I descover it since two weeks

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Hi all

I'm 51 and so far I have had an intense sex life.  My wife is 35 and, after 10 years of marriage, I'm still madly in love with her.

14 days ago I suddenly noticed a slight curve to the left but also a loss of volume of approx  thirty percent of the corpus Cavernosum dx.  after a couple of days I found a plaque more than one centimetre long positioned between the shaft and the glans.
I actually have seen three urologists:
the first said that he felt no plaque and prescribed me a prostate echo that I should have done in about a month  ??? (clinical centre of Andrology Pisa University).
the second I went to find him to Milan because he seemed the best with his internet. but it's pure business. however after an echo with prostaglandins injection I was told I'm Peyronies and I have a fibrous plaque distal between the two corpus cav. of which I realized only now that it overspread around the corpus cavernosum dx causing the curvature.  
so I don't know when it really started.  maybe it is in relation with a sharp pain due to I have been to an Uro at the end of 2010. I had felt it at the top of penis without remembering any trauma. I was told it perhaps was a "thrombosis" and I was prescribed a blood thinner cream .  the pain continued to reappear from time to time, although much lighter and just like a shot, near  the glans and throughout the corpus cavernosum sx (which is still apparently healthy) during the erections, until a few months ago. when I was thinking everything was finally well the curvature appeared. I unfortunately had no idea before of the existence of Peyronie's disease.
in short, the Uro in Milan prescribed me a series of tests including autoimmune antibodies (they are not jet ready) and, as therapy, 900 mg of vitamin E daily and local betametasone and verapamil cloridrate to do with iontophoresis.   also a cholesterol reducing pil before sleeping.

The third Uro, Director of the Urological clinic University of Pisa and distinguished Professor at the same Faculty, took only five minutes and a lot of money:  he just said with an almost mocking tone: "disease of unknown etiology and evolution.  take 3 mg daily of colchicine  (named Colchicina Lirca) and wait to see what happens ".  I asked about pentoxifilline.  he told me ok let's take also pentoxifillina together with colchicina.  they have two different ways to act.

this is what I'm doing at the moment:

diet to reduce autoimmune body reactions.  
400 mg pentoxifillina 3xday
1,5 gr Acetyl L-Carnitina 2xday
CoQ10 100mg 2xday
300 mg vit E 3xday
Avocado estracts

I'm also thinking to add iontophoresis as the Uro in Milan prescribed.

would you think I could also add colchicina as the Uro in Pisa said witout hurting my stomac?

at the moment the only psychological support I have is this forum and an italian member in particular.

lot of thanks to all of you guys and to all who will give me some advice.  I desperately need it.


I personally took colchicine until I read the side effects.  That combined with no studies with evidence that it helps was enough that I stopped.  While most probably suffer no bad side-effects, it has some very nasty potential side-effects almost similar to chemo-therapy for cancer.  No one has ever shown me evidence it helps and no one here has ever report that they thought it helped them.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


If you read much on this forum, I think you will find that the Pentox and supplements you are already taking are the proper ones. These all attack the problem from the medical standpoint. From the physical aspect, you might also want to investigate VED or traction therapy. Several members here have had success with traction, but I think you will find that the vacuum device is recommended more often and, perhaps, requires less time per session.
You have come to the right place. While none of us are doctors( to my knowledge), we all have a common bond and have become self made Peyronies Disease specialists in a sense. I think you are on the right track based upon the histories here. I cannot speak to the procedures you are contemplating, but I bet someone here can and will. Keep the faith. There is help.  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


Thank you so much.  I stopped taking colchicina.
I have other questions regarding foods and drinks to avoid and also about how and when taking supplements during the day but I think I should do that in the appropriate topic If I can't find it already posted.
Thanks again


Hawk I have not tried it, but one study showed a large improvement in peyronies pain:

Results from clinical trials with oral colchicine
are summarized in Table 4. Akkus et al reported that
78% of patients experienced a reduction in pain,

When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


Improvement in pain is the natural course of progression with Peyronies Disease. All men have an improvement in pain with Peyronies Disease whether they treat it or not. Because of that, I put little stock in studies on improvement in pain.  The very least a study has to demonstrate is that a control is used in the study and the trial medication performs significantly better than the trial.  The other option is that patients were able to turn the pain on and off by beginning and ending the medication a few times.

When you consider the results from substances like ALC that have virtually no side effect, I think cholchicine represents a risk that out-weighs likely benefits.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums