Steve's Road to Implant

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Peyronie%u2019s disease, its effects, the attempts to overcome it, the failures, and a few moderate wins along the way, have had a major impact on my life, like most men burdened by this insidious disease. This has been a 20-year journey, and I felt my experience might be of interest, and maybe helpful, to other men who are at various points in their battle against this disease. Maybe reading about another guy%u2019s experience, his mistakes, small victories, defeats and being on the verge of having a rock-hard boner, on demand, just might be helpful or encouraging to others.

Like many, I was hit suddenly, overnight with a seriously bad case of Peyronie%u2019s disease. Over the course of a few days, a curve started developing with a fast-growing dorsal plaque mass which ultimately extended from near the base, two-thirds of the way down my dick. Twenty years later, the plaque is still there. Eventually it stopped growing, and I stabilized. The curve maxed out at nearly ninety degrees to the left, with a visible narrowing and hinge (weakness) mid shaft.

This is when things went from bad to worse. The Erectile Dysfunction started, and that added to the effects of Peyronies Disease, it was beginning to look like my sex life was over. I was in my forties for F~@<%u2019s sake, and not ready to just accept this and give up sex. Which is pretty much what the first urologist told me. He said there was nothing that could be done and kicked me to the curb. The second doctor said there was a possibility of reducing the curve and hinging, somewhat, with Verapamil injections. It is a series of injections, directly into the plaque multiple times, over the course of several weeks. I have never in my life felt pain like that. It was excruciating to have him stabbing into the plaque while literally digging around with the needle as the drug was injected. At the follow-up, several weeks later, I told the doctor that the shots had helped a little and the curve was not quite as bad as before. He quickly felt of the plaque, dropped my penis like it was going to bite him and informed me that it hadn%u2019t helped enough, and there was nothing more that could be done. He never induced an erection, so he really had no frame of reference for whether or not I had improved. At the time I didn%u2019t know that he probably, or maybe, should have. At this point, I could still raise a boner with Viagra, but even with the curve reduced some, I still couldn%u2019t F~@<. And the next two urologists were of no help, and I realized just how little these doctors knew about Peyronie%u2019s. I set out to do my own research and find out if there really were any options, or not. This is probably around the time I joined the forum.

I will add to this journal chunks; next the actions I took trying to help myself, and then the implant process, if anyone is really interested in reading all my word salad. I think the backstory is important because each of the events were steps bringing me to the implant. I%u2019m not a great writer, and if any of this is confusing, or you have questions, please comment/ask. That is why we are all here%u2026to help each other.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Hi Steve, i would be very interested and i am sure others will be to learn of your journey and the trials and tribulations that come with this condition.
Anything that any of us can learn is a gift. I only wish i had stumbled across this forum and the amazing advice that comes with it  before i was also kicked to the kurb by my local urologist.
I will be looking out for your updates.....cheers!
55 years old 5 months post op LUE procedure with Prof Ralph in London to fix 90 degree bend to left. Currently doing Traction and VED to gain back 2 inches lost in length, which is going well. Taking daily Cialis and having great erections and sex.


Hi Steve

Thanks for doing what you're about to do in documenting your struggle with Peyronies Disease and the eventual implant process. I too found this forum to be a life saver when I needed it most and have never looked back since my implant 21 months ago. I look forward to reading about your experiences.

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


We learn through trial and error and that's from reading about other's experiences. Who knows - some treatment may help us! We should never be so high minded to not learn from any other human beings experience. Each person has wisdom in what has and hasn't worked for them. I welcome your info here :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


ROAD TO IMPLANT—Intervention
After seeing several urologists and receiving no help or hope for ever having a satisfying sex life again, I didn't know where to turn. Possibly, if my Peyronie's were not so severe the doctors might have been more help, I don't know. The ninety-degree bend, the hinging and the size of the plaque seemed to be beyond their skill sets. Or they just didn't give a crap, which is how it felt after each visit. Now, had I lived in a major city, finding quality medical care might have been possible, but Albuquerque, New Mexico did not seem to be that place.

One of the doctors in the series I saw, did say plication or grafting might be possible, but he had never tried to correct a case as serious as mine, but he would try. That did not instill a lot of faith...and I passed. Somewhere in this process, I found this forum and spent countless hours reading other men's stories and the postings about treatments and options available.

First, I settled on trying traction. My hope was, that if I could correct some of the curve, which at this point long after the Verapamil shots, was about eighty degrees I am guessing, I might have some form of sex again. I had two primary goals using traction: first was straightening my dick and second was to try and preserve my length. Prior to Peyronies Disease, I measured 6.5" hard, and occasionally hit 7". I could see myself losing size. Viagra was still working for the most part but stopped producing an erection powerful enough to overcome the hinging mid-shaft, which it did originally. Over time I tried Viagra, Cialis and Levitra in max recommended doses, but Viagra seemed to be the best but not sufficient, even at 200mg. Penetration was no longer possible and certainly worsened my mental state.

Over the span of what was probably 4 years, I spent literally hundreds of hours mounted up in the traction device, about 800 a year if I remember correctly. Using traction is not any fun. It is painful and a painfully slow process. I diligently kept a spreadsheet of the hours, by date because it worked as a motivator, but lost the log in a computer crash. I added VED hoping to maintain some girth. By the time I threw in the towel on stretching, the curve had been reduced to around 60 degrees, and seemed to have halted the loss of size and added maybe a half an inch, or slightly more. It produced no benefit for the hinge or narrowing mid-shaft, I still question whether it was really worth it.

At this point I had managed to stall the size loss at just under six inches, but it is hard to measure accurately with a bad curve. I did sporadically continue using the VED, mainly because it was easier and didn't hurt like traction. Maybe it helped prevent more size loss? During this period, I kept trying to maintain some sort of satisfying sex life. Thankfully, we are a little kinky and are not afraid to bring toys into our play. Over time, the Viagra did no more than give me a chubby and for some reason, using a VED to induce an erection good enough for F^@$!ng failed. Luckily, oral sex was still pleasurable, even if it never made me orgasm. I had learned about Trimix here on the forum and set out to get a prescription. I went to see a uro I had seen previously and inquired about injection therapy. He flat out said he didn't know much about it and therefore wouldn't prescribe. You are a urologist for F~@ks sake, claiming to specialize in ED and you don't know anything about Trimix! Kicked to the curb again.

Called another uro blind. Didn't know anything about him, but his practice was primarily centered on men's urological needs. Could not stand the guy. He was arrogant, borderline rude and seemed resentful of my knowledge about Peyronies Disease and Trimix. Thanks forum, sometimes knowledge is our only defense. As much as I disliked him, he did more to help me than any doctor in the previous fifteen years. He injected me, gave me only a chubby but said it was sufficient for the doppler. From the doppler exam he was able to measure the plaque size, which I don't remember, but he referred to it as "massive." Also, he said that in addition to the effects of Peyronies Disease, I had a severe venous leak. Which I had suspected but had no formal diagnosis. He wrote the Trimix prescription, and I started stabbing my dick.

The first prescription wasn't strong enough, and he wrote a stronger one, and it worked, albeit at a larger dosage than he prescribed. Wow! Rock hard boners and they were strong enough to mostly overcome the hinging, and I could F~@< again! Penetrative sex with a bend like mine, makes for some real contortions in bed. Slowly over time, I had to keep increasing dosages, and the doctor had to keep writing stronger mixes. At the end of the Trimix therapy, I was injecting eighty units of 100/6/30, which is the strongest the pharmacies seem to make. Injecting that large a dose at that strength produced pain and aching which lasted a day or two after use.

The last urologist in Albuquerque recommended an implant and did a hard sell. I asked how many implants he performed a year, and he said about six, like that made him special. No f'n way dude, and I had not encountered another doctor I would let anywhere near my dick with a scalpel! Medicare was coming my way and I was determined to find a doctor I trusted.

We moved to St. Louis in July of 2020, and the surgeon search started. I met with two local doctors, talked to the AMS liaison, a patient advocate and in the case of the doctor I chose, two former patients. I liked him enough to not proceed with seeing the famous implant guys out of town. I did ask the doctor here how many implants he performed, and he said, "right now, just two or three a week." Covid 19 and hospital restrictions on elective surgery really cut down his surgery rate. Even at that level, I consider him a high-volume doctor. I am amazed at the level of care in St. Louis compared to what I was used to. Good healthcare was the major reason we moved here, and I wanted to live in a big city with museums, music, and things to do. Not so much with Covid 19...but soon!

If anyone is still reading, the next segment will cover the actual implant, healing and eventually using it.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


ROAD TO IMPLANT—Pre-Op Experience
After confirming my decision to proceed with Dr. Goldenberg, my first pre-op meeting with him was 11/23/2020. He spent a great deal of time with me, answered my questions including the size of my penis after surgery. He said he was aggressive, but cautious with sizing, explaining the damage an over-sized implant can cause, but promised to do everything possible to send me home with as much dick as I went into surgery with. This meeting lasted about 45 minutes, a huge chunk of time for a Dr. to devote, and included a strong stretch test, examining of the plaque mass and my scrotum and balls, lots of bending and turning of my dick, and talk about the severity of my curve.

We also discussed whether or not my 25-year-old, very large Prince Albert piercing, the jewelry or the permanent hole would cause problems. After looking closely, with no judgement or recriminations, he told me he didn't see an issue, and I could re-insert the jewelry after I was completely healed. I was worried about the piercing causing problems or preventing the implant, not about having to take it out, maybe permanently. My thinking was it would be a small price to pay to have a hard dick again.

I left the appointment feeling positive about my choice of surgeon. He was polite and professional, and his office staff was friendly, helpful, and seemed caring. I tend to judge businesses by the behavior of the front-line staff. If they appear to be happy, it is a good indicator that they enjoy their jobs and are probably well treated by management.

Before ending the meeting, the Dr. explained the process ahead, that there would be blood work, another meeting with him, calls from his surgery scheduler, insurance processing staff, scheduling of a Covid 19 test and an EKG because of my heart attack and stent a few years ago. Also, he wanted clearance from my PCP to have surgery. Looks like this thing is happening, both thrilling and terrifying.

If anyone has comments or questions, please jump in, I'm happy to answer.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


So did you discuss what type of an implant in your case? A Titan? etc...I'm sure you are experiencing a lot of different emotions, but with the knowledge, you already have about Peyronies you are one step ahead. Good Luck! That is amazing that he said your prince albert would not be a problem. I would think it would interfere with the cylinderss. The best of luck!
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Quote from: mikel7 on March 23, 2021, 01:41:50 PM
So did you discuss what type of an implant in your case? A Titan? etc...I'm sure you are experiencing a lot of different emotions, but with the knowledge you already have about peyronies you are one step ahead. Good Luck ! That is amazing that he said your prince albert  would not be a problem. I would think it would interfere with the tubes. The best of luck!

We did talk about 3 different options. The AMS models and the Titan. He felt the AMS CX would have the best chance of straightening my dick. He also likes how the AMS is easier to inflate/deflate, antibacterial properties. He said my penis wasn't well suited for a Titan...don't know if he meant I'm not hung big enough, or the plaque, curve etc. I took his advice, and so far I have no complaints.  
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!



Great report.  I am anticipating the actual post-op entries.

By the way, I added a link to this journal in our Implant Index.  The index is a sticky post at the top of this board.  This will mean it will never get pushed down the list and always be very accessible.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


ROAD TO IMPLANT - Jumping Through Hoops

Two days after my 11/23/21 appointment with the doctor, his scheduler called to set up a surgery date. She didn't want to schedule anything until after the first of the year when Medicare and my supplemental insurance rules/coverages change. There was an open Jan. date, but she feared that approvals might not come in time. I told her I thought Medicare automatically covered implants. She said they were supposed to, but that sometimes patients got pushback after surgery, so they always ask for authorization now. I picked 2/18/21, and she felt that was enough time to get authorizations. It was since approvals came within days of submission from both Medicare and United Healthcare.

The pre-op meeting with my doctor was 2/2/21, where we went through the whole exam again. Stretch test, ball fondling, dick bending, and plaque manipulation. He estimated an 18 to 20cm implant. He looked me right in the eye and said, my job here today is to talk you out of this.  I was stunned, and he went on to explain all the dangers and risks associated with getting a penile implant specifically and any surgery in general. He then wanted to know if I still wanted to go ahead. I told him, absolutely, I don't scare that easy, which he thought was funny.

By this point in the process, if a guy has any shyness or modesty about his dick, he will get over it. I have talked to several nurses, two doctors have examined my equipment, and I%u2019ve had frank conversations about my broken dick with all of them. Hell, l whip it out with no hesitancy these days, LOL.

Blood work and EKG were both scheduled for the second week of February, and the Covid 19 test for Feb. 15, three days before surgery. Blood work fine, EKG fine, and then a few days before surgery, the hospital decided a heart echogram was needed, and there wasn%u2019t much time to get it done. My PCP and surgeon both pushed back, saying I didn't need it. It turned into a free for all, and my PCP ordered the test and pulled some strings to get it done in time. Without the test, they were going to cancel, which is easy to do with elective surgeries. Luckily, the results came quickly, showing a heart functioning normally with strong blood flow. Covid test negative. Three days to go.

Then the nerves really amped up. Having never had surgery other than the heart stent, which is minor compared to this, I didn't have much frame of reference, and I admit, I was scared. I was determined and looking forward to a better life, but letting some guy cut your scrotum open and shove stuff in your dick, is frightening.

20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


I'm sure your mind can play tricks with your emotions, just know that our feelings are just that - feelings. I was scared to death with my heart surgery that lasted about 6 hours with 2 days in the hospital and a years recovery.  I can relate with being shy about my dick.  With my first doctor it was a bit strange, but by the time you have had it done a lot it is nothing.  LOL.  Great news! Keep us posted.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)



In the days just prior to surgery, I did the Hibiclens shower routine, started antibiotics and Colace stool softener. Hospital had given me wipes to use instead of Hibiclens, which my doctor immediately vetoed saying they didn't get the job done to his satisfaction. You either follow his protocol or hit the road. I'm OK with doing everything possible to avoid infection.

Surgery was scheduled for 9:00am, then moved to first in line at 7:00, which I have been told is where you want to be. The only problem was that the hospital required me to be there two and a half hours prior, which meant 4:30 in the morning and us leaving the house by 3:30am! Only one snag in their plan, the doors to the hospital don't open until 5:00am, so I waited for what felt like forever. Finally got in, and upstairs to surgery center and they were puzzled as to why I was there so early since my surgery was scheduled for 8:00. They had called yesterday to change to earlier time.

I was eventually taken back and put in a small room and told to strip down, wipe my entire body with the wipes. So, I strip down and here I am doing what I'm told as the guy who brought me back from the waiting room, came in the room with my gown, socks etc. He then proceeded to give me instructions on putting on the surgical gown and hooking up the warm air heating system which blows nice warm air through pockets in the gown. This guy certainly did not care about my privacy LOL. Later, various nurses, the doctor and anesthesiologist all came in, IV's started...all the usual. I do remember being wheeled down the hall to the operating room, glimpsing six or eight people in the room, including my doctor, then a mask coming down over my mouth and nose. That was it till I woke up three hours later in recovery.  

The rest of this is pieced together from what the doctor told my husband following surgery, what I remember (which is a little fuzzy from the drugs), and the doctor's surgical notes.

My surgery was supposed to last one to one and a half hours but ran to almost three. The doctor had trouble working around the plaque mass and getting one of the cylinders seated properly in my cavernosum. He had to make more than one attempt to get it where it belonged. Also adding to the time were three lengthy rounds of modeling as he tried to straighten my dick out as much as he could. His notes say I was given a fluid induced erection before surgery and my curve measured sixty degrees. At the end of surgery, he inflated my implant and measured my curve at thirty degrees. Not sure it is that curved, it doesn't look like it to me, but I've had a bent dick for so long I'm not sure I am very objective about it. The doctor came into recovery to check on me, but I really don't remember much of it. I really get my money's worth out of drugs!

My penis and scrotum were very tightly wrapped and made for a huge package. Making it look even funnier, was the catheter hose sticking out of this big lump of gauze and dressing. Glad I wore loose sweatpants. The recovery room nurses gave me my clothes and told me I could get dressed. I asked them about the jock strap I was supposed to leave wearing, and wear for two days. The doctor had been very clear about this and mentioned it more than once stressing the importance of keeping my penis vertical. The nurses seemed embarrassed at the mention of a jockstrap and acted like they had never heard of a patient leave wearing a jock. They did come up with a pair of flimsy briefs which were not up to the task. I put on one of my own jocks the minute I got home.

The ride home was comfortable, and I was in no pain. We came in the house and I went straight to bed, rested, ate a little and dozed off and on the rest of the day. By 9:00pm or so, I was beginning to hurt some, took a pain pill, and slept through the night. Not having to wake up and get out of bed to pee was nice.

I have pictures of what I looked like immediately after surgery, but not clear about the rules regarding posting pics. As always, chime in if you have comments or questions. Happy to share.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


This is what I looked like the morning after surgery.  
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Steve, It looks like you had a scrotal approach with a verticle incision on the scrotal raphe and a 2nd incision for the reservoir.

Have you had prior abdominal surgeries?  Do you know if your surgeon typically does a second incision?  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


No, I've never had any other surgeries. Penoscrotal, incision down the raphe. All healed now. The doctor said he generally always does an abdominal incision for best possible reservoir placement. That was actually the worst part of the entire thing. It is still a little sore.  
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!



Surgery was on a Thursday (2/18/21), and Friday morning I was supposed to remove the dressing, and pull out the catheter, which I was dreading. Many men have recounted the pain pulling it out, and the burning when urinating afterward. I sucked it up, and following Dr's instructions, deflated the catheter and began to pull very gently. Well, I'll be damned, it didn't hurt, almost couldn't feel it moving and it easily slid right out. Urinated about thirty minutes later, and there was no pain at all.

I was sent home 70% inflated, and there is a real learning curve to being erect 24 hours a day. Peeing was a challenge, and those male urinals the hospital gives you aren't designed for a man with a boner. Did learn that if I rotated it 90 degrees (handle on bottom) the shape of the urinal aligned more with the shape (curve) of my dick. Then I just poured it in toilet. Wore a jockstrap constantly, keeping my balls supported and my penis held firmly, straight up, and it really helped. Just a note, DO NOT roll over on your stomach during the night, it hurts, a lot.

I won't kid you; Friday and Saturday were tough. Not horrific, but there was a significant amount of pain, which was concentrated in my scrotum and abdomen. Coughing made me think I was going to pass out. My sac looked like someone had taken a club to it. One of my balls had retreated up into my body, and my entire scrotum was turning a variety of shades of black and purple, but there was not all that much swelling. It surprised me that considering what was done to it, my penis didn't hurt, in fact it never has.

On the subject of pain meds, use them. In medicine there is a saying about "getting ahead of the pain" which means, don't let it get really bad before you take the meds, because if you do, it will take more drugs over a longer period of time to get it under control. I think my taking the pain meds from the get-go, shortened my time in pain. I took the meds on the day after surgery and the following three days, albeit, not as often as was allowed. I took a total of nine doses over four days, and that was it. It does not make you less manly to try and gut it out and in fact, delays the healing process.
By the fifth day following surgery, the bruising was mostly gone as was the small amount of swelling. It was like overnight, poof it was all better, and so was the pain. Don't me wrong, my scrotum and especially my abdomen were sore and tender, but no constant pain. It all continued to get better every day.

Eleven days after surgery, I met with the doctor. He thought my recovery was going extremely well. He examined my penis and scrotum, and then deflated the implant. Well surprise, he proceeded to begin inflating, fully inflating. OMG! I thought I was going to black out and/or throw up on him. The pain he triggered in my scrotum was sudden and bad. He then deflated me to about 25% and sent me on my way, saying it all looks incredibly good. My scrotum and particularly my right ball, ached for several hours, but Ibuprofen helped. I continued to wear a jockstrap most of the time. They were the only thing that kept my balls from aching and would hold my dick in a upright position. I still couldn't bend it down over my balls, which is how I like to wear it. It's too stiff and uncomfortable to try. By this point I had pretty much resumed my normal activities, but I was still careful about bending over, or how much weight I picked up. My right ball still doesn't much like having a roommate, but it's bitching less as time goes by.

The position of my pump was weird. It was riding way in the back, and felt like it was in my perineum, and it was horizontal, making it challenging. I spent a lot of time pulling on it, and did manage to change its orientation to vertical, and it has stayed that way. Over the days it has dropped a bit further down in my sac and is easier to use. I am hoping it eventually works its way down to the bottom.

On day thirty, I met with the AMS rep, and dropped trou in front of another stranger. Since he was in the operating room during my surgery, I guessed there was no reason to be shy. We discussed the functioning of the device, especially the pump. He wanted me to inflate, which I did after coaxing the pump out of hiding. Got the inflation thing covered, but I was having trouble deflating. He took me in hand and realized that I had indeed, triggered the deflation valve. I just needed to squeeze the fluid out of the cylinders. We chatted for a bit about my recovery, and how much further along in the process I was compared to lot of guys. He gave me the go ahead to begin cycling to full inflation, at least twice a day, which I started that very day. I find it exciting to have a hard penis again, and I enjoy the process. Of course, I have had the benefit of other than a bit of an occasional ache from one of the tips in the glans, it did not and doesn't hurt at all to inflate and leave it that way. A few times, I have inflated before getting out of bed in the morning. It feels amazing, kind of like that morning wood I had as a teenager and young adult.

I am so horny it is killing me LOL. Certainly, was not a side effect of the implant my doctor warned me about. But not surprising when faced with the prospect of having worry free sex again. I want to use my amazing new and improved dick, but I am following all the rules, no sex, no masturbation. I do, however, spend a lot of time gently fondling my erection. Really, really looking forward to my doctor's visit on 4/5. I don't see any reason for him to not give me the all clear to have sex. He better because I am planning on having lots and lots and lots of sex! It has only been six weeks since surgery, but I am ready!
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Good report Steve.  I also had zero pain removing the catheter.  Dr. Eid told me to do it standing up in the shower, and it literally dropped out.  I don't remember even tugging on it.  I never had a post-op visit, so I could only pump my implant beginning on day 3 Post-op.  That allowed me to gauge the pressure and pain.  I cannot even imagine having someone else inflate you while you are still sore.

I also agree that it feels to the owner just like you are walking around with a natural erection.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on March 25, 2021, 11:42:00 PM
Good report Steve.  I also had zero pain removing the catheter.  Dr. Eid told me to do it standing up in the shower, and it literally dropped out.  I don't remember even tugging on it.  I never had a post-op visit, so I could only pump my implant beginning on day 3 Post-op.  That allowed me to gauge the pressure and pain.  I cannot even imagine having someone else inflate you while you are still sore.

I also agree that it feels to the owner just like you are walking around with a natural erection.

You were cycling at day 3?, I can't even imagine. At my first post op follow up, day 11, I was not expecting him to fully inflate me. It hurt like hell and I am amazed you were inflating at day 3. How did you tolerate it?. You never had a follow up?
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Sounds like you are recovering quickly and with great success! Very inspiring.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Quote from: SteveW on March 26, 2021, 01:39:26 AM
You were cycling at day 3?, I can't even imagine. At my first post-op follow-up, day 11, I was not expecting him to fully inflate me. It hurt like hell and I am amazed you were inflating at day 3. How did you tolerate it?. You never had a follow-up?

Steve, it was not fun, but the end result is the driver.  Admittedly my first sessions were exploratory.  I have to guess having another set of hands pump you up in an office at 11 days would hurt more than pumping yourself up at 3 days in a tub of hot water.  Dr. Eid pushes patients fast.  I had intercourse on day 21 (which took NO encouragement).  It was kind of funny because his female assistant told me a couple of times (by phone) that I did not need to push myself to have intercourse at 3 weeks if I did not feel ready.  I told her "it is pretty obvious that you don't have a penis."  We both had a chuckle.

I never had a follow-up visit, just several phone chats with Dr. Eid (at no additional charge) along with a few text exchanges and one or two calls to his staff.  Dr. Eid is VERY accessible.  The times I contacted his staff rather than him was my choice.  Here is a link to my journal.  You can check out days 3, 4, 5 if you like.,9938.150.html
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Steve, I am anxious to hear the story of your progress up to and including real-time.  Keep us posted.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The cycling 2 to 3 times a day continues. Today, 38 days out, I see nothing left to heal and there really hasn't been for a while. There are still a challenge or two, like even deflated my dick is much stiffer and I can't wear it down, over my balls like I always have, but I understand it will soften some over time. And the deflate button is still a little hard to find once in a while, but nothing serious. One other thing is troubling me some. Unlike many other men report, I have never had any pain in my penis, but when I stay inflated for long periods of time, at say the one hour mark, the area at my right cylinder tip really begins to ache. Something I will definitely ask the doctor about when I see him on April 5th, which is when I am expecting the all clear to begin using my new dick. He better or I may punch him in the balls. I feel very fortunate to have had what I consider to be a reasonably smooth recovery.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Steve, something worth checking Is the position of the cylinder tips in the glans during inflation.  Are they even, and usually they should extend about 1/3 into the glans.

You report never having pain with inflation.  Is your size as big (length and girth as immediate Pre-surgery?

Have you progressed any in size since cycling?

If you are as big or bigger than presurgery, then It could be because you were somewhat inflated during early recovery.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I was left inflated at 70% for 11 days following surgery, then 30% or so until I saw the AMS rep about 20 days after, when I started cycling. Yes, I'm the same size now as when I went into surgery. Of course, I'm no where near the size I was pre-Peyronie's. I haven't noticed any size increase yet, but I am hopeful. I know I will never get the inch and half back that Peyronies Disease and ED cost me. I still have a 30 degree (according to Dr.) curve to the left which seems to push the right tip closer to the surface, when I'm erect. When deflated, the tip seems perfectly positioned. Of course, this is with no glans engorgement which I don't have with inflation. The 30 degree curve is acceptable considering I went into surgery at 60 degrees, and I may straighten a little more over time.  
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


I'm sure that you will straighten over time. Of all of the individual implants that I have followed this seem to be the case. All in time. :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Are implants better at restoring girth or length?
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


If you read through Hawk's thread, I think you can learn just about everything between the brands.,12263.msg113430.html#msg113430
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!



How do you determine that you are fully inflated?
1. Cannot squeeze the build any more even with both hands squeezing the pump because the pump is rock hard
2. Run out of fluid (bulb stays in a flattened state
3. Your penis feels tight and too hard
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk,  In answer to your question, I have experienced two of the three of the conditions you describe. Most often, it is that the bulb becomes so hard I can't squeeze it any more, and I have pumped up until the bulb doesn't refill. I haven't yet experienced my penis feeling too hard or tight. Yes, it feels tight but not too much. Again, sorry for my not reacting properly. Steve
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Congratulations on your implant.
I will have had an implant for 2 years in two weeks.
I have not had any Peyronies issues since my implant.
My penis is like a night stick when I pump it all the way.
I have noticed after I pump until it can't be pumped any more, that about 5-10 minutes into sex, I can manage to get 1-3 more pumps.
I hope this helps.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Something that prior to now has been bothersome, seems to be turning into a possible problem. I have mentioned before the positioning and ache in the right cylinder tip in my glans. My goal has been, from the start to inflate as much as possible in the hopes to stretching and gaining some size. Now when I pump as much as I can, which is admittedly increasing over time, and I think my girth is increasing slightly when hard, is causing that tip which used to just ache to seriously hurt. Last night when I cycled it really hurt, and this morning it was worse. The pain is very localized, so I know it is the area of the tip. If I inflate less than the max, the pain doesn't happen, but I wonder if that will slow gains in size? With continued cycling I am hopeful this will resolve. I see the Dr. a week from today and will definitely bring it up. I also don't want this issue to prevent being cleared for sex!!!
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


It is definitely something to address with your surgeon.

That is NOT something I experienced, and I cannot recall others mentioning it, but I could be wrong.

What I do know is that recovery is not in a straight incline.  We all have a few back-steps that last a few days along the way.

MY only concern would be the improbable chance of erosion.  To further guarantee against that, just make sure you totally deflate between sessions.  The entire capsule has to scar in, and I am sure that this will just be a passing blip on the radar.

PS:  It is not going to hurt you in the least to take a day off from cycling
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk. Erosion has been my concern. If the curve wasn't there, this wouldn't be an issue. This happening so late in the game is a bummer!
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Steve, it took a while, but I found this in my journal on day 31.  

"Although I feel much more like I am returning to normal during regular activity, the last time I had sex, the tip of the implant right at the glans caused a stinging pain, especially when I tried to keep going after I had a climax.  I am not sure if the heightened sexual pleasure masked the pain until I had an orgasm or if my penis had just had enough by that point, but it was enough to stop me."

So I had some tip sensitivity/burning pain that I did not like.  I had actually forgotten about that.  Like everything with healing, I wondered if it would be permanent.  All of that faded from memory once you are healed.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


After the significant pain I had with the right cylinder tip when inflated, I took some time off from cycling in the hopes that everything would settle down. I was apprehensive this morning, worried about being in pain sure, but also concerned that something was wrong. Well, I girded my loins and started inflating and surprise, absolutely no pain and my dick is straighter! Just to allay my fears, I deflated and re-inflated a total of 3 times, all to the point of hardness more than good enough for sex. Same results and even after an hour erect, no pain. Just as Hawk said, recovery is not a straight incline. Still going to talk to my doctor about it on Monday though.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Awesome report!  I'm sure that anxiety can produce more stress and more stress = more worrying etc... You are on the road to recovery!
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


All is good. I can inflate to the max with no pain, and spend an hour or more hard as a steel pipe and it feels terrific. Here's the downside: I'm probably like almost every man on the forum, who hasn't had a reliable penis in a long time. Many years in my case and now I'm able to get this amazing, hard penis on demand, which doesn't go away.  This has flipped all my switches and it's frustrating as hell having this new tool and not being able to use it. Drs. appointment is Monday, 4/5 when I should get the go ahead to have sex, and masturbate, which is also very important to me. He better tell me it's ok if he knows what's good for him LOL.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


I am interested in hearing about your visit and any back and forth questions and comments
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on April 02, 2021, 09:48:17 PM
I am interested in hearing about your visit and any back and forth questions and comments

I will certainly post about the doctors visit and our conversation. Of course, after I tire from using my new working penis for the first time, or should I say first few times LOL.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Amazing progress, SteveW. Thanks for keeping us up to date. I was inflated at about 80% for almost 2 weeks post-surgery, I remember. After visiting my surgeon's office to be deflated and sent home to cycle, I remember the horrendous anxiety I suffered from looking in the mirror and there still being a curve. I thought the implant was supposed to make me straight, after all. The guys on here kept my spirits up and were full of good advice about the process being a long term one and that I'd continue to straighten out. My surgeon, Mike Fraser, told me he expected me to straighten considerably with daily cycling. These Titan cylinders are super-strong, remember, and everyone was absolutely bang on. Not only did the daily cycling give me the baseball bat of a dick that I now enjoy as my own, straight out in front of me, but the cycling also restored a full inch of what I'd lost through the plaque buildup over time. So, stick at the cycling and your dick will definitely straighten out in time. No doubt about it.

I'm delighted to hear that the pain from the right cylinder had receded. Was a bit worried about that for you. Good news.

You seem to be in a strong state of mind, my friend. How is your overall pain?
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Quote from: Roddy on April 03, 2021, 05:02:24 PM
You seem to be in a strong state of mind, my friend. How is your overall pain?

Roddy, Thanks! You are right about my general state of mind lately. I feel absolutely empowered (and raging horny), even though I haven't actually used my new dick yet! Now that the cylinder tip issue has resolved itself, I am having zero, nada, no pain whatsoever, and I am spending 2 to 3 hours a day fully inflated. Feel like I have been granted a new lease on life.  
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!

cold brew


hope your recovery continues to go well, and also The Drs appt Monday. I'll be looking forward to the update.

What degree was your curve pre surgery? What degree is your curve post surgery?
I read your post that you said it's straighter after cycling. Are you still seeing signs of the curve improving?
Did your Dr say the curve will straighten over time?

I was 45 degree pre surgery. After surgery the implant cut it in half (22.5). So, I still have a small curve, and a twist/turn along shaft whatever you call it. I see my Dr on April 21st. I will discuss this with him also. I hope the implant will straighten the curve over time.
51 yrs old. Married, Had venous leak since young.
Couldn't maintain erections.
Injections did not work,
Had a 45-degree bend for over one yr.
Using VED trying to regain size.
Implant March 9th Titan 22cm by Dr. Lentz


Quote from: cold brew on April 03, 2021, 06:51:58 PM
SteveW,What degree was your curve pre surgery? What degree is your curve post surgery?
I read your post that you said it's straighter after cycling. Are you still seeing signs of the curve improving?
Did your Dr say the curve will straighten over time?

My doctor measured my curve in the OR, (2/18) pre-surgery, with an induced erection at 60 degrees. At end of surgery, with the implant inflated, he said it was 30 degrees. A vast improvement. The day (earlier this week) after the cylinder tip pain disappeared, my penis was suddenly even straighter. There is still some curve, but it's now even better with cycling. Dr. did say I would gain some size, and straighten more over time.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Saw the doctor today and went over my questions/concerns. The cylinder tip pain might be from the implant settling in and stretching things out. He was happy with my healing, progress and lack of pain. He inflated me and did a thorough exam of penis and testicles, pronouncing all was excellent. He showed me how to model while erect to improve the last of the curve, but did say the implant over time would improve it even further. Tips are perfectly centered mid glans. I can shave my scrotum again. I was given the all clear to have sex, which I did for the first time 20 minutes after getting home, and 3 more times since. It is freakin' amazing! All of this, was worth it.  
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Great report Steve!  

Can you elaborate on what he told you about how to model while inflated? ColdBrew has some remaining curves and was given no input at this point.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Awesome report and an inspiration for those of us considering an implant!
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)

cold brew


what are the details about modeling after erect?
Glad he said you will get even better with time.
51 yrs old. Married, Had venous leak since young.
Couldn't maintain erections.
Injections did not work,
Had a 45-degree bend for over one yr.
Using VED trying to regain size.
Implant March 9th Titan 22cm by Dr. Lentz


Quote from: cold brew on April 06, 2021, 07:56:10 AM

what are the details about modeling after erect?
Glad he said you will get even better with time.
Quote from: Hawk on April 05, 2021, 10:09:35 PM
Great report Steve!  

Can you elaborate on what he told you about how to model while inflated? ColdBrew has some remaining curves and was given no input at this point.

Once fully inflated, I showed him the last of the left curve I would like to finish correcting, which in my case is the forward quarter of my penis, towards the glans. He grasped my penis just below where the bend starts, pointing out that I will have to hold firmly, and boy did he, with my fingers on the sides, not on the top and bottom of my dick. He applied a great deal of pressure, and took his other hand, and using his fingers forced my dick in the opposite direction of the curve, and held it, saying to push it to the point of pain, for 60-90 seconds, a couple of times a day. He pushed harder than I probably would because of the pain, and fear about F^@$!ng up the implant. He added that if I want to work on lessening the overall upward curve (which I don't) to use the same method, applying pressure downward, but with the same firm grip on the sides. According to him, any modeling at this point will be a slow process. I also asked about VED, which he said wouldn't really do anything beneficial about the curve at this point, and I didn't inquire further.

He did say correcting the upward curve would be more problematic because of the plaque mass, which is still there, even if I can't digitally feel it much. They used this modeling method to crack and break up the plaque during my surgery. This was news to me, and sounds like it should have left me in excruciating pain afterward, but it didn't, and I didn't even know he did it.

I hope this is helpful. It's just a recount of my experience and may not be indicated for your case cold brew. I'm certainly no doctor or expert. Good luck!
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


Thanks for sharing.
You sound like you are doing well.
Could you post in your stats, who did you surgery?
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC