Verapamil Cream in Canada

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Hi everyone, i am new here, but i have been looking everywhere for Verapamil Cream, we probably don't have it in Canada... but surely there's a way for me to get some? I was told they had a powder they could make into a cream.. is that how?

im a disabled person that suffered permanent systemic damage to an antibiotic and now recently learned i broke my septum in the penis, lost function and most of sensation, and developing Peyronie's. My Urologist simply does not want to try to treat me any other way than oral medication, which is seriously dangerous in my case, so I really need to get my hands on that Verapamil Cream... It's my only hope at maybe gettnig a bit of my life back.

Thank you


Purple- Sorry to hear of your desperation, but there is hope found here. There are many ways to go other then Verapamill, and not all oral. Search the site, research and carve out a plan of action that can work for you. Regards Inkhorn  


Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thanks all for welcoming me. I have just read the MUST READ page. First off I wanna say, I hope I do not accidentally break any forum rules or offend by mistake since I am writing in a desperate state. I apologize if I do.

In July, I started feeling like my penis was loose at the base when erect, then went on to having an empty sensation in the erect penis, followed by denting on one side, and deformation. Then the worst part occurred, I could not sustain an erection without stimulation and have now Lost most of the sensation, its almost entirely numb.

As a result, I am unable to have any intercourse with my wife, and prior to that, we already went through a though time in our relationship due to sexual reasons. I am doing the bad thing psychologically that was mentioned in the welcome page, I am becoming unable to almost be around her at all.

I saw a Urologist, which is meant to be one of the best, he did an ultrasound a month ago (Not a duplex) and found that on the ultrasound, you could not even see my septum. Told me I had a broken Septum.

He did offer the first line of defense, Prescribed me Pentoxifylline and called for a Duplex ultrasound. However, I am in a very precarious situation in which 2.5 years ago, I sustained body wide connective tissue and nervous tissue damage to a single dose of an antibiotic, which had made me lose most of my life and already put great strain on my relationship. I cold still have sex, even though i could not be as vigorous as I once was. This is due to a genetic predisposition to do with Liver enzymes and drug metabolism and the oxidative effects of the antibiotic. (Not all is known still about my condition but what is known is that its permanent). As a result, I could not take the Pentox, he refused to do the duplex since he said he had to inject me with something that would likely cause worst side effects.

He then gave me a traction device to use, which I have concerns about since I have these nerve problems, so right now I am waiting to see my GP to organize a Nerve Conductivity test.

I cannot use amino Acids such as L-Arginine due to the fact that I have severe asthma and allergy problems. I have concerns about Bromelain for that reason, although I can drink pineapple juice ok.

That is why I was considering Verapamil Cream, Bromelain and possibly if i am able to, go to a Pelvic Floor Physio person that was recommended to me by a sex therapist.

I am not sure of what I could do or say on the forum that might benefit me. I appreciate you taking the time to read my story.

Thank you



You meed to see a real Peyronies specialist to address your situation. This is my opinion.
You may try to find one close to you at:,37.0.html
or let us know the state you are living and we will be able to give you some advice.
I also don't see how a traction device will help you to achieve an erection, but you may try VED and constriction ring.
Sorry to read about your problems with the wife, I had also some bad times withe mine because of this disease.
Others are much more lucky having a supportive wife.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I'm in Quebec Canada doubt we got these specialists in this simpleton place.. also yeh, if its broken.. hows that gonna help, also can't use the ring as it can damage the dorsal nerves further :(  and the numbness is the worst part at the moment