Urologist? Does anyone know of any in central NC? I thought I had found a good one, he teaches at Wake Forsest School of Medicine. I am in the Greensboro / Winston area but have no problems driving to Duke or Chapel Hill  



The fact that someone is teaching at a school of medicine does not makes him a good doctor :(
Regarding VED, write a PM to Old Man. I am using a simple cheap VED with Jack protocol to increase the blood flow and to keep a healthy (as possible) penis.
Low dose Cialis (2.5 mg daily if not for ED) in combination with Pentox is your best chance to stop and even revers the Peyronies symptoms. Ubiquinol will help also.
Take the advice of Jack regarding counseling.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Just because he teaches at a medical school does not make him a peyronies specialist.  I went to the head of The Department of Urology at UT Memphis Medical School. By that time I had done so much research on peyronies and ED he was not able to answer my questions. He also did not have the implant skills I needed.

Yes, I would still recommend 2.5mg of Cialis daily. Get a prescription for 5mg and cut then in half, that way you have a 60 day supply.  You have to keep the fresh blood flow going to help the peyronies and keep your penis healthy.

I have sent you a PM with a suggestion of a couple of doctors for you.  Also a good location to purchase a VED. The combination of the VED exercise and cialis will help straighten your curve. It takes time but it does work.

Is your wife having pain with intercourse? Mine did after I had my implant. Our regular doctor recommended a OB-GYN that specialized in women with painful intercourse.  He had her problem resolved within 2 weeks.  Earlier this year she was complaining about lack of libido. Our regular doctor did some blood work that showed both her testosterone and estrogen very low.  I went back with her to the OB-GYN. I sat with her at the head of the exam table. She and I answered his questions from each of our prospective.  He did an exam and found her estrogen was not getting to her vagina. After a couple of different approach he found the right medicine for her vagina and then put her on a testosterone cream she uses 3 times a day. For the first couple of weeks I had a hard time keeping up with her. :-) She is back to normal and our love life is great. :) ;) :D ;D :o ::)  By the way I am 71 and she is 73.

Now start working on your marriage. The best thing you can have is a wife that supports you.



Jack- I finally got a script for Cialis 5mg for daily use.There are no ED meds that work for me, for erections, due to the RP. I got it strictly for the blood flow for the peyronies. Why do you say to cut it in half? Thanks Inkhorn



It is all about blood flow to your penis and penile health. That was for guys that can get an erection. For those like you that can not get an erection the full 5mg would be best. This in combination with the VED exercise will improve blood flow to your penis.

Before my implant my venous leakage was so bad none of the ED drugs worked. None of the injections worked either they only made things worse causing corporal fibrosis. With the daily VED exercise I gained back 3/4" of length lost to peyronies.
