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I have been occasionally reading the forums since 2021. My struggle against this curse began shortly after me and my girlfriend had become sexually active.

Long story short, I didn't really pay that much attention to my business and I suspect that it happened sometime at the age of 17 when I suffered an injury around the groin area during sports. I can recall feeling pain for a month or two, but I certainly didn't expect this outcome that resulted in my dick resembling captain hook...

I did some research and given the severity of the curvature (~45° to the right and ~25° upwards; slight twist) and description of symptoms of Peyronies Disease I wasn't very pleased to conclude that I have it. Quick visit at local urologist only confirmed it, and, to put it lightly, my mood wasn't the best on that day.

Fortunately, my girlfriend is understanding and still supports me to this day. We decided to get me RestoreX to hopefully straighten it out (mostly the bend to the right, the upward curve doesn't cause much trouble if any). I live in Europe and and importing it involved additional hassle that resulted in about 40% higher price than listed on the US site.

RestoreX arrived sometime in March 2022 and I have been using it on and off for a few months with underwhelming results, and then I was forced to take a break due to various irl factors. I probably logged around 30 hours of usage and managed to get to 4 clicks. The device remained dormant in its box until 13/09/2023 when I started using it again.

It has been almost two weeks and I managed to get from 2 to 4 clicks while applying counter-bending to the left. I think I understand why I didn't see much progress in the past (or at least I hope so). Out of curiosity, right after the usual session (15min straight, 15min 4 clicks left) I decided to spend another 15min counter-bending downwards at 1 click and then the device REALLY hit the spot that is seemingly on the far right of scar tissue. I cannot recall similar levels of tension except for the time when I got from 3 to 4 clicks mid-2022. In fact, I noticed that the little guy is way more elastic when counter-bending to the left during erection than it used to be, yet counter-bending it downwards is mission impossible (gently, using hands, of course). That said, I suspect that the area I mentioned contributes to curvature in both directions and I expect to get at least some improvement if I follow-up left counter-bending with downward counter-bending.

I hope to document my progress more thoroughly and hopefully exchange info with you so that we can win this uneven battle together.

Wish me luck and I hope to see you again somewhere on the forums  ;)  
Age: 24; Curvature: ~45° right, ~25° up; In relationship; Diagnosed with Peyronies Disease in 2021; Have been using RestoreX on and off since March 2022; Results so far: +0.5cm erect length; noticeable girth improvement; no improvement in curvature.


Welcome DieG to the forum. Thnak you for filling out your signature line as you will receive a better member response. Also download and read our survival guide -->Survival Guide . This will give you a better understanding of peyronies and it's different treatments.

So you say you had a sports injury that caused your deformity? So did your urologist do an ultrasound? Are you currently in any pain? Also are your erections good and have you tried Cialis at all?

Using the Restorex can help correct things. Be sure though that you are burying the lines on the device as much is possible. Counter bending is a process and can be of some benefit. If clamping is an issue with you then look into trying out the makeup pads for comfort. There is a sticky about it in the forum, just search for it.

One of the most damaging things regarding peyronies is the mental trouble that comes along with it. It appears like you have a good outlook on it and also have the support of your girlfriend. I think you should also look into VED therapy as it can be of some benefit also. Just adopt the mindset that this is a marathon and not a sprint. Things take time and then more time. Also let pain be a guide.

Mikel7 :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Hi Mikel7,

Thanks for warm welcome. :)

It might sound unlikely, but the hit that my I took in that area pretty much disabled for a while and it seems the little guy also took some if the impact. I was under heavy anesthetics for one month until my muscles and bone stopped hurting like hell (followed with regular anesthetic during another month). The pain on the right side of the shaft was mild during that time and I didn't connect the dots that it was way more severe until shortly before diagnosis.

My urologist didn't have the equipment to perform ultrasound and identify the exact size of plaque, but he attempted to locate it manually and was able to tell that there is a small lump right where we expected it could be. I inspected the area myself and I think that I can tell what he meant by a small lump since there is a significant change of texture that I can feel under my fingertips while pressing onto it. I have been unable to schedule a proper appointment at larger clinic yet due to university and part-time work that make it very hard to do pretty much anything without missing a deadline. I'm not sure when I could allocate time to do this in the nearest future, but I hope that I can figure it out soon.

As to pain, there is none. I haven't used Cialis. I used to experience ED in various intensity, but ever since I started using RestoreX this is no longer the case. My girlfriend still gets surprised how hard it can get if we get revved up, but then we contemplate how much better it would be if matters got straightened out.

Thank you for mentioning makeup pads  I'm yet to try them out. So far, I feel comfortable using Stokban elastic bandage that very closely resembles the tape that came with RestoreX. Getting to use the device took about 2 months (making sure rods are buried etc.) . Now I could operate it with closed eyes. Still, clamping is problematic once in a while.

I'm trying to stay positive about it and hope to reduce the curvature by half during next 2-3 years (I wouldn't mind to get it completely sorted in the following years, though). I will take a look at VED and all other available options. I wish I could take the "nuclear" option straight away and go for Xiaflex injections. Alas, I emailed a few clinics in Europe and they are all out of stock and it seems that it will stay this way unless distribution to EU is open again.

Age: 24; Curvature: ~45° right, ~25° up; In relationship; Diagnosed with Peyronies Disease in 2021; Have been using RestoreX on and off since March 2022; Results so far: +0.5cm erect length; noticeable girth improvement; no improvement in curvature.